Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



New York, NY



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
water 452
love 343
environmental 287
life 284
climate 283
world 238
health 199
sheher 174
lover 173
change 168

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 50
#blacklivesmatter 35
#climatechange 25
#resist 24
#maga 18
#water 17
#climate 16
#climatecrisis 15
#kennedy24 12
#bitcoin 12

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
jessicaalba 8411388 1711 6691
StephanieAbrams 1945930 2724 57861
JamesOKeefeIII 1787821 1713 19337
JamesGunn 1701070 1289 3729
MariaSTsehai 1204286 7652 640487
RepRaskin 808807 5980 11975
iownjd 761820 437111 228242
JamesMelville 437957 98816 63293
350 377989 18989 61326
ceoworld 294820 142477 84531

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
iownjd 437111 761820 228242
GoogleExpertUK 194543 263287 774517
collectibulldog 178276 175370 865548
ceoworld 142477 294820 84531
WeDontHaveTime 140299 133241 35283
HallyuWebsite 124244 122536 118942
mjgranger1 104283 96178 696582
JamesMelville 98816 437957 63293
Visiongeo 97698 88710 64573
Cruellaisdevine 87466 79213 306667

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
oregakitaworld 992675 503 2272
brontyman 908353 30806 26334
RTweetie5 899713 4273 4312
collectibulldog 865548 175370 178276
GoogleExpertUK 774517 263287 194543
IamRobertAlex 727372 88196 4674
mjgranger1 696582 96178 104283
MariaSTsehai 640487 1204286 7652
RaniLyons 585739 5085 5013
redhed67 545042 12909 13192

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
jessicaalba 23428 1711 8411388
350 7344 18989 377989
GoogleExpertUK 6512 194543 263287
JamesOKeefeIII 6041 1713 1787821
JamesGunn 5849 1289 1701070
AkwyZ 5483 32432 76732
Water_Weights 4179 582 41029
RepRaskin 3873 5980 808807
OrganicConsumer 3241 2295 271506
commondreams 2968 3489 86904

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,620 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 1369
Agorapulse app 1247
TweetDeck 344
Twitter Web Client 229
Twitter for iPhone 32

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1108043017112436736 The Trump administration will not extend the comment period on a ruling to take protections away from MILLIONS of miles of waterways & TENS OF MILLIONS of acres of wetlands. The time is NOW to submit your comment! 183
1093570388204888066 #GreenNewDeal calls for: 💚100% clean & renewable energy by 2030 💚guaranteed living-wage job for anybody who needs one 💚just transition for workers & frontline communities Waterkeeper Alliance supports this ambitious environmental plan. @npr 104
1497299262169927688 HUGE VICTORY for rainforests & climate! In a rare move for a bank with a project this far down the pipeline, @BIDInvest is dropping its $43 million loan to @marfrig_mrfg3 — a beef giant known for illegal deforestation & Indigenous land rights abuse. #DivestFactoryFarming 69
1299016571738664960 The Trans Mountain pipeline puts Indigenous communities, drinking water, and our shared climate at grave risk. Insurance companies have until August 31 to drop the project. Sign now: #StopTMX 64
1494315665766899716 Plastic pollution has no place in America’s treasured national parks. Today, over 20 environmental organizations delivered nearly 70,000 petition signatures to @SecDebHaaland to have @NatlParkService ban single-use plastics in our national parks. #PlasticFreeParks #NationalParks 55
1271849944278634496 "Our nation’s drinking water is unacceptable, particularly in underserved communities and communities of color. This settlement is an important step towards modernizing our sorely outdated drinking water standards” - Sean Bothwell, @CA_Waterkeepers 52
1297920498869796864 #COVID19 waste is clogging our oceans & waterways with gloves, masks, hand sanitizer & all forms of vital PPE. Consider using a reusable mask & dispose of your PPE safely to create a healthier environment — not a more toxic one. More from @CA_Waterkeepers: 47
1661749754118967299 BREAKING: The U.S. Supreme Court just ruled in favor of corporate polluters over protecting communities & #cleanwater, ignoring decades of legal precedent, science, & Clean Water Act protections. SCOTUS failed us. @POTUS & Congress must step in to protect our nation’s… 47
1293983514778451968 We have ONE last chance to save Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed, its world-renowned salmon runs & its Native communities. Take action today to stop #PebbleMine from destroying this vital & pristine landscape. @Inletkeeper @WildSalmon4Ever #StopPebbleMine 40
1292854885927383040 Hydropower is not part of the climate solution—it's part of the problem. Please urge Congress to oppose legislation that would fast-track the construction of more hydropower projects by falsely claiming they're clean & renewable energy. Take action: 38

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1108043017112436736 The Trump administration will not extend the comment period on a ruling to take protections away from MILLIONS of miles of waterways & TENS OF MILLIONS of acres of wetlands. The time is NOW to submit your comment! 516
1117455235792998400 “This executive order shows the administration’s commitment to states’ rights is hollow; once again, the administration is putting profit above all else" - @marcyaggi in @truthout 398
1093570388204888066 #GreenNewDeal calls for: 💚100% clean & renewable energy by 2030 💚guaranteed living-wage job for anybody who needs one 💚just transition for workers & frontline communities Waterkeeper Alliance supports this ambitious environmental plan. @npr 279
1299016571738664960 The Trans Mountain pipeline puts Indigenous communities, drinking water, and our shared climate at grave risk. Insurance companies have until August 31 to drop the project. Sign now: #StopTMX 234
1497299262169927688 HUGE VICTORY for rainforests & climate! In a rare move for a bank with a project this far down the pipeline, @BIDInvest is dropping its $43 million loan to @marfrig_mrfg3 — a beef giant known for illegal deforestation & Indigenous land rights abuse. #DivestFactoryFarming 174
1494315665766899716 Plastic pollution has no place in America’s treasured national parks. Today, over 20 environmental organizations delivered nearly 70,000 petition signatures to @SecDebHaaland to have @NatlParkService ban single-use plastics in our national parks. #PlasticFreeParks #NationalParks 171
1271849944278634496 "Our nation’s drinking water is unacceptable, particularly in underserved communities and communities of color. This settlement is an important step towards modernizing our sorely outdated drinking water standards” - Sean Bothwell, @CA_Waterkeepers 75
1279882761856221184 California can lead the world to a more sustainable #agriculture industry. But it starts with @CAWaterBoards enforcing California’s #cleanwater laws. #CAWaterkeepers @TheOtterProject 70
1293983514778451968 We have ONE last chance to save Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed, its world-renowned salmon runs & its Native communities. Take action today to stop #PebbleMine from destroying this vital & pristine landscape. @Inletkeeper @WildSalmon4Ever #StopPebbleMine 63
1292854885927383040 Hydropower is not part of the climate solution—it's part of the problem. Please urge Congress to oppose legislation that would fast-track the construction of more hydropower projects by falsely claiming they're clean & renewable energy. Take action: 57

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#savethecleanwateract 43
#waterkeeperwarriors 32
#cutmethane 28
#climatecrisis 26
#cop26 25
#waterkeepermagazine 25
#plasticpollution 24
#cawater 23
#wka20 23
#cleanwateract 22

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@marcyaggi 59
@epa 56
@ca_waterkeepers 40
@242waterkeepers 37
@glo_reuben 28
@riverkeeper 28
@epaawheeler 28
@capefearriver 27
@waterkeeperscp 26
@maranonwk 26

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💙 42 blue_heart
📸 37 camera_with_flash
© 19 copyright
💧 16 droplet
📢 14 loudspeaker
👏 14 clapping_hands
10 check_mark_button
📣 5 megaphone
🚨 5 police_car_light
🌎 5 globe_showing_Americas

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 69
Smileys & Emotion 52
Symbols 41
Travel & Places 39
People & Body 27
Activities 10
Animals & Nature 9
Food & Drink 2
Flags 1