Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Washington, DC



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

8 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3497
mom 3058
lover 2493
life 2233
politics 2173
proud 2133
former 2017
retired 1801
opinions 1762
sheher 1745

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#resist 1247
#blm 1034
#voteblue 480
#blacklivesmatter 428
#fbr 349
#resistance 245
#theresistance 206
#bidenharris 179
#resister 178
#standwithukraine 141

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14100472 573782 7453
AOC 13420874 4199 14704
MarkRuffalo 8332089 2273 50357
PeteButtigieg 3712900 2819 13179
IlhanMN 3004816 1693 22706
carlaangola 2842683 2576 39642
Lawrence 2838109 1401 42440
ProjectLincoln 2747285 1076 28527
ariannahuff 2740441 2945 48196
PressSec 2342982 437 2087

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
KameronBennett 1488704 1821374 96339
SinghLions 1431143 1333799 33939
miguelhotero 1089472 1929706 65848
SleepSkee 782259 710105 42044
_yavuzatalay 742697 695074 1408
JohnCena 573782 14100472 7453
iownjd 438981 777163 206128
IamMzilikazi 377121 547339 130737
NOH8Campaign 346818 801031 13955
zammit_marc 300067 387530 64622

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
monicasloves 1663847 63472 51271
bitcoinagile 1365971 67041 14212
InSpiteOfTrump 1245970 32309 18155
halladayfan32 1211055 19515 21410
MarthaLynneOwe1 1199619 6411 5311
sddphoto 1193951 7189 6984
3wombats 1038116 8302 4390
ElkeHollings 1025799 2432 5000
79topper 1015531 8158 7607
ZenobiaPaints 990160 160 3814

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31658 573782 14100472
AOC 27107 4199 13420874
ariannahuff 24909 2945 2740441
NickKristof 20732 3411 1950880
MatthewBerryTMR 17633 4787 1159028
karaswisher 16254 2175 1492666
chucktodd 15747 1973 2051451
Jason 15528 18769 715651
MarkRuffalo 15047 2273 8332089
brianstelter 14063 7502 790009

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

111 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1614446158373322752 George Santos on tape here lying about being a volleyball star at Baruch College, and claims he got two knee replacements as a result. 920
1611058461667622914 Reminder that Elon Musk has given more money to committees connected to Kevin McCarthy than to any other politician & McCarthy has called Musk one of his best friends. 507
1634382108209676291 Jackie Kennedy's house in Georgetown just went on sale, and it's now the most expensive listing in Washington, DC. $26.5M. 16K+ square feet, 13BR, 18BA. Built in 1794. Follow along for another #FridayNightZillow!🧵 318
1613377002127458304 Santos ❌Goldman Sachs ❌Citi ❌Baruch ❌NYU ❌Jewish ❌Volleyball Star (!) ✅Member of Congress 208
1649549883647336452 Eye-popping stat: Per the US Mint, it now costs 2.72 cents (!) to make a single penny. They minted 5 billion last year anyway while ~200 billion sit in jars somewhere. It costs 10.41 (!) cents to make a nickel. They minted more than a billion of those too. 154
1635706252700286992 NEW: Sherrod Brown tells Bloomberg he sees little chance Rs will agree to tighten bank regs *Wants Fed to act on its own to bolster capital/liquidity requirements and stress tests *Wants Fed to PAUSE rate hikes, blame corps for prices (w/@LauraLitvan etc) 139
1629144777282273286 MCCONNELL calls for faster and more decisive aid for Ukraine and wants more spending on the military later this year *Says far cheaper than letting Putin invade and kill at will and destabilize Europe *Says China and Tehran are watching 134
1622249031622705152 Haven't detected much of a backlash yet to the very large backdoor pay raise the House of Representatives just got. 133
1635279563327701004 Banks like SVB & Signature lobbied to rollback regulations on their large but not quite colossal banks. Congress and Trump agreed. Now SVB & Signature are toast, many others seeing their stocks fall, and the US gov't is backstopping —> 129
1615038019542581258 George Santos bragged he got an MBA from NYU with zero debt while lamenting that the youth of America think they will get things for free without working hard. 125

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1614446158373322752 George Santos on tape here lying about being a volleyball star at Baruch College, and claims he got two knee replacements as a result. 538
1648492229995163652 I’ve been in bed sick for four days. Could I get some pick-me-up puppy pics? Thanks in advance. 438
1614051463755350016 Please send kitten/cat pics while #FridayNightZillow is delayed. 163
1619364370584309760 This might be the perfect home fridge setup. #FridayNightZillow 109
1634382108209676291 Jackie Kennedy's house in Georgetown just went on sale, and it's now the most expensive listing in Washington, DC. $26.5M. 16K+ square feet, 13BR, 18BA. Built in 1794. Follow along for another #FridayNightZillow!🧵 106
1639426554521370624 Kicking off #FridayNightZillow with a #CheapZillow spectacular: A ~1 million cubic foot cathedral for just $250,000! It's in Nova Scotia, on the water, built out of 8,000 blocks of solid granite and 96 tons of plaster over 32 years. 83
1649549883647336452 Eye-popping stat: Per the US Mint, it now costs 2.72 cents (!) to make a single penny. They minted 5 billion last year anyway while ~200 billion sit in jars somewhere. It costs 10.41 (!) cents to make a nickel. They minted more than a billion of those too. 76
1634340442404798464 A lot of Twitter just completely ignoring the second biggest bank failure in US history for some reason. 71
1619868118008098817 California real estate can get insane for sure. This home is selling for $43,357 per square foot. Really. 70
1635457937790361600 The cheapest single family home in Santa Clara, California, home of Silicon Valley Bank, is $899K, per Zillow. It has 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom and 650 square feet. 70

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1614446158373322752 George Santos on tape here lying about being a volleyball star at Baruch College, and claims he got two knee replacements as a result. 422
1634382108209676291 Jackie Kennedy's house in Georgetown just went on sale, and it's now the most expensive listing in Washington, DC. $26.5M. 16K+ square feet, 13BR, 18BA. Built in 1794. Follow along for another #FridayNightZillow!🧵 90
1622074673637822464 This is a real room on Zillow in an Illinois mansion. #SaturdayNightZillow 85
1639426554521370624 Kicking off #FridayNightZillow with a #CheapZillow spectacular: A ~1 million cubic foot cathedral for just $250,000! It's in Nova Scotia, on the water, built out of 8,000 blocks of solid granite and 96 tons of plaster over 32 years. 52
1619364370584309760 This might be the perfect home fridge setup. #FridayNightZillow 50
1615038019542581258 George Santos bragged he got an MBA from NYU with zero debt while lamenting that the youth of America think they will get things for free without working hard. 46
1635457937790361600 The cheapest single family home in Santa Clara, California, home of Silicon Valley Bank, is $899K, per Zillow. It has 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom and 650 square feet. 45
1649549883647336452 Eye-popping stat: Per the US Mint, it now costs 2.72 cents (!) to make a single penny. They minted 5 billion last year anyway while ~200 billion sit in jars somewhere. It costs 10.41 (!) cents to make a nickel. They minted more than a billion of those too. 42
1611058461667622914 Reminder that Elon Musk has given more money to committees connected to Kevin McCarthy than to any other politician & McCarthy has called Musk one of his best friends. 32
1641962867967549442 Kicking off #FridayNightZillow, a fun house built with boulders and funky touches throughout in California. $1.688M gets us 6BR, 6BA & 8,225 sf. Enjoy! We have a lot of eye candy in tonight's 🧵 so follow along if you need a smile! 32

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1614446158373322752 George Santos on tape here lying about being a volleyball star at Baruch College, and claims he got two knee replacements as a result. 3156
1634382108209676291 Jackie Kennedy's house in Georgetown just went on sale, and it's now the most expensive listing in Washington, DC. $26.5M. 16K+ square feet, 13BR, 18BA. Built in 1794. Follow along for another #FridayNightZillow!🧵 2766
1626742199051337728 Wide angle at the US Capitol. Just a stunning place to work. 1465
1611058461667622914 Reminder that Elon Musk has given more money to committees connected to Kevin McCarthy than to any other politician & McCarthy has called Musk one of his best friends. 1088
1613377002127458304 Santos ❌Goldman Sachs ❌Citi ❌Baruch ❌NYU ❌Jewish ❌Volleyball Star (!) ✅Member of Congress 858
1639426554521370624 Kicking off #FridayNightZillow with a #CheapZillow spectacular: A ~1 million cubic foot cathedral for just $250,000! It's in Nova Scotia, on the water, built out of 8,000 blocks of solid granite and 96 tons of plaster over 32 years. 785
1619156995784998912 Carlos Slim's iconic, 5th Avenue Gilded Age townhouse overlooking The Met in New York City is on sale. $80M. 8BR, 10BA, 20K sf. Welcome to #FridayNightZillow! 672
1641962867967549442 Kicking off #FridayNightZillow, a fun house built with boulders and funky touches throughout in California. $1.688M gets us 6BR, 6BA & 8,225 sf. Enjoy! We have a lot of eye candy in tonight's 🧵 so follow along if you need a smile! 623
1649549883647336452 Eye-popping stat: Per the US Mint, it now costs 2.72 cents (!) to make a single penny. They minted 5 billion last year anyway while ~200 billion sit in jars somewhere. It costs 10.41 (!) cents to make a nickel. They minted more than a billion of those too. 613
1616618181145010176 *THIS IS A SINK* and this is #FridayNightZillow! No, we don't know how you clean this. Follow along for our weekly superthread on our latest Zillow finds👇🧵 544

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#fridaynightzillow 36
#saturdaynightzillow 6
#cheapzillow 6
#sundaynightzillow 3
#twitterdown 1
#1 1
#sinkzillow 1
#sotu2023 1
#balloon 1
#balloons 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@lauralitvan 4
@elwasson 4
@houseinsession 4
@laurapdavison 3
@zachary_cohen 2
@elonmusk 2
@aawayne 1
@joenewsguy 1
@paulkrawzak 1
@rollcall 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
17 cross_mark
🧵 5 thread
🚨 2 police_car_light
🔥 2 fire
🤯 2 exploding_head
👇 2 backhand_index_pointing_down
📈 1 chart_increasing
1 high_voltage
🔼 1 upwards_button
🎈 1 balloon

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 20
Activities 6
Travel & Places 5
Smileys & Emotion 2
People & Body 2
Objects 1