Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @tameimpala


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

8 years

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 1049
Twitter for Android 775
Twitter Web App 400
Twitter for iPad 101
TweetDeck 17

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
tvglobo TV Globo 📺 Pode me chamar de Glô 😎 13,677,048
ELTIEMPO EL TIEMPO Principales noticias de Colombia, el mundo, deportes, economía, política, tecnología, cultura, estilo de vida, tendencias y mucho más. El Tiempo Casa Editorial. 8,515,974
multishow Multishow A gente se diverte :) 7,447,939
billboardcharts billboard charts @billboard 📈 #Hot100 #Billboard200 & more. 5,108,853
sopitas Sopitas ¡Un tipo muy afortunado! Contacto: 3,243,687
chartdata chart data music charts, awards, industry news and more in real time 📨 🗝️ Subscribe for Requests 1,983,687
VejaSP VEJA São Paulo Pra quem sai, pra quem fica, pra quem ama SP. Assine a partir de R$2,00 por semana no link 1,957,329
globoplay globoplay Vamos pintar um arco-íris de energia? 🌈 #NavioDaXuxa 737,429
laxmasmusica La X Más Música La X 103.9 FM Bogotá - Más Música - radio y podcast, 📻 731,487
papelpop PAPELPOP O site mais legal de cultura pop do Brasil: cinema, música, séries, podcast. 17 anos no ar. Entertainment website. 🤖 | Instagram: papelpop | 440,261

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
korvin_7 korvin_ 🇺🇦 Octomaze is puzzle game with new game mechanics! #puzzlegame #gamedev 106,087
ITHERETWEETER1 theretweeter🎶 mp3 and donations to gmail below adding #rockpunkmetalindie to #zenoradio 24/7 streaming radio 26,085
ELTIEMPO EL TIEMPO Principales noticias de Colombia, el mundo, deportes, economía, política, tecnología, cultura, estilo de vida, tendencias y mucho más. El Tiempo Casa Editorial. 24,942
Brian_Peel Brian Peel Radio Presenter FM | DAB+ | Online • #OnAirWithBrianPeel & #JukeboxJOY • Music Director • #TheAussieWord Editor • Digital Creator. 24,146
chadyoubr40 É Pauuu 90,15% 🌵🇺🇦🦜🍀🐦 #JulietteCampeã SDV e sou fiel, não dou unf se vc não der também! @ClubeFollowBack / Sigo todos de volta / #SDV / Unfollow = Unfollow #FuriaSDV #FollowTrick 11,341
TonyLomas Tony Lomas Ex ABC News and 7.30 editor - now full time photographer. Smarter than I look, dumber than I sound. White trash. 11,039
Jansant jansant Pictures Words Tweets. #auspol @nofibs #indivotes #IndependentsDay Support my NoFibs reporting on 10,803
Judith54Nunn Judith Nunn Living on Whadjuk Land Climate Change is real Human Rights 9,198
karlswft ray what do i know about love? nothing... ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ 9,187
Igh0108 Ivan Hanna .…#SitDownBoofhead Atheist,music,sport,politics, odd sense humour #BoycottMurdochMedia 8,868

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
twitene - 47
tameimpalabrl Informações sobre o projeto de rock psicodélico do multiinstrumentista e produtor Kevin Parker aka @tameimpala. Contato 📧: 40
doriangirlgray jornalista / redatora jurídica 23
wisteriameadow - 16
MattMiraj 📷 Fotografo e videomaker paulista, conheça meus ultimos trabalhos pelo Instagram/Fixado. || Any pronouns 🏳️‍🌈 14
DoubleJPlays See what’s playing on Double J. For everything else please follow @DoubleJRadio 13
sheshymene AMOR intensidade AMIZADE lealdade 🦋🎶♥️🙏🏻 13
triplejplays See what's playing on @triplej. Full playlists are published here: 13
jorgepitupunkii A ver pase y vea, Lic. en Diseño Industrial UCA, amante de la música.... Music it´s my aeroplane - 🎼🎶🎸 Instagram: 10
robertosenna Jornalista, pesquisador e produtor cultural. Óh! Força, do cosmo a origem do universo... 9

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1641123353799934004 an honest look at the inside of our brains when @tameimpala's Wings of Time starts playing. #DnDMovie 474
1640471168275877888 . @TameImpala 💊 #LollaBR 153
1639053545399009281 BREAKING: David Pocock wears @lilmallrat shirt in response to criticism of @tameimpala shirt 😂❤️ Thanks to @TheCalebBond for giving Australian music so much love. We'll have to organise you a t-shirt in time for Ausmusic T-shirt Day this year. 134
1640366313091772416 .@tameimpala's 'Currents' has now spent 100 total weeks on the Billboard 200. It's their first album to reach the milestone. 71
1639768097039982597 E a plateia grita com "Borderline" 🗣 @tameimpala #TameImpalaNoMultishow #LollaBRNoMultishow #LollaNoGloboplay 42
1639769347928334336 Que vibe é essa do show do @tameimpala? ✨ #TameImpalaNoMultishow #LollaBRNoMultishow #LollaNoGloboplay 38
1640311493135826944 Would love to collaborate with @tameimpala on a psychedelic rock track in Melbourne 🎵🤘 #Melbourne 21
1639324400439656462 bts of @Damonalbarn and @tameimpala making "New Gold" 21
1639224575165882368 Multiple workers have been rescued from slave labour conditions during Lollapalooza Brazil. They were forced to sleep on cardboard, work 12hr shifts and could not leave. The festival is headlined by artists like Drake, @LilNasX, @tameimpala,... None of them have said a word. 16
1638509719185764353 Gefe… me pico @tameimpala y piso un scania 360 …. me duele todo mi cuerpo #Asuncionico 13

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1639053545399009281 BREAKING: David Pocock wears @lilmallrat shirt in response to criticism of @tameimpala shirt 😂❤️ Thanks to @TheCalebBond for giving Australian music so much love. We'll have to organise you a t-shirt in time for Ausmusic T-shirt Day this year. 1650
1640471168275877888 . @TameImpala 💊 #LollaBR 1450
1641123353799934004 an honest look at the inside of our brains when @tameimpala's Wings of Time starts playing. #DnDMovie 1297
1640366313091772416 .@tameimpala's 'Currents' has now spent 100 total weeks on the Billboard 200. It's their first album to reach the milestone. 744
1640311493135826944 Would love to collaborate with @tameimpala on a psychedelic rock track in Melbourne 🎵🤘 #Melbourne 613
1638625315143708672 Fui a aplicarme la vacuna de la fiebre amarilla al aeropuerto a la misma hora que llegaba el único vuelo directo desde Paraguay y me encontré a este cojo maravilloso listo para el FEP (tu no Travis Barker) @tameimpala 349
1639768097039982597 E a plateia grita com "Borderline" 🗣 @tameimpala #TameImpalaNoMultishow #LollaBRNoMultishow #LollaNoGloboplay 303
1639712792436408322 @musictrendscol Estos artistas de ahora cancelan por cualquier Maricada. Grande Kevin Parker de @tameimpala 275
1639769347928334336 Que vibe é essa do show do @tameimpala? ✨ #TameImpalaNoMultishow #LollaBRNoMultishow #LollaNoGloboplay 253
1639324400439656462 bts of @Damonalbarn and @tameimpala making "New Gold" 157

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#tameimpala 32
#lollabrnomultishow 25
#tameimpalanomultishow 18
#lollabr 16
#lollanogloboplay 15
#fep2023 12
#auspol 12
#dndmovie 9
#kevinparker 9
#lollapaloozabrasil 7

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@tameimpala 2424
@davidpocock 745
@lollapaloozabr 254
@thecalebbond 157
@lilmallrat 141
@spinning_top 139
@tameimpalabrl 116
@multishow 84
@festereopicnic_ 47
@twentyonepilots 45

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 147 red_heart
😭 120 loudly_crying_face
😂 54 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 53 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🫂 52 people_hugging
🔥 48 fire
♥️ 47 heart_suit
🥺 39 pleading_face
😍 37 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
27 sparkles

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 881
People & Body 235
Activities 90
Travel & Places 89
Objects 75
Symbols 22
Flags 20
Animals & Nature 15
Food & Drink 9