Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

9 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
writer 632
film 525
sheher 356
hehim 335
editor 282
music 254
movies 239
love 238
author 234
director 221

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 29
#resist 23
#blacklivesmatter 20
#1 15
#tcmparty 12
#voteblue 12
#fbr 8
#actuallyautistic 6
#writer 6
#vote 6

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14097353 607631 7505
altonbrown 4367598 1320 31925
michaelianblack 1806104 801 22689
maggieNYT 1647225 6075 276462
SinghLions 1325604 1425638 34012
ulil 808360 8679 150063
NOH8Campaign 799373 388295 14009
JoeTrippi 777362 7490 78758
JorgePontual 621191 6425 38865
shannonrwatts 607876 19554 173816

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1425638 1325604 34012
JohnCena 607631 14097353 7505
NOH8Campaign 388295 799373 14009
robtswthrayguns 282610 256299 88182
THE_THEO_FORD 171872 475829 25638
madverse 144012 137238 1890
cjjohnsonjr 129219 156755 42448
ChrisMattCook 113891 113622 1651
DaveZ_uk 108202 249466 21405
EricXWest 106377 110539 11718

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
bmurphypointman 2628998 86148 30217
JeffreyMeursing 1015415 8274 7262
PaxNostrum 866901 8987 7107
Cindy_52s 804264 9239 9791
michaelsen_erik 594145 386 2464
freeandclear1 566618 11179 12296
katelaity 551862 5757 4653
beth4158 487446 1429 1068
ItsTheBrandi 445709 18086 4535
BoffleSpoffle 412066 1618 2589

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31542 607631 14097353
maggieNYT 19241 6075 1647225
michaelianblack 16073 801 1806104
mattyglesias 12019 1728 537854
PasteMagazine 9402 86367 228965
altonbrown 8554 1320 4367598
NOH8Campaign 7539 388295 799373
secupp 6483 11160 454817
nprfreshair 5350 1927 271445
filmindependent 5003 4827 605250

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

354 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 3121
Twitter for iPhone 127

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1612243874310938625 Couple things: 1) why is the just-defeated former president called "President" in this tweet, while the newly elected leader of the country is referred to only as "the former President"? 2) Why is Lula ID'd as "leftist" while the extreme-right Bolsonaro gets no political epithet? 1810
1579922378045689856 Among Angela Lansbury's many, many, many other achievements in the course of an extraordinary life, she was the first Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd & sang this incredibly hard-to-perform (& hilarious) song better than it will ever be sung again: 577
1676711344064675840 To recap: @jasondashbailey is assigned to write on Warner Bros CEO David Zaslav. At the request of Zaslav's team, all the passages most critical of him are cut. Jason asks that his byline be taken off the piece; it's then pulled offline. & then we learn... 441
1617883417986883595 Women Talking About Never Being Nominated for Best Director Even When Their Movie is Recognized for Both Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay 435
1671594320288182274 Scorsese, PTA & Spielberg schedule an emergency call with David Zaslav to protest his treatment of @TCM, a crucial protector & disseminator of our shared cinematic history. Give him hell, boys. 419
1614014894856196131 Kazuo Ishiguro's top ten movies of all time list for @Criterion is as tight as a damn drum: 282
1612195245751509026 After decades of dirty tricks from the right, Lula is finally elected the leader of Brazil, & one week into his tenure Bolsonaro, huddled w/ Trump in Florida, orchestrates this Jan. 6th replay. So furious at the fascist morons bent on ruining the world, & for what? Fuck them all. 110
1676355879744991233 Great full-throated defense of the lasting cultural value of @TCM by @travismandrews, w/ support from @MarkHarrisNYC, @j_smithcameron, Kenneth Lonergan & @MichaelWarbur17. Upshot: the channel is profitable. It is loved. It is indispensable. Leave it alone! 104
1635088141878194176 Anti-The-Whale-winning-anything squad, unite 95
1593439124396118017 He got what he wanted--they went hardcore 95

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1612243874310938625 Couple things: 1) why is the just-defeated former president called "President" in this tweet, while the newly elected leader of the country is referred to only as "the former President"? 2) Why is Lula ID'd as "leftist" while the extreme-right Bolsonaro gets no political epithet? 10351
1617883417986883595 Women Talking About Never Being Nominated for Best Director Even When Their Movie is Recognized for Both Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay 3937
1671594320288182274 Scorsese, PTA & Spielberg schedule an emergency call with David Zaslav to protest his treatment of @TCM, a crucial protector & disseminator of our shared cinematic history. Give him hell, boys. 2482
1579922378045689856 Among Angela Lansbury's many, many, many other achievements in the course of an extraordinary life, she was the first Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd & sang this incredibly hard-to-perform (& hilarious) song better than it will ever be sung again: 2216
1614014894856196131 Kazuo Ishiguro's top ten movies of all time list for @Criterion is as tight as a damn drum: 2153
1676711344064675840 To recap: @jasondashbailey is assigned to write on Warner Bros CEO David Zaslav. At the request of Zaslav's team, all the passages most critical of him are cut. Jason asks that his byline be taken off the piece; it's then pulled offline. & then we learn... 1606
1635088141878194176 Anti-The-Whale-winning-anything squad, unite 1148
1620790178452488194 @zunguzungu "Education establishment," aka "people who believe that school libraries should contain books" 979
1609333375935909889 Happy New Year from these cozy kaijus 719
1562607728618782722 Oh my God. I've adored @ElvisCostello specifically for his beautiful use of language since hearing Imperial Bedroom in high school. The idea of him reading my book--his only purchase along w/ a haul of records!!--absolutely sends me. Thanks for the music & hope you like it, EC. 595

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#rip 3
#1 2
#54 2
#metoo 2
#busterkeaton 1
#tcmparty 1
#4 1
#85 1
#oscars 1
#3 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@slatecultfest 125
@samuelaadams 87
@blankcheckpod 69
@selfstyledsiren 64
@ambernoelle 60
@dankois 56
@parabasis 53
@busterkeatonsoc 48
@slate 47
@tcm 43

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💙 42 blue_heart
📖 41 open_book
🎥 20 movie_camera
🤗 18 smiling_face_with_open_hands
💕 17 two_hearts
♥️ 14 heart_suit
😍 10 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
👀 6 eyes
💔 5 broken_heart
📚 5 books

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 153
Objects 89
People & Body 47
Food & Drink 36
Animals & Nature 27
Activities 25
Travel & Places 16
Flags 3
Symbols 3