Account Summary
Paula Narváez - United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) President - Official Twitter Account of UN ECOSOC
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
New York
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
5 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14097884 | 587812 | 7474 |
marvi_memon | 2073002 | 9699 | 40729 |
zittokabwe | 1664763 | 4620 | 145343 |
SOROKGUILLAUME | 1441379 | 867 | 20131 |
UNFCCC | 979751 | 1050 | 28855 |
KRLS | 794229 | 5581 | 24955 |
JoeTrippi | 780113 | 7505 | 78027 |
yashar | 708352 | 34471 | 223299 |
CGDev | 692474 | 2847 | 46215 |
LindiMazibuko | 494986 | 2390 | 19884 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 587812 | 14097884 | 7474 |
tveitdal | 203857 | 345769 | 78396 |
1drcole | 175441 | 188650 | 242572 |
WeDontHaveTime | 137794 | 132483 | 34666 |
DanielGoddard | 124239 | 318191 | 22443 |
AmyTaylorNYC | 112962 | 122875 | 31771 |
sallyeaves | 112908 | 137870 | 87879 |
MontanaCWR | 109880 | 126981 | 18820 |
doxie53 | 106697 | 111228 | 102946 |
mmasief | 93466 | 101792 | 261921 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
AHA1R | 748202 | 5524 | 380 |
mary_swilling | 619869 | 17549 | 18840 |
Petchary | 608149 | 19088 | 20993 |
raywilton4 | 584176 | 18627 | 18464 |
punjabimodern1 | 505479 | 1159 | 3790 |
MelissaSweetDr | 433600 | 29879 | 12217 |
quick13 | 428618 | 4766 | 4841 |
csibike1 | 420467 | 10445 | 11481 |
CarolLei4 | 419035 | 3324 | 5002 |
bettyp711 | 412375 | 1081 | 1856 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31611 | 587812 | 14097884 |
UNFCCC | 11330 | 1050 | 979751 |
ambermac | 6275 | 37761 | 128505 |
yashar | 5491 | 34471 | 708352 |
tveitdal | 4187 | 203857 | 345769 |
JoeTrippi | 4004 | 7505 | 780113 |
sallyeaves | 3400 | 112908 | 137870 |
IUCN | 3203 | 3470 | 217746 |
KRLS | 3162 | 5581 | 794229 |
CGDev | 2806 | 2847 | 692474 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
3,562 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 1914 |
Twitter Web Client | 609 |
Twitter Web App | 568 |
Twitter for iPad | 118 |
3 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1544305753082810369 | The #GlobalGoals are facing some serious global challenges. But the #SDGs & the #2030Agenda are still within our reach, if we start acting now. The #HLPF 2022 starts today. Let's act NOW for the SDGs 👉 | 2336 |
1544313742883790848 | We know that the pandemic is not over yet & had a detrimental effect on our societies & peoples. It has slowed down the implementation of the #2030Agenda & the achievement of the #SDGs, reversing progress on many SDGs. #HLPF | 1748 |
1069099882970001408 | #ClimateChange is real. The achievement of the #SDGs is under threat. Last year climate-related disasters cost $320 billion dollars of damage. We have the power to stop this trend. At the @UN Climate Change Conference #COP24, let’s move from commitments to #ClimateAction. | 954 |
1015963400613003270 | We need to dramatically speed up #SDGs action or we will sleepwalk into a darker future! The clock is ticking! At the 2018 #HLPF starting on Monday, 9 July, the world's countries will discuss how to shift gears towards #GlobalGoals Learn more: | 348 |
1022851953959874560 | "The #SDGs have inspired, energized and empowered millions across the globe to change our 🌎 for the better. But we can't achieve them at the UN alone. We are all in this together!" New ECOSOC President invites you to join the work for the #GlobalGoals & #2030Agenda | 280 |
1018561975629074432 | "We can make a difference with the involvement of all. Your commitment matters. Let's make our world a better place - together!" UN ECOSOC President Marie Chatardová sends a message to #HLPF delegates and to everyone working to achieve the #SDGs around the world! | 234 |
690559004037222402 | Thank you @PMOIndia @narendramodi for addressing @UNECOSOC today #ECOSOC70 | 218 |
1014587081849495553 | .#HLPF is only days away! The world will come together to evaluate where we stand in our quest to achieve the #GlobalGoals #SDGs by 2030. 47 countries stand ready to share their efforts. Don't miss it! Stay updated ahead & during the event: | 216 |
699983646137131008 | "Young people are not only the beneficiaries but also the drivers of change" @UNECOSOC @YouthAssembly #YouthAssembly | 202 |
666289225579540480 | From #Beirut to #Baghdad to #Paris -- we stand with all people in rejection of #violence & divisiveness. #StayStrong | 183 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1544305753082810369 | The #GlobalGoals are facing some serious global challenges. But the #SDGs & the #2030Agenda are still within our reach, if we start acting now. The #HLPF 2022 starts today. Let's act NOW for the SDGs 👉 | 10067 |
1544313742883790848 | We know that the pandemic is not over yet & had a detrimental effect on our societies & peoples. It has slowed down the implementation of the #2030Agenda & the achievement of the #SDGs, reversing progress on many SDGs. #HLPF | 8188 |
1069099882970001408 | #ClimateChange is real. The achievement of the #SDGs is under threat. Last year climate-related disasters cost $320 billion dollars of damage. We have the power to stop this trend. At the @UN Climate Change Conference #COP24, let’s move from commitments to #ClimateAction. | 1700 |
690559004037222402 | Thank you @PMOIndia @narendramodi for addressing @UNECOSOC today #ECOSOC70 | 661 |
1015963400613003270 | We need to dramatically speed up #SDGs action or we will sleepwalk into a darker future! The clock is ticking! At the 2018 #HLPF starting on Monday, 9 July, the world's countries will discuss how to shift gears towards #GlobalGoals Learn more: | 596 |
1022851953959874560 | "The #SDGs have inspired, energized and empowered millions across the globe to change our 🌎 for the better. But we can't achieve them at the UN alone. We are all in this together!" New ECOSOC President invites you to join the work for the #GlobalGoals & #2030Agenda | 568 |
1018561975629074432 | "We can make a difference with the involvement of all. Your commitment matters. Let's make our world a better place - together!" UN ECOSOC President Marie Chatardová sends a message to #HLPF delegates and to everyone working to achieve the #SDGs around the world! | 494 |
1286311928780988416 | .@UNECOSOC has a new President: It is H.E. Mr. Munir Akram, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the @UN @PakistanPR_UN #UN75 #GlobalGoals #SDGs #2030Agenda | 474 |
1651913517455245314 | Thank you 🙏 young people for your active participation @UNECOSOC #Youth2030 Forum. Without your honesty, perseverance, & commitment, this event would not have been possible. Your energy and dedication gives us hope that the future we want is within reach. #GlobalGoals #SDGs | 431 |
1014587081849495553 | .#HLPF is only days away! The world will come together to evaluate where we stand in our quest to achieve the #GlobalGoals #SDGs by 2030. 47 countries stand ready to share their efforts. Don't miss it! Stay updated ahead & during the event: | 381 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#sdgs | 809 |
#globalgoals | 791 |
#2030agenda | 595 |
#hlpf | 277 |
#covid19 | 225 |
#youth2030 | 91 |
#action2015 | 81 |
#post2015 | 75 |
#climateaction | 71 |
#ffdforum | 65 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@unecosoc | 714 |
@un | 189 |
@undesa | 41 |
@un_pga | 41 |
@antonioguterres | 36 |
@pakistanpr_un | 28 |
@unpeacebuilding | 25 |
@who | 22 |
@pakistanun_ny | 22 |
@aminajmohammed | 16 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
👉 | 63 | backhand_index_pointing_right |
📺 | 44 | television |
🗓️ | 26 | spiral_calendar |
🔗 | 26 | link |
🌍 | 19 | globe_showing_Europe-Africa |
🌎 | 16 | globe_showing_Americas |
ℹ️ | 14 | information |
⏰ | 14 | alarm_clock |
➡️ | 13 | right_arrow |
📽️ | 13 | film_projector |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Objects | 181 |
People & Body | 145 |
Flags | 113 |
Travel & Places | 109 |
Symbols | 65 |
Animals & Nature | 23 |
Smileys & Emotion | 19 |
Activities | 8 |
Food & Drink | 2 |