Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
investor 2087
life 1971
love 1793
financial 1619
crypto 1409
business 1353
enthusiast 1090
trader 1073
finance 1057
engineer 1011

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bitcoin 402
#crypto 216
#btc 186
#nft 105
#investing 79
#eth 79
#stocks 77
#blockchain 66
#ai 62
#finance 61

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14105402 571099 7447
rodrigovesgo 5435892 2321 11261
davidhogg111 1239255 2628 30888
TheStreet 850529 1533 239418
NOH8Campaign 801943 345099 13987
TG3II 692374 1737 40505
ninaturner 606855 7271 81213
Gemini 465360 3608 8002
Ashoka 462676 94788 21934
IvanOnTech 406119 4033 18053

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 571099 14105402 7447
NOH8Campaign 345099 801943 13987
spencerrayner 189815 265529 99524
Nicochan33 95625 111700 500500
Ashoka 94788 462676 21934
4realJasonB 88874 199225 7700
pdeblassieiii 76321 75040 697302
WotzupCapeTown 73443 82663 34184
cgledhill 73339 85850 65234
SupremeBeingNes 67767 74028 1029141

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
Backstorymom1 1105239 9579 10540
SupremeBeingNes 1029141 74028 67767
StckPro 938925 5335 19
pdeblassieiii 697302 75040 76321
kals55 604973 3336 4999
NahidAlaei 560575 1012 2462
Briefingcom 536004 32219 4070
Nicochan33 500500 111700 95625
nayasala 459989 1858 3498
redphoenixalpha 453785 1273 1359

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31685 571099 14105402
rodrigovesgo 14781 2321 5435892
NOH8Campaign 7565 345099 801943
TheStreet 7560 1533 850529
Ashoka 5988 94788 462676
davidhogg111 4717 2628 1239255
punk4762 4006 62948 65408
Gemini 3973 3608 465360
vuejs 3892 535 283749
Nicochan33 3735 95625 111700

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,524 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1362120553960734728 We’ve got BIG NEWS! We’re buying $5 million in Bitcoin on our own balance sheet. That's right. $5 million. 3315
1168465040560873474 Start small. $10 a month. Buy an index ETF. Up the ante. $50 a month. Then $100. Eventually, more. Buy some stocks. Hold them for years. The market drops? Buy more. Big news headlines? Ignore ‘em. Invest every month. That’s Foolish. 1974
1320024833153970176 Save a little. Sleep 8 hrs. Eat well. Exercise. Be kind. Be patient. Enjoy the results. 624
1356356569278124032 An investment is when you buy a stake in a business. Trading is when you hope a stock will go up. 578
1195847262343254029 It's not how much you earn, it's how much you save. It's not how much you save, it's how much you invest. It's not how much you invest, it's how well you invest. It's not how well you invest, it's for how long you invest. It's not just any of these, it's all of 'em. 491
1294310533794013184 Hold stocks for one day: gambling. Hold stocks for one month: speculating. Hold stocks for one year: hoping. Hold stocks for 5+ years: investing. 484
1251494146545762304 Be nice to people, eat well, get some exercise, and spend less than you make.  Those four reduce about 90% of life's problems. 421
1210910413879152641 Save what you can. Invest it for the long run. Sleep 8 hours a night. Exercise a few times a week. Be nice to people. That’s it. 379
1210590118957998080 Buy 30 stocks. Companies you love. In equal amounts. Hold ‘em 5+ years. Add money regularly. Learn as you go. Laugh at the dogs. Let your winners run. You won’t win overnight. You will win overtime. It’s a free business degree that makes you smarter, happier, and richer. 353
1353379575984742401 Imagine planting a seed and being upset an hour later because it didn't turn into an oak tree. A lot of investors do that. 345

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1367524024109170688 Explain your investing strategy in five words or less. 1778
1362120553960734728 We’ve got BIG NEWS! We’re buying $5 million in Bitcoin on our own balance sheet. That's right. $5 million. 1012
1168465040560873474 Start small. $10 a month. Buy an index ETF. Up the ante. $50 a month. Then $100. Eventually, more. Buy some stocks. Hold them for years. The market drops? Buy more. Big news headlines? Ignore ‘em. Invest every month. That’s Foolish. 890
1354883154780295171 Which stock do you think could 10X from where it is right now? Reply with your answer and WHY -- best responses win $500! 828
1317111837477974016 Describe your experience as an investor in 2020 in three words or less. 692
1394739213623562249 What one word describes how you invest? 611
1397674126005911560 What's the best financial lesson to teach children? 600
1383438872722382849 We will likely see a $50 trillion company in the next 50 years. What company will it be? 562
1387512709571399687 Describe your investment process using only emojis. 537
1261686270285295616 What will be the most valuable company in the world 10 years from now? 514

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1362120553960734728 We’ve got BIG NEWS! We’re buying $5 million in Bitcoin on our own balance sheet. That's right. $5 million. 1000
1367524024109170688 Explain your investing strategy in five words or less. 258
1168465040560873474 Start small. $10 a month. Buy an index ETF. Up the ante. $50 a month. Then $100. Eventually, more. Buy some stocks. Hold them for years. The market drops? Buy more. Big news headlines? Ignore ‘em. Invest every month. That’s Foolish. 194
1459669916395651078 Never bet against large groups of motivated people who are trying to make the world a better place. 142
1320024833153970176 Save a little. Sleep 8 hrs. Eat well. Exercise. Be kind. Be patient. Enjoy the results. 85
1344108561450885123 What's the biggest investing lesson you learned this year? 78
1317111837477974016 Describe your experience as an investor in 2020 in three words or less. 78
1387512709571399687 Describe your investment process using only emojis. 74
1397674126005911560 What's the best financial lesson to teach children? 69
1324037485601705991 It's crazy that personal finance isn't a bigger part of a high school education. 68

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1362120553960734728 We’ve got BIG NEWS! We’re buying $5 million in Bitcoin on our own balance sheet. That's right. $5 million. 19261
1168465040560873474 Start small. $10 a month. Buy an index ETF. Up the ante. $50 a month. Then $100. Eventually, more. Buy some stocks. Hold them for years. The market drops? Buy more. Big news headlines? Ignore ‘em. Invest every month. That’s Foolish. 11902
1320024833153970176 Save a little. Sleep 8 hrs. Eat well. Exercise. Be kind. Be patient. Enjoy the results. 2970
1356356569278124032 An investment is when you buy a stake in a business. Trading is when you hope a stock will go up. 2720
1294310533794013184 Hold stocks for one day: gambling. Hold stocks for one month: speculating. Hold stocks for one year: hoping. Hold stocks for 5+ years: investing. 2350
1481342725018554371 "I'd rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right." -- @elonmusk 2272
1378339041435877381 Buy good companies and hold them for a long time. Thanks for coming to our Ted talk. 1919
1361828654863556608 The next 20 years of innovation is going to blow your mind. 1859
1353379575984742401 Imagine planting a seed and being upset an hour later because it didn't turn into an oak tree. A lot of investors do that. 1843
1210910413879152641 Save what you can. Invest it for the long run. Sleep 8 hours a night. Exercise a few times a week. Be nice to people. That’s it. 1802

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#investorslikeme 12
#foolishadvice 6
#womenininvesting 2
#financialfreedom 1
#topmarketnews 1
#financialliteracymonth 1
#vamosunited 1
#letsfly 1
#foolschool 1
#memorialday 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@mfindustryfocus 17
@tmfjmo 9
@davidgfool 7
@jeffbezos 7
@rbipodcast 4
@marketfoolery 4
@tomgardnerfool 3
@andyccross 3
@elonmusk 3
@foolmcochrane 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
➡️ 7 right_arrow
⬇️ 6 down_arrow
✔️ 6 check_mark
🧵 2 thread
🎊 2 confetti_ball
🥁 1 drum
1 soccer_ball
🎉 1 party_popper
👇 1 backhand_index_pointing_down
1 plus

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 20
Activities 6
Objects 2
People & Body 1