Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @TourismVI
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
8 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 15 |
Twitter for iPhone | 14 |
Twitter for Android | 6 |
Twitter for iPad | 2 |
CoSchedule | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
RyderWalker | Ryder-Walker | Ryder-Walker Alpine Adventures-Handcrafted hiking itineraries exploring the most stunning landscapes on the planet. Great hikes, good food and friends. | 40,460 |
biz_articles_ | Ben Baligad | Free Small Business related guest posts for dofollow backlinks to your site, Follow me for GUEST POSTS, RETWEETS, and SHOUTOUTS. #guestposting #tcot | 38,367 |
JimByersTravel | Canada's Travel Guy | Travel writer. Featured in Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun, The Globe and Mail, Zoomer. Board member Society of American Travel Writers. Travel/tourism consultant. | 24,296 |
Travelling_Mom | Claudia Travels | Traveller, writer, editor, content creator. Author: A Gelato a Day. Bylines: @enRoutemag @TIME @globeandmail @explore_mag @AFARmedia @torontostar @NUVOmag | 19,951 |
ga_richardson | George Richardson | #CANZUK 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🇬🇧, 15 #KingsRealms & 56 #Commonwealth partners. Other interests include #IndoPacific #CPTPP @TheB1M. ‘Likes’ show most-read posts. | 19,861 |
zengrrl | Michelle Snow | #ContentCreator #Travel #Entertainment #Food #Disney #Marvel #StarWars #Browncoat #DC #Horror #CancerSurvivor #LivingWithMS || + @CitySurfOrlando @TheDisneyBlog | 6,739 |
Condomscanada | CondomsCanada | Shop from home! 在家购物 Sexuality doesn't stop in a pandemic. Indulge your senses. See our range of "Cheap Thrills" male strokers. Sale prices- SKYN Elite Condoms | 2,022 |
CarmenTV | Carmen Ruiz y Laza | Love my Work, Fuels my Life - ZoomerMedia - TV Host/Producer CARPe diem & CarmenTV @Joytvbc | 1,812 |
12sec317 | Matt Daniel | Music, travel, food... la vie est belle/Life is beautiful. | 1,520 |
ICET_BC | Island Coastal Economic Trust | Empowering coastal communities to develop a sustainable, diversified and inclusive economy. | 914 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
RyderWalker | Ryder-Walker | Ryder-Walker Alpine Adventures-Handcrafted hiking itineraries exploring the most stunning landscapes on the planet. Great hikes, good food and friends. | 42,285 |
biz_articles_ | Ben Baligad | Free Small Business related guest posts for dofollow backlinks to your site, Follow me for GUEST POSTS, RETWEETS, and SHOUTOUTS. #guestposting #tcot | 29,165 |
ga_richardson | George Richardson | #CANZUK 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🇬🇧, 15 #KingsRealms & 56 #Commonwealth partners. Other interests include #IndoPacific #CPTPP @TheB1M. ‘Likes’ show most-read posts. | 20,774 |
JimByersTravel | Canada's Travel Guy | Travel writer. Featured in Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun, The Globe and Mail, Zoomer. Board member Society of American Travel Writers. Travel/tourism consultant. | 9,731 |
Travelling_Mom | Claudia Travels | Traveller, writer, editor, content creator. Author: A Gelato a Day. Bylines: @enRoutemag @TIME @globeandmail @explore_mag @AFARmedia @torontostar @NUVOmag | 9,548 |
zengrrl | Michelle Snow | #ContentCreator #Travel #Entertainment #Food #Disney #Marvel #StarWars #Browncoat #DC #Horror #CancerSurvivor #LivingWithMS || + @CitySurfOrlando @TheDisneyBlog | 6,200 |
Condomscanada | CondomsCanada | Shop from home! 在家购物 Sexuality doesn't stop in a pandemic. Indulge your senses. See our range of "Cheap Thrills" male strokers. Sale prices- SKYN Elite Condoms | 5,001 |
LakehillSoccer | LSAFan | just tweeting .... Not an official account of LSA | 1,414 |
Covid_Stinks | Stuart: a 🇨🇦 guy | We ALL DESERVE safety & security in our society; law & order, including acceptance, accessibility & diversity. & a FAMILY DOCTOR!!! | 1,327 |
creaky7 | Nana | - | 1,208 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
KittySurprise1 | Descendant of displaced peoples #VapaaKarjala ‼️Defund & Audit the Poverty Industry‼️ The unintended consequences gonna get you every time | 6 |
12sec317 | Music, travel, food... la vie est belle/Life is beautiful. | 2 |
creaky7 | - | 2 |
zengrrl | #ContentCreator #Travel #Entertainment #Food #Disney #Marvel #StarWars #Browncoat #DC #Horror #CancerSurvivor #LivingWithMS || + @CitySurfOrlando @TheDisneyBlog | 2 |
Bald8Tyler | - | 1 |
CarmenTV | Love my Work, Fuels my Life - ZoomerMedia - TV Host/Producer CARPe diem & CarmenTV @Joytvbc | 1 |
vicstreetsphd | A group of ex-homeless people with PhD's in Streets. Now, Peer2Peer advocates with a wealth of lived experience and a trusted voice of reason amongst our Peers | 1 |
poliright2 | Political observer, promoter of common sense, Dad, Husband, intolerant of stupidity! | 1 |
pamela01116318 | - | 1 |
ga_richardson | #CANZUK 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🇬🇧, 15 #KingsRealms & 56 #Commonwealth partners. Other interests include #IndoPacific #CPTPP @TheB1M. ‘Likes’ show most-read posts. | 1 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1638627277390123008 | Welcome to Victoria 🚨Please avoid the random wandering stabbers🚨 They wander freely here Be careful out there Enjoy your stay @victoriavisitor @TourismVI @HelloBC @myDVBA @victoriachamber @CityOfVictoria @Dave_Eby @mikefarnworthbc #bcpoli #yyjpoli #yyj | 6 |
1638574586680987648 | "Mexican tourist police have zero tolerance for vagrancy and drug abuse" @CityOfVictoria needs to keep its tourists safe @Dave_Eby @mikefarnworthbc @DavidLametti @victoriavisitor @TourismVI @PaulNursey @ChiefManak @FairmontEmpress @Expedia @Tripadvisor @Airbnb #yyjpoli #yyj | 3 |
1638239538001637396 | In Journey with our Ancestors, host @TchadasLeoCHEK travels the island, participating in cultural excursions. He takes a kayak trip with @westcoastexped gets close with grizzlies @KlahooseResort 🐻 & takes a cultural tour with @kiixintours 🍃 @TourismVI | 1 |
1638677901318160384 | Timely reminder Cruises start up in just a few short weeks Will @CityOfVictoria be safe for visitors? Random stabbers wandering the downtown streets is problematic ☠️ @victoriavisitor @TourismVI @PaulNursey @ChiefManak @MarianneAlto @Dave_Eby @mikefarnworthbc #yyjpoli #yyj | 1 |
1639659075557310466 | Re: Vancouver Island @TourismVI The Moss Lady statue symbolizes the importance of preserving nature & the beauty of the natural world. The statue is also a tribute to the plants & animals of the region, which are an essential part of the park's ecosystem. | 0 |
1639334278080389120 | @JayJennings88 Downtown #yyj is in pretty bad shape now. Tourist revenues will stick to about 3 blocks around the inner harbor. Other streets boarded up with sleaze-balls cruising the streets looking for vulnerable victims.@TourismVI @CityOfVictoria @ChamberVictoria | 0 |
1638235208028917760 | @yournationstbl @FinestAtSeaVic To anyone visiting Victoria, please go for lunch at this charming spot. Amazing food, cool atmosphere and very friendly folks. Can’t eat better for the price! @TourismVI | 0 |
1638355007534944264 | @KittySurprise1 @victoriavisitor @HelloBC @CityOfVictoria @FairmontEmpress @Expedia @Tripadvisor @Airbnb You should tag @TourismVI and @myDVBA too | 0 |
1638556651455381504 | @Bald8Tyler @TatarynMary @CityOfVictoria Heartbreaking Ideological policymakers would rather have this than tourism @PaulNursey @myDVBA @TourismVI @victoriavisitor @FairmontEmpress @Expedia @Tripadvisor @Airbnb #bcpoli #yyjpoli | 0 |
1638560390106984450 | @KittySurprise1 @Bald8Tyler @CityOfVictoria @PaulNursey @myDVBA @TourismVI @victoriavisitor @FairmontEmpress @Expedia @Tripadvisor @Airbnb Sad! A total Society Breakdown! | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1638627277390123008 | Welcome to Victoria 🚨Please avoid the random wandering stabbers🚨 They wander freely here Be careful out there Enjoy your stay @victoriavisitor @TourismVI @HelloBC @myDVBA @victoriachamber @CityOfVictoria @Dave_Eby @mikefarnworthbc #bcpoli #yyjpoli #yyj | 14 |
1638677901318160384 | Timely reminder Cruises start up in just a few short weeks Will @CityOfVictoria be safe for visitors? Random stabbers wandering the downtown streets is problematic ☠️ @victoriavisitor @TourismVI @PaulNursey @ChiefManak @MarianneAlto @Dave_Eby @mikefarnworthbc #yyjpoli #yyj | 9 |
1638574586680987648 | "Mexican tourist police have zero tolerance for vagrancy and drug abuse" @CityOfVictoria needs to keep its tourists safe @Dave_Eby @mikefarnworthbc @DavidLametti @victoriavisitor @TourismVI @PaulNursey @ChiefManak @FairmontEmpress @Expedia @Tripadvisor @Airbnb #yyjpoli #yyj | 6 |
1638239538001637396 | In Journey with our Ancestors, host @TchadasLeoCHEK travels the island, participating in cultural excursions. He takes a kayak trip with @westcoastexped gets close with grizzlies @KlahooseResort 🐻 & takes a cultural tour with @kiixintours 🍃 @TourismVI | 4 |
1638630560636747776 | @KittySurprise1 @victoriavisitor @TourismVI @HelloBC @myDVBA @victoriachamber @CityOfVictoria @Dave_Eby @mikefarnworthbc What a great drawing! It's a great idea for a puzzle book for kids. Mazes for kids to go from home to school & back for different neighborhoods. Stabbing, drug addicts, homeless parks, graffiti, piles of poop. 😎 | 4 |
1638355007534944264 | @KittySurprise1 @victoriavisitor @HelloBC @CityOfVictoria @FairmontEmpress @Expedia @Tripadvisor @Airbnb You should tag @TourismVI and @myDVBA too | 3 |
1638610745058545664 | Another great summer option is Vancouver Island and Tofino. A night or three at the renowned and beautiful Wickaninnish Inn is a huge treat. @TourismVI @tourism_tofino @wickinnbc #BritishColumbia #travel #traveltips #Tofino #vancouverisland | 3 |
1638657952235270144 | @creaky7 @KittySurprise1 @victoriavisitor @TourismVI @HelloBC @myDVBA @victoriachamber @CityOfVictoria @Dave_Eby @mikefarnworthbc Sadly, it’s a very accurate picture, too … itd be really nice if the @bcndp & @bcliberals took things a lot more seriously, right, @Dave_Eby? Maybe if you did, your underlings would do their jobs? Maybe you need to reread the Constitution to find out who your legal employers R. | 3 |
1638962549365567489 | Explore the beauty, wildlife and spectacular nature of BC's west coast at the luxurious Outer Shores Lodge in Bamfield on Vancouver Island. @TourismVI @HelloBC @OuterShores #explorebc | 2 |
1638724281273073665 | @KittySurprise1 @victoriavisitor @TourismVI @HelloBC @myDVBA @victoriachamber @CityOfVictoria @Dave_Eby @mikefarnworthbc Aww there just addicted, ill, brain injured citizens out for there own kind of walk. We are responsible for their antisocial behaviour. They have no responsibilities. | 1 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#yyj | 8 |
#yyjpoli | 6 |
#bcpoli | 4 |
#experiencevancouverisland | 3 |
#britishcolumbia | 2 |
#vancouverisland | 2 |
#explorebc | 1 |
#rt | 1 |
#travel | 1 |
#traveltips | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@tourismvi | 40 |
@victoriavisitor | 19 |
@cityofvictoria | 17 |
@dave_eby | 15 |
@mikefarnworthbc | 13 |
@kittysurprise1 | 11 |
@paulnursey | 10 |
@chiefmanak | 8 |
@mydvba | 8 |
@mariannealto | 7 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
📹 | 5 | video_camera |
🚨 | 4 | police_car_light |
📍 | 3 | round_pushpin |
😍 | 3 | smiling_face_with_heart-eyes |
🧋 | 2 | bubble_tea |
🌊 | 2 | water_wave |
🐻 | 2 | bear |
🍃 | 2 | leaf_fluttering_in_wind |
🐋 | 1 | whale |
📸 | 1 | camera_with_flash |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Objects | 9 |
Travel & Places | 7 |
Animals & Nature | 5 |
Smileys & Emotion | 5 |
Food & Drink | 2 |
People & Body | 1 |