Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

3 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
pakistan 3609
student 2823
love 2554
social 1723
life 1290
pakistani 1285
proud 1218
ppp 1148
khan 1142
worker 1074

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#ppp 124
#pakistani 64
#pakistan 62
#student 59
#pti 54
#muslim 48
#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور 46
#social 35
#pmln 34
#jiyala 33

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14105147 571096 7447
AndrewYang 1700956 9105 36588
SushantBSinha 1479103 731 17248
AlaattinCAGIL 1399578 775046 6373
DonaldBKipkorir 1374594 2684 18910
SinghLions 1335022 1432034 33928
HUAWEI_TECH4ALL 1325140 436 1768
SirajOfficial 1265749 302 6913
AamirLiaquat 1206968 335 34421
MehmetBerkErgin 1174902 429335 15292

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1432034 1335022 33928
AlaattinCAGIL 775046 1399578 6373
JohnCena 571096 14105147 7447
MehmetBerkErgin 429335 1174902 15292
AaronMSanchez 118732 136459 65382
61ademleyla61 107711 100277 16450
SadafR12 106137 265428 31152
waniamustafavi 90906 117778 313126
AishaLUMS 85259 242435 53662
JamesRosenTV 61071 233955 31328

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
ChSApmln 448121 80826 3514
ibnkafka 407466 19604 15085
MalikMu80368755 360930 3333 5007
Abera_1 359625 55994 13782
ypstomer 352662 3709 4950
waniamustafavi 313126 117778 90906
RanaZee33626671 298052 3014 3433
ChRafiq16 293902 2493 2210
KaleriAshraf 265049 31999 2144
007touch 256574 2690 3162

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31683 571096 14105147
AndrewYang 6038 9105 1700956
SharylAttkisson 3490 8493 446214
SinghLions 2541 1432034 1335022
JamesRosenTV 1844 61071 233955
darioandriani 1832 12013 11192
KayaJones 1193 16894 377480
PakStandard 996 502 302406
AaronMSanchez 898 118732 136459
YaserAlyamani 791 25274 557081

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

898 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1373351943423340550 PM Imran Khan get well soon Please join me to pray for the speedy recovery of PM Imran khan from Covid 19 . I hope he will be fine soon @ImranKhanPTI 698
1347746041903382532 Dear all I am sad to inform that my elder sister has passed away last night due to massive heart attack .Her funeral will be offered in her native village Sialkot today at 10 am. Request for prayers for the departed soul .May God bless her soul in peace Senator Rehman Malik 178
1351481398968905728 with PDM participants 115
1367114392836452359 Congratulation Former Mr Yousif Reza Gilani for this great victory . It can shake the govt in coming days & PDM may ask the PM to take vote of confidence from the NA.Let us see how political trend is set farward in coming weeks . congratulation to the PPP leadership& PPP family 93
1377306503875604486 میں دو ماہ چینی والی کوئی چیز استعمال نہیں کروں گا ، عوام بھی میرا ساتھ دے. سینیٹر رحمان ملک 61
1351168314828070913 Senator A. Rehman Malik Live Press Conference 59
1344835636637872128 56
1384935484326023168 سابق وزیر داخلہ، پیپلزپارٹی سینئر رہنماء سینیٹر رحمان ملک کی کوئٹہ سرینہ ہوٹل پارکنگ میں دھماکے کی شدید مزمت، دھماکے میں بیگناہ افراد کی شہاد ت پر دلی دکھ، رنج و افسوس ہوا، سینیٹر رحمان ملک غمزدہ خاندانوں کے غم میں برابر کاشریک اور زخمیوں کے صحت یابی کیلئے دعاگو ہوں، 56
1333071044467437578 Notice by the chamn Senate standing committee Interior Police must behave as per the law & shuld avoid the use of extra judicial powers .Police do not hv the licence to torture &humiliate the public the way they have done it in Multan .⁦@BBhuttoZardari⁩ ⁦@AseefaBZ⁩ 52
1345732623415599104 Live Press Conference 51

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1347746041903382532 Dear all I am sad to inform that my elder sister has passed away last night due to massive heart attack .Her funeral will be offered in her native village Sialkot today at 10 am. Request for prayers for the departed soul .May God bless her soul in peace Senator Rehman Malik 691
1373351943423340550 PM Imran Khan get well soon Please join me to pray for the speedy recovery of PM Imran khan from Covid 19 . I hope he will be fine soon @ImranKhanPTI 120
1351481398968905728 with PDM participants 36
1350876578226515969 Thanks Mr Arnab Goswami for comfirming my every world of my facts sheet on Pulwama that it was was carried out through a joint venture of RAW & Modi. PTI - not to take the credit of exposing Modi .Give the credit where it is due Pulwama Incident 34
1370847572345171969 #NewProfilePic 30
1321920875931774976 I call upon PM Imran khan to call a meeting of all political parties by keeping his ego away & set out a road map for the security & econmy of the country followed by joint session to work out legislations.Keep doing politics but not on the security & integrity of Pakistan . 29
1342356640801169408 پاکستان پیپلزپارٹی کے تھر پارکر کے حلقہ چھاچھرو سے رکن قومی اسمبلی پیر نور محمد جیلانی قضائے الہی سے انتقال کرگئے ۔ اللہ تعالیٰ مرحوم کی مغفرت اور پسماندگان کو صبرِجمیل عطاء فرمائے۔ آمین 27
1371235353038819330 #NewProfilePic 24
1367114392836452359 Congratulation Former Mr Yousif Reza Gilani for this great victory . It can shake the govt in coming days & PDM may ask the PM to take vote of confidence from the NA.Let us see how political trend is set farward in coming weeks . congratulation to the PPP leadership& PPP family 22
1377306503875604486 میں دو ماہ چینی والی کوئی چیز استعمال نہیں کروں گا ، عوام بھی میرا ساتھ دے. سینیٹر رحمان ملک 21

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1347746041903382532 Dear all I am sad to inform that my elder sister has passed away last night due to massive heart attack .Her funeral will be offered in her native village Sialkot today at 10 am. Request for prayers for the departed soul .May God bless her soul in peace Senator Rehman Malik 98
1373351943423340550 PM Imran Khan get well soon Please join me to pray for the speedy recovery of PM Imran khan from Covid 19 . I hope he will be fine soon @ImranKhanPTI 30
1325512635853443072 My Column -Pakistan calling 1.Joe Biden to create Int unity & harmony 2.USA now shd revisit the crime against humanity by PM Modi & be restored back as top 10 wanted terrorist 3.Our Pak politics shd b free of corruption, Greed of power, Nepotism & false promisesto poor masses 13
1377306503875604486 میں دو ماہ چینی والی کوئی چیز استعمال نہیں کروں گا ، عوام بھی میرا ساتھ دے. سینیٹر رحمان ملک 10
1350876578226515969 Thanks Mr Arnab Goswami for comfirming my every world of my facts sheet on Pulwama that it was was carried out through a joint venture of RAW & Modi. PTI - not to take the credit of exposing Modi .Give the credit where it is due Pulwama Incident 9
1385196311742324748 Former Interior Minister @SenRehmanMalik addressing International Conference on #EarthDay as to how ‘restore our earth’ organised by Youth Council Pakistan 9
1330851194584129538 Letter to president elect Joe Biden by senator Rehman Malik 8
1321920875931774976 I call upon PM Imran khan to call a meeting of all political parties by keeping his ego away & set out a road map for the security & econmy of the country followed by joint session to work out legislations.Keep doing politics but not on the security & integrity of Pakistan . 7
1351481398968905728 with PDM participants 7
1337374093885263872 6

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1373351943423340550 PM Imran Khan get well soon Please join me to pray for the speedy recovery of PM Imran khan from Covid 19 . I hope he will be fine soon @ImranKhanPTI 8432
1347746041903382532 Dear all I am sad to inform that my elder sister has passed away last night due to massive heart attack .Her funeral will be offered in her native village Sialkot today at 10 am. Request for prayers for the departed soul .May God bless her soul in peace Senator Rehman Malik 1906
1351481398968905728 with PDM participants 831
1367114392836452359 Congratulation Former Mr Yousif Reza Gilani for this great victory . It can shake the govt in coming days & PDM may ask the PM to take vote of confidence from the NA.Let us see how political trend is set farward in coming weeks . congratulation to the PPP leadership& PPP family 436
1370847572345171969 #NewProfilePic 356
1321920875931774976 I call upon PM Imran khan to call a meeting of all political parties by keeping his ego away & set out a road map for the security & econmy of the country followed by joint session to work out legislations.Keep doing politics but not on the security & integrity of Pakistan . 326
1362166215205146624 Wait there are going to be many interesting surprises for the nation in next few weeks .Many will have sleepless nights 292
1371235353038819330 #NewProfilePic 259
1377306503875604486 میں دو ماہ چینی والی کوئی چیز استعمال نہیں کروں گا ، عوام بھی میرا ساتھ دے. سینیٹر رحمان ملک 245
1343597333855023106 235

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#pakistan 19
#ppp 5
#india 5
#newprofilepic 4
#senateelections2021 4
#smbb 4
#27decblackday 4
#بینظیر_تو_بس_بینظیرجیسی_تھی 4
#covid_19 4
#coronavirus 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@senrehmanmalik 16
@joebiden 15
@bbhuttozardari 9
@narendramodi 7
@youtube 7
@imrankhanpti 5
@aseefabz 4
@the 3
@alirehmanmalik3 2
@umarrehmanmalik 2

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👇 3 backhand_index_pointing_down
🇵🇰 1 Pakistan
🔔 1 bell

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 3
Flags 1
Objects 1