Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Salon


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 476
Twitter for iPhone 284
Twitter for Android 170
Twitter for iPad 53
Hootsuite Inc. 11

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Salon Salon The original online source for news, politics and entertainment | Find us on Instagram & TikTok: salonofficial | Subscribe to our newsletters linked in bio. 935,160
jilevin Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 Retired, progressive, human rights, politics, equality, LGBTQ+, anti-racist, anti-fascist (AntiFa), #BLM #Resist co-founder @FreedomWritersc 654,774
JillWineBanks Jill Wine-Banks MSNBC legal analyst. Author #TheWatergateGirl. Host #SistersInLaw & iGenPolitics podcasts. #JillsPins. Watergate & fed prosecutor. GC Army. COO ABA. Corp Exec. 605,293
NormEisen Norm Eisen Sr. Fellow @brookingsgov, Chair @statesunited & Legal Analyst @cnn. But all views my own only! Tweets by “TN”= Team Norm. 293,318
AntiToxicPeople Spiro’s Ghost Toxic people suck. Avoid them at all costs, they are insidious and cause serious, long term damage in so many ways. Speak out against them loudly. 239,547
DeanObeidallah (((DeanObeidallah))) Host: Dean Obeidallah show @SiriusXM channel 127 weekdays 6-9PMET. Pls Sign up for my newsletter: 153,053
stevesilberman Steve Silberman Author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, a NYT bestseller. The Taste of Salt, a history of cystic fibrosis, coming 2025. 142,010
geoff9cow Geoff Ninecow "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists." #MLB #NBA #NFL #MMA #Dogs #StarTrek #ACIM #Democrat 132,712
Emolclause Emoluments Clause #TheResistance #ExpandTheCourt #EndTheFilibuster #BuildBackBetter #BidenHarris 106,930
schmittpaula Paula Schmitt Mideast correspondent; PolSci AUB, RollingStone, GQ, Folha, Estado, @972mag; karate fighter, aspiring hitman. Author of Eudemonia & Spies. Thursdays on Poder360 105,557

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
jilevin Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 Retired, progressive, human rights, politics, equality, LGBTQ+, anti-racist, anti-fascist (AntiFa), #BLM #Resist co-founder @FreedomWritersc 609,476
geoff9cow Geoff Ninecow "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists." #MLB #NBA #NFL #MMA #Dogs #StarTrek #ACIM #Democrat 85,359
Emolclause Emoluments Clause #TheResistance #ExpandTheCourt #EndTheFilibuster #BuildBackBetter #BidenHarris 85,002
gollum1419_g Thomas Reich #Science #ScienceFiction #Tolkien #BLM Followed by: @NilsLofgren @ShannonWatts @BorowitzReport @DJRothkopf #BlueCrew 48,484
NewsView100 News View I share the news and my opinions about the news. I don't suffer fools gladly. Blocked by Sean Hannity, Brit Hume, Sebastian Gorka, Roseanne Barr, Dan Bongino 38,674
JesusNarrowWay #VotingRightsAct #BidenHarris2024 @DemocraticAgs @DemsofState @Dlcc @senatedems @BoldDems @NewDemCoalition @DemMayors @demgovs 38,008
shalaman Robert Allen Music Entrepreneur, Producer, Publisher, Writer, Artist 27,963
vnatale Vinny Natale Fan of New York Yankees, Boston Celtics, Providence College basketball. Extreme interest in music, personal finance. C-Span a treat! 100% follow all followers. 27,344
Arriadna Arriadna🗽🇺🇸🌻🗳️💙 Dem💙🇺🇸, human rights, civil rights, a clean ☮️ 🌎✨ #LibertyTree🌳✨7of9🖖(fan acc)✨Resistance✨#BidenHarris ✨✨ 25,993
DJ_LEGION_ONE DJ LEGION ONE ☠Find me when you want someone to play your life not just a song @Vivendi Marketing & Promotion #BROOKLYN Female DJ & SONIC DEVIANT 🚫‼️PSE = #NOGIFS‼️🚫‼️🤕 24,781

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
takhar_ Canadian, Husband, Father,IBEW-230 Member,Humorist,Seasonal Sportsman,Political Junkie,Sci-Fi fan,Love 2 cook,Always hopeful of Fairness & Justice for all. 54
MatthewRozsa Staff Writer: Salon Also: Mic, Quartz, MSNBC, Yahoo, MSN, The Daily Dot, Rotten Tomatoes, etc. MA: Rutgers-Newark I have "ink in my blood." 12
Si1La2Li3Hu4 Wife For 45 Happy Years To A Amazing Man Gardening Is My Passion Mother Of 3 & Grandmother Of 5 10
chaunceydevega Politics writer for Salon 10
jilevin Retired, progressive, human rights, politics, equality, LGBTQ+, anti-racist, anti-fascist (AntiFa), #BLM #Resist co-founder @FreedomWritersc 9
KieranCarroll91 Conservative with common sense and compassion. Dad, husband, dog guy 9
pavlovsburrito I’m an old punk rock kid. Until life becomes LESS dystopian, I follow news, politics & sometimes I try to be funny. photography. fuck fascism. AKA @GhostmanOn3B 7
MrScott20020103 longtime human, commercial fisherman, reef chief, Florida always home! 🌴🇺🇸 7
VictorTWolff *the part where you list things for identitarian purposes* 7
DrewTurner73 Happiness is a cold hole in the ground #NoMoreWar | #CloseGitmo 7

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1640750008105402378 Sen. Chris Murphy: Republicans “don’t give a crap” about kids and gun violence - from my interview of Sen Murphy for @Salon 57
1641571756220596224 "Humanity’s survival in what may be a crowded universe requires rapid thinking and bold action. We need to level up fast." @BryceZabel on Medium #ufo #ufotwitter #uap @salon @UFOSpotlight 45
1640761659038875648 Trump was just dealt a federal criminal one-two punch Corcoran testified in Mar-a-Lago docs case -- & Meadows & other aides will testify about 1/6 & coup attempt We explain the first blow @Salon👇 & the second @Slate👇 39
1640764854934937600 DOJ already had powerful proof of Trump’s intent in the Mar-a-Lago docs case But the testimony of his lawyer Evan Corcoran likely hammers it home We explain @Salon @FredWertheimer @StantonLaw 35
1640772714485956608 Donald Trump's Waco rally was a celebration of fascist violence and threats. It featured a fascist loyalty oath that made Jan. 6 and his coup into a "sacred" event. The threat grows. Don't look away. You should be even more afraid. My new @Salon: 27
1641629474839203840 Hilarious to watch these right-wing pissypants milking outrage out of "first ex-President to be indicted for a crime" when Trump has spent his entire life being the kind of creep in "The Sopranos" who'd pay hush money to a porn star while his wife nursed their newborn. [📸@Salon] 23
1638594178027323392 Channeling @StevenBeschloss in my new @Salon. We often talk about "the soul of our nation". Donald Trump the Abuser in Chief and leader of a neofascist movement has done great harm to America's soul. What will healing and a true reckoning look like? 21
1640758375213400071 New: we explain @Salon why Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran’s testimony last week is a hammer blow that will be reverberating for some time & may just nail Trump in the Mar-a-Lago classified docs case Read our analysis @Salon with @FredWertheimer @StantonLaw 21
1640363996816744448 "Yellowjackets" has the chance not only to remind us how good Amos was and always has been, but to reconsider how recent history treated women artists. I wrote @Salon about a musician dear to my heart @toriamos and what her work shares with #Yellowjackets 19
1640443574922911744 The #ChristianNationalism belief system is heavily linked to white supremacist views and anti-Black racism, anti-semitism, opposition to immigration, anti-LGBTQ views, and a belief in male dominance over women. @AmandaMarcotte, @Salon 19

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1641571756220596224 "Humanity’s survival in what may be a crowded universe requires rapid thinking and bold action. We need to level up fast." @BryceZabel on Medium #ufo #ufotwitter #uap @salon @UFOSpotlight 188
1640764854934937600 DOJ already had powerful proof of Trump’s intent in the Mar-a-Lago docs case But the testimony of his lawyer Evan Corcoran likely hammers it home We explain @Salon @FredWertheimer @StantonLaw 152
1640750008105402378 Sen. Chris Murphy: Republicans “don’t give a crap” about kids and gun violence - from my interview of Sen Murphy for @Salon 128
1641629474839203840 Hilarious to watch these right-wing pissypants milking outrage out of "first ex-President to be indicted for a crime" when Trump has spent his entire life being the kind of creep in "The Sopranos" who'd pay hush money to a porn star while his wife nursed their newborn. [📸@Salon] 114
1640761659038875648 Trump was just dealt a federal criminal one-two punch Corcoran testified in Mar-a-Lago docs case -- & Meadows & other aides will testify about 1/6 & coup attempt We explain the first blow @Salon👇 & the second @Slate👇 108
1639019383719854080 @JacobAShell @TheAtlantic is pretty schizophrenic these days. Part of it wants to remain a respected legacy publication with some legitimately good writers. Part of it wants desperately to be part of the left-wing agitprop world - sort of a tonier @salon, @motherjones or @newrepublic. 85
1638594178027323392 Channeling @StevenBeschloss in my new @Salon. We often talk about "the soul of our nation". Donald Trump the Abuser in Chief and leader of a neofascist movement has done great harm to America's soul. What will healing and a true reckoning look like? 84
1639095230627545088 @goddeketal @AmandaMarcotte This amanda is clearly a person with "special needs." No one - not even the labs that make the vaccine - claim it protects the vaccinated, much less third parties. The intellectual decline of @Salon is embarrassing. It used to be a serious magazine 73
1640758375213400071 New: we explain @Salon why Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran’s testimony last week is a hammer blow that will be reverberating for some time & may just nail Trump in the Mar-a-Lago classified docs case Read our analysis @Salon with @FredWertheimer @StantonLaw 71
1640363996816744448 "Yellowjackets" has the chance not only to remind us how good Amos was and always has been, but to reconsider how recent history treated women artists. I wrote @Salon about a musician dear to my heart @toriamos and what her work shares with #Yellowjackets 68

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#yellowjackets 4
#christiannationalism 4
#tiktok 4
#ufo 3
#ufotwitter 3
#uap 3
#writingcommunity 3
#salontalks 3
#tigraygenocide 2
#unga 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@salon 1035
@amandamarcotte 49
@chaunceydevega 40
@normeisen 33
@brycezabel 25
@ufospotlight 24
@briankarem 24
@coulthart_zabel 23
@matthewrozsa 23
@slate 21

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 18 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 13 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🚨 8 police_car_light
👇 7 backhand_index_pointing_down
👏 6 clapping_hands
6 sparkles
❤️‍🔥 6 heart_on_fire
🙏 5 folded_hands
❤️ 4 red_heart
🤡 4 clown_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 76
People & Body 40
Objects 15
Travel & Places 10
Activities 9
Symbols 7
Animals & Nature 4
Flags 2
Food & Drink 1