Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @ygentusa
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
2 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 38 |
Twitter Web App | 16 |
Twitter for iPhone | 13 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
selselenaa_ | Selena🦋🇲🇽 | Only Lisa 💌MX🌵2ª cuenta @selselenaaa_ | 1,661 |
Sooyaas101 | Goddess is Jisoo | always love and support jisoo💟sooyas indonesianJISOO SOLO THIS YEAR | 1,054 |
HatGodJP | 🆘Vega°•VP•UK•°πHashmite♻ | 🏴@usembassytokyo | 1,032 |
jisoovant | gigi ♧︎︎︎ on the street | FACE | 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙖𝙣: the most beautiful moment in my life. ♡ | 828 |
HatApex_Oracle | @Tat2Faith♻™ | 📐@DubaiPoliceHQ | 684 |
Jmixerforlyfe | ~Jess 🔮Kyu 🐨🐱 | ✨ she/her Multi 💕 Jisoo’s solo album 2023😍 Love FLO ❤️ | 675 |
jensooblink_ | JENSOO 🤍 | jj4eva ✨🤍 | 483 |
Hatapecbiz | @Them♻™ | ✒@LUSH_TEC | 450 |
JoBrown101 | Queen JISOO 🤍 | #Jisoo #Blackpink | 421 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
JoBrown101 | Queen JISOO 🤍 | #Jisoo #Blackpink | 2,332 |
selselenaa_ | Selena🦋🇲🇽 | Only Lisa 💌MX🌵2ª cuenta @selselenaaa_ | 1,659 |
HatGodJP | 🆘Vega°•VP•UK•°πHashmite♻ | 🏴@usembassytokyo | 1,252 |
Sooyaas101 | Goddess is Jisoo | always love and support jisoo💟sooyas indonesianJISOO SOLO THIS YEAR | 1,202 |
HatApex_Oracle | @Tat2Faith♻™ | 📐@DubaiPoliceHQ | 1,101 |
jisoovant | gigi ♧︎︎︎ on the street | FACE | 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙖𝙣: the most beautiful moment in my life. ♡ | 862 |
Jmixerforlyfe | ~Jess 🔮Kyu 🐨🐱 | ✨ she/her Multi 💕 Jisoo’s solo album 2023😍 Love FLO ❤️ | 813 |
Hatapecbiz | @Them♻™ | ✒@LUSH_TEC | 735 |
jensooblink_ | JENSOO 🤍 | jj4eva ✨🤍 | 486 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
HeavenlyMind1 | She/Her/HersIndian🇮🇳#JisooStan#Itzy#ThoughtsOnSomeThings | 9 |
koechaeng11297 | - | 4 |
selselenaa_ | Only Lisa 💌MX🌵2ª cuenta @selselenaaa_ | 3 |
yunaglows | gg stan & cry baby | 2 |
ygshinharam | Taylor hanni pham ive eunchae suis hyungwon kdrama blackpink babymonster cha eun woo’s acting skill | 2 |
Godwearsdior | Bunch of wannabes that wanna be like them💖JENNIE🖤JISOO💖LALISA🖤ROSÉ🇲🇽🇨🇦 FOLLOW ALL BLINKS ACCOUNTS #mutuals & 🫶🏻ITZY MIDZYBLINKS | 2 |
femmeviill | . ° ∅ ° — So live a life you . ° | 2 |
HumanChanel_CK3 | My 7th TFA. I stan Jennie, Enhypen & Itzy (Felix, Exo, RV & Rosé - NHC) but this account is only for JENNIE. | 2 |
beingblackpink | here for BLACKPINK and Taylor Swift✌🏼 | 2 |
jenjenlovee_ | . . . 🥡 | 2 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1627807770010435587 | #JusticeForRosé #protectRosé @ygent_official @ygentusa @BLACKPINK @YG | 6 |
1626991927559069696 | We are waiting for news about your promise on JISOO SOLO. Fans are already anticipating the release of her own music and we are excited for JISOO. Please give us an update!JISOO SOLO UPDATE@ygent_official @BLACKPINK @ygofficialblink @ygentusa @UMG | 2 |
1628203196781920256 | #justiceforrose @ygent_official @ygentusa EN: Rose was cast as a "call girl" by a Cdrama, it dirty her image, YG Take action!!! PT: Rose foi escalada como uma "garota de programa" por um Cdrama, isso sujou sua imagem, YG Tome uma atitude!!! YG 행동하라!! | 2 |
1628071905834967041 | #JUSTICEFORROSE @ygentusa @ygofficialblink @BLACKPINK | 1 |
1628032299416662017 | #JusticeForRosé #PROTECTROSE@BLACKPINK @ygent_official @ygentusa @YGJAPANofficial @ygofficialblink | 1 |
1628280187514417152 | @ygofficialblink We also need an encore stadium in US@ygent_official @BLACKPINK @ygentusa Sofi stadium in LA please🔥🔥 | 1 |
1627900023852654597 | Where is Lalisa album sales?! @ygent_official @ygentusa | 1 |
1627854014158356483 | @bobaeyes75 @ygent_official @ygent_official @ygentusa please listen to us 😤 They need to come to the US! | 1 |
1627043393300987906 | @NAJapanGardens @ODNIgov @DExEUgov @EJRCHelpdesk @APECBiz @WSJCentralBanks @ChnEmbassy_jp @NorwayinHungary @USConnect @ygentusa @USVisaTokyo @YG_GlobalVIP @GreenpeaceJP @NDC_Research @IsraelinNewYork @YakuzaIncNFT @IMDbTriviaBot @Starbucks_J @LushUKGreenTeam @Space_nasa_jpl @NASA | 0 |
1628018470725070850 | @ygent_official @ygentusa ROSÉ DESERVE A APOLAGIZE #blackpink #rosédeserveaapolagize | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1627807770010435587 | #JusticeForRosé #protectRosé @ygent_official @ygentusa @BLACKPINK @YG | 9 |
1628280187514417152 | @ygofficialblink We also need an encore stadium in US@ygent_official @BLACKPINK @ygentusa Sofi stadium in LA please🔥🔥 | 7 |
1628277382988836865 | @ygent_official @ygofficialblink @ygent_official @ygentusa @BLACKPINK We need US encore stadiumand moreeeeplease 🙏 | 5 |
1626991927559069696 | We are waiting for news about your promise on JISOO SOLO. Fans are already anticipating the release of her own music and we are excited for JISOO. Please give us an update!JISOO SOLO UPDATE@ygent_official @BLACKPINK @ygofficialblink @ygentusa @UMG | 3 |
1628280693871755264 | @ygent_official We also need an encore stadium in USsofi stadium🔥🔥🔥@ygofficialblink @FROMREALYG @ygentusa | 2 |
1628411437545828354 | @jichu_charts @ygofficialblink @ygent_official @YGJAPANofficial @ygentusa @THEBLACKLABEL @ygselect @Interscope @UMG WE LOVE U JISOO블랙핑크 지수 #블랙핑크 #지수 #BLACKPINK #JISOO | 2 |
1628032299416662017 | #JusticeForRosé #PROTECTROSE@BLACKPINK @ygent_official @ygentusa @YGJAPANofficial @ygofficialblink | 2 |
1627900023852654597 | Where is Lalisa album sales?! @ygent_official @ygentusa | 2 |
1628071905834967041 | #JUSTICEFORROSE @ygentusa @ygofficialblink @BLACKPINK | 2 |
1629801909782736897 | @BLINKSTATS @BLACKPINK @ygent_official @ygentusa @ygofficialblink encore at ROSE BOWL when???? 👀👀👀 | 2 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#justiceforrosé | 6 |
#justiceforrose | 5 |
#protectrosé | 4 |
#protectrose | 4 |
#jisoo | 2 |
#babymonster | 2 |
#blackpink | 2 |
#diorss23 | 1 |
#jisooxdiorpfw | 1 |
#keepjenniesafe | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@ygentusa | 66 |
@ygent_official | 50 |
@ygofficialblink | 30 |
@blackpink | 26 |
@umg | 18 |
@ygselect | 10 |
@ygjapanofficial | 10 |
@interscope | 7 |
@jichu_charts | 6 |
@theblacklabel | 6 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🔥 | 7 | fire |
❤ | 6 | red_heart |
😭 | 4 | loudly_crying_face |
👀 | 3 | eyes |
😲 | 2 | astonished_face |
😍 | 2 | smiling_face_with_heart-eyes |
😤 | 2 | face_with_steam_from_nose |
💹 | 1 | chart_increasing_with_yen |
🔬 | 1 | microscope |
🎵 | 1 | musical_note |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 17 |
Travel & Places | 7 |
People & Body | 4 |
Objects | 3 |