Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @SPendarovski


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


North Macedonia's President Pendarovski led a televised charity event to help those hurt by an earthquake, and asked people for money for Turkey and Syria. Balkan Insight was criticized for calling people of North Macedonia "North Macedonian" rather than "Macedonian." President Pendarovski is trying to pass legislation to increase the privileges for former presidents, and citizens doubt his election promises. Lastly, North Macedonia is organizing an EU Parliamentary election in 2024 to prepare for accession.

Topic Modeling

  1. Government policies and initiatives in North Macedonia
  2. Biased reporting and poor journalism
  3. Fundraising for relief efforts
  4. Democratic accountability
  5. North Macedonia-Turkey relations

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from anger and frustration to admiration and hope. Many of the tweets criticize politicians, such as @TaravariArben, @SPendarovski, and @DKovachevski, for their policies and decisions. Other tweets express admiration for @SPendarovski's leadership in a charity drive to help victims of an earthquake. There is also hope that politicians will listen to the people and fulfill their promises. Finally, some tweets contain humor and sarcasm, such as mocking the idea of a laboratory to brainwash politicians.

Trend Analysis

  1. Macedonians and their rights
  2. Journalism and accuracy
  3. Aiding disaster relief efforts
  4. Political opposition
  5. Criticism and online debates

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 97
Twitter Web App 45
Twitter for iPhone 43
Twitter for Mac 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
GitanasNauseda Gitanas Nausėda President of the Republic of Lithuania 132,048
admirim Admirim Kosovo 🇽🇰 politics & FP; debunking 🇷🇸🇷🇺 disinformation.Cited by 🇺🇸@RFERL @AJEnglish @elmundoes @le_parisien @berlinerzeitung @indy100 @TRTWorld. 19,308
shkelqimart Shkëlqim Bajrami - 14,410
Duarmingyllene 🖱️ С у л т а н а 🖱️ 💯Македонија💯 10,980
drakulka143 Вампирка - 9,588
GunterFehlinger Gunther Fehlinger Austrian Atlantic Council Chairman - Austrian Cross Party Committee for Austria, Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia and EU joining NATO 2023 8,332
Trollowsky Демир Excommunicado means that someone becomes persona non grata and loses all access and privileges to underworld resources 6,927
kezhmanprvi Darko Kezhman - 6,139
garfild_sr Garfild - 5,355
alsa3idy Saidy Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. 5,109

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
GunterFehlinger Gunther Fehlinger Austrian Atlantic Council Chairman - Austrian Cross Party Committee for Austria, Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia and EU joining NATO 2023 9,162
drakulka143 Вампирка - 6,144
Trollowsky Демир Excommunicado means that someone becomes persona non grata and loses all access and privileges to underworld resources 5,964
MuslumKorkmaz15 Muslum Korkmaz Saygılar sevgiler başkanlarıma vekillerime müdürlerime saygılar sevgiler Allah reisimizi başımımızdan eksik etmesin durmak yok yola devam hedef 2023 saygılar 5,012
SnejanVutov snejan vutov - 5,001
delfinazul119 delfinazul9 Es bueno de vez en cuando,quitemos la alfombra que hay debajo de nuestros pies.Nos da un claro sentido de qué es roca y qué es arena. 4,980
Mihailo967 Mihailo - 4,340
pandorabox97 ПандоринаКутија - 4,118
ilijaoh Techgeek - 3,804

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
SAINTS16888 Love the earth, love human beings, spread strong positive energy. Bring happiness to mankind!Human ah! I really really love you! 6
theoperi - 6
Duarmingyllene 💯Македонија💯 5
mgupt108 For my part, I will never give up, and I mean never🚵‍♂️ No affiliation with any political party. Likes/ RT’s/ Views’s are personal✍️ 4
sjefchebastero ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ 4
Trollowsky Excommunicado means that someone becomes persona non grata and loses all access and privileges to underworld resources 4
Ays_sgl lets eat baklava and shut our mouth! 3
Parapsiholog777 Undertaker 3
JimDgliguroski @ Echuca 3
Roma92377181 ...U svakom porazu ja sam video deo slobode,I kad je gotovoZa mene, znaj, tek tad je počelo... 3

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626185780195475456 💥 Зошто @SPendarovski се јавувал на Скендер Реџепи - Зејд за да го подржи + 61 мнозинството на ДУИ и СДС ? - 💥Стево има намера да предложи измена на законот за ЗГОЛЕМУВАЊЕ на ПРИВЕЛЕГИИТЕ за претседателот спротивно на неговото ветување од изборната кампања 👎 17
1625413525202956288 🤡 Јас влезот на @TaravariArben во владата го гледам како обезбедување на КВОРУМ ЗА одржување на СЕДНИЦИ на Собранието и изгласување на измените на законот за привилегиите на ех Претседателите на барање на @SPendarovski* - *и самиот не верува дека ќе победи во трката за II мандат 13
1626263811257962526 Yet again, @BalkanInsight wins another Jackass Award for calling Macedonians "North Macedonian" - not once but twice! - in an article today. Listen, so-called "journalists" at BI: the adjective is Macedonian. Use it if you want to be taken seriously. #Macedonia @SPendarovski 13
1625773359182098432 Нема да те слушнат, за жал ни @DKovachevski ни @SPendarovski . Живеат во некој свој затворен розев свет и обичните луѓе не ги интересираат. Можеби пред избори ќе се сетат, ама само за да се сликаат и да дадат лажни ветувања 8
1626325647667744776 @JasonMiko @BalkanInsight @SPendarovski This removes the last shred of doubt that we are dealing here with a policy that is deliberately both with malice aforethought and improper/incorrect (and thus poor journalism, in spite of many warnings). 3
1624867263277850632 Makedonya Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Pendarovski canlı yayındaki yardım kampanyasında vatandaşlarından Türkiye için tek tek yardım rica etti. @SPendarovski Nie sme vi blagodarni. #TuerkiyeİcinİyilikVakti 3
1625164788232863745 I call North Macedonia 🇲🇰, organize EUropean Parliament election 🗳 in 2024 to vote for Observer MEP to prepare for EU accession @SPendarovski @USEmbassySkopje @USAmbNMacedonia @RobertaMetsola @ManfredWeber 2
1626315931512365056 @JasonMiko @BalkanInsight @SPendarovski @BalkanInsight uses wrong term. The correct term is ''westbulgarians'' 1
1626692290700890114 @nikolinagro @PallasGlaux @JasonMiko @BalkanInsight @SPendarovski Your minister of foreign affairs , west bulgar 1
1625747200570494976 @VladaMK @SPendarovski @DKovachevski 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625413525202956288 🤡 Јас влезот на @TaravariArben во владата го гледам како обезбедување на КВОРУМ ЗА одржување на СЕДНИЦИ на Собранието и изгласување на измените на законот за привилегиите на ех Претседателите на барање на @SPendarovski* - *и самиот не верува дека ќе победи во трката за II мандат 44
1626263811257962526 Yet again, @BalkanInsight wins another Jackass Award for calling Macedonians "North Macedonian" - not once but twice! - in an article today. Listen, so-called "journalists" at BI: the adjective is Macedonian. Use it if you want to be taken seriously. #Macedonia @SPendarovski 43
1626185780195475456 💥 Зошто @SPendarovski се јавувал на Скендер Реџепи - Зејд за да го подржи + 61 мнозинството на ДУИ и СДС ? - 💥Стево има намера да предложи измена на законот за ЗГОЛЕМУВАЊЕ на ПРИВЕЛЕГИИТЕ за претседателот спротивно на неговото ветување од изборната кампања 👎 35
1625773359182098432 Нема да те слушнат, за жал ни @DKovachevski ни @SPendarovski . Живеат во некој свој затворен розев свет и обичните луѓе не ги интересираат. Можеби пред избори ќе се сетат, ама само за да се сликаат и да дадат лажни ветувања 26
1624879293519085570 Kuzey Makedonya’daki Kanal 5 TV, deprem felaketinin yaralarının sarılması için “Türkiye ve Suriye için Birlik” temalı bağış yayını yaptı. Cumhurbaşkanı @SPendarovski önderliğinde birçok ünlü telefonun başına geçerek depremzedeler için bağış topladı. 16
1624867263277850632 Makedonya Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Pendarovski canlı yayındaki yardım kampanyasında vatandaşlarından Türkiye için tek tek yardım rica etti. @SPendarovski Nie sme vi blagodarni. #TuerkiyeİcinİyilikVakti 16
1626325647667744776 @JasonMiko @BalkanInsight @SPendarovski This removes the last shred of doubt that we are dealing here with a policy that is deliberately both with malice aforethought and improper/incorrect (and thus poor journalism, in spite of many warnings). 10
1624875868525920256 Kuzey Makedonya’daki Kanal 5 TV, deprem felaketinin yaralarının sarılması için “Türkiye ve Suriye için Birlik” temalı bağış yayını yaptı. Cumhurbaşkanı @SPendarovski ile birçok sanatçı ve siyasinin telefonun başına geçtiği programda depremzedeler için bağış toplandı. @yeeorgtr 7
1626664978555015169 @SPendarovski @VjosaOsmaniPRKS Се надевам дека еден ден сите ќе имаме шанса да ја видиме лабораторијата каде што на сите вас кои го следевте лудакот Заев, ви ги имаат исперено мозоците како во филмот A Clockwork Orange. 7
1626643405819285510 @SPendarovski @VjosaOsmaniPRKS Со пичица како си, има нешто од страна? 6

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#лицевлице 3
#литванија 2
#lithuanian 2
#macedonia 2
#турција 2
#tuerkiyei 2
#president 1
#protocols 1
#wef23 1
#echr 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@spendarovski 187
@vjosaosmaniprks 48
@balkaninsight 27
@jasonmiko 25
@gitanasnauseda 17
@pallasglaux 14
@dkovachevski 13
@nikolinagro 8
@msuskopje 7
@trollowsky 7

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 30 face_with_tears_of_joy
🇲🇰 21 North_Macedonia
🤮 13 face_vomiting
🇱🇹 6 Lithuania
🇽🇰 6 Kosovo
💥 6 collision
👍 4 thumbs_up
❤️ 4 red_heart
🖕 4 middle_finger
👏 4 clapping_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 61
Flags 50
People & Body 24
Objects 7
Symbols 2
Activities 2