Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

4 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
twitch 13,096
streamer 9,373
gamer 5,630
games 4,628
affiliate 3,694
content 3,369
youtube 3,167
creator 3,137
love 3,007
gaming 2,961

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#twitch 286
#vtuber 275
#twitchaffiliate 201
#envtuber 195
#1 157
#gamer 122
#streamer 104
#nft 89
#blm 81
#youtube 72

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14,103,740 572,005 7,449
TheGrefg 7,780,406 1,657 47,437
LuzuGames 6,739,633 267 21,826
tyleroakley 5,192,873 853 75,780
TubboLive 3,625,320 759 6,682
OMGitsAliA 2,492,035 978 61,851
BurgerKing 2,038,931 3,584 59,582
ishowspeedsui 1,766,582 115 367
Slimecicle 1,640,419 907 7,627
insomniacgames 1,370,494 25,308 44,070

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1,431,832 1,334,752 33,928
LeBronJames 968,822 998,914 3,370
MilesSTEREOS 687,405 861,408 8,517
JohnCena 572,005 14,103,740 7,449
IamMzilikazi 376,169 546,491 130,503
WarrenWhitlock 368,481 478,859 261,000
NOH8Campaign 345,580 801,610 13,963
StephenCaggiano 330,526 342,613 101,158
TheChrisWoodard 311,495 410,350 632
charitywater 250,005 1,260,231 13,888

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
RealMamaEagle 720,379 20,333 4,823
groogruxking40 675,621 13,018 11,434
darkprincessgin 597,169 2,169 3,212
textiff 501,677 9,716 10,128
WeirdFemaleMel 467,247 9,970 3,577
Sartorial_Kai 442,909 930 543
lllpuplll 439,145 27,832 24,924
KohNagao 437,072 2,176 3,312
COOLCHANNELTV 424,419 71,644 63,483
Mr__Prieto 424,058 863 910

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31,681 572,005 14,103,740
Jason 15,505 21,646 713,480
WarrenWhitlock 10,889 368,481 478,859
charitywater 9,956 250,005 1,260,231
tyleroakley 8,101 853 5,192,873
NOH8Campaign 7,558 345,580 801,610
PhillyD 6,104 1,658 1,190,373
insomniacgames 5,806 25,308 1,370,494
TubboLive 5,600 759 3,625,320
TPAIN 5,479 2,404 1,350,706

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

164 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1642546827000946691 Like this if you’re a streamer, RT this if you’re a streamer, reply to this with “streamer” Testing something 😉 378
1642942244985487438 If you're a streamer. You are also... - A producer - A director - A production manager - A camera operator - An audio engineer - A vision switcher - A lighting director - A publicist - Craft Services - IT - Writer - Graphics Coordinator - and the cast Never lose sight of that. 361
1592945258127511553 If your mods aren't meaner to you than the rest of chat, are they even really mods? 124
1611826114686484480 I’m proud of you 62
1643658435957751811 Your competition isn't every other streamer in your category. Your competition isn't even every other streamer on the platform. Your competition is the entire sum of the rest of each of your viewer's lives. So cherish those who make time for you, who show up to support you. 60
1617919645931167746 Remember your numbers are not a reflection of your worth as a human being. It's just data. Don't forget that. 42
1603615905069637633 Who wants free logos 👀 Like this and tell us what you want for a chance to win. We'll be making logos all day tomorrow 😏 33
1618656352712232965 Introducing Streamlabs Music! We're excited to partner with @getlickd to bring DMCA-safe music for free directly in Streamlabs Desktop. 🎶Curated playlists for any vibe 🎵Quick and easy setup 🔥Focus on your content and not worrying about DMCA 33
1620494161102372864 You got this 31
1629934648108122117 Drink water 30

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1642546827000946691 Like this if you’re a streamer, RT this if you’re a streamer, reply to this with “streamer” Testing something 😉 386
1603615905069637633 Who wants free logos 👀 Like this and tell us what you want for a chance to win. We'll be making logos all day tomorrow 😏 374
1592540658816159745 How many @discord servers are you in? Be honest. 340
1612509113740660737 Eat before, eat after, or eat during stream? 314
1617603199250354177 What's the greatest challenge you've faced as a content creator? 277
1613236010363543552 If you were to start your stream from scratch TODAY, what advice would you give yourself? 220
1621169740151398402 How do you pick yourself back up after a stream that didn’t go how you imagined it? 179
1627392719440998400 What do you feel you need to take your stream to that next level? 166
1612860044323819541 What's your community inside joke that confuses all the newcomers? 163
1616843376929685508 What differentiates your content? 144

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1642942244985487438 If you're a streamer. You are also... - A producer - A director - A production manager - A camera operator - An audio engineer - A vision switcher - A lighting director - A publicist - Craft Services - IT - Writer - Graphics Coordinator - and the cast Never lose sight of that. 86
1592945258127511553 If your mods aren't meaner to you than the rest of chat, are they even really mods? 81
1612509113740660737 Eat before, eat after, or eat during stream? 53
1612860044323819541 What's your community inside joke that confuses all the newcomers? 47
1613236010363543552 If you were to start your stream from scratch TODAY, what advice would you give yourself? 31
1592540658816159745 How many @discord servers are you in? Be honest. 24
1617603199250354177 What's the greatest challenge you've faced as a content creator? 20
1620104668864188417 What are your streaming goals for this week? 15
1634594335822839813 This is the weekend. Fix your cable management. Do it. Stop putting it off. It’s a mess. 15
1621169740151398402 How do you pick yourself back up after a stream that didn’t go how you imagined it? 14

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1623760140716634113 Congratulations @QTCinderella for reaching such incredible peak viewership numbers! We're so excited to get to work with you and we're thrilled to see what you have planned for 2023! 1,950
1642942244985487438 If you're a streamer. You are also... - A producer - A director - A production manager - A camera operator - An audio engineer - A vision switcher - A lighting director - A publicist - Craft Services - IT - Writer - Graphics Coordinator - and the cast Never lose sight of that. 1,546
1603615905069637633 Who wants free logos 👀 Like this and tell us what you want for a chance to win. We'll be making logos all day tomorrow 😏 824
1642546827000946691 Like this if you’re a streamer, RT this if you’re a streamer, reply to this with “streamer” Testing something 😉 743
1592945258127511553 If your mods aren't meaner to you than the rest of chat, are they even really mods? 664
1611826114686484480 I’m proud of you 480
1612509113740660737 Eat before, eat after, or eat during stream? 453
1594400089400909825 👀👀👀 316
1643658435957751811 Your competition isn't every other streamer in your category. Your competition isn't even every other streamer on the platform. Your competition is the entire sum of the rest of each of your viewer's lives. So cherish those who make time for you, who show up to support you. 288
1613236010363543552 If you were to start your stream from scratch TODAY, what advice would you give yourself? 281

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#gaymingawards23 3
#streamys 3
#gaymingawards 2
#blackhistorymonth 1
#bhmwithstreamlabs 1
#xbox 1
#twitchstreamers 1
#twitch 1
#streamlabsclipped 1
#streamsetup 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@mrcurtoons 5
@logitechg 4
@nubbinsinc 4
@streamys 3
@gaymingmag 2
@noobtoonstv 2
@twloha 2
@cptwilliss 1
@autselfadvocacy 1
@watchgirlsplay 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🌟 10 glowing_star
👀 8 eyes
🚨 6 police_car_light
😉 6 winking_face
👇 6 backhand_index_pointing_down
6 sparkles
💖 6 sparkling_heart
🎁 5 wrapped_gift
🔥 4 fire
🤔 3 thinking_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 25
Travel & Places 24
People & Body 19
Activities 13
Objects 7
Symbols 4
Animals & Nature 2