Tweet Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed 810,757
earliest tweet was on 2022-05-18 10:33:30
latest tweet was on 2022-05-28 08:06:38
Tweets covering 9 days
Number of Retweets are 680,407, approximately 83% of total tweets
Number of Original tweets are 130,350, approximately 16% of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain mentions are 732,268, approximately 90% of total tweets
Top 10 devices used to tweet
Source | count |
Twitter for Android | 276485 |
Twitter for iPhone | 251078 |
Twitter Web App | 183777 |
Twitter for iPad | 82199 |
TweetDeck | 5521 | | 1138 |
Tweetbot for i?S | 1127 |
McBOT | 937 |
Twitter for Mac | 730 | | 602 |

top 10 accounts with highest number of followers_count
name | location | followers_count | lang | |
screen_name | ||||
cnnbrk | CNN Breaking News | Everywhere | 63144802 | en |
nytimes | The New York Times | New York City | 53100583 | en |
BBCBreaking | BBC Breaking News | London, UK | 50100370 | en |
BBCWorld | BBC News (World) | London, UK | 36754079 | en |
TheEconomist | The Economist | London | 26680264 | en |
Reuters | Reuters | Around the world | 25239283 | en |
washingtonpost | The Washington Post | Washington, DC | 19224434 | en |
TIME | TIME | NaN | 19076075 | en |
timesofindia | The Times Of India | New Delhi | 14429045 | en |
BBCNews | BBC News (UK) | London | 13971393 | en |
Top 10 tweets with highest retweet_count
full_text | retweet_count | created_at | |
id | |||
1529559071887613952 | RT @doctor_oxford: Today?s Guardian. A letter that will punch the breath from you ?? #Partygate | 21716 | 2022-05-25 20:24:35 |
1529076603137019909 | RT @nazirafzal: Reference to Jimmy Savile by Boris Johnson was a disgrace to Parliament & office of Prime Minister\n\nITS NOT TRUE\nI was there\n\nKeir Starmer had nothing to do with the decisions taken\nOn the contrary, He supported me in bringing 100s of child sex abusers to justice \n#SueGrayReport | 17124 | 2022-05-24 12:27:25 |
1529185806023540737 | RT @dontlookdown_FB: This ?it was just a cake for 10 minutes? line has to stop. \n\nThis was Fred?s 14th birthday. His brother, his friends weren?t allowed to ?pop in?. My husband was allowed to be with us, for the first time in over a week. \n\nFred died a week later. \n\n#partygate | 15752 | 2022-05-24 19:41:21 |
1528780818054791169 | Please retweet if you think that there needs to be a public inquiry in to the @metpoliceuk handling of #Partygate | 14366 | 2022-05-23 16:52:05 |
1530450782931275777 | RT @cpeedell: Please retweet if you think that there needs to be a public inquiry in to the @metpoliceuk handling of #Partygate | 14362 | 2022-05-28 07:27:55 |
1528015624676548609 | RT @KatyJayne101: I like Prime Ministers who aren't under police investigation.\n\nLike and retweet if you haven't forgotten or forgiven.\n\n#Partygate | 12413 | 2022-05-21 14:11:28 |
1530439656889896962 | RT @theewhitedove: Just caught @eddiemarsan talking his cue from Dan Stevens on This Morning #JohnsonOut81 #Partygate #oneruleforthem #ThisMorning | 10155 | 2022-05-28 06:43:43 |
1529399413323489281 | RT @joelycett: BREAKING: Leaked Sue Gray report reveals shocking abuse of the rules. Hard to see how the PM can cling on after this. | 10125 | 2022-05-25 09:50:09 |
1529739456068067328 | There is one angle of #Partygate that is not being discussed. I have heard not a single journalist ask questions about it so far. And it is, in my view, one of the most important - if not the most important, in terms of learning lessons. THREAD 1/ | 9679 | 2022-05-26 08:21:22 |
1530450670666530816 | RT @sturdyAlex: There is one angle of #Partygate that is not being discussed. I have heard not a single journalist ask questions about it so far. And it is, in my view, one of the most important - if not the most important, in terms of learning lessons. THREAD 1/ | 9679 | 2022-05-28 07:27:28 |
Top 10 tweets with highest retweet_count without RTs
full_text | retweet_count | created_at | |
id | |||
1528780818054791169 | Please retweet if you think that there needs to be a public inquiry in to the @metpoliceuk handling of #Partygate | 14366 | 2022-05-23 16:52:05 |
1529739456068067328 | There is one angle of #Partygate that is not being discussed. I have heard not a single journalist ask questions about it so far. And it is, in my view, one of the most important - if not the most important, in terms of learning lessons. THREAD 1/ | 9679 | 2022-05-26 08:21:22 |
1529180761282252800 | BREAKING:\nRishi Sunak is announcing new support for the cost of living on the same day as the Sue Gray Report.\n\nTRANSLATION:\nThe government was happy to watch people freeze and starve for months, but only thought it was worth helping if it could help distract from their crimes. | 9591 | 2022-05-24 19:21:18 |
1529372726082912256 | While the law-makers at #DowningStreet were partying EVERY fckin week, THIS is what our kids had to do at nursery\n\n#partyGate | 7151 | 2022-05-25 08:04:06 |
1529430363642159104 | The wine on the wall.\nThe vomit.\nThe fight.\nThe early morning exits.\n\nAll good colour from Sue Gray.\n\nBut the most damning parts of the report is that they knew that what they were doing was wrong.\n\nDodging cameras, leaving by back doors, changing invites.\n\nTHEY KNEW | 6027 | 2022-05-25 11:53:08 |
1529471227055702017 | Should Boris Johnson resign after #SueGray's report into lockdown parties at Downing Street? #Partygate \n\n | 5783 | 2022-05-25 14:35:31 |
1528772778433847296 | Of course the Met didn?t do anything, he?s not a small woman at a vigil. #partygate | 5760 | 2022-05-23 16:20:08 |
1527756130574819328 | The PM must explain why he held a secret meeting with Sue Gray to discuss her report despite claiming her investigation was completely independent. \n\nThe report must be published in full - with all accompanying evidence. \n\nThe public deserve the truth.\n\n | 4744 | 2022-05-20 21:00:20 |
1529462629902782464 | Three in five Brits say Boris Johnson should resign after publication of Sue Gray's report, according to a snap @YouGov poll. \n\nAnd 74% believe that the PM knowingly lied about breaking lockdown rules, including a majority of Tory voters. | 4348 | 2022-05-25 14:01:21 |
1528760511768190977 | Boris Johnson said repeatedly that he knew nothing about law-breaking ? there?s no doubt now, he lied. \n\nThe Prime Minister has demeaned his office. \n\nHe made the rules, and then broke them. The British people deserve better.\n\n#SueGrayReport | 4036 | 2022-05-23 15:31:23 |
number of tweets per user i.e. most active users
Handles | Count |
ChirpyChet | 2328 |
Carbis2 | 2038 |
David592149331 | 1593 |
Saccaguru | 1347 |
MikeMol1982 | 1157 |
markzybay | 1126 |
_FrancesCarroll | 1051 |
LabratBrains | 995 |
LincsLimpet | 976 |
AbcAlistair | 973 |
Lang | Count |
en | 775816 |
und | 32441 |
es | 758 |
fr | 408 |
in | 172 |
de | 164 |
nl | 137 |
hi | 120 |
et | 112 |
it | 102 |

top favourited tweets
screen_name | full_text | favorite_count | id |
GaryLineker | Prediction: Sue Gray report will be damning. The PM will issue grovelling, insincere apologies numbered 542 to 595. He will not resign, despite lying to parliament, stating there are far more important matters to be addressed. | 43237 | 1529390134441000960 |
Femi_Sorry | BREAKING:\nRishi Sunak is announcing new support for the cost of living on the same day as the Sue Gray Report.\n\nTRANSLATION:\nThe government was happy to watch people freeze and starve for months, but only thought it was worth helping if it could help distract from their crimes. | 41757 | 1529180761282252800 |
PatsyeStevenson | Of course the Met didn?t do anything, he?s not a small woman at a vigil. #partygate | 39223 | 1528772778433847296 |
MattChorley | The wine on the wall.\nThe vomit.\nThe fight.\nThe early morning exits.\n\nAll good colour from Sue Gray.\n\nBut the most damning parts of the report is that they knew that what they were doing was wrong.\n\nDodging cameras, leaving by back doors, changing invites.\n\nTHEY KNEW | 29081 | 1529430363642159104 |
sturdyAlex | There is one angle of #Partygate that is not being discussed. I have heard not a single journalist ask questions about it so far. And it is, in my view, one of the most important - if not the most important, in terms of learning lessons. THREAD 1/ | 27061 | 1529739456068067328 |
JulianSturdy | ??STATEMENT ON SUE GRAY REPORT\n\nFollowing the publication of the full Sue Gray report, I feel it is now in the public interest for the Prime Minister to resign. | 25779 | 1529496348445265920 |
FreeBesieged | While the law-makers at #DowningStreet were partying EVERY fckin week, THIS is what our kids had to do at nursery\n\n#partyGate | 24543 | 1529372726082912256 |
AngelaRayner | Boris Johnson said repeatedly that he knew nothing about law-breaking ? there?s no doubt now, he lied. \n\nThe Prime Minister has demeaned his office. \n\nHe made the rules, and then broke them. The British people deserve better.\n\n#SueGrayReport | 24318 | 1528760511768190977 |
AngelaRayner | The PM must explain why he held a secret meeting with Sue Gray to discuss her report despite claiming her investigation was completely independent. \n\nThe report must be published in full - with all accompanying evidence. \n\nThe public deserve the truth.\n\n | 20357 | 1527756130574819328 |
cpeedell | Please retweet if you think that there needs to be a public inquiry in to the @metpoliceuk handling of #Partygate | 19527 | 1528780818054791169 |
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#Partygate | 51574 |
#SueGrayReport | 33022 |
#JohnsonOut | 32312 |
#PartygateCoverup | 22867 |
#partygate | 9521 |
#PartyGate | 8617 |
#NotMovingOn | 7919 |
#ToriesPartiedWhilePeopleDied | 6225 |
#GTTO | 4962 |
#BorisJohnson | 4651 |

Top 10 mentions
Mentions | Count |
@BorisJohnson | 9820 |
@metpoliceuk | 3285 |
@Conservatives | 3158 |
@SkyNews | 1824 |
@PippaCrerar | 1631 |
@PaulBrandITV | 1422 |
@GOV | 1265 |
@BBCNews | 1226 |
@RishiSunak | 1172 |
@LGalloway | 1145 |
