Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Veritas


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 9026
Twitter for Android 8616
Twitter Web App 7827
Twitter for iPad 1116
TweetDeck 51

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Followers count
Forbes Forbes 18,694,899
pbhushan1 Prashant Bhushan 2,339,583
bennyjohnson Benny Johnson 1,280,901
RWMaloneMD Robert W Malone, MD 982,703
JennaEllisEsq Jenna Ellis 🇺🇸 932,613
prageru PragerU 884,831
theblaze TheBlaze 874,386
BretWeinstein Bret Weinstein 869,691
drsimonegold Dr. Simone Gold 695,291
WallStreetSilv Wall Street Silver 667,763

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Followers count
ADevotedYogi A Devoted Yogi 136,447
irritatedwoman IrritatedWoman 92,916
RealMattCouch Matt Couch 92,416
kg_digital kgdigital.eth.sol.tez.lens 🪙⛏️🖼📡📻🚁❤️💛 91,485
IamJoelBrown Joel Brown 86,228
bartmckinley Joe McKinley 80,801
HelloKarma2021 HelloKarma 2022 #KarmaHasNoDeadline #VictimsRights 80,448
mpukita Mark Pukita 73,556
jjauthor Janie Johnson - America is Exceptional 67,481

Most active users

Username Number of tweets
Sasquatch4eva 226
VictorMacNamar2 224
Nodo23049099 139
Michael88015265 124
OPFOR0341 92
GrobisR 81
mike_muffler 71
Christi57966479 67
_Freelander 65
veritas_utasuki 62

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1619491543571697670 Pfizer’s corruption has been exposed on numerous fronts, including by Project Veritas this week. This is the same corporation with the LARGEST health care fraud settlement in history. RETWEET if you do NOT trust Pfizer! ✋ 5527
1619456561566593024 America needs less “journalism” like CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post & NYT and more journalism like Project Veritas. 2853
1619516135774507008 YouTube removed the Project Veritas video of that Pfizer exec admitting they wanted to mutate the virus to continue to make money. You see what we’re dealing with now? Big Pharma controls the media, most of DC, and every regulatory agency under the sun. 2581
1619501892589219840 1) The Project Veritas story is leading to the public exposure of the entire Deep State biological network. To all the experts in these live spaces pontificating about the logistics; allow me to solve your problem. Here’s how the Deep State biological network works. In detail. 1533
1619464219342299136 Read this press release from @pfizer. It does not refute anything from the @Project_Veritas exposé. It just rephrases it. 1272
1619410580183433217 YouTube Removed Project Veritas’ Bombshell Pfizer Video, So Rumble Put it on Its Front Page 1204
1619417792088010753 Project Veritas is the only real journalism at this point. 1185
1619598805896404995 Sonntagskrimi? Legen Sie ihn weg, das hier ist spannender! mRNA-Pionier Dr. Robert Malone zeigt, warum Pfizers Eingeständnis der GoF-Forschung in den Medien wenig Resonanz fand: Löschungen, Bots, Derailing das volle Programm! Holprige Übersetzung hier: 1071
1619424132029882370 📽️ Pfizer étudierait la possibilité de faire muter le Covid-19 afin de développer de nouveaux vaccins, selon des informations dévoilées par son directeur de la recherche et du développement, Jordon Walker, filmé à son insu par le média conservateur américain @Project_Veritas. 👇 1045
1619436022412230656 Did @Project_Veritas just prevent another covid variant from being released into the general public? 957

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1619456561566593024 America needs less “journalism” like CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post & NYT and more journalism like Project Veritas. 14150
1619531425732259841 If your date is out of your league and extremely into your job, that’s not your date- that’s Project Veritas. 12131
1619491543571697670 Pfizer’s corruption has been exposed on numerous fronts, including by Project Veritas this week. This is the same corporation with the LARGEST health care fraud settlement in history. RETWEET if you do NOT trust Pfizer! ✋ 8398
1619516135774507008 YouTube removed the Project Veritas video of that Pfizer exec admitting they wanted to mutate the virus to continue to make money. You see what we’re dealing with now? Big Pharma controls the media, most of DC, and every regulatory agency under the sun. 7626
1619417792088010753 Project Veritas is the only real journalism at this point. 7146
1619436022412230656 Did @Project_Veritas just prevent another covid variant from being released into the general public? 7039
1619464219342299136 Read this press release from @pfizer. It does not refute anything from the @Project_Veritas exposé. It just rephrases it. 3939
1619410580183433217 YouTube Removed Project Veritas’ Bombshell Pfizer Video, So Rumble Put it on Its Front Page 3147
1619598805896404995 Sonntagskrimi? Legen Sie ihn weg, das hier ist spannender! mRNA-Pionier Dr. Robert Malone zeigt, warum Pfizers Eingeständnis der GoF-Forschung in den Medien wenig Resonanz fand: Löschungen, Bots, Derailing das volle Programm! Holprige Übersetzung hier: 3055
1619450648256483328 So Pfizer’s response only gave more credence to @Project_Veritas journalism? Nice. 2953

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#pfizer 367
#pfizerexposed 240
#veritas 210
#directedevolution 200
#projectveritas 132
#pfizerliedpeopledied 119
#gainoffunction 86
#pfizergate 83
#pfizerfiles 48
#covid 47

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@project_veritas 18603
@pfizer 5643
@youtube 1877
@jamesokeefeiii 1861
@elonmusk 1429
@kimdotcom 716
@drelidavid 615
@rwmalonemd 525
@dc_draino 490
@emeraldrobinson 457

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 1069 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 754 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤔 187 thinking_face
🤡 185 clown_face
‼️ 154 double_exclamation_mark
💉 147 syringe
👍 143 thumbs_up
🚨 130 police_car_light
👇 128 backhand_index_pointing_down
👏 122 clapping_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 3954
People & Body 1198
Symbols 413
Objects 373
Travel & Places 346
Flags 202
Animals & Nature 178
Activities 127
Food & Drink 64