Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Lexington, KY



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

4 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
basketball 3555
love 3292
sports 2926
coach 2577
school 2500
high 2430
life 2069
gpa 2001
kentucky 1887
father 1805

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bbn 677
#1 187
#lakeshow 72
#2 71
#3 69
#blm 69
#maga 59
#whodey 56
#blacklivesmatter 56
#4 53

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14105518 570141 7445
DanaPerino 2357563 9736 43688
JAYVERSACE 1647153 149890 21485
funder 1106265 88384 311865
RealKevinNash 1059850 1629 12711
ComplexSneakers 933440 1084 82191
MilesSTEREOS 861879 687667 8517
ZachBoychuk 830105 683977 9242
ChelseaFCinUSA 815346 933 23197
glennkirschner2 717398 51297 30929

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
MilesSTEREOS 687667 861879 8517
ZachBoychuk 683977 830105 9242
JohnCena 570141 14105518 7445
IamMzilikazi 375511 544091 130310
Dylan_Bostic 349719 349520 11828
CoachSchuman 311269 588975 251656
zammit_marc 300302 387991 64626
unkonfined 263644 657408 627764
KathyLLogan 205384 198136 118480
mcspocky 195797 289147 22486

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
RaymondBrown__ 1000797 8613 8213
aldoceccarelli 820187 16076 14990
DsOchoa 736769 5095 5597
jayoung3092 735781 22720 24987
allentien 666625 44494 44239
unkonfined 627764 657408 263644
socalboy13 566470 852 4992
VickiMo08056436 538739 1488 4415
MaryMary0414 500957 7655 8408
enidlogan 487186 698 1565

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31682 570141 14105518
Jason 15472 21643 709841
DanaPerino 7941 9736 2357563
schadjoe 5262 36299 235887
GoodmanHoops 5221 5540 310607
funder 5125 88384 1106265
glennkirschner2 4480 51297 717398
smoothsale 4122 52992 56382
ElieNYC 4016 5127 505542
JeanetteJoy 3588 192529 219441

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,725 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1584557978631294978 My family’s American dream started in a Clarksburg, WV coal mine, so this picture hits home. From what I’ve been told, after his shift, he raced to be with his son & watch our team. Don’t know who this is, but I have tickets for him & his family at Rupp to be treated as VIPs!! 15436
1420775523773472768 I want to take a moment to remind everyone that this would have been Terrence Clarke’s big night as well. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him, his mom, Osmine, and their family. I can only imagine how wide that smile of his would have been hearing his name called. 6201
1108556980321427458 Before I go to bed, let me just say this: I’m coaching at the Univ. of Kentucky. In my opinion, there is no better job in the world to coach basketball. My plan and my desire is to retire at Kentucky. I think the university feels the same as I do and we’ve talked openly about it. 3070
1205598204349300736 Heartbroken for @JohnWall. His beloved mother, Frances Pulley, passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. The job she did raising John into the man he is today — incredible. Everything John is today — humble, a servant leader, a man of God — he got from her. 1612
1385667162648502278 I just landed in Los Angeles to be with Terrence Clarke's family. I had some time to think through what has happened while I was on the flight and I wanted to share a few things with you as we all try to process this unspeakable tragedy. 1589
1300604712044163075 I stand with my guys. 1573
1311097073425502208 See you December 26th. Can't wait! 1489
1439416809095053313 Congratulations @AntDavis23!! 1448
1165015908168937478 Just played a round of golf with @BarackObama and got to spend 4 hours chatting in the cart. It was the greatest round of golf that you could ever play and all I can say is that he is a really serious golfer! He played well! 1441
1297330612299280384 Great talk with the guys tonight about registering to vote and how to get their absentee ballots. This is about more than basketball! 1441

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1584557978631294978 My family’s American dream started in a Clarksburg, WV coal mine, so this picture hits home. From what I’ve been told, after his shift, he raced to be with his son & watch our team. Don’t know who this is, but I have tickets for him & his family at Rupp to be treated as VIPs!! 2078
1300604712044163075 I stand with my guys. 800
1108556980321427458 Before I go to bed, let me just say this: I’m coaching at the Univ. of Kentucky. In my opinion, there is no better job in the world to coach basketball. My plan and my desire is to retire at Kentucky. I think the university feels the same as I do and we’ve talked openly about it. 519
1165015908168937478 Just played a round of golf with @BarackObama and got to spend 4 hours chatting in the cart. It was the greatest round of golf that you could ever play and all I can say is that he is a really serious golfer! He played well! 469
1341059803590832128 We have asked Cam Fletcher to take some time and step away from the team. He needs to reflect and do some soul searching to get his priorities in order. Any attitude or actions that are detrimental to this team will not be tolerated – and that goes for everyone on the team. 434
1567251166249078786 So what do you think, #BBN??? 363
1505227735781756940 To the BBN: I feel for our team, our fans and our staff. This team deserved something good to happen because of how they worked and what great teammates they became. Our fans deserved it too. 363
1558519164314198018 I was told about comments Mark Stoops made in his press conference. I reached out to Mark Thursday & will try again. Comparing our athletic dept. to others was my bad. I have supported Mark & the football team through good and bad. I will continue to support them & cheer them on. 338
1592276624552394752 Just got out of practice and wanted to share a quick message with #BBN before a really tough game tomorrow against Michigan State. 320

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1584557978631294978 My family’s American dream started in a Clarksburg, WV coal mine, so this picture hits home. From what I’ve been told, after his shift, he raced to be with his son & watch our team. Don’t know who this is, but I have tickets for him & his family at Rupp to be treated as VIPs!! 2161
1341059803590832128 We have asked Cam Fletcher to take some time and step away from the team. He needs to reflect and do some soul searching to get his priorities in order. Any attitude or actions that are detrimental to this team will not be tolerated – and that goes for everyone on the team. 1093
1108556980321427458 Before I go to bed, let me just say this: I’m coaching at the Univ. of Kentucky. In my opinion, there is no better job in the world to coach basketball. My plan and my desire is to retire at Kentucky. I think the university feels the same as I do and we’ve talked openly about it. 758
1311097073425502208 See you December 26th. Can't wait! 552
1592276624552394752 Just got out of practice and wanted to share a quick message with #BBN before a really tough game tomorrow against Michigan State. 525
1108728478344638465 The specialists confirmed our original diagnosis that @PJWashington has a sprained foot and there is no fracture. Once we determined that PJ was not going to play today, they put him in a hard cast for precautionary reasons. He is out for today’s game. 465
1165015908168937478 Just played a round of golf with @BarackObama and got to spend 4 hours chatting in the cart. It was the greatest round of golf that you could ever play and all I can say is that he is a really serious golfer! He played well! 457
1385667162648502278 I just landed in Los Angeles to be with Terrence Clarke's family. I had some time to think through what has happened while I was on the flight and I wanted to share a few things with you as we all try to process this unspeakable tragedy. 444
1205598204349300736 Heartbroken for @JohnWall. His beloved mother, Frances Pulley, passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. The job she did raising John into the man he is today — incredible. Everything John is today — humble, a servant leader, a man of God — he got from her. 424
1420775523773472768 I want to take a moment to remind everyone that this would have been Terrence Clarke’s big night as well. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him, his mom, Osmine, and their family. I can only imagine how wide that smile of his would have been hearing his name called. 414

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1584557978631294978 My family’s American dream started in a Clarksburg, WV coal mine, so this picture hits home. From what I’ve been told, after his shift, he raced to be with his son & watch our team. Don’t know who this is, but I have tickets for him & his family at Rupp to be treated as VIPs!! 167582
1420775523773472768 I want to take a moment to remind everyone that this would have been Terrence Clarke’s big night as well. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him, his mom, Osmine, and their family. I can only imagine how wide that smile of his would have been hearing his name called. 41305
1439416809095053313 Congratulations @AntDavis23!! 21687
1499221579552673792 My guys! So proud of them!! 20687
1108556980321427458 Before I go to bed, let me just say this: I’m coaching at the Univ. of Kentucky. In my opinion, there is no better job in the world to coach basketball. My plan and my desire is to retire at Kentucky. I think the university feels the same as I do and we’ve talked openly about it. 18541
1297330612299280384 Great talk with the guys tonight about registering to vote and how to get their absentee ballots. This is about more than basketball! 13813
1620057282464870403 I watched the @Bengals game last night & was heartbroken bc I knew how it would hurt Joseph Ossai. But my new favorite NFL player is BJ Hill, who stood next to Joseph & deflected unfair questions. What a teammate, role model & testament to the culture Coach Taylor has built! 13615
1221868379486785543 The last thing Kobe sent to me. Coaching me to be more than a coach! 13541
1165015908168937478 Just played a round of golf with @BarackObama and got to spend 4 hours chatting in the cart. It was the greatest round of golf that you could ever play and all I can say is that he is a really serious golfer! He played well! 12832

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#bbn 158
#lafamilia 116
#builtdifferent 16
#bigbluebahamas 6
#ukproday 5
#veteransday 4
#weareuk 4
#medtechcon 4
#memorialday 3
#kentuckyunited 3

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@rupp_arena 22
@antdavis23 21
@bam1of1 20
@bradcalipari 19
@theerincalipari 18
@raf_tyler 18
@swipathefox 16
@karltowns 16
@devinbook 16
@ukfootball 15

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
➡️ 7 right_arrow
😉 5 winking_face
😂 3 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤔 2 thinking_face
🏀 2 basketball
👀 1 eyes
🐐 1 goat
🐘 1 elephant
🌈 1 rainbow
1 hot_beverage

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 10
Symbols 7
Animals & Nature 3
Activities 2
People & Body 1
Travel & Places 1
Food & Drink 1