Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Grapevine, TX



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

9 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3240
gamer 2657
life 2409
games 2130
lover 1942
music 1842
things 1711
nerd 1595
geek 1480
video 1419

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 116
#blacklivesmatter 116
#resist 76
#geek 66
#gamer 64
#tech 61
#starwars 53
#1 53
#gaming 50
#ai 45

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14105411 571102 7447
Wendys 3912376 444 223462
WilliamShatner 2560421 614 109436
TheMattCardona 2189274 1475 70379
zlj517 1995907 171099 72047
PokemonGoNews 1026265 72 2838
cvpayne 885302 17032 100609
EdKrassen 885002 607185 52516
ZachBoychuk 829996 683909 9244
SeanBeeson 819639 689590 6210

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 876211 720419 36589
sonicdrum 848181 761966 104024
SeanBeeson 689590 819639 6210
ZachBoychuk 683909 829996 9244
EdKrassen 607185 885002 52516
JohnCena 571102 14105411 7447
DanielNewman 570980 813205 85876
piercearrow33 445340 456077 171714
JYorkFootball 325119 320016 92522
IHMTDFOX 312030 66916 67

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
Raymond_Norman 1711119 52548 44162
EvanKirstel 1130604 343902 310846
saxon6732 1129073 3521 4885
boxticker 784991 14990 52406
Puk_XOXO 729870 769 5000
DatSweetWeed 718504 2373 3253
xstarfirekory 695625 3153 2997
modsnapradio 695306 687 668
natmmom 602552 6131 6791
Wolfie_Rankin 578761 6776 5991

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31685 571102 14105411
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 27227 876211 720419
WilliamShatner 23413 614 2560421
EvanKirstel 12974 310846 343902
ShellyKramer 8590 67068 97969
iSocialFanz 7413 76315 144872
TheMattCardona 7087 1475 2189274
steverubel 6852 11830 78115
SlackHQ 6669 136578 462199
io9 6282 655 132552

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

425 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1112570046457565184 Are you ever stressed about what to wear or where to sit? Us too, sometimes simultaneously. Never fear, the new ThinkGeek Exclusive Bean Bag Onesie is here to calm your unreasonable anxiety! Bean Bag Onesie: 645
1051270790073724928 Today in Geek History: What's this? What's this!? Happy Anniversary, Jack! It's the 25th anniversary of The Nightmare Before Christmas. 431
1042813884577603584 Today in Geek History: Mal was right: we all got on this boat for different reasons, but we all come to the same place. Happy anniversary, Firefly. We're glad you existed. 381
1062060987573067783 A hero's farewell to Stan "The Man" Lee. We're going to miss your creativity and cameos. 350
1104109793059454976 It's #InternationalWomensDay! Here at ThinkGeek, we're celebrating by recognizing some amazing and inspirational women. Here are a few of our biggest real life and fictional heroes in the geek-space. Who inspires you? 267
1038386940893163520 Today in Geek History: The starship Enterprise launched her 5-year mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before! (You're humming the theme song now, too, aren't you?) 250
1035882481319325696 Today in Geek History: 20 years ago, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was published in the United States. Because apparently Americans think philosophers are boring. (You know better.) 245
1043485126376808448 Today in Geek History: Happy Birthday Frodo and Bilbo! May you have cake for breakfast AND second breakfast. 211
1071102242814656513 Teapot features the United Federation of Planets logo on the outside; the inside features any tea your heart desires (but we hope it's Earl Grey, hot). Star Trek Captain's Tea Set is now available: 208
1071839903909068800 Today, we are remembering Admiral Grace Hopper. One of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer, she was a pioneer of computer programming who invented one of the first compiler related tools. (Image Source: 178

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1088468766336389122 GIVEAWAY TIME!! Help us promote positivity on National Compliment Day. Follow us, then tag & compliment someone here for a chance to win a $50 gift card for you and the person you complimented! Winners chosen at random on 1/28! 407
1152970627424198656 Today’s password: don’t dead open inside. Or just give us your best zombie growl...errrrrrr #sdcc #SDCC2019 264
1139299761989804032 We here at ThinkGeek have had more fun than a barrel of monkeys being the destination retailer for geeks. Today, we’re announcing that we’re moving back in with our roommates (ahem, parents) over at GameStop. Click the link for info about our big move --> 178
1112570046457565184 Are you ever stressed about what to wear or where to sit? Us too, sometimes simultaneously. Never fear, the new ThinkGeek Exclusive Bean Bag Onesie is here to calm your unreasonable anxiety! Bean Bag Onesie: 161
1082402129183158273 We apologize for the language posted on our website today. It was not inclusive and we are so sorry this happened. We have changed out the graphic and appreciate this being brought to our attention. 63
1066920295041286145 Red Alert! Someone flipped the "Please Don't Flip This Switch" switch at! Everything is 50% off. Every. Single. Thing. Why are you still reading this? GO BUY STUFF WHILE YOU CAN: 61
1144456644425732098 We're just gonna leave this here... 40
1012376809495826432 In the year 20XX, the NES Classic makes a triumphant return... That's right! We have a limited quantity of NES Classics available Friday, June 29th at 9 AM ET. Start practicing your button-mashing, because these consoles will go fast. Stay tuned! 38
1012686176023703553 Good morning! The NES Classics managed to sell out before the link posted at 9 AM. (Yes, they really went that fast.) We're sorry for the inconvenience, and congrats to those who snagged one. 38
1019792840619065345 What should we wish for? #SDCC 36

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1112570046457565184 Are you ever stressed about what to wear or where to sit? Us too, sometimes simultaneously. Never fear, the new ThinkGeek Exclusive Bean Bag Onesie is here to calm your unreasonable anxiety! Bean Bag Onesie: 403
1139299761989804032 We here at ThinkGeek have had more fun than a barrel of monkeys being the destination retailer for geeks. Today, we’re announcing that we’re moving back in with our roommates (ahem, parents) over at GameStop. Click the link for info about our big move --> 213
1001892350975672320 Your dad is worthy. Grab the Thor Hammer Tool Set for #FathersDay on June 17! 108
1071102242814656513 Teapot features the United Federation of Planets logo on the outside; the inside features any tea your heart desires (but we hope it's Earl Grey, hot). Star Trek Captain's Tea Set is now available: 51
1090716476552724483 Note: Not bigger on the inside. Doctor Who TARDIS Coffee Press is now available: 49
1009857203933798400 TFW MTV announces a Daria reboot. We can't contain our excitement. 47
1051270790073724928 Today in Geek History: What's this? What's this!? Happy Anniversary, Jack! It's the 25th anniversary of The Nightmare Before Christmas. 46
1063193703119028226 Ugly sweater? Beauty's in the eye of the Beholder. Dungeons and Dragons Holiday Sweater: 42
1042813884577603584 Today in Geek History: Mal was right: we all got on this boat for different reasons, but we all come to the same place. Happy anniversary, Firefly. We're glad you existed. 39
1092142937008472065 Note: Not bigger on the inside. Doctor Who TARDIS Coffee Press is now available: 33

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1104109793059454976 It's #InternationalWomensDay! Here at ThinkGeek, we're celebrating by recognizing some amazing and inspirational women. Here are a few of our biggest real life and fictional heroes in the geek-space. Who inspires you? 1619
1062060987573067783 A hero's farewell to Stan "The Man" Lee. We're going to miss your creativity and cameos. 1616
1112570046457565184 Are you ever stressed about what to wear or where to sit? Us too, sometimes simultaneously. Never fear, the new ThinkGeek Exclusive Bean Bag Onesie is here to calm your unreasonable anxiety! Bean Bag Onesie: 1591
1051270790073724928 Today in Geek History: What's this? What's this!? Happy Anniversary, Jack! It's the 25th anniversary of The Nightmare Before Christmas. 1188
1042813884577603584 Today in Geek History: Mal was right: we all got on this boat for different reasons, but we all come to the same place. Happy anniversary, Firefly. We're glad you existed. 1130
1035882481319325696 Today in Geek History: 20 years ago, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was published in the United States. Because apparently Americans think philosophers are boring. (You know better.) 827
1043485126376808448 Today in Geek History: Happy Birthday Frodo and Bilbo! May you have cake for breakfast AND second breakfast. 706
1014915103127457792 July 4th vs. July 5th 668
1038386940893163520 Today in Geek History: The starship Enterprise launched her 5-year mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before! (You're humming the theme song now, too, aren't you?) 602
1042393327646191616 Right, me buckos, here's a reason to raise a tankard of grog for all yous with yer sea legs, from the lowliest bilge rats to the scourge of the Seven Seas hisself: today is Talk like a Pirate Day! 571

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#paxeast 37
#sdcc 23
#fallout 18
#starwars 12
#dogsofthinkgeek 12
#thinkgeekpaxeast 11
#takeyourdogtowork 11
#geekweek 11
#thinkgeekmcu 9
#gameofthrones 7

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@startrek 8
@borderlands 3
@thatkevinsmith 2
@jaymewes 2
@legionmofficial 2
@thepopinsider 2
@thinkgeek 1
@theatreboxsd 1
@wendys 1
@geordie_holly 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
® 4 registered
🐵 3 monkey_face
⬇️ 2 down_arrow
🌈 2 rainbow
🎶 2 musical_notes
🍌 1 banana
🌿 1 herb
💀 1 skull
🦄 1 unicorn
1 pick

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 6
Animals & Nature 5
Travel & Places 3
Objects 3
Smileys & Emotion 2
Activities 2
Food & Drink 1