Account Summary
Florida's U.S. Senator. Fighting for Florida families and to Make Washington Work. #LetsGetToWork
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
The Sunshine State
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
3 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
RandPaul | 4685366 | 610 | 16919 |
NatbyNature | 2468177 | 11671 | 54040 |
alcaldeledezma | 2462792 | 85701 | 53979 |
wolfblitzer | 1725432 | 1712 | 14252 |
SinghLions | 1334851 | 1431896 | 33928 |
realpfigueiredo | 1316091 | 990 | 14648 |
MariaBartiromo | 1204382 | 1674 | 39987 |
greta | 1182703 | 3322 | 207991 |
RealJakeHager | 913950 | 1654 | 6805 |
MonicaCrowley | 885451 | 1396 | 31636 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
SinghLions | 1431896 | 1334851 | 33928 |
_yavuzatalay | 743040 | 695557 | 1407 |
garettnelson | 644168 | 650515 | 11504 |
iownjd | 439244 | 778503 | 203986 |
IamMzilikazi | 376175 | 546513 | 130454 |
StephenCaggiano | 330832 | 342628 | 101144 |
zammit_marc | 300194 | 387839 | 64619 |
LifeNewsHQ | 270805 | 289918 | 253470 |
jorcervan | 185323 | 237733 | 66010 |
1drcole | 167488 | 181054 | 238118 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
PatriotMarie70 | 1264815 | 26384 | 15875 |
QbanKendy | 856626 | 1938 | 378 |
MsAvaArmstrong | 815588 | 177383 | 94779 |
GHERARDIMAURO1 | 796796 | 1738 | 4999 |
diligitis19 | 749182 | 2345 | 611 |
NewsInTweetsCom | 718008 | 2866 | 4872 |
SafetyMentalst | 590306 | 15953 | 17524 |
cigar150 | 587539 | 34560 | 32579 |
DebbieSVA | 564047 | 17162 | 9312 |
ebscbwi | 524914 | 845 | 4585 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
kharaguchi | 17569 | 5741 | 264610 |
RandPaul | 15846 | 610 | 4685366 |
wolfblitzer | 11261 | 1712 | 1725432 |
greta | 7360 | 3322 | 1182703 |
MariaBartiromo | 6048 | 1674 | 1204382 |
AlterNet | 5986 | 17939 | 129867 |
NatbyNature | 5878 | 11671 | 2468177 |
SenMikeLee | 4917 | 2132 | 704144 |
SquawkCNBC | 4905 | 1254 | 429945 |
blueorigin | 4688 | 398 | 600419 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
335 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1605211761551998976 | The $1.7 T Pelosi-Schumer Spending Bill dropped at 1AM. If you started reading it RIGHT NOW, you'd have to read 47+ pages/hour NONSTOP to finish before funding expires at 12AM Friday. It's a MASSIVE inflation bomb written in secret so no one can read it. | 5561 |
1604993230713634816 | We still haven't seen a single page of the Pelosi-Schumer spending bill, and they're expecting us to pass it by the end of this week. It's insane. Congress should NEVER spend YOUR MONEY on a bill we haven't read. | 5557 |
1630573787597905921 | I think it's unfair to make YOU pay off the debts of a small percentage of Americans who chose to take out student loans. Don't you? | 3351 |
1605604703475159042 | Behind closed doors, the MASSIVE $1.7 TRILLION Pelosi-Schumer spending bill was written in secret and released at 1:30 AM so no one would read it. Here's a 🧵 of TEN REASONS why NO ONE, Republican or Democrat, should support this bill: | 3117 |
1622005803828842503 | Yes, a CCP surveillance balloon is VERY disturbing. But what if I told you the U.S. is allowing CCP companies like @DJIGlobal to operate drones all over the country? And when I tried to ban that from happening last year, Pelosi's @HouseIntel committee SHUT IT DOWN. | 2777 |
1601621513773400064 | Democrats are hiring 87k IRS agents to come after hardworking Americans who rely on multiple jobs or side gigs to make ends meet. It's gross government overreach and I'm fighting to stop it. | 2459 |
1606009152643309568 | I voted AGAINST the $1.7 TRILLION spending bill because I promised Florida families I'd fight every day to make Washington work for them. This reckless inflation bomb is a disaster for our economy and a slap in the face to Floridians struggling to make ends meet. | 2375 |
1643263403178246148 | Appeasement of an evil regime that chants "Death to America" and wants to destroy Israel solves nothing. IRAN CANNOT BE TRUSTED. | 2341 |
1602399283478667265 | If Democrats are willing to intimidate a private company like Twitter into silencing conservatives, imagine what they'll do with 87,000 more IRS agents. It's a terrifying government overreach, and I'm fighting to stop it. #TwitterFiles | 1488 |
1605195816066506752 | A vote for the Pelosi-Schumer spending bill is a vote to raise inflation. Period. | 1425 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1573402320687300623 | Democrats want to CONTROL every aspect of your life. Republicans want to give power back to YOU to make your own choices. | 17555 |
1561818208142823424 | Another week of President Biden vacationing in Delaware vs. working at the White House. If he loves to travel so much, I've got some suggestions as to where he should go next ⬇️ | 8865 |
1631704739565146114 | .@JoeBiden's student loan debt transfer is TOTALLY unfair. I refuse to let his far-left agenda hurt YOU. | 8176 |
1567925021192101888 | When Americans can't afford something, they don't buy it. When Democrats can't afford something, they raise your taxes to pay for it. | 7155 |
1630573787597905921 | I think it's unfair to make YOU pay off the debts of a small percentage of Americans who chose to take out student loans. Don't you? | 6979 |
1557452569148116993 | The continued silence of AG Garland & @FBI Director Wray is deafening & UNACCEPTABLE. I’ve requested an immediate meeting with them to get answers. The American people deserve nothing less than total transparency. | 6598 |
1556807645721501698 | The @FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago is incredibly concerning, especially given the Biden admin’s history of going after parents & other political opponents. This is 3rd World country stuff. We need answers NOW. The FBI must explain what they were doing today & why. | 6339 |
1624188462839791622 | I'm fighting like hell to protect critical programs like Social Security and Medicare, and that starts with balancing our budget and getting our fiscal house in order. | 5905 |
1605652303062581248 | The ONLY way to stop soaring inflation is to STOP RECKLESS SPENDING. | 5838 |
1552414341198188546 | I was honored to join @the_uso today and make care packages for our brave military members in gratitude of their sacrifice and service to our nation. | 5735 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1573402320687300623 | Democrats want to CONTROL every aspect of your life. Republicans want to give power back to YOU to make your own choices. | 2396 |
1561818208142823424 | Another week of President Biden vacationing in Delaware vs. working at the White House. If he loves to travel so much, I've got some suggestions as to where he should go next ⬇️ | 834 |
1567925021192101888 | When Americans can't afford something, they don't buy it. When Democrats can't afford something, they raise your taxes to pay for it. | 832 |
1552414341198188546 | I was honored to join @the_uso today and make care packages for our brave military members in gratitude of their sacrifice and service to our nation. | 730 |
1631704739565146114 | .@JoeBiden's student loan debt transfer is TOTALLY unfair. I refuse to let his far-left agenda hurt YOU. | 692 |
1623298302803337216 | 🧵 Last night, @JoeBiden rambled for a while, but it seems he forgot to share the facts: In my plan, I suggested the following: All federal legislation sunsets in 5 yrs. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again. | 680 |
1630573787597905921 | I think it's unfair to make YOU pay off the debts of a small percentage of Americans who chose to take out student loans. Don't you? | 621 |
1619358512680673280 | Democrats cut Medicare, and they want to do it AGAIN. I'm fighting like hell to protect Medicare and Social Security, and that starts with reining in reckless spending. | 569 |
1645593586933673984 | My friend Tommy Elliott was killed today in Louisville. He was my banker for many years. This news is very shocking and sad for Ann and me. He did so much in the Louisville community, and we pray for his family during this awful time. | 542 |
1556807645721501698 | The @FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago is incredibly concerning, especially given the Biden admin’s history of going after parents & other political opponents. This is 3rd World country stuff. We need answers NOW. The FBI must explain what they were doing today & why. | 542 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1630573787597905921 | I think it's unfair to make YOU pay off the debts of a small percentage of Americans who chose to take out student loans. Don't you? | 33417 |
1604993230713634816 | We still haven't seen a single page of the Pelosi-Schumer spending bill, and they're expecting us to pass it by the end of this week. It's insane. Congress should NEVER spend YOUR MONEY on a bill we haven't read. | 22510 |
1601621513773400064 | Democrats are hiring 87k IRS agents to come after hardworking Americans who rely on multiple jobs or side gigs to make ends meet. It's gross government overreach and I'm fighting to stop it. | 16374 |
1605211761551998976 | The $1.7 T Pelosi-Schumer Spending Bill dropped at 1AM. If you started reading it RIGHT NOW, you'd have to read 47+ pages/hour NONSTOP to finish before funding expires at 12AM Friday. It's a MASSIVE inflation bomb written in secret so no one can read it. | 16007 |
1606009152643309568 | I voted AGAINST the $1.7 TRILLION spending bill because I promised Florida families I'd fight every day to make Washington work for them. This reckless inflation bomb is a disaster for our economy and a slap in the face to Floridians struggling to make ends meet. | 14808 |
1605604703475159042 | Behind closed doors, the MASSIVE $1.7 TRILLION Pelosi-Schumer spending bill was written in secret and released at 1:30 AM so no one would read it. Here's a 🧵 of TEN REASONS why NO ONE, Republican or Democrat, should support this bill: | 11066 |
1598787803772604416 | Anti-Semitism has no place in our society. Thank you, @ElonMusk, for standing up against it. | 10868 |
1605195816066506752 | A vote for the Pelosi-Schumer spending bill is a vote to raise inflation. Period. | 8441 |
1608448624693841923 | EVERY person who voted for the Pelosi-Schumer spending bill should be asked if they read the bill. | 8056 |
1602399283478667265 | If Democrats are willing to intimidate a private company like Twitter into silencing conservatives, imagine what they'll do with 87,000 more IRS agents. It's a terrifying government overreach, and I'm fighting to stop it. #TwitterFiles | 7438 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#ian | 85 |
#bidenflation | 28 |
#hurricaneian | 22 |
#makewashingtonwork | 15 |
#nicole | 8 |
#covid | 7 |
#twitterfiles | 7 |
#soscuba | 7 |
#tiktok | 6 |
#patriayvida | 5 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@joebiden | 404 |
@federalreserve | 24 |
@sascgop | 20 |
@marcorubio | 17 |
@secmayorkas | 14 |
@foxnews | 14 |
@senschumer | 13 |
@senmikelee | 12 |
@senatedems | 12 |
@uscg | 12 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🚨 | 96 | police_car_light |
⬇️ | 76 | down_arrow |
➡️ | 39 | right_arrow |
🇺🇸 | 34 | United_States |
📻 | 23 | radio |
👀 | 21 | eyes |
⤵️ | 15 | right_arrow_curving_down |
‼️ | 15 | double_exclamation_mark |
📺 | 14 | television |
▶️ | 12 | play_button |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Symbols | 209 |
Travel & Places | 123 |
Objects | 74 |
Flags | 56 |
Food & Drink | 35 |
People & Body | 28 |
Activities | 14 |
Animals & Nature | 9 |
Smileys & Emotion | 2 |