Account Summary

Comedian, talk show host and ice road trucker. My tweets are real, and they’re spectacular. @ellentube @theellenfund
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on 10M followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
4 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
33888906 | 251 | 15170 | |
KendallJenner | 32401755 | 110 | 9661 |
kanyewest | 30972398 | 206 | 1909 |
kourtneykardash | 26802729 | 68 | 14421 |
MrBeast | 15372401 | 1838 | 5750 |
juanes | 11541929 | 762 | 12996 |
LilNasX | 7887017 | 735 | 12322 |
cuneytozdemir | 7354090 | 1346 | 42185 |
HaifaWehbe | 7273688 | 85 | 23387 |
DulceMaria | 7184429 | 888 | 33354 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
SiriouslySusan | 1489133 | 1830297 | 4603 |
KameronBennett | 1477826 | 1807470 | 95949 |
SinghLions | 1435551 | 1357920 | 33406 |
bieberdexter | 852162 | 935983 | 97963 |
KalaniBallFree | 777155 | 1270277 | 55269 |
_yavuzatalay | 755093 | 711094 | 1322 |
WipeHomophobia | 694011 | 708483 | 26359 |
ZachBoychuk | 684583 | 853218 | 9176 |
workwthecoach | 667001 | 892279 | 44013 |
rogerhamilton | 662209 | 926927 | 21443 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
mundonoticiasss | 3078779 | 2604 | 767 |
ClubEditorial | 2202323 | 110906 | 62182 |
Difusion365 | 2190896 | 78854 | 52238 |
bmurphypointman | 2043979 | 81227 | 18814 |
InfoApuntes | 1978508 | 50758 | 42764 |
ElIlustrativo | 1971001 | 105965 | 52763 |
ReporteActivo | 1953446 | 74633 | 41395 |
MultiGaceta | 1901835 | 99561 | 30090 |
UltraTextual | 1889074 | 104536 | 38789 |
Tuitores | 1823175 | 209871 | 36771 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
kanyewest | 43324 | 206 | 30972398 |
smashingmag | 35605 | 2676 | 942314 |
garyvee | 34465 | 19669 | 3179753 |
31945 | 251 | 33888906 | |
NicoRosberg | 29685 | 2354 | 2516063 |
juanes | 29292 | 762 | 11541929 |
DulceMaria | 27286 | 888 | 7184429 |
kourtneykardash | 26649 | 68 | 26802729 |
mortreport | 24299 | 4471 | 2254276 |
ochocinco | 23294 | 7174 | 3272508 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
975 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Media Studio | 1817 |
Twitter Web App | 1162 |
Twitter for iPhone | 236 |
Twitter for Advertisers. | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1221977895251279873 | More than ever, I’m grateful for every day. | 34827 |
1222607832983334912 | Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! Every year, Bell donates 5¢ to Canadian mental health initiatives for every retweet. Last year, we had 25K retweets. Let’s beat that! | 27472 |
1354853134754045954 | For everyone who retweets this, Bell will donate 5 cents to Canadian Mental Health. I love that they do this every year. #BellLetsTalk | 25515 |
1377724857073328128 | Did you see #SEVENTEEN’S performance on my show? Here’s an exclusive look behind the scenes. #SeventeenXEllenShow | 24319 |
1377624439542661127 | #SEVENTEEN IS HERE! #SeventeenXEllenShow | 23235 |
1240352802163109894 | This tweet is for all the healthcare workers, emergency workers, grocery store workers and more who are doing so much to help us through. We see you and we love you. | 22018 |
1245394485472829440 | Happy April Fools Year! | 17155 |
1221528514022670337 | Like everyone, I’m stunned and saddened by the news about Kobe Bryant. My heart is broken for his wife and family. | 16426 |
1220410864274067456 | How does this 2-year-old know all of these flags and countries?! | 15869 |
1221994758135930881 | .@JustinBieber accidentally gave me the release date for his new album. | 15089 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1252354457125285889 | When the quarantine ends, what are you going to do first? Whether it’s hitting the beach, going out for tacos, or getting that much-needed, PROFESSIONAL haircut, tell us what you’re doing first! #WHATIMDOINGFIRST | 15377 |
1240724169924509697 | I have some free time. Do you have any questions for me? See if you can think of a good one. #AskEllen | 9055 |
1368278509039280130 | What’s everybody watching right now? | 8291 |
1308027971345641473 | Today we’re starting a new chapter. | 8204 |
1283782634766651393 | Last night we had to say goodbye to our dog Wolf. He brought us so much love and joy. I hope we did the same for him. | 5799 |
1400146909184991235 | I’ll be getting my second shot this week. Any tips on how to get through it? | 5426 |
1330205132181676044 | 200 years in the future... “Honey, have you seen my iPhone 378? I need it to preorder my PS6.” | 4977 |
1218293168132640769 | We had to say goodbye to Charlie today. She was an amazing cat and gave us so much love. One of the hardest decisions to make but so glad we could end her suffering. | 4892 |
1239595125044588550 | Just checking in.Portia and I have watched every single thing on Netflix, and are just about done reading the entire internet.We played "Heads Up!" for 16 hours.Obviously, I won.Today, I’m gonna do my show for her and pretend to interview @Cher.Anyway what are you all doing? | 4879 |
1441104885835919362 | This fall, Congress has a rare opportunity to invest in a clean, just, and equitable future by passing the Build Back Better agenda. This is our moment, and there is no time to waste. Join us and @NRDC_AF by texting CLIMATE NOW to 21333 to demand Congress take action. | 4467 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1330205132181676044 | 200 years in the future... “Honey, have you seen my iPhone 378? I need it to preorder my PS6.” | 12017 |
1308027971345641473 | Today we’re starting a new chapter. | 7854 |
1377624439542661127 | #SEVENTEEN IS HERE! #SeventeenXEllenShow | 3939 |
1221977895251279873 | More than ever, I’m grateful for every day. | 3600 |
1315697990510669824 | #HappyBirthdayJimin! @bts_twt, you’re very lovely, and I can’t wait to see you and the boys again soon. | 2952 |
1337079993273237506 | | 2743 |
1221994758135930881 | .@JustinBieber accidentally gave me the release date for his new album. | 2234 |
1220410864274067456 | How does this 2-year-old know all of these flags and countries?! | 1677 |
1237907446133174272 | I have some news. For now, I’ll be shooting my show with no studio audience. To everyone who was looking forward to coming, I'm so sorry. But I’m doing this for the health of my fans, my staff & my crew. (It has nothing to do with a warrant for my arrest in the state of Florida.) | 1634 |
1252354457125285889 | When the quarantine ends, what are you going to do first? Whether it’s hitting the beach, going out for tacos, or getting that much-needed, PROFESSIONAL haircut, tell us what you’re doing first! #WHATIMDOINGFIRST | 1610 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1221528514022670337 | Like everyone, I’m stunned and saddened by the news about Kobe Bryant. My heart is broken for his wife and family. | 242284 |
1237907446133174272 | I have some news. For now, I’ll be shooting my show with no studio audience. To everyone who was looking forward to coming, I'm so sorry. But I’m doing this for the health of my fans, my staff & my crew. (It has nothing to do with a warrant for my arrest in the state of Florida.) | 239587 |
1221977895251279873 | More than ever, I’m grateful for every day. | 155898 |
1240352802163109894 | This tweet is for all the healthcare workers, emergency workers, grocery store workers and more who are doing so much to help us through. We see you and we love you. | 142203 |
1222625796021342209 | If you have the chance to be in a Super Bowl commercial with your significant other, I highly recommend it. #ThanksSponsor | 135989 |
1308027971345641473 | Today we’re starting a new chapter. | 108628 |
1238595920939208705 | Hey there. Me again. So, after some more thought, we have decided to suspend production completely until March 30th. We just want to take every precaution to ensure that we do our part to keep everyone healthy. I love you guys, and can’t wait to come back. I’m already bored. | 106389 |
1325131800302116864 | So much history has been made today. Congratulations, President-elect @JoeBiden and MADAM VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT @KamalaHarris! | 101980 |
1245394485472829440 | Happy April Fools Year! | 95184 |
1239595125044588550 | Just checking in.Portia and I have watched every single thing on Netflix, and are just about done reading the entire internet.We played "Heads Up!" for 16 hours.Obviously, I won.Today, I’m gonna do my show for her and pretend to interview @Cher.Anyway what are you all doing? | 92977 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#gameofgames | 144 |
#thankssponsor | 69 |
#burningquestions | 32 |
#ellensfinalseason | 29 |
#12daysofgiveaways | 29 |
#familygamefight | 25 |
#themaskeddancer | 20 |
#omkalen | 17 |
#dangerword | 15 |
#superbowl | 15 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@official_twitch | 46 |
@thekalenallen | 42 |
@kristenbell | 34 |
@andylassner | 30 |
@tiffanyhaddish | 25 |
@justinbieber | 24 |
@daxshepard | 24 |
@kimkardashian | 19 |
@michelleobama | 17 |
@mariolopezviva | 16 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
❤️ | 153 | red_heart |
❤ | 11 | red_heart |
🔥 | 5 | fire |
® | 5 | registered |
👀 | 3 | eyes |
🐾 | 2 | paw_prints |
🥳 | 2 | partying_face |
🎶 | 2 | musical_notes |
💗 | 1 | growing_heart |
🤣 | 1 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 174 |
Animals & Nature | 28 |
People & Body | 8 |
Travel & Places | 7 |
Symbols | 6 |
Objects | 4 |
Activities | 1 |
Food & Drink | 1 |