Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @taiwantfc
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
The tweets involve criticism of the Taiwan Fact-Checking Center and their handling of various issues, including allegations of collusion with the Chinese Communist Party, rumors surrounding the hoarding of eggs, and the perceived bias of the center. Some Twitter users accuse the center of not conducting thorough investigations, having a pro-China agenda, and failing to represent Taiwan. Others defend the center's work and suggest that the criticism is unwarranted or politically motivated.
Topic Modeling
- Fact-checking and verification of information
- Skepticism towards Taiwan Fact-Checking Center
- Criticism towards biased reporting and lack of credibility
- Existence of egg hoarding and questioning of motives
- Suspicions of ties with China and pro-China sentiments
Emotional Analysis
There is a lot of anger and frustration expressed in these tweets towards the Taiwan Fact-Checking Center (@taiwantfc) and accusations that it is biased and not actually checking facts. Many users are skeptical and dismissive of the center's findings, and some accuse it of being pro-China or only checking rumors that hurt Taiwan's interests. Some also criticize the center for focusing too much on trivial issues like egg hoarding instead of more important topics, and some even suggest it is part of a larger effort to discredit the military and pro-blue groups. Overall, the tweets reflect a lack of trust and respect for the Taiwan Fact-Checking Center and its mission.
Trend Analysis
- Criticism and questioning of the credibility of Taiwan Fact-checking Center.
- References to political affiliations and potential biases of the center.
- Disputes over veracity of claims regarding egg hoarding and panic buying.
- Accusations of selective fact-checking and biased reporting.
- Suggestions to investigate other sources of information and individuals who may be responsible for spreading misinformation or creating panic.
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 65 |
Twitter for Android | 57 |
Twitter Web App | 43 |
TweetDeck | 1 |
Twitter for iPad | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
tainansweet888 | 辣台妹自帶台南甜🪬 | Taiwanese| 高端完全體|反共反中反香菜☺️|肉帳滾 | 4,574 |
racing512139 | 喜歡吃包子的維尼熊🪬 | 台湾人です ,どうぞよろしくお願いします,日本語を勉強しています。ガンプラ好きと繋がりたい ------------------ 想到什麼打什麼 , 專業乳滑 , 看到粉紅會公審 , 也會封鎖 | 3,917 |
fongyun | Fong Yun | Book Addicts, Piscean science kid, Asperger librarian | 3,536 |
WorldEditors | World Editors Forum | The global community of newspaper editors, managed by WAN-IFRA | 2,779 |
CC42171611 | CC 新竹-1450 | 希望看到台灣成為真正獨立的國家,講真話的小天地。 新竹自費1450,在藍白粉包圍中求生存。會封鎖五毛、藍白黃、殭屍帳號等不合的人。 | 2,419 |
be2xco | IgZen | - | 2,241 |
mongenwu | 吳孟恩💚🤍TW🇯🇵NP🇺🇦UA | PARA BELLA | 2,075 |
KopuLin | 南瓜派 | 台湾です!朝向綠共. 塔綠班. 聖戰士之路前進 | 1,865 |
MedakGunner | William W Ray | Father, Canadian Combat Veteran, Journalist, Film Maker, Farmer, Substandard Handyman | 1,549 |
carolsmith11111 | carol smith | | 1,490 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
wzex8411 | 🇯🇵🎌🇳🇫💚🤍屠支大佐 | - | 5,003 |
NaomiJang2020 | Naomi Jang | 臺灣/台灣ㄊㄞˊㄨㄢ Taiwan たいわん/台湾 타이완/대만 Tchaj-wan Tayvan Тайвань Ταϊβάν تايوان ประเทศไต้หวัน ताइवा #StandWithTaiwan #TaiwanIsOpen | 4,334 |
Cheric_RCCH | PAraNoid Android Cat Ryan | Taiwanese | 2,571 |
Taiwan888999 | 風逸🇹🇼台灣人🇹🇼 | 林北系台獨份子🥰🥰 中國人從來都不是一個民族的名稱,而是一種精神疾病的形容詞🥰 | 2,506 |
mongenwu | 吳孟恩💚🤍TW🇯🇵NP🇺🇦UA | PARA BELLA | 2,482 |
MedakGunner | William W Ray | Father, Canadian Combat Veteran, Journalist, Film Maker, Farmer, Substandard Handyman | 2,358 |
hammerbchen | hammerbchen | FX Artist / TD | 2,080 |
WorldEditors | World Editors Forum | The global community of newspaper editors, managed by WAN-IFRA | 1,950 |
LoveBettywu | 小跑跑 | 喜歡看中國小粉紅互打,但希望中國的正常人能好好移民 | 1,868 |
Generaloothakhu | 100000g⬛️⬜️🟩 | Tâi-oân-lâng Hoat-lí kiàn-kok-phài 🇨🇳❌ 🇹🇼❌ | 1,411 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
owen123owen1 | - | 5 |
nimblevettw | Fight for Taiwan first never for ROC! Work hard and play hard! 我又胖又禿個性差嘴又臭不要Follow我。 | 4 |
syhhuang | - | 4 |
be2xco | - | 4 |
wzex8411 | - | 4 |
Saltocloud | 似乎是被中研院法律所研究員 #黃丞儀 @Cheng_yi_Huang 所「認證」的機器人喔🤣🤣🤣 相關原始推文及回覆備份: ^^ | 3 |
expose_ccp2023 | Probably the 1st one suggested MagnitskyAct to sanction HK officials on Jun. 10, 2019. Never regret having donated to 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund. | 3 |
mayalin20 | - | 3 |
MsTruth20 | God's daughter, truth-seeker, gospel-preacher, missionary in-training; aerospace engineer, thinker, photographer. 真理使人得自由🙏🙏. Slogan: Antitruth is a crime💥💥! | 3 |
ultiwitch | English/Deutsch/日本語/Tâi-bûn/繁體中文。 Lâi-khì Twitter phah POJ, kóng Tâi-gí. Viva Formosa. 主張台灣主權未定論&台澎解殖建國,反中更反華。Tâi-oân-lâng m̄ sī Hôa-jîn. ※鎖帳、肉帳一律ban | 3 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1636943620074004480 | @taiwantfc 自稱台灣事實查核中心!偽造權威感,專門‘不’查核對台不利謠言 | 7 |
1637027390676414465 | @taiwantfc 平常任何族群被黑都不會發聲的現在特別針對軍公教老藍組群澄清?你們乾脆改名泛藍醜聞洗地中心好了 | 5 |
1637002211434860545 | @taiwantfc 金溥聰的御用🐶又再吠了www | 4 |
1636865693533519873 | @SS3HKCountry @SolomonYue @ChinasCanada @softwarnet @VOAChinese @taiwantfc @RamyInocencio @KishiNobuo @bbcchinese @PekingMike @lukedepulford @InsightGL @benedictrogers @AMFChina @FBI @ChrisSprowls @USCC_GOV @DerekJGrossman @CECCgov @EvanFeigenbaum @hkdc_us @NGL97230373 @HSI_HQ @btysonmd @CompTIA @SecretaryRoss @jonstivers @NDI @IRIglobal @hrw @KleptocracyIntv @NBRnews @JDevermont @uryuhirano @ScottforFlorida @michaelgwaltz @RepAGonzalez @SenatorHousakos @CnsprcyScntst @JohnMcKayLib @BBCWorld @WhiteHouse @POTUS @UNHumanRights @mikepompeo @HudsonInstitute @P_McCulloughMD @UyghurCongress @SafeguardDefend @dbysjwlblthztms 📢💥Break the Silence‼️ Video Report‼️What Surfaced after #GuoWengui's Arrest💥⁉️ 💥The #CCP knew that it takes only one person to crash the American systems that have high integrity and reputation‼️ | 4 |
1635670237096951810 | ‘Media literacy should be our focus now’: Fact checkers on the disinformation frontline wary of ChatGPT share their (very real) concerns. @fergb @shellywalia @rachelblundy @taiwantfc @Sci_In_Newsroom | 3 |
1636959981177290752 | @taiwantfc 專門替親中陣營查核闢謠中心 | 3 |
1636949492833595392 | @taiwantfc 事實查核:中國黨是否有舔共疑慮? 受訪問者:吳斯懷、高金素梅 查核結論:小心!挑動族群情緒傳言! | 2 |
1636921194174660610 | @taiwantfc 你們問的人說沒有就覺得沒有,但我們認識的人有就是有。囤蛋的都是深藍族群。 所以你這是哪門子的事實查核? | 1 |
1636921832191442944 | @taiwantfc 你們這種行為就跟「問共諜嫌疑犯是不是共諜」一樣蠢, 叫你們「適時查核中心」還真ㄊㄇ沒冤枉你們! | 1 |
1637938037400408064 | @dialogue_china @wangdan1989 我腦洞一下: 此舉可能夾帶私貨,实為習🐷母親舉辦葬禮💥? 中共可以武器化任何東西,包括台胞們深厚沉重的鄉情。 因為特殊的歷史淵源(1949年國共分裂),中國利用回鄉省親統戰台胞💥! @iingwen @ChingteLai @MOFA_Taiwan @Taiwan_Today @Taiwan_CDC @MOHW_Taiwan @taiwantfc @ChinaofDaily | 1 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1637091224481050625 | @taiwantfc 台灣事實查核中心要不要先查核揭露自己到底領了誰的錢的事實? | 112 |
1636949492833595392 | @taiwantfc 事實查核:中國黨是否有舔共疑慮? 受訪問者:吳斯懷、高金素梅 查核結論:小心!挑動族群情緒傳言! | 112 |
1636921194174660610 | @taiwantfc 你們問的人說沒有就覺得沒有,但我們認識的人有就是有。囤蛋的都是深藍族群。 所以你這是哪門子的事實查核? | 110 |
1636921832191442944 | @taiwantfc 你們這種行為就跟「問共諜嫌疑犯是不是共諜」一樣蠢, 叫你們「適時查核中心」還真ㄊㄇ沒冤枉你們! | 109 |
1636959981177290752 | @taiwantfc 專門替親中陣營查核闢謠中心 | 92 |
1636971324408205312 | @taiwantfc 是不是榮民或退休老師不好說,但去料理社團逛一圈就看得到一堆人在問多餘的蛋怎麼料理了還在沒人屯蛋喔? | 79 |
1636974847996874753 | @taiwantfc 把你們 台灣 兩個字拿掉,你這種自說自話的團體不配代表 台灣 。 | 67 |
1636943620074004480 | @taiwantfc 自稱台灣事實查核中心!偽造權威感,專門‘不’查核對台不利謠言 | 67 |
1637017269179150337 | @taiwantfc 所以那些人手上拿得不是雞蛋是什麼??? | 65 |
1636929778812080128 | @taiwantfc 不是應該去問攤商嗎 你去問買蛋的誰會跟你說有多買= = | 62 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#ccp | 4 |
#guowengui | 3 |
#滯台支那人 | 3 |
#普發現金6000 | 1 |
#超完整整理 | 1 |
#科技與狠活 | 1 |
#deepfake | 1 |
#南洋姐妹會 | 1 |
#99 | 1 |
#coronavirusfacts | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@taiwantfc | 167 |
@iingwen | 4 |
@mofa_taiwan | 4 |
@mohw_taiwan | 4 |
@owen123owen1 | 4 |
@ss3hkcountry | 4 |
@solomonyue | 4 |
@chinascanada | 4 |
@softwarnet | 4 |
@voachinese | 4 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
💥 | 15 | collision |
‼️ | 9 | double_exclamation_mark |
📢 | 5 | loudspeaker |
🤣 | 4 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🐶 | 3 | dog_face |
⁉️ | 3 | exclamation_question_mark |
❗ | 3 | red_exclamation_mark |
👋 | 2 | waving_hand |
🐷 | 2 | pig_face |
🙄 | 2 | face_with_rolling_eyes |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 28 |
Symbols | 18 |
Objects | 6 |
Animals & Nature | 6 |
People & Body | 4 |