Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @VijaiSardesai
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
The tweets cover various topics related to politics and social issues in the Indian state of Goa. Some main points include disagreements over the disqualification of politicians, concerns about drug trafficking and unemployment, criticisms of the ruling BJP government, and meetings with various groups and individuals to discuss various issues. There is also mention of allegations of corruption and superficial investigations by the government.
Topic Modeling
- Disqualification of politicians due to conviction or sentence
- Drug trafficking and abuse in Goa
- Unemployment in Goa and government failure to address it
- Politics: meetings, allegations, and reactions
- Public issues and demands: railway project, ST reservation, and garbage collection
Emotional Analysis
The tweets express a range of emotions including disagreement, frustration, concern, gratitude, urgency, and criticism towards government officials and policies in Goa. Many of the tweets are aimed at the Goa Forward Party's President, Vijai Sardesai, who is both praised and criticized for his actions and statements. The tweets cover multiple topics including disqualification of politicians, drug trade, unemployment, legislative session issues, environmental concerns, and demands for reservation of seats for ST leaders.
Trend Analysis
- Disqualification of MPs and MLAs
- Drug-related issues in Goa
- Unemployment in Goa
- Legislative Assembly sessions and discussions
- Local issues and concerns raised by various associations and leaders
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 145 |
Twitter for iPhone | 63 |
Twitter Web App | 49 |
Hootsuite Inc. | 3 |
Twitter for iPad | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
PrinceArihan | Savio Rodrigues 🇮🇳 | Founder - GoaChronicle & Incubees | Angel Investor in Startup Ideas | Author - #ModiStoleMyMask | NGO - Thomas Seva Foundation | India’s Sevak from Goa | | 147,687 |
prudentgoa | Prudent Media | Prudent Media is the number one TV channel for news in English & Konkani and edutainment programmes. | 66,110 |
InGoa24x7 | In Goa 24x7 | In Goa 24x7 is a 24 hours News channel that brings the latest news and information to viewers. We understand that each event impacts world history and that the | 23,322 |
PrimeTVGoa | PrimeTVGoa | Prime TV Goa is a TV Channel that pertains to news in English with several infotainment programmes. | 18,373 |
thegoaneveryday | The Goan | Think Goan. Be Goan. Read The Goan, Feel the difference. Goa's youngest newspaper, redefining journalism one story at a time for you on | 16,367 |
thatdoggonelady | Joanna | journalist. sofie's mom. feminist. Goan. curator @FreelanceWithJo | 11,116 |
Goaforwardparty | Goa Forward | Official Account II Goa’s only regionalistic party II Goa’s true opposition II Of Goemkars, by Goemkars, for Goemkars II GoemkarsWithoutBorders II | 9,980 |
savemollemgoa | Save Mollem | ❌Amka Naka Double Tracking❌ | Citizen's movement to raise awareness about Mollem National Park & Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary, currently threatened by 3 large, destructive projects | 9,235 |
dip_goa | DIP Goa | Official Handle of Department of Information & Publicity, Govt of Goa | 6,053 |
durgadasskamat | Durgadas Kamat | Official Twitter of Durgadas Kamat |General Secretary (Organisation) & Spokesperson ,Goa Forward Party | 5,659 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
FakeNewsReaper | reaper | Counting down to 30 😭 | He/him | Beef-eater | Proud Beneficiary of Reservation | NIT | IIM | Strategy Consultant | 4,997 |
cashkumark | Ashok Kumar Nationalist | Healthcare Consultant. SriSri Spiritual Guru. ModiBhakt. Rightist, Hindutva my religion. वासुदेव कुटंबुकम। Respects other Religion. RT not Endorsements | 4,424 |
vishwajit661 | vishwajit66 | - | 3,148 |
goaplusnews | Goa Plus News | Oldest Local News Channel From Goa Since 2007, Channel no. 100 on GTPL cable network •Retweets are not endorsements• | 2,554 |
TakshilaShirod1 | Takshila Shirodkar | - | 2,313 |
TallulahDSilva | Tallulah D'Silva | Living my dream and passion for environmental issues, education, city, community engagement | Architect by day| Blogger by night| Green evangelist in between | 1,733 |
PrinceArihan | Savio Rodrigues 🇮🇳 | Founder - GoaChronicle & Incubees | Angel Investor in Startup Ideas | Author - #ModiStoleMyMask | NGO - Thomas Seva Foundation | India’s Sevak from Goa | | 1,733 |
Terenceadesouza | Terence Desouza | - | 1,693 |
Mohansai2014P | MOHAN | .my dream is to see my son as a super human power to this world.... | 1,630 |
realpramodhg | Pramod H G | Retweets are not endorsements | 1,600 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
goemkarponnlive | Media, Scams, Scandals, Live TV, Breaking News ll Beware - Goemkar is watching now ll Also | 18 |
savemollemgoa | Citizen's movement to raise awareness about Mollem National Park & Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary, currently threatened by 3 large, destructive projects | 15 |
ramnathbale | - | 14 |
PresidentGFP | Official handle of the Office of the President, Goa Forward Party-Goa’s only regionalistic political party. Goa’s true opposition. Goem. Goemkar. Goemkarponn. | 13 |
BuyaoSiddhanath | Artist Advertising | 10 |
nk73315 | - | 9 |
durgadasskamat | Official Twitter of Durgadas Kamat |General Secretary (Organisation) & Spokesperson ,Goa Forward Party | 8 |
Imtiyazakkewal2 | Goem Goemkar Goemkarponn. #GoemFirstAlways | 8 |
InGoa24x7 | In Goa 24x7 is a 24 hours News channel that brings the latest news and information to viewers. We understand that each event impacts world history and that the | 8 |
agnelo123 | - | 7 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1639499163753922560 | I disagree with your view @VijaiSardesai As per Supreme Court, if an order of conviction or sentence of 2 years comes in, the MP or MLA stands automatically disqualified. It's a way of operation of the law. You can't attach malafide to it. The Speaker has acted in accordance with… | 42 |
1638174433939697666 | The concerns of Velsao, Arossim and Majorda locals about the double tracking of the railway line cannot be ignored. @railvikas must show permit documents and conduct a survey. #StopDoubleTracking #SaveMollem @RailMinIndia @DrPramodPSawant @Yurialemao9 @VijaiSardesai | 10 |
1638173244435099649 | Preventing fragmentation of Goa's Western Ghats will protect them from future fires. However , the government only wants to cut these forests up into smaller and smaller pieces #GoaIsBurning #SaveMollem @HannahEP @borges @Jairam_Ramesh @VijaiSardesai @Yurialemao9 @VenzyViegas | 9 |
1639177935843381250 | Goa ranks second highest in unemployment in India 2021-22 according the Labour Ministry. You and your @BJP4Goa Govt have failed miserably in creating jobs for Goemkar youth while keeping your propaganda machine fully employed: @VijaiSardesai #unemployment #Goa | 9 |
1638174442844196866 | Preventing fragmentation of Goa's Western Ghats will protect them from future fires. However , the government only wants to cut these forests up into smaller and smaller pieces #GoaIsBurning #SaveMollem @HannahEP @borges @Jairam_Ramesh @VijaiSardesai @Yurialemao9 @VenzyViegas | 8 |
1639297402531360771 | Ambiguities exist, sets dangerous precedence, open to misuse. Any democratically elected representative, MP, MLA or MLC, can be booked, and their public life brought to an abrupt end. Our @PresidentGFP @VijaiSardesai reacts to the disqualification of @INCIndia #MP @RahulGandhi. | 8 |
1638827024075866113 | Kudos to @VijaiSardesai bab for donating 5000 Sqmtrs of ancestral property for @GovtofGoa project ! Unlike others Vijai bab has never stalled any Govt projects whether in Opposition or while in ruling ! | 6 |
1637758183094747136 | ..@BJP4India Govt led by @DrPramodPSawant doesn’t want to face the tough questions on the floor of the house ! @Goaforwardparty @VijaiSardesai will corner the Govt on the floor of the house with peoples issues. | 6 |
1638893781859594247 | Goa Forward President @VijaiSardesai sought blessing from His Holiness Shree Vidyadheesh Teerth Shreepad Vader Swami ji at Partagal. | 6 |
1639289762262523905 | Finally, one political leader shows some spine to raise the drugs issue in Goa thank you @VijaiSardesai bab.. @goemkarponnlive n @SurajNandrekar will continue to unearth the ills of the society.... Watch: | 5 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1639499163753922560 | I disagree with your view @VijaiSardesai As per Supreme Court, if an order of conviction or sentence of 2 years comes in, the MP or MLA stands automatically disqualified. It's a way of operation of the law. You can't attach malafide to it. The Speaker has acted in accordance with… | 204 |
1639238804522536960 | It’s “Udta Goa” under Bhartiya Ganja Party regime. Hyderabad Police Commissioner CV Anand has clearly stated that Drugs is thriving in Goa and was supplied to Hyderabad: @VijaiSardesai #Goa #GoaNews #VijaiSardesai #Drugs #Ganja | 37 |
1639177935843381250 | Goa ranks second highest in unemployment in India 2021-22 according the Labour Ministry. You and your @BJP4Goa Govt have failed miserably in creating jobs for Goemkar youth while keeping your propaganda machine fully employed: @VijaiSardesai #unemployment #Goa | 33 |
1637709261454073856 | #Goa #BAC #Meeting @VijaiSardesai | 30 |
1637779227738247168 | #Watch- Now 'Extortion' Tumchya Dari! WATCH : #Goa #GoaNews #Extortion #Vijai #Michael #allegations @VijaiSardesai | 28 |
1637715246071812096 | 15 unstarred question should be increased to 25 questions, after the budget there should be discussion on the budget for three days, here we are not getting 3 days, this proves that CM @DrPramodPSawant does not want to take sessions: @VijaiSardesai #AssemblySession #budget | 22 |
1637739792514293760 | DGP was quick enough to conclude that the letter is fake but fails to investigate the allegations levelled by the MLA: @VijaiSardesai @Goaforwardparty @DGP_Goa @DrPramodPSawant @MichaelLobo76 #Goa | 20 |
1639297402531360771 | Ambiguities exist, sets dangerous precedence, open to misuse. Any democratically elected representative, MP, MLA or MLC, can be booked, and their public life brought to an abrupt end. Our @PresidentGFP @VijaiSardesai reacts to the disqualification of @INCIndia #MP @RahulGandhi. | 18 |
1638897243414724608 | Goa Forward President @VijaiSardesai sought blessing from His Holiness Shree Vidyadheesh Teerth Shreepad Vader Swami ji at Partagal. | 16 |
1639566728224194560 | BJP thinks of Ram only during polls, says @VijaiSardesai #Goa #GoaNews #Ram #Elections #PramodSawant #VijaiSardesai | 16 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#goa | 42 |
#stopdoubletracking | 41 |
#savemollem | 37 |
#goaisburning | 23 |
#savearossim | 18 |
#goanews | 13 |
#protectourhomes | 11 |
#savevelsao | 8 |
#vijaisardesai | 5 |
#drugs | 5 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@vijaisardesai | 264 |
@yurialemao9 | 72 |
@goaforwardparty | 65 |
@drpramodpsawant | 61 |
@bjp4goa | 58 |
@goacm | 39 |
@venzyviegas | 39 |
@ingoa24x7 | 31 |
@railvikas | 31 |
@rohankhaunte | 24 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
👇🏼 | 28 | backhand_index_pointing_down_medium-light_skin_tone |
🙏 | 7 | folded_hands |
🤔 | 5 | thinking_face |
😹 | 3 | cat_with_tears_of_joy |
😭 | 3 | loudly_crying_face |
❤️ | 2 | red_heart |
💪 | 1 | flexed_biceps |
👍 | 1 | thumbs_up |
🤲 | 1 | palms_up_together |
♥️ | 1 | heart_suit |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
People & Body | 39 |
Smileys & Emotion | 20 |
Activities | 1 |
Animals & Nature | 1 |