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List of Suspended X/Twitter Accounts Appeals

Appeal Date Handle Reason for Suspension Action Taken Upvotes
14/08/23 oluwatosin_t00 I noticed I was suspended today this afternoon please help my account I've filed an appeal and tried several ways to unlock it please help me
12/08/23 jnkfragiie for promoting violation (which is a misunderstanding) I deleted that tweet even though it wasn't offensive and sent many appeals which got rejected
11/08/23 lumitoomi Violent Speech Appealing 6 times
14/08/23 crystalmar86393 Your account is suspended After careful review, we determined your account broke the X Rules. Your account is permanently in read-only mode, Dear Twitter Support, I’m writing to request the unlocking of my Twitter account, which was recently locked due to my own fault. My account handle is CrystalMar86393], and I understand that it was temporarily locked because I violated Twitter’s rules and regulations. I would like to apologize for my actions and assure you that I will rectify my mistakes and not make the same errors again. My Twitter account is important to me as I use it frequently for both personal and professional purposes. I would appreciate it if you could review my account and consider unlocking it as soon as possible. I understand that I may have to go through some steps to regain access to my account, and I am willing to comply with any requirements that you may have. If there is any specific issue that I need to address, please let me know, and I will do my best to resolve it promptly. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Crystal Martin
06/08/23 mario_toledo I don't have idea why my account got suspended. I suppose I got hacked somehow? I changed my password, and removed all active sessions
19/01/24 baji_2020_ Spam Unsuspend the account please
09/02/24 mvriam62 Nothing Unsuspened my account
03/11/23 philip9876 no idea appealed to twitter thru their website
23/08/23 payanoraymi Abuse Will provide identification showing that I am a real person, and not a bot.
28/08/23 internetdad22 Inappropriate tweet Attempted to remove tweet, appealed suspension
28/08/23 just_lillie My account was hacked into and the hacker was spamming I have already filed an appeal
16/03/24 ayano_ali By mistake suspended my account I alos both apeel
23/08/23 zaddyleeko Non idea Appeal
17/02/24 jannsjerry16693 Violation of rules Submitted an appeal
17/02/24 lizzie694726457 Violation of rules Submitted an appeal
06/06/24 realprazz Broke x rule Appeal
17/10/23 artonu220996 no idea did nothing
21/10/23 mblunters none appealed
01/06/23 abusadeq22 Recovery Account bank
27/07/23 sipbigspeedy I was literally Talking about a russian on a tv Show. Tried to delete but my account was suspended
27/07/23 harry_edwards26 Rude words Appealed
28/12/24 prasadkrishna Authenticity Unsuspend my account
02/08/23 windhond777 no idea submit appeal
06/08/23 doffx Rules Violation Submitted Appeal
04/08/23 turnip_top Broken the Rules(?) Tried to Repeal.
02/08/23 lettieri_0 No idea No idea
06/08/23 endless_azure For a spam tweet I didn't made My account put in "Permanently Read-only" mode
06/08/23 hpiisiren Promoting violence Will not joke about killing someone again
04/08/23 rosieby_ Spamming Unsuspend my account because I'm about to deleted some of the tweet because its a bussiness account.
02/08/23 taesbunnie22 no idea. none that I know of. i've checked all my tweets and comments. They've suspended me before and claimed it was an error and now my account is gone I've emailed them every day asking to bring it back and said that I've never done anything wrong and will continue to not in the future
26/07/23 roblicker Violent Speech/Spam Lift suspension
24/07/23 marceezy2 Unknown (possibly suspended by mistake while banning bot accounts??) Emailed them back a response to their first email after filing an appeal, no reply since)
05/08/23 agaartumsaathho Multiple copyrights Unsuspend my account
03/08/23 kyancey917 Unfollowing to many accounts at once Multiple appeals made
02/08/23 bearandbeastou1 My thumbnail was considered to sexually provocative I tried to delete the thumbnail as I asked, but unfortunately during the verification process my phone went flat. Now every time I try to delete the thumbnail and get my account reinstated I get an error message and told to try again. I’ve contacted Twitter about this and I have just gotten a bolt response saying that my account is suspended for the allotted time, but was never told how long my account was going to be suspended for . And now I can’t even verify my account and take the thumbnail down because the error message keeps coming up. Can you please help . This is my first ever offence, and it was completely unintentional.
11/02/25 crabby_friend Violent speech Restored account since it was hacked. Hacker broke guidelines not me.
23/08/23 69lataroe i dont know submitted appeal
28/08/23 pantvivaan I don't have any idea of that, the account was suddenly suspended Have verified account, updated phone number and Twitter blue check and still got suspended
23/08/23 zaddyleeko No idea Appeal
10/09/23 worldsex01 Yes Yes
14/09/23 wallofjustus Someone continually reported various tweets Deleted tweets
14/09/23 emetohikenna violation of x rules appeal through mail
27/09/23 dairotimmy For platform manipulation and spam Deleted some tweets
02/08/23 cfc_kemboi There was some misunderstanding with the content creator , I posted his content, of which I had earlier requested for his permission , but couldn't wait for his decision before I was reported. I believe it was a swift mistake.
02/08/23 versiyan Hateful Behavior. I submitted an appeal, I do not know if it was reviewed.
01/08/23 rebeccaacox_ Cover photo against rules Removed cover photo
29/07/23 yakub79079895 I dont know or sensitive content Submit appeal
01/08/23 emancipat0r violent speech submitted an appreal via twitter tool
30/07/23 novak_jackie Not sure why account has been suspended. Please advise. I have sent several appeals and haven’t received any feedback.
31/07/23 shawndormish Platform manipulation and spam I never did anything of the sort, I rarely tweeted. I’d be happy to correct anything I need to, but I did nearly nothing on the platform.
10/07/23 genderfandom I believe I was reported for indirectly claiming someone “should” get assassinated. It was not a serious tweet and I in no way wish serious violence towards anyone. I will no longer say anything of a violent nature towards anyone. I realize that comment I made was unnecessarily harsh and I didn’t wish any actual harm onto that person.
09/07/23 f0rever1nvu Violation of rules Offensive tweets were all deleted. I defended myself but l should have ignored the haters. Im deeply sorry
09/07/23 umair16cc A laughing comment on someone comment Unsuspend my account immediately I apologise for my comment it was happened unknowingly
09/07/23 leoruiz92 Report my account or tweet about foul language about Oakland Athletics owner John Fisher I tried to delete the tweet
09/07/23 adityaaryan99 Might be adult content was seen by me, it was on my feed One last time to correct myself , and will never repeat my mistake or will unfollow that account
08/07/23 raoaryan523 Not login Account recover
08/07/23 tyma2607 None specified Unsuspend account. (I only use the account to like and browse content, I have been using the account for years and have never been banned or suspended before.)
07/07/23 alkotby_egypt I don't know, I haven't done anything unusual I could do nothing but submit daily petitions
07/07/23 s3cr3tp3r5on Anonymous adult account Review my retweets and to update name on account
06/07/23 originallyburns Spamming Revoke and delete spammed
06/07/23 ubertalks Spamming Never to spam. I have read the Twitter community rules and I'll abide by it
05/07/23 jdcoutard Twitter says I'm spamming and manipulating the platform, that's impossible because since opening my Twitter account in 2019 I've been disabling comments to all my posts, deleting my followers and I have 0 followers/subscriptions. Please reactivate my account. I want my account to be reviewed by Twitter Support USA, not by services based in France.
03/07/23 9r4uu I don’t really know, I don’t even post there. Get my account back
03/07/23 evegurumi Mistaken for a bot. I have not broken any rules, unjustified, no reason reason given. Ready to comply by any means if I can restore my account.
01/07/23 imefiamenish Spamming Appealing
01/07/23 serenheartz Violent speech I was joking with a very close friend of mine. Please unsuspend me and this was my fan account and I have memories & friends of 4 years stores here. Please help me and unsuspend my acc.
30/06/23 gavinstewart10 As per Twitter's email "Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam" I appealed the suspension asking for more information as I am only a casual user of Twitter and only use it for sports news, Fantasy Football advice and other entertainment news. I do not post, tweet or contact other accounts. I was told that that the suspension was reviewed and being upheld. I've since discovered that there are a number of posts on my profile which were not me, so obviously my account had been hacked and spam tweets made. I tried to contact Twitter again numerous times only to be told that my account was already reviewed and suspension being upheld. If anything I am guilty of being negligent with account security, but not of posting any spam. I then created a new account which was suspended straight away, during thr appeal process I explained what had happended previously, but have received no reply from Twitter Support after many emails asking for an update. There is absoluetly no way to contact Twitter to get the situation resolved and/or deactivate my suspended accounts until the suspension has been lifted, so I am in a deadend situation.
30/06/23 enoughdembs A tweet was flagged for violent speech when there was nothing at all violent in it. I'm not certain how to correct a mistake I didn't make.
28/06/23 revel_anna no idea sent appeal
28/06/23 wonhyuksbf_ I had gotten an email on June 23rd from twitter support telling me my account will be unsuspended and I was accidentally flagged as a spam account but it’s been around 4 days now since I got that email and I’m still suspended. I have sent multiple appeals and as I said I was told I would get unsuspended but I haven’t and now any other appeal I sent gets denied
27/06/23 lowkey_jay1 Unknown no warnings given Filing appeals
25/06/23 kjsoulmate sending out a mistyped tweet i will gladly delete the tweet and double check every time from now on
24/06/23 bttm_damian2 Content that breaks the Twitter rules like animations.Content that breaks the Twitter rules like animations. Delete all content that violates your rules and do not return that content to Twitter.
24/06/23 bttm_damian Sims 4 animations Delete all content that violates your rules and do not return that content to Twitter.
24/06/23 nikkyi_ Account got compromised and I was asked in a mail to verify and change password and pass a captcha of which I did. Few minutes later my account got suspended. Sent an Appeal daily to twitter telling them I did not violate any rules and if I did unknowingly that I’m sorry and it won’t happen again.
17/06/23 doeten06 incorrect spam and manipulation account takedown as used aas a fake reason to have my account suspended because right wing bigots reported it as such
24/06/23 baammbinoo You Twitter said I have threatened and expressed a violence In my latest tweet which I haven’t. I haven’t used my account in a few days . I decided to log back in and I’ve seen my account was suspended. That means my account have been hacked. I wasn’t the one using my account. I have now changed my log in details since then. I’ve tried to appeal but twitter is still refusing to unsuspend my account. I’ll like my account to be unsuspended and reinstated please. Thank you.
23/06/23 vip_massage26 I don’t think I broke any twitter terms of service, i am very careful on what I tweeted If twitter believes that i violated a severely on the terms of service and the policy , i am willing to comply
22/06/23 owenhennelly Account hacked Changed password
22/06/23 iamr4ju proudy news feed. fan account i tried many time but every time same reply
22/06/23 4yuvinz Bots spamming Filled appeals
22/06/23 promoukv Explicit Content Deactivate my account
22/06/23 deidarasenpai69 Violent Speech I did not wish to violate any rules i only wanted to tweet the story driven tweets. I'm sorry pleas don't make me lose my account i will not repeat same issues again. I'm truly sorry.
21/06/23 evaristdavd Posting many posts Please unsuspend my account because i have lost my issues , please please do it
20/06/23 shiitakeharry I was told a tweet violated the policy against violent speech. However, the tweet is making a reference to the actions of a videogame character and is not meant to be interpreted literally - and, in my opinion, such an interpretation would clearly be in bad faith when examining the context of the tweet. I can delete the tweet
20/06/23 dtwardani account has been suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of our rules. it's been 20 days since my account was suspended for violating Twitter's rules, I only participated in a giveaway not meaning to spam therefore I apologize profusely and I promise I will be wiser and careful in tweeting or retweeting, please give me a chance/ relief to open my account again because only through this account can I interact and socialize with my friends and relatives, thank you!
19/06/23 magagirl4ever I honestly don't know what I could have said to cause a permanent suspension Tried to appeal they said I broke their terms of service
19/06/23 allissa_horan04 they suspected for no reason I didn’t do anything wrong give me my acc back
19/06/23 nyetengale It said violent hate speech, this is what I said:in a meme: Benedict McConnell…The Traitorous Evil Old Buzzard! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 I appealed, I have never been in trouble before, I am being harassed by some guy in Germany, he even reported a Bible verse I posted. I deleted the first post, he reported me about and then I got suspended for this. I don’t cuss or fight with anyone, I just block and mute them.
19/06/23 magic_of_carols violent speech Appealed twice - I was just using a popular term "hit them over the head with it"
19/06/23 incestmom51 Dear Twitter Support, Suspended Twitter account @incestmom51 I am contacting you out of great compulsion, Please do not reject my request. This account should be restored so that I can know the names of my troops from this account I don't have any other account to contact them and I don't even remember their names. Whatever I did God is witness, I was done by mistake. I will not do anything like that again. And the mistake happened to me was made in personal message and not publicly. I beg you not to do this again, I don't want to create new account again give me one last chance I promise not to make such mistake even by mistake. Before this I had an account (momincest52) which was closed being deactivated but i did not apply for that too, but this account is important for me at this time so I am asking you again and again please restore this account. I will wait for positive response to my application. yours truly will be blessed, Your highness, Thanks Dear Twitter Support, Suspended Twitter account @incestmom51 I am contacting you out of great compulsion, Please do not reject my request. This account should be restored so that I can know the names of my troops from this account I don't have any other account to contact them and I don't even remember their names. Whatever I did God is witness, I was done by mistake. I will not do anything like that again. And the mistake happened to me was made in personal message and not publicly. I beg you not to do this again, I don't want to create new account again give me one last chance I promise not to make such mistake even by mistake. Before this I had an account (momincest52) which was closed being deactivated but i did not apply for that too, but this account is important for me at this time so I am asking you again and again please restore this account. I will wait for positive response to my application. yours truly will be blessed, Your highness, Thanks
19/06/23 srkssaira Copy right Yes
19/06/23 topceobtc Somebody posted a video of a man beating his 3 little girls with a switch or stick and the title of the video was something like "who would wear out a bat on this guy" and I tweeted something like I would and it would be bright red when I was done, I have said thing like calling people in videos uncivilized animals because they were committing violent acts on innocent people, I hate criminals and violent thugs, what gets me is somebody can post the violent video but I can comment on how ignorant, or what pieces of crap the violent ones are?? if you can get me reinstated I wont even tweet anymore it doesnt do any good anyway but I would like to have a working account just the same? I appealed and they denied the appeal.
18/06/23 gozdetalks Violating our rules against violent speech. The tweet that violated the rule is going to be deleted and no mistake will be done in the future
18/06/23 transfan2 Detected As A Spam Bot I can Remove Any Tweets If They Are Spam Like in Hopes To Be Unsuspended .
18/06/23 donaldtabor00 Spam? Suspicious login? (Vpn) I live in China. I have appealed many times, as that’s all I can do. I did not receive any email as to why and they haven’t told anything.
17/06/23 myronglocky Threat of violence Appeal submitted
17/06/23 gabrielesdiary Offensive tweets I could delete my tweets
15/06/23 business_amoeba Platform manipulation Submitted an appeal. Mailed Twitter support
15/06/23 elarmeniodefi None, literally I haven’t done anything bad! Been an honest user since 2013. I have already submitted multiple appeals and get the same response: Hello, Your account was suspended due to violations of our Terms of Service. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored. Thanks, Twitter ref:00DA0000000K0A8.5004w00002j3SvG:ref
14/06/23 nshbrian Violation of rules Appealed but response is permanent suspension
14/06/23 rikesh38666458 I think due to repeated tweets that I have been doing to promote crypto projects which Twitter took it as spamming. I have Filed an appeal.
14/06/23 labibserj I actually have no idea why.....but my best guess is i do crypto airdrop and send some repeated tweet for project promotion which i think tweeter took as spamming Filed an appeal
13/06/23 mattxmanson Supposed spam. I just retweet crypto stuff, but not malicious I dont think i was doing anything wrong. But i wont retweet again
13/06/23 captainmax22 Spam or Promoting Wrong Projects Can't take any action as i cannot edit anything
13/06/23 purpleauror Violent speech Deleted the tweet and this is a first time offence.
13/06/23 prasdev Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. I believe this is a mistake!
12/06/23 bigsao0_12345 violent speech I am writing about my suspended Twitter account @Bigsao0_12345 because of the violation of Twitter's rules against violent speech. I now understand what I did wrong and I feel really bad about it. I'm sorry if my words upset or hurt anyone, I didn't mean for that to happen. Since finding out about the suspension, I've taken some steps to fix my mistakes and to make sure I don't break the rules again. Here's what I've been doing: Learning the Rules: I've been spending a lot of time reading the Twitter rules. I want to make sure I understand them so that I don't break them again. I know now that I need to be careful about what I say and how I say it. Reflecting on My Mistakes: I've been thinking a lot about the tweets that got my account suspended. I understand now that they were wrong and I'm sorry for posting them. I didn't think about how they could be seen as violent or harmful, but now I see how they could upset people. Ready to Remove Bad Tweets: If you can tell me which tweets were bad, I'm ready to delete them right away. I don't want anything on my account that breaks the rules or that could upset people. Planning for the Future: I've been thinking about how I can use Twitter in a positive way in the future. I want to make sure my tweets are kind and respectful. I'm going to think carefully before I post anything to make sure it follows the rules. I really miss being able to use Twitter. It's important to me as a way to talk to my friends and share my thoughts. I feel like I've lost something important and I want to make it right. Please, can you give me another chance? I promise that if I get my account back, I will follow all the rules and be a good Twitter user. I hope you can help me fix this problem.
12/06/23 gezgintrk I don’t know I've been using twitter since 2009. If you tell me what's wrong with my account, I'll fix it. I have 620,000 tweets. I think this was a mistake.
12/06/23 lesbianmuni My friend reported me as a joke over something small and my account got wrongly suspended. , it was not meant to be taken seriously. I will verify my phone number and email address.
11/06/23 bendumse1 It might have been because I posted a clip of a football match, other than that, I really do not know. I appealed multiple times.
11/06/23 prodigypaull UNKNOWN REASON FOR SUSPENSIONS. I’m assuming that they think my account is spamming or fake yet I pay for twitter blue and interact with the community I’m in on the platform. I’ve filled an appeal and directly contact the team for Trust & Support policy on twitter’s LinkedIn
11/06/23 rhadebelihle Twitter sent me a link on my email saying that I have violated some rules and in order for me to avoid this from happening I should click on the link to quickly appeal before they permanently suspend my account. I did exactly what the email said only to realize that it was a bait and the email was not from Twitter exactly though it used an email address similar to Twitter. I have been trying for over a year now for assistance however they keep on saying the details I provide before the people who hacked my account and changed my details. Twitter keeps on saying the details provided do not match with the Twitter account details. The funny thing is my account still has the same handle it was changed. I believe Twitter might have frozen the account due to suspicious reasons.
11/06/23 eqruater4 Wrote "Finally, good news" at IDF page after and Egyptian soldier killed 3 Israelis. Then I got many likes. And a few hours later I was suspended for "violent speech". I deleted the reply. It was soldiers who died not civilians.
11/06/23 northtrenton Unfair reason. None.
10/06/23 j0xardtq8jl0klo The email stated violations of Twitter rules despite me not commenting or liking posts I have logged out and logged in again but the account is still suspended
10/06/23 mominurfahim I don’t know. Yes
09/06/23 enjoyth02704302 Retweeting nudity and sexual activity I want to deactivate the account to open a new healthy account
09/06/23 myuser200 Apparently broke twitter rules I’ve submitted various appeals with no response course taken. When I tried to add a phone or email it says error has occurred.
09/06/23 jgariano Account was hacked and hackers violated terms of service. Appealed to Twitter however they have still denied my appeal.
08/06/23 saintbe0mgyu Spam Delete tweets considered as “Spam”
08/06/23 sameeowwr abusive tweet reply filed an appeal, verified the account
07/06/23 heavenlyjanter1 So what I suspect is I used an audio on TikTok and it said some random stuff and it said “the next day something good is going to happen to you“ but the next day I saw my account suspended and I didn’t know what I did wrong for my account to be suspended.
29/08/23 mumair_naseer25 My account got hacked re=open my account
07/06/23 btsaremy7lights Violent speech I can’t delete the tweet that has the violation in it. I’ve tried to appeal. I’m in permanent read only mode and am supposed to be out of the suspension by now.
07/06/23 bsbhvr2 I made a totally inappropriate tweet—it was my fault. It wasn’t meant seriously but nevertheless wrong. I apologize. I promise not to do it again and will apologize.
06/06/23 rageforever_ Harmful tweet Appeal
06/06/23 peizhangshu Reposted too many tweets and @ others But now the account is in read-only mode, and I cannot modify the error
05/06/23 rodrig0eira i think someone hacked into my account and broke the rules cause i didn’t tweet anything against it my account getting reinstated cause this is a mistake
04/06/23 drorc i didn't use twitter for a long time and i guess someone hacked my account and done things (i saw tweets that i didn't do). i try to enter couple of days ago and was asked to change the password. i realy want to come back using twiiter with my email again and will do any security steps needed
04/06/23 dafolarbi Two tweets which i was notified about. Deleted both immediately
02/06/23 cinnabunia Spam Someone logged into my account and probably did spamming. I didn't do this at ALL because I didn't have the app for awhile. It was not me and this is making me panic a lot.
02/06/23 chainvirus Spam Appeal, but got reply no. I will stop doing anything Twitter requires to fix this ...
02/06/23 andreiiosifescu Mistake by Twitter Employees or Hacked account Verified my e-mail adress; checked my post history to make sure I didn't violate any rules.
02/06/23 chainvirus Spam Appeal
02/06/23 tornyetagain Apparent violation of rules Appealed twice
01/06/23 mig21374381 I’m guessing the month of suspension but it was somewhere around 2020. Reason is I’ve been retweeting Q posts and trump posts I don’t have that many tweets. None of them were offensive and mostly were just about the truth. You can see for yourself. I’ve been read only for a few years now. I can’t even verify my phone and email address, just shows an error message. I’ve appealed over 3 times already
01/06/23 1yujianbo Hackers manipulated my account to spam. I don't know, he just froze my account, I can't do anything, I try to delete those spam, but it doesn't work
01/06/23 vmintanie Tweeted the word "die" jokingly, violated the rules Need to delete that tweet to unsuspend my account
01/06/23 shedo_pumping I am writing to appeal the suspension of my Twitter account. I believe that my account was suspended in error and I would like to request that it be reinstated as soon as possible. I have reviewed Twitter's terms of service and I am confident that I have not violated any of the rules. I would appreciate it if you could review my account and provide me with an explanation for the suspension. Thank you for your attention to this matter. To unsuspend it
31/05/23 halilintar_x For Violating Twitter rule I've learned my lesson for not violent the rule again
31/05/23 cait_sm6 someone hacked me and tweeted something that could incite violence change my email and password
31/05/23 shibalskz mass reporting, accidental suspension due to twitter glitch i have not violated any of twitter's rules before and i wont ever.
31/05/23 carsonjacoby_ Reason believed for suspension unknown Filed an appeal
29/05/23 soiicitvl Violent speech Apologised and taken responsibility in appeal, explained how the tweet was simply satire and had no violent intentions against it.
29/05/23 morifekfek spam I am just tweeting what's happening in my life
29/05/23 g0dddessmaves Violation of twitter privacy rules without the person express consent I believe my account was reported by another account claiming to privately own tweets/contents posted on my page
28/05/23 eahhufmeankut22 Twitter's programmatic mistake or misunderstanding, I donot even publish a twitter, but got suspension for "Platform manipulation and spam policy" restore my account
28/05/23 hotsaucev_ Violations Appeal
27/05/23 nigeljmorrison The original post, to which I replied, was by a specific account dedicated to the computer game, Fortnite - a battle Royale game in which the sole intention is to defeat (by killing) everyone else in the game to become the last remaining player to win the match. The post by @FortIntel read "If you were letting me pop bandages while you had a medkit, don’t expect me to pass you my big pot when you have minis" What this refers to (for the non fortnite player) is that occasionally in a squad match, you can get teamed up with a selfish player, who will not play in a way that helps the team (in that case who has a medkit which can heal the player to 100% health quickly, but did not share it with his team mates) - and the poster is basically saying "if you don't share with me when I need help, I'll not share with you when you need help" The situation of having selfish teammates is a familiar one to most fortnite players, so I posted a joke reply which said "And if you steal loot from a chest I have opened, I will box you and burn you." This is CATEGORICALLY not a threat to @FortIntel (who, as an experienced Fortnite player would have understood exactly what I meant) and nor was it "threatening and/or promoting violence in violation of the Twitter Terms of Service" To explain, one of the mechanics in fortnite is that you can build wooden walls. Another is that you can collect fireflies and set light to wooden structures. Another is that you get the best "loot" (in game guns, better weapons, ammo etc) by opening "chests" However, as above, sometimes you can get selfish teammates who will steal your "loot" after you have opened a chest (the etiquette would be recognised is that if you open the chest, the loot is yours) Therefore, to explain my reply fully, and in context, what my reply means was that I understand about selfish teammates, and was saying "if, IN A GAME OF FORTNITE, a selfish teammate steals loot from a chest I have opened, I will construct a wooden structure around them and set it on fire so they take damage, which will show my displeasure towards their selfish play" The I said "you" I was echoing the language of the original post, meaning "if someone in my team" This was a comment, to a fortnite expert account, in a discussion on selfish teams mates in fortnite, where everyone reading replies to the original comment would be fortnite players and fully understand my comments related to a specific (and common) form of in game play - so common there are multiple articles, guides, and even challenges set by the game themselves to do this. I can understand why the comment was flagged up for review, and will take more care with my use of language in future, but would PLEASE ask for my account to be reinstated as I really, categorically did not post content that was threatening or promoting violence - simply talking about gameplay in a popular computer game. I went to read the twitter policies to ensure I have not broken any guidelines. The safety policy at states: Safety Violence: You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence. Learn more about our violent threat and glorification of violence policies. Again, I would note my post was discussing and replying to an action in a video game, NOT a threat of violence against an individual or a group of people (at worst, it was a threat of violence to an avatar in a computer game, where the aim is to cause damage to your opponents) Further, the specifics related to violent threats at states What is in violation of this policy? Under this policy, you can’t state an intention to inflict violence on a specific person or group of people. We define intent to include statements like “I will”, “I’m going to”, or “I plan to”, as well as conditional statements like “If you do X, I will”. Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to: • threatening to kill someone; • threatening to sexually assault someone; • threatening to seriously hurt someone and/or commit a other violent act that could lead to someone’s death or serious physical injury; and • asking for or offering a financial reward in exchange for inflicting violence on a specific person or group of people. What is not a violation of this policy? We recognize that some people use violent language as part of hyperbolic speech or between friends, so we also allow some forms of violent speech where it’s clear that there is no abusive or violent intent, e.g., “I’ll kill you for sending me that plot spoiler!”. This policy is enforced in tandem with our policies on abusive behavior and hateful conduct. Statements that express a wish or hope that someone experiences physical harm, making vague or indirect threats, or threatening actions that are unlikely to cause serious or lasting injury are not actionable under this policy, but may be reviewed and actioned under those policies. Based on the above, and given my reply was about gameplay in a specific computer game, replying to a post about that computer game, clearly is in no violation of these policies at all. I have sent the above reasoning to twitter on several occasions, but withing minutes receive a denial, which leads me to believe it's an autmoated service, not someone actually reading the very reasonable explanation
27/05/23 quesadillatired Violating our rules against evading suspension. Appealed
27/05/23 jjukkyumlz Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. i never violated any twitter rules with this account, idk why they think thar
27/05/23 busybussybody Violating twitter policies Deleted said tweet, and emailed evidence of informed consent that was agreed by the other person.
27/05/23 himekoverse hateful tweet (?) i have filed them an appeal to remove any tweets of mine that can break the Twitter guidelines and that i will be extra careful in tweeting from now on
25/05/23 daviddavies733 Didn’t really know that I broke the rules not sure if I ever get my account back as it’s in read only mode Appealed it but they think I’ve violated the rules which I didn’t no , the conversation got heated but never got told if I get my account back after cool out period as generally my account healthy don’t think it’s worth a ban permanently if it’s on read only mode
24/05/23 stronggurl1123 Too many passwords tries Password new made and phone number given
24/05/23 hawonkai Violate twitter rules not violated rules please consider to unsuspend it
24/05/23 jordanbeach29 Account was working earlier in the day and then i am not permanently suspended for breaking Twitter rules and ill i have done was bookmarked pics of girls that said 18 Account is unusable as for the permanent suspension I don’t even know what I did wrong
23/05/23 emboicarti violating twitter rules against suspension appeal
23/05/23 ahmetenes Violating our rules against evading suspension. Filled appeals.
23/05/23 hamzatidowu7 Dear Twitter Support, I am writing to request a review of the suspension of my twitter account, which suspended on [21/05/2023] for violating Twitter's rules and regulations. My account handle is [@idchest11]. I will be glad if you can please help me reopen it back. Thanks. Account
22/05/23 rock_nie Once hacked. Change of login IP address. Filed appeal form. Explained that China mainland user needs to use VPN to access twitter
22/05/23 fsdfs fffffdsfsd fsdfs
20/05/23 kthboston Platform Manipulation and Spam Will never engage in such behaviour again
18/05/23 alkotby_egypt I don't know, I haven't done anything unusual I could do nothing but submit daily petitions
18/05/23 shemirama Tweet Temporary 12hr suspension read only
17/05/23 bridgett2voter I have no idea I tried to do the suspension lift on Twitter and they keep refusing. All they say in a generic email is that I violated their terms of service, but no specific tweet or reason.
08/05/23 4awnz breaking the Twitter Rules Deleted my offensive Tweet
17/05/23 tevyedelara Tweets denouncing Human Rights abuse by the CCP None, the CCP is a corrupt, tyrannical organisation.
17/05/23 cryptoking I don't know Please activate my account
15/05/23 fancyfacts_ke Violation of copyright I have deleted the tweets that led to this suspension
15/05/23 srkhan2023 My Twitter account (@srkhan2023) is now suspended. I,m trying log in another Browser Then susnpend.There have a small reason for suspensions my profile. I means my wrong work. I promise in future I don't do this work. So now please re-back me my twitter account. Thanks. Another Browser Log in
15/05/23 ughkei Inappropriate headed Trying to delete it & emailing.
14/05/23 sheethals5 Multiple copyright infringement file complaint
12/05/23 eaudecxnt Displaying abusive Behavior never got a chance to correct anything so i couldnt take any account
12/05/23 saribabyx Not sure Tried to appeal but unable to log in
12/05/23 skidazzle Violent speech Appeal
11/05/23 urnamma “Violating rules against violent speech” (I referenced a meme, did not call for violence, threaten, etc). Meme has since been referenced thousands of times. Would take down post if I could…
11/05/23 lilchichi_eth Avoiding suspension I appealed, showing that there were multiple spam accounts created duplicating my account which may have made it seem as if mine was spam too.
11/05/23 repredmarvl1989 twitter rule violation but i didn't do it because my account was compromised and before i could change the password i got suspended i deleted the suspected tweet that got my account suspended
10/05/23 chrisrodger Someone hacked my account and put a bunch of spam type stuff linking to other people. Attempted to verify email and phone number but count will not allow me to update due to being locked. Also filed appeals with Twitter.
10/05/23 8oh3muziq Unknown Reinstate the account. I will refrain from policy violations if I knew what rule I violated.
09/05/23 2minjinss promoting hate speech In my tweet which Twitter suspended my account they gave me the description that I promoted hate speech but I haven't. They thought that I used the word "die" but I used the symbols d 7 e that have nothing to do with hate speech
08/05/23 librarymeg57 Harassment I appealed to twitter because this was my only infraction after being on twitter for 8 years.
07/05/23 missspax I think it is because a spam account followed me and kept retweeting and tagging people via my account. I deleted the posts and reported and blocked the accounts. I have submitted appeals but nothing has been done. Its Case# 0320003984
06/05/23 scionborn “violations” but my entire account is discussions of women’s rights, gender identity, queer identity, and black community, also social injustices! I contacted twitter!
06/05/23 mrfrk_ Spam I've sent an appeal
06/05/23 bitsquantonline Violating rules evading suspension Reached out to the support team stating that the account had never been suspended before, so it's not possible to violate rules evading suspension
05/05/23 epexfiies My account does not violate the policy because I have in my bio that it is an account dedicated to a Kpop group!! It literally says loops/videos for #이펙스 so that is clearly indicating what my account is for!! I also have in the location that it has one admin, me!! And just because I have twitter blue doesn’t mean I’m impersonating them!! If you look at my tweets, they’re nothing to impersonate. They’re videos of the members!! I have not broke any policy so I want my account fully restored within the next 48 hours, it’s been gone for FOUR DAYS!! when I’ve not even done anything!! I don’t even care I’m gonna appeal until you give me my account back and I don’t care if it takes a year. You didn’t let me change anything when you gave me my account back because it was “under review” so that’s unfair!! It’s on YOU that I can’t get my account back!!! HOW CAN I WIN MY ACCOUNT BACK WHEN YOU DIDNT EVEN LET ME CHANGE ANYTHING!! And I know for a fact I’m annoying you but I am NOT giving up on the account that I have built up for the fandom just for YOU to suspend it for no reason. I will keep appealing and sending emails EVERY couple of minutes until you give me it back because I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!! I want my account FULLY restored because I literally did nothing wrong, it’s stupid if the other person still owned twt my account would be back within ONE day
05/05/23 rose14624042 Idk i have not used it at all I would like to have my account deleted
05/05/23 aj_sleeplvr Spam account Provided my details for verification
04/05/23 angelaheenan82 They believe I have been making different accounts. But these were made in error when re uploading and trying to sign into the app after I deleted the app off my phone. I don’t know why or how new accounts were made Iv never used any other accounts Please re instate my twitter account @angelaheenan82
03/05/23 chrisgs76 mass report from bots looked at all my tweets and none were abusive or harrasment
03/05/23 ethan48216976 I don’t know Unsuspend my account
03/05/23 lmarakl Missinterpretation, they thought I wished death upon someone Deleted the tweet as soon as possible, apologized and took the blame for what I did, as I now know that my wording was very poorly and insulting
02/05/23 mingoopics deleted email address attached to the account would like to attach new email address
02/05/23 amakastwitt3r Wishing/ glorifying harm Permanent suspension
01/05/23 gregoryg812 I don’t know why Don’t know how
01/05/23 jan_burton No idea maybe because I haven’t used it for a while and they don’t believe it’s me I have opened an appeal and they closed it I sent another message and waiting I sent over my ID and passport to prove it’s me
01/05/23 zakaaseflopo I don't think I've violated Twitter rules No
30/04/23 farawayvamp My account has been suspended for no apparent reason. Since the beginning, I have never once broken any twitter rule. I never even gotten any warning or strike. I really hope you guys correct this issue and reinstate my account. I don’t know what actions need to be corrected since there was never any reason for my suspension
29/04/23 cfc_hazel No idea, maybe impersonating even though imnot. verified email and can upload ID to prove im not a fake
29/04/23 _rajivkumar Don't know Na
28/04/23 heronruined No Reason Tried to file an appeal to get unsuspended as I haven’t done a thing on the account for a while but they said I violated their TOS?
28/04/23 jackie23723245 Evading suspension I have appealed promising that I won’t violate any other twitter rules even though I didn’t intend to.
27/04/23 itsoiseni Evading suspension My verified account was hacked and changed my phone number without consent. To neuter that I'll provide my phone number for authentication . Please twitter reinstate my account !
26/04/23 umgabriel0 I have no clue i didnt tweet anything bad Submitted appeals
10/04/23 evilcatt4life Account was hacked and spam posted Changed password
26/04/23 bootywarrior204 My Twitter account was permanently suspended but no rules were violated. Please help me recover my account. No rules were violated and there are no previous instances of suspension or warnings.
25/04/23 bookgirl_kt My account was hacked and started sending out spamming tweets, and as a result it got suspended. However now I have control again and I would like my account back. Thank you! I've changed my email and added two step verification to my account so I shouldn't get hacked again.
25/04/23 idec_goodbye1 It wasn’t specified Appeal the suspension no response
24/04/23 k9clowncar No idea - all I get for a reason is “violations of terms of service “ I’ve appealed- twice. And get same answer but no direct reason(s).
24/04/23 icenft_eth Violating our rules against evading suspension. Dont wanna break. Didnt aware breake rule
24/04/23 wacaktb I genuinely o do not know, I replied to a comment with regards to football where someone called me a clown, I told him he was a bell end, other than that I don't think I've done anything else deserving of a permanent suspension Emailed
24/04/23 martinjohn0603 No idea, I rarely use twitter, it claims i violated its rules, but i hadn't used the platform in several months before the suspension, i have sent appeals multipe times over the last 18 months or so and have NEVER HEARD BACK ONCE FROM TWITTER. unsuspend my account that was wrongfully suspended
24/04/23 sudandan9 no reasons Appealed but not help
23/04/23 teamever101 i have no idea none because i dont know what happened
23/04/23 manny_j177 I don’t why tbh I feel like I was wrongfully suspended
23/04/23 realaremu I can't really say, but I suspected that it might because of trying logging in on another device which it took me so many try to get the password correctly Sent an appeal but no response yet
23/04/23 bowserbadass Apparently I was “evading suspension” Filed an appeal, have not heard back in 8 days.
23/04/23 iamjunwusgf I got suspended for a right wing tweet for my beliefs Deletion of tweet
23/04/23 aaditeaa DMCA Copyright Issues Sent DMCA counter-notification,Appeals.
22/04/23 breatheconlv Twitter rules violation We are not violating any Twitter rules
22/04/23 yemiight Violating our rules against evading suspension Am a legit and transparent user of tweet and I have not encounter such a problem before. I want tweet to please unsuspecting my account so I can continue interacting with my friends and family.
21/04/23 qsa33q No reason Nothing
21/04/23 1969mrt Statement on history for treason Remove it and never say it again
21/04/23 tonyinnebraska Don't have any idea Filed appeal, ignored
21/04/23 saptaksg Writing against Twitter Blue Tick removal Emailed Twitter
20/04/23 mozelle1150660 出差異地登陸IP地址變化 很一些人聊天 希望能夠取消暫停
19/04/23 keatmaraden Email: , Phone number: +85599777730 Appeal a locked or suspended account
19/04/23 jeromenapao I think blocking people ? unsuspend my account
19/04/23 paulodax_ hate speech careful when posting something or tweeting
18/04/23 morphsincerity Accidental violation of policy Appeal
16/04/23 sevynarmani Sensitive content I will utilize the “sensitive content” disclaimer so that it is hidden on my profile
13/04/23 pvdh91 User who reported my account after not accepting his friend request plese reactivate my account
13/04/23 hornyhax_ Spam Permanent suspension
12/04/23 generic_type Hate speech Appeal submitted
12/04/23 simmmwolf Spam? Clarifying intentions and asking respectful questions to better understand the violation
12/04/23 malachite009 I’m am unaware of any reason why my account would be suspended. I don’t really post anything, all I do is scroll and like tweets and follow artists and such so I’m really not sure as to why my account would be suspended I’ve sent multiple appeals asking for help and information and got nothing back
10/04/23 sergeevvita I don't know, but most likely frequent retweets Every day I wrote to their support 3-4 times, but all to no avail I didn't even get a reply.
07/10/23 utdtransferr Hateful conduct I have apologised and want my account back because I have worked hard for my 20m impressions each month , I was just standing by my jewish people
10/04/23 thej0ker9 No reason I’m a normal user I want my account back please
09/04/23 suzfah235 I replied to a post that said citizens were dying of covid vaccines in a European country and they are bringing in immigrants. I replied with something along the lines of. That’s the plan, kill off white people.. Meaning that so many citizens have to have vaccines but not immigrants, so citizens are dying and being replaced. By immigrants.. I wasn’t threatening anyone. I deleted the post and asked to be reviewed. They said my account is permanently suspended after being reviewed.
09/04/23 ysxael Liking another commenter comments that might’ve violated the twitter rules Will definitely keep my account on safety mode
08/04/23 king__phaze Someone hacked into my account and did something against twitter’s policy. I’m not sure what it is they did, my twitter acc was inactive for maybe a couple months as I normally check on it. When it had come around to check on it; I was following weird accs and my profile pic was changed(still is). I am permanently banned for a reason I do not know and I would just like to get my acc back I have filed 3 twitter support cases in the span of 4 months with no reply(expect initial reply which is sent right away after filing saying a case has been made and waiting for response.
07/04/23 darkfox76 I have no idea why, I have never engaged in anything that could be considered a violation of Twitter rules. I can't do anything, I can’t verify my account with my phone number.
06/04/23 bigwinshoping Spammy behavior Filed an appeal
05/04/23 yupp1122 Violated twitter rules Permanently suspended and permanently read only mode
04/04/23 blindnun8157 sexual I promise to never look at pornography on twitter. I think that was the case since I only watch sex workers.
03/04/23 sr_lebronj Im not entirely sure but twitter believes that its because of platform manipulation and spam I have submitted an appeal twice
03/04/23 danieltooslick I told someone to Kill Themselfs. By reducing the suspension to a week. I will serve it and think of my actions.
03/04/23 brynn87789193 Hacked Get account back
16/03/23 gurukithayhai Mass reporting by political activists I got no prior warnings or email from twitter as to what policies I violated . I have been very compliant towards twitter policies and will continue to do so if my account is restored
16/03/23 jl4everr Talking violence and wishhing harm I just used a simple word to joke with my friend i meant no harm
02/04/23 not_abhra I am not that active on Twitter but one day all of a sudden I got this email stating my account got suspended having reason Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. I checked my account asap and found a bunch of crypto related tweets, I have never seen. I concluded my account got hacked and someone else impersonated me and used my account. I can affirm these are true to the best of my knowledge. I appealed for restorement of my account but they rejected it. I am tensed as idk what to do next to get it unsuspended. Please help me out as it is my main email account.
02/04/23 kyurus_ "after careful review, we determined your account broke the twitter rules. Your account is permanently in read only mod" I don't know, I used my account mostly to watch content and participate in giveaways so I don't know what I did.. I tried to appeal but it's been a month and they ignored it
28/03/23 admulley Can’t even give a reason, seems completely random but they said spam I’ve filed reports and emailed Twitter but am yet to even get any reply from them
26/03/23 gayshineefan Violating Twitter Policy Appealing
25/03/23 neocrusher12 Breaking guildines Follow guild lines
24/03/23 alikarimbadr1 broke twitter rules SUBMIT AN APPLY
23/03/23 sapphir56936801 No clear Reaching through email
22/03/23 susansmi0 Editing of my profile also spam 3 people I won't do that again
21/03/23 bats_11 No idea None
20/03/23 fucckjon Compromised Changed password
19/03/23 reemyasserfouad My account got hacked by a Chinese hacker, and got suspended two days later after I managed to bring it back. I sent you like zillions of emails, Filed millions of appeals but no response!
18/03/23 icecreamcake18 bot accounts and spammy replies reported and blocked those accounts, but it they didn't stop adding me until my account was mistakenly suspended. I also set my account in private mode before it got suspended. I already filed an appeal to unsuspend, but only got a reply that it was already unlocked and said that my account was mistakenly suspended due to bot accounts.
17/03/23 roshetrader Vulgar language Deleted
16/03/23 eclairs___ Banter with a mutual Unsuspend my account and It won’t happen again
03/11/23 realvictorutomi Spammy behaviour Appeal
14/03/23 solidsnowy Dear Twitter Support, I am writing this appeal to request that my account be reinstated. My account was recently suspended due to a violation of Twitter's terms of service. I take full responsibility for my actions and I am willing to take any necessary steps to ensure that I comply with Twitter's policies moving forward. I understand the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful online community, and I apologize for any harm that my actions may have caused. I would like to emphasize that my intentions were never to violate Twitter's policies or to harm any individuals or groups. I value the community that Twitter has built and I hope to be able to contribute to it in a positive and respectful way. I respectfully request that my account be reinstated so that I can continue to participate in the online conversation. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely,solidsnowy ss
13/03/23 no_cummies spam and platform manipulation sent them an appeal and apologized; told them it was a mistake and i do not partake in spammy behaviour
11/03/23 lutheracker Spam tweets Never posted with own tweets just a bunch of retweets
11/03/23 spacecowboydick Nudity Removal of tweets against policy and hide images that may potentially go against policy
10/03/23 phoenixcne_news i don't know i don't know
09/03/23 usa7j I don't unlock acount
09/03/23 wenny_rp Just activating Twitter, receive message that my account was suspended please reactivate my account
08/03/23 kha00er Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. permanent suspension
08/03/23 nonso_011 I think it could be that of verification issues. I had had a former account before this one @Chi_nonso01 but it was also permanently suspended. So I created this current one which also has now been permanently suspended. Please I need this current account back. The only action I have taken which is the only thing I could do was to write an appeal which I have done.
08/03/23 mediumaus Unkown Unaware of the reason for the permanent suspension
08/03/23 richardhdent No idea No idea
06/03/23 lgbt4iu i dont know i dont k ow
06/03/23 daniel_mulate I don’t know Appeal
05/03/23 barbi3la For breaking the rules but I didn’t do anything wrong please Please unsuspend my account I didn’t do anything wrong
04/03/23 radx998 idk reset my password
03/03/23 hillariaaa Hate towards the present administration. Will be cautious.
03/03/23 17mattguy I seriously do not know unsuspend
02/03/23 itsbeebbyy They didn’t give an exact reason! All my Twitter was nothing but Retweet of what people were sharing on thier pages I have emailed Twitter multiple times
02/03/23 nurudeensaliu1 Still confused Be punctual
01/03/23 frhtckquueartek Violation of Twitter policy rules Filling of an appeal
28/02/23 teeenau Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. I’m here to inform them, I’m always try to avoid something that will lead to suspend my account because I really like the account, its my only account they are just suspended it without investigation please make sure you bringing back my account.
28/02/23 voredaza1 Spam ? Idk
28/02/23 celana_batik I don't know what i did wrong, i never reply to any offenive twwet nor tweet harmful things to other people, i only switch between aa priv acc and my main acc, i never tweeted vulgar pics so I'm not sure what's wrong?? they never tell me in email or give me a warning they just suspended my account out of the blue! please tell them to look into my account for any harmful tweet i guarantee you there's none, compare to other people who constantly dox someone everyday, my account is family friendly 😐
27/02/23 milktea_yo Not specified, I haven’t been able to find any reason I’ve submitted an appeal, but I wrote it in a panic
27/02/23 anileekayne Has to be an error, as I have not violated any conditions Filed appeal
26/02/23 eltawalbeh Unknown Anything to re-gain access
25/02/23 kenneth70788871 I don't why my account was suspended I don't do anything to it Pls back my account because it's so important to me for school purposes
24/02/23 sagaycouple1 Don't know Stronger Password and cellphone verification
24/02/23 tundealatishe Suicidal comment I have appealed and also used the help appeal form
23/02/23 busyprettymf Nothing honestly my account has done nothing I’ve made sure I review my tweets and I’ve m out tweeted any harmful things
22/02/23 diyabolu I wrote to my friend "i will kill you" as a joke and they suspended my account They gave me no chance
20/02/23 aaron_devlin021 Twitter rules reactive the account
20/02/23 angeljnelsonn Wrongfully suspended I was not given a reason and I have not violated any rules I submitted appeals
20/02/23 nightcarl9 Describing " having sex with a 17 year old" Have filed an appeal and explain them everything in detail " just to create a buff, it was mention like having sex with 17 year old , however in real its with 24 year old " and hence asked them to verify the video.
20/02/23 stephanaeadolfs Honestly, i don't know what did i do to make my account suspended. I will no longer like, retweet or share anything that against the community guidelines that above the law of twitter.
19/02/23 captcharlie42 inappropriate behavior after abusive report from a troll account named @ArgoHydra Twitter doesn't let me correct or defend myself as i dont know which tweets were reported , i accept to removed the concern tweets and be careful in the futur if Twitter let me do it and unsuspend my account
19/02/23 bolton_sno Nsfw content Updating cellphone number
18/02/23 mastermarkvgc Unknown. My Account Got Hacked. Filed an Appeal and Got No Reply
18/02/23 annoyed_pixie You say due to an usual activity... I don't know, can you explain me what happened??
18/02/23 samuelsidu Unsure Unsuspend my account.
18/02/23 ssjkevv No known reason Submitted appeal
18/02/23 if21q Actually I don’t know but I think maybe because of my language, when I tweet with Arabic Some words may be misunderstood when translated to English I did gave a lot of appeal nothing happened
17/02/23 waroftheworids Abusive behavior Appeal
16/02/23 ashley_scfc Abuse Delete tweet
16/02/23 afeez_da_vinci I unfollowed a lot of people who weren't following me back. I have appealed numerous times, but nothing has been done.
16/02/23 afeez_da_vinci I unfollowed a lot of people who weren't following me back. I have appealed numerous times, but nothing has been done.
16/02/23 bruteraizou Spam Delete spam tweets
16/02/23 godtierasteria Unknown Provided phone number and code
27/01/23 rileybourn20 Nothing Appeal
16/02/23 godtierasteria Unknown Entered phone number and code
15/02/23 dr0wsykid Underage Age Consent I did not use my account at all when I first created the account. Only started using it when I turned 13. Now I am 20.
14/02/23 capitan20000 maybe wrong re tweet any thing to unsuspended my account
14/02/23 rmw75158 no idea Unsuspend my account
12/02/23 realyanyu Nude photos Appeal
11/02/23 amyolson123 Have no idea and no reason was givin I've appealed and no response
10/02/23 reemaak2 Not sure Will follow Twitter rule
10/02/23 reemaak2 Not sure Will follow Twitter rule
10/02/23 bajapantypr23 i don’t know. none.
10/02/23 janamejayan_ I don't know unsuspend my suspended account
10/02/23 machiavellimemz Sharing unauthorized content Delete post
09/02/23 shakatamuhammwd Abusive words None
09/02/23 notshineuwu Replied "Just die" I misspelled dye by die.
09/02/23 beidenutza spamming I think my account was hacked, I would like to enable 2 factor authentication
09/02/23 unique230487 I dont know! I chane password
08/02/23 theejayr I explained to someone what a dyke and bull dagger was and why it’s offensive to some and not to others as a member of the lgtbq community I didn’t do anything wrong i never use those words to insult people
08/02/23 _2t10 I am 19 years old but it is saying I don’t meet age requirements I submitted a form
08/02/23 arshuuislove Platform manipulation and spamming I want my account
07/02/23 madehamalecela Threatening Language Appeal
06/02/23 schkslx3 Spam Put account on Private
03/11/23 whaley_iam Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. Appeal, severally
05/02/23 laurita_tweets Violating twitter rules File an appeal
04/02/23 bbwibrahim027 2Fplatform-manipulation and spam Try requesting why it suspended
03/02/23 ancient_lechie6 Hacked and retweeting spam Changed email password
03/02/23 flintrida Didn’t give a reason I didn’t violate any of twitters rules. I don’t bother or post anything harmful
02/02/23 hmad_adaq Account broke twitter rule
01/02/23 alviswunyc I have did nothing wrong here I have did nothing wrong here
30/01/23 meltanetaylor No idea cause my account got hacked Trying to know the reason for suspension
30/01/23 0xwin_ruby Platform manipulation and spam Appealing to Twitter
29/01/23 trufferiste Bullying Recover account
29/01/23 stavsoo I added too much people and i unfollowed people in the same time. And than its happend I filled the form in the twitter 2 weeks ago and no respond yet. I dont remember the exactly date. But it was 2 weeks ago +-. Thank you. Stav
28/01/23 7rings69 Spammed Dear Twitter, I'm I want it (@7rings69) I still don't understand why my account was suspended without any warning or explanation. It's mind-boggling. I do not have or have participated in any of the following: Safety - Violence, Terrorism/violent extremism, child sexual exploitation, Abuse/harassment, Hateful behavior, Selfishness death or self-harm, Sensitive Vehicles, Certain Illegal or Regulated Goods or Services. I have not or have been involved in matters related to Privacy - Personal Information, Non-Consensus Nudity. Authenticity - Platform manipulation and spam, Election integrity, Impersonation, Copyright and trademark. I still don't understand why my account was suspended without any warning or explanation. It's amazing that my account is not related to DMCA copyright, SPAM, Twitter Platform Manipulation or harassment. I'm really confused and worried because Twitter is the place where I have a source of income for myself as well as help my family to reduce suffering because my family's situation is also difficult so I hope everyone in the Twitter team can help me Thank you very very much. I thank you for viewing my appeal hope you can reconsider help me . DEAR TWITTER Best regards, I want It (@7rings69)
28/01/23 7eorge Don’t know Unsuspend Account
28/01/23 iceymoonshards Abusive behavior / death threat I have read Twitter Rules, I’d like to specify that my tweets were jokes between friends with no malicious intent whatsoever, but I will stop anyway and keep posting art, please consider unsuspending my account, I need it for financial reasons (art commissions). Thank you.
27/01/23 duvaldaily They said harassing or violent behavior I will delete the tweet even though I don’t think it breaks any rules, and I filed an appeal
27/01/23 twitter Mistake Applied many times to get an explanation as to why I have been suspended I never used the account
27/01/23 rihamas10544519 Same reason as the other one spamming,creating multiple accounts,and using automated means to follow and unfollow people on Twitterafter the other one was suspended I used a very old one I created four years ago that I didn't use after that one was suspended I returned to my old one but the same people with grudge who hate me and want me gone for my Twitter because they don't like my opinion about BTS Taehyung dating Jennie from Blackpink targeted that one too and mass reported and suspending it I used to have 2 accounts a very old one created four years ago I created accidentally and another one I created two years ago due to forgetting the password of the other one and after I changed password and logged to my first account I had two accounts but because of these people suspending my only two accounts Filling multiple appeals but get denied and rejected
27/01/23 rehamas42823934 Spamming, creating multiple accounts and aggressively following and unfollowing using automated means due to malicious and false reports from people who hate me and with grudge for difference in opinions and due to this my account was unjustly suspendedbut I assure you these are all false accusations and was done maliciously so these people can get rid of me in Twitter Filling multiple appeals but get denied and rejected
27/01/23 single_f21cm profile photo content partial nutidy I tried to verify, but it didn't works
27/01/23 single_f21cm profile photo content partial nutidy I tried to verify, but it didn't works
26/01/23 powerfmuganda Age restriction Copies of a national Identity card of the owner was shared and attached to the appeal
26/01/23 yielddaoio no reason we can do anything to recover our account
26/01/23 gwoyun abuse and harassment, saying something hurtful in japanese will proof read and translate tweets before sending.
25/01/23 tisaayxrio I might have said something bad on twitter that's why I got suspended. Please give my twitter account back.
25/01/23 novicegardener No idea! Submitted email address
24/01/23 chieftrades1 I have no idea I don’t know because I did nothing wrong.
23/01/23 sophia_36934 All details can be found here; None
23/01/23 kaydeewrld Following people Will change
21/01/23 lie4s9ogkapxpko Platform manipulation and spam policy 2022/12/1 PM11:32
21/01/23 sulaima42150245 Following many tweets within an Hour I will follow all the Rules and Regulation and this kind Violation will not happen Again. Thanks!
21/01/23 miladripshoney the reason is unknown to me because this is my friend's account, her name is Mila, and I've been unable to contact her since Thursday morning, sometime between 8am and 9am her account was suspended and all of her messages were deleted from my Inbox, she was trying to help me regain employment which I'd lost during the pandemic, but all the crucial information was lost to me once her account was suspended this is my friend's account, I don't know what they've done yet to get it restored
19/01/23 woonicobot Violated twitter rules I, @woonicobot, believes that I didn't violated any rules in this platform. Hoping that I could bring my account back.
19/01/23 bottledmsg too many retweets filed an appeal
19/01/23 awokewon Unknown Will do what is needed to correct the problem
19/01/23 wtfparadise “Violating rules against evading suspension” but I have had no prior warning to this No idea
19/01/23 dopaminty I dont know why my account got suspended because I was not really active except retweeting and liking posts. I hope Twitter un suspend my account because i have no back up account and i have many friends there.
19/01/23 nissenacionales Violating rules against evading permanent suspension None
19/01/23 bm_vt case # 0303685577 My account has been Suspended, because of the Twitter trend tag that is used for vote too much. Please help to get my account back to use.
19/01/23 horuseyeofgod Abuse This was misconstrued I was talking about what happened to myself
19/01/23 mollyzh07695609 my account may be stolen by someone, and I have regain my control of my accounts I have changed my password, and regain the control of my acount
18/01/23 neonyoongi tiktoks in my account deleting posts with tiktoks
18/01/23 beyondill Profile Photo I tried to request for an appeal so that I can change my photo
18/01/23 134340eris Violating rules Appeal
18/01/23 nonso_ik evadimg permanent suspension appeal
18/01/23 yjhanihae None Please unsuspend my account
18/01/23 jiminkolala For unknown reason, I undoubtedly believe that my account is a fan account. I'm not faking or copying anyone's identity, having malicious or abusive content and tweets that I'm sharing and tweeting about. Deliberate carefully as I hope to get my fan account back, because I share so many memories with my stan group.
18/01/23 ramya1494_sam Platform mamipulation and spam Appeal
18/01/23 xrekorx not sure i was innocently perm suspended
17/01/23 markpasquine Twitter says it's for multiple or repeat violations of our rules. I appealed and this was denied. I haven't even posted anything in years and have certainly done nothing to get suspended. After looking in my email folder, I can see that my account may have been hacked.
17/01/23 auerios Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension N/A
16/01/23 fortsalemn copyright but I didn’t mean too Tried to delete or give proper credit to the Tweets or Thread tweeter thinks violated rules
15/01/23 harryhawker9 I messaged another account Delete the messaged individual
15/01/23 tanguy_france « Conduite haineus » Je supprimerai tous les tweets pouvant poser problème. Je n’ai attaqué et insulté personne.
14/01/23 lordaslanthe2nd I retweeted a person calling Kyle rittenhouse an "American hero" with the caption "Kyle dick riders are a special bunch". I was suspended for "harassment and abuse" I have appealed several times and have been denied.
13/01/23 aruna_j7 Violating Twitter Rules Will be careful not to do it hence forward
13/01/23 thewellofzamzam I made a reply tweet to a TikTok video where a woman was saying men don't need to have biological children so I said at the end of my tweet "may she die alone" If read in context it wasn't wishing or threatening her with death I was wishing for her to be single when she dies. I filed multiple appeals stating that my tweet was taken out of context and it wasn't directed on another twitter user.
12/01/23 mikepomerants Account accessed from different device, think Twitter thought it was being hacked. Not entirely sure, have never tweeted before, just use account for following others. Submitted multiple tickets over the last two months and have not heard anything. Really frustrating especially since I am not sure why I was suspended.
12/01/23 laurenmmartinez Not sure, was never told Appeal
17/02/24 gaudencis Violation of rules Submitted an appeal
12/01/23 chinggu_0ppa Evading permanent suspension My account was compromised by unauthorized device and someone else is using my account to spam tweets and posts. I believe that my account got compromised today at 7.30 am on 12/1/2023. I managed to saw the post where the tweet is about promoting other accounts. I strongly deny that I did not do this. Please help me to unsuspend my account since I need it to update my latest activities and any announcement to my followers.
11/01/23 juiixno Violating our rules against graphic violence or adult content in profile images. You may not include graphic violence or adult content in your profile photo or profile header image. We consider graphic violence to be any form of gory media related to death, serious injury, violence, or surgical procedures. We consider adult content to be any media that is pornographic and/or may be intended to cause sexual arousal. Learn more about our media policy. Profile header Unsuspend the account there is absolutely nothing wrong with the banner i have pictures of the banner and the account so I got suspended for no reason.
11/01/23 pjchuuchuu abuse and harassment i went to church and fell on my knees, i prayed to god for redemption. i asked him, will you forgive my sins? take the burden off my shoulders, even though i dont deserve you, merciful god. bless the soul i wronged @b3rriblossom and allow me forgiveness which i yearn but dont deserve. (she's my friend and got suspended for joking with her, ill keep the jokes in private from now on but PLEASEEE im on my knees let me have my account back)
11/01/23 roseamor20 Maybe I violated their rules which I didn't know about Unsuspend my account
11/01/23 ashmq200 No clue, never violated rules I made an appeal
10/01/23 stolematt Creating an account younger than the age it allows Filling an Appeal
10/01/23 cryptoslot I didn’t violate any rules I will mind what I tweet
10/01/23 badasspmf spam or account reported i read all twitter rules now and i hope not to repeat my mistakes anymore.
10/01/23 cici_interlude bad language delete tweet very remorseful
10/01/23 berniice_a my most recent tweet “kys trying to get up the bed” in response to a video that was shared that would result in harming yourself if under the influence i realize that that is not the proper language to use and will be more careful in the future
09/01/23 style_bebo Using bad language on tweets I do apologize for my actions , please give me the last chance and I have learned to use Twitter for good
13/10/22 nabilashehetmon Swearing Will delete all tweets with swear words
09/01/23 krisztna2 Supposed abuse Tried to use my phone number but you refused it saying it’s unsupported
09/01/23 abdelo_b Violating our rules against abuse and harassment. I promise I will not do that again.
09/01/23 olibading targeted harassment? i did not mean to cause any harm to anyone and was written in a joking manner (reason i am on priv), i now know that twitter doesnt take those types of sayings lightly. going forward i would delete all of the tweets and make sure not to do it again and watch what i say on my account
08/01/23 mqctrl saying something disrespectful i guarantee it was a mistake and i will never joke in this way with my friends ever again
08/01/23 justbernice2 Spammy content Will lessen tweeting and will start deleting tweets
08/01/23 conker_rakun typing kys on a transphobic joke deleted the tweet minutes after as that's not how I usually go with things but was a bad morning
07/01/23 sammmnextdoor The header was flag for sexual content, but i was on my bed with lengerie, nothing that you don't see in other creators. Submitted more than 30 appeals, send emails, with photos of my cover and other models with worse covers than mine. Still suspended
07/01/23 namgiphile Violating their rules against promoting or encouraging suicide or self-harm I filled the form explaining that I’ve been using my account for 9 years and i never had a problem with their rules so I think their suspension was a mistake :(
06/01/23 approvity Not sure I've appealed twice, got no answer.
05/01/23 bettytastic I still don’t know, a vague accusation of hateful conduct’ Repeated appeals
05/01/23 lukasz_laguna I didn't get any details, just that account broke TwitterRules Filled appeal
05/01/23 nullaction Targeted harassment Tweet I made was very clearly a joke, but I still got banned over it. Completely willing to delete this tweet and never repeat offense ever again.
05/01/23 thebeard75 I smarted off in a tweet by calling someone a pos I’m locked out so I can’t take action
04/01/23 doro_nyakundi Reposting Spam posts on my account. I have read through all the twitter rules and regulations. I have also served a 4 - month suspension and I've learnt my lesson.
05/09/23 reece_poo23 Im not sure, ive that the account for 10+ yrs and it got suspended out of nowhere Submitted several appeals and nothing but an automated email response they gave me no reason why it was suspended
04/01/23 mf_ninja anime nsfw art as profile picture it was only for christmas and i was going change it after
04/01/23 tikfapofficial my phone number was lost, i cant login my phone number was lost, i cant login
02/01/23 jkgreene76 Unknown I would gladly do anything needed to correct this.
02/01/23 rumislayer different opinions over a game (genshin impact) the other party was being rude first but they didn’t get suspended? i made several appeals but they won’t unsuspend me
02/01/23 wadewilson1974 Abuse Permanent suspension
02/01/23 sisaurusrex Spam Filed an appeal
02/01/23 ajkhvled Hateful conduct Context matters applies to my tweet as I was conversing with my friend about football. We’re both black and I referred to him as the n word
01/01/23 khpgonzalez for using the Spanish word gringo in a comment Will not use said language anymore
01/01/23 belacaliswon N/A I made a couple of appeals
01/01/23 perriefidelis I am unsure of the specific reason for the suspension, but I assure you that I have always tried my best to follow the Twitter rules and guidelines. I understand that maintaining a safe and respectful environment on the platform is important, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I will continue to abide by the rules guiding Twitter
01/01/23 ravensarebestt1 Tweet I was wrongful suspended how long is my suspension
31/12/22 n_galaxy00 For a spam message, scam link which caused my account to send everyone a link I tried to reach out to say that I still have the account and everything provided for it
31/12/22 timtanner_ This is a mistake. Founder of VoxelxNetwork twitter account is mistakenly banned! Please review again and unban. Thank You Have tried to contact twitter every possible way.
31/12/22 rubanthalafan Error Need to reopen my account to normal and unsuspend my account as soon as possible
31/12/22 sunfiowerquinn “ Violating our rules against promoting or encouraging suicide or self-harm” i tried to do an appeal but i only have gotten a bot reply
10/12/22 izumi968 My account was suspended for incorrect reason. Please re-active my account. Thanks!
31/12/22 ruban_ak Error or thought my account was spam Need to reopen my account to normal and unsuspend my account as soon as possible
30/12/22 navysealflag i made multiple accounts, because every time I try making a account it asks for a phone number, but i don't have a phone number. so that's why im suspended, just because i mad so many accounts. i want my account, @NavySEALFlag, to be unsuspected please?
29/12/22 lenacay63 They did not like my tweet about throwing fake Christians into the lake of fire I tried to appeal so that I could deactivate my account
29/12/22 boohoomf I have no idea honestly. Requested for an appeal
29/12/22 sulliscomrade Alleged Targeted Abuse Not engage with pro-incest fanatics even in jest
28/12/22 xellfromhell hateful conduct (i was in argument and really getting attacked by multiple people and they got there accounts back but i don’t. i don’t see how that’s fair) ill do LITERALLY anything
28/12/22 xellduh they say abuse and harassment but i literally was quoting a screenshot of a dm between two other people and i said “nigga said, die” i will delete the tweet i don’t think it’s serious enough to be suspended i didn’t even direct the tweet at anyone
28/12/22 eduardo10069688 Rules against hateful conduct I may delete the tweet but I do not consider hateful conduct
28/12/22 lullabyliyah Hateful conduct Avoided accounts with hateful content, refrained from the usage of profanity, and started blocking people in order to avoid arguments.
27/12/22 simuurq Sharing paid content (a Bloomberg article) with my fellow Iranians fighting for freedom. Majority of Iranians cannot access these articles because of banking sanctions and i was just trying to help. I will not violate the rules anymore.. I wasn't thinking of the policies when I shared the article
24/12/22 arijit_aurko Suspicious Tweets by Scammer I have appealed to Twitter, explaining the issue.
22/12/22 ntban4900 no reason of suspension i dont even use my twitter account pls rectify my account and unsuspend my account as it was my fault
22/12/22 loadofoldshirt Falsely mass reported for counterfeit policy violation Multiple appeals with 2000+ images sent to prove content on my twitter profile was genuine. Never told which tweets violated policy or had a chance to prove innocence despite burner accounts being set up in my name by the person who had my twitter taken down admitting they had done so falsely.
22/12/22 mohamaislam Violating our rules against abusive behavior it won't happen again, if they look at my account, i never violate the rules before,and they'll never see me doing it again
22/12/22 thebehem violence threats I attempted to delete all some what violent tweets retweets and post. I summitted multiple appeals trying to get my account back but haunt gotten feedback. I tried to explain to the support team that there was a former freind of mine in possesion of my account at the time.
21/12/22 stanwaful I wrongly set the year of birth to 2022. I was born in the year 1993. Unable to access account thus unable to input correct year of birth 1993.
21/12/22 oluwamaxwell_ For a tweet i tweeted I filed an appeal
21/12/22 wowmurfy Not sure. Maybe Hate speech. Want to just delete the account fully and take my number off so I can be clear of it.
21/12/22 haylstxrm Evasion ban Never been suspended before - promise not to break Twitter rules ever again
20/12/22 laincore953 Violent behaviour Hello I am very sorry for my behavior I will never break the rules again twitter please unlock my account I can't verify my phone number to remove a post that breaks the rules because I get an error about an unsupported phone number my number is +48 666646543
20/12/22 _ngatia_ spam following twitter rules
20/12/22 lunaacraft_ Unknown I have not broken any rules or shown any aggressive, dangerous, or harmful behavior nor have I attached any bots onto my account nor provided phishing links.
19/12/22 thefatiman Violation Please look into the suspension & activate my account kindly. I didn’t mean to violate any rules, I am very sorry
19/12/22 candied110 Too many tweets too fast File appeal
19/12/22 thaalprymillla unwanted login from other device help to get login back to account
19/12/22 samsonfamous I made a comment without writing the real word, it was like a joke, please help me, this account means more to my career, I have been feeling so sad since the last 40 minutes of suspension. Please help me Twitter. I swear I will never make the same mistakes again and I will always mind my own business without interfering to someone else tweets, please take away my sadness by helping me to unlock my account I wrote nigga kii your self which is very bad but I do not mean is, please give me this last chance to correct my mistakes and bad manners of behavior, please help me to delete the tweet
10/03/24 nishantkumar1_ @nishantkumar1_ Help
19/12/22 hlaingnadi1251 I can’t log in back again and twitter send my account is suspended Can’t log in again
19/12/22 edwinajanga1 Following and Unfollowing accounts I won't follow or unfollow an account for no reason
18/12/22 geenamidtown Violating our rules against abuse and harassment, I stated I would delete the tweet, heard nothing on appeal I appealed, (heard nothing back) I have Native American heritage and was posting with pride that Native Americans are brave fighters who should be proud of KC Chiefs
17/12/22 thfezcov I created a secondary account to be personal and they understood it as evasion and suspended both. Check and analyze my account, I've had it since 2019 and this has never happened, I've always followed the rules of conduct.
17/12/22 rohansheth17 Spamming I have submitted an appeal
16/12/22 poncedeleioun Multiple Account manage Account was in a hackers hands, I reported it hacked and reported the guy was scamming my followers. I filed a lawsuit in court towards the hacker, however Twitter has not helped restore my account yet.
16/12/22 syeohn i don't know i don't know
16/12/22 izy_vybes It’s about me following too much people at a goal I’ve learned from my mistakes and I assure it will happen again
15/12/22 kevinleedean I have no idea and no reason was given Filed an appeal asking for help and an explanation
15/12/22 spokespersonmod May be multiple log in attempts.
15/12/22 alexthies_23 Profile Photo had a buttocks in it, but it was that of a doll. It was not a real person. Appeal Filed
14/12/22 moon_ziel I followed lot of accounts in a short time I changed my password and filed an appeal to twitter
14/12/22 nicknuke4 A joke response tweet, taken out of context. None. I am locked out of account and can't even deactivate my account.
14/12/22 cryptomal1 Platform Manipulation And Spam I Use This account for business purposes and have never spammed twitter in any way.
14/12/22 red_vengeance Multiple or repeat violations of rules Unban account - This is the first time I've been suspended in my entire time at twitter (joined 2008)
09/11/24 t_temitop Suspended for impersonation I've sent an appeal today
14/12/22 cindtrillella Simple, usual and playful banter as I always do on my account yet Twitter suspended one tweet of mine. I deleted the tweet, but apparently Twitter wasn’t having it.
13/12/22 liusblaze Cursing during an argument which was humor in nature Unsuspend the account
12/12/22 bellolfc1801 Unsure Appealed.
12/12/22 deploeableone_ Attacking and threatening which is NOT the case Also, because I am a conservative and a lot of us are locked out or suspended. Most don't know why.
12/12/22 adriantoomes4 Tweeted "She's a cvnt and dirty cvnt" Logged call to have suspension overruled as I felt it didn't break the rules
12/12/22 esonomelose1 Abuse and Harassment
12/12/22 jamiu_bin_ladin Abuse and violence I've promised to be off good behaviour and to abide by the twitter policies to ensure a safer space for twitter and its users
12/12/22 timikotaya Profile Picture I sent an appeal and tried to change my pfp but it won’t let me because I’m suspended.
12/12/22 liamtoonfan1 unknown unsuspend account
11/12/22 shawnmcu It says "Abuse and Harassment" but I just said "Send Nudes" to my boyfriend. Delete the tweet and never tweet it again.
11/12/22 morapido For saying Sam Brinton must be slapped with fine and thrown to jail for stealing other people's stuff Appealed twice. Apologised to twitter. I will never repeat it again. I have been abused by other twitter users, heard mother insults but Twitter never bans them. No warning nothing just sudden permanent suspension is such a lame tactic.
10/12/22 fyuckya spam stopped spam
10/12/22 dilankaushalya1 I don't know.I am not very active on twitter account and this time I got a mail that my account has been suspended. Please be kind enough to unsuspend my account.Beacuse this is my official twitter account since 2016
10/12/22 rosiezjnk Spam or curse words, but definitely nothing serious. Filling an appeal.
10/12/22 hanafikhalil0 for spam but i got hacked i didnt tweet anything i already apeal to the support team but my demande was denyed
10/12/22 dexanimate broke the Twitter Rules unsuspend the account
10/12/22 akiko788 My account was suspended for incorrect reason. Please re-active my account. Thanks!
09/12/22 osm_blrs Violation of the Twitter rules Restore my account to it normal state
09/12/22 hsn_3t I dont know Submit an appeal
09/12/22 shreerenee Twitter Banner Image contained partial nudity Willing to remove banner image and replace with a new one. Had previous placed black bars over exposed breasts but the account was still suspended.
09/12/22 murder_potato_3 Violation of rules against evading permanent suspension This is my first twitter account and I have done nothing wrong. I have not said anything inappropriate and have tried to be kind and supportive to people online. I see no reason why I have been suspended.
09/12/22 miketjrsdebout Hateful behavior Appeal 0298064694 explaining that I just tweeted statistics about crimes in France gathered from official source
08/12/22 wolegendary Spamming I will not spam again
08/12/22 madeleineup1228 I don't know why. I tried verifying
08/12/22 coreycosta123 I said something out of anger because I’m vehemently opposed to child grooming I will delete my post that expressed my frustration towards child grooming.
08/12/22 arkansasgroyper Ban evasion. They suspended me for ban evasion but that’s preposterous, as I’ve never been banned before. No action has been taken to unban me.
08/12/22 chimesnwind Copyright violation due to upload of stock profile photograph eventhough it is not confirmed by an e-mail. Already filed and submitted help center form frequently.
07/12/22 fiddles4 Evading suspension Filed multiple appeals, no answers, have never had a warning, only have 1 account
07/12/22 midarnet Violated the rules 3 times delete the violated tweets
06/12/22 foodbad69 Right before my account was suspended i posted a tweet with a photo that looks like gore / sensitive media but if you look closely, it’s not. It’s fake blood. I will not tweet things that may be seen as graphic or violent.
06/12/22 jmau73 Unknown but I did not threaten anyone as you keep saying I did. I only made a comment about a person on CNN.
05/02/25 visharad_kw22 Copyright No
06/12/22 delightful787 Adult content header Appeal since it’s permanently suspended
05/12/22 pablo_cordova Incorrect interpretation of a tweet Appeal submitted
05/12/22 asunazk evading suspension I haven't been suspended on any accounts before this, I have used the same account since it was created in February of 2020, I have read the terms of service and rules many times and always agreed with and followed them.
05/12/22 jyothsnasri7 Change my I'd name as celebrity name If my account unsuspend i will change my I'd name
05/12/22 fu0iqi There is no reason Ok
05/12/22 fu0iqi There is no reason Recover my account
05/12/22 elonmyancel There is no reason Recover my account
05/12/22 fucqax لايوجد سبب لن يتكرر الامر
04/12/22 fb100k By mistake Unsuspend
04/12/22 trent000111 I did nothing wrong for my account to be suspended Unsuspend my account
04/12/22 davidallgood7 I did nothing wrong for my account to be suspended Unsuspend my account
04/12/22 tinytan0007 Slut-shaming a user I deleted the tweet
04/12/22 simplemacsmith Misquote/Misunderstanding Appealing for another chance for the very big mistake I made, very wrong decision
03/12/22 xiebainian The bound mobile phone number was changed. Procedure Unfreezing an Account
03/12/22 amer_milhem I don't know - I think account hacked but it is okay now Reactive my account
03/12/22 joseigo Believe the account was hacked. Scan malware in the laptop
03/12/22 naughtypair420 “Violating our rules against posting or sharing privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent.” Sent an appeal saying this: “I was under the impression that whatever content I retweeted was given full consent to be retweeted/shared based on my direct messages with people I’ve engaged with, unless I was deliberately scammed without knowing by a fake account that was distributing other people’s content. • I’d like to know whose content I’ve been accused of sharing without consent and why this problem came to be, because I’d NEVER deliberately share someone’s private content without their consent. • Please let me know what steps we can take to resolve this issue. I took every step I could take to ensure that I followed the TOS, so I’m not sure what went wrong. Thank you for taking the time to read this.”
16/10/22 ifc_stevo Could be abusive language but no specific reason given Reduce abuse
03/12/22 jerrypurfz None was given - Just a notification that it has been permanently suspended. I tried to appeal but they have not responded yet
02/12/22 lucasmorenx violating twitter rules there's no actions that can be taken
02/12/22 kvngjorge_ Don't know the reason Filled email to them asking for my account to be unsuspend
02/12/22 __notebook__ Made tweet at california state senator scott weiner questioning his tweet? why is saying groomer homophoic hate word. When its always been used for pedos. I diddnt understand how he could conflate the two? So i asked I was given none im not even sure what i said was it. I just got a prompt right after that tweet and said your account has been having strange activity lately verify it with your number or something else.and then my account was suspened i can still view twitter and log in and when i tweet i get what i think are auto replies from bots.
01/12/22 vanna_chu Liking hashtag tweets Stop liking my hashtag timeline 🤷‍♀️
01/12/22 rntkye using multiple account I'm only using jus
30/11/22 ok24324352 child sexual hello, i would like to explain what happened. my friends were having my phone while i was in bathroom and they went to my twitter account and posted some links which violated against the twitter rules. when i came back i suddenly got suspended not knowing what happened. til i checked my tweets and realised my friends were posting links about child p*rn. i’m deeply sorry for what they did they are not even my friends anymore but please i need my account back i’ve been waiting for months! i’ve already filed multiple appeals and even mails. but no answer. please i need it back! it wasn’t me who violated against the rules.
30/11/22 krypto_kan Wasn't warned or notified (I've been put on read only mode) I have appealed a file and contacted support
30/11/22 james40076 Not sure they didn’t actually give me a reason No actions have been taken to correct this mistake from twitter
30/11/22 jaymaxxbbc Uploading Content without Consent I have consent for all of my content, everything I have posted is of myself and with people I have consent to post. I have not posted one tweet in which I did not have consent for. I have filed a report and still not heard back from Twitter.
29/11/22 triggerhappy26 abuse and harassment even tho it was my own post about a video that i specified was not to be taken literally which is unfair and negligent on your part. unsuspend my account and actually read my reports of harassment
29/11/22 rfsanderson1 I don’t know All verification is in place
28/11/22 myarabromance Posting a video with someone … I had rights to post the video . My friend asked me to take it down and I couldn’t . Twitter banned me I was not given a chance to take a video down. It was suspended imminently. The person that reported me wants my account reinstated because he reported impulsively
28/11/22 nbtnextbigtwink nudity i will stop
28/11/22 joeldabest02 All I did was follow less than ten famous content creators and browse their posts and reading comments. No commenting and posting anything on my profile. To not act like a bot according to Twitter policy
28/11/22 acetylenia I don’t know I don’t know
27/11/22 smartguruz The only reason tried to follow multiple accounts in one go, i know its our mistake beacause i waa not awar, but kindky gelp me to unsuspend it, we woukd be greatful to you, and we will 1000% follow all the Twitter rules. I was trying the dirst method but i was not getting any verification confirmation code from Twitter via my m9ble number. Please help us to solve our issue and we will feel greatful to you and twitter.
27/11/22 truthvision2020 Violating Twitter Rules Appealed and further attempts to appeal failed
27/11/22 robmyers1968 says I was wishing harm on someone, when all I said was Justin Fields, Chicago Bears QB who was injured on back to back plays and I said since the Bears aren't going to be in the playoff, they should sit him because you can cause a career ending injury. The Permanently suspended me
27/11/22 kha_n5 Violating rules against platform manipulation and spam 😢 Please recover my account and I can’t break any rules after that please 😢😢 I don’t understand what can I do please recover my account please it’s my mistake but when my account recover I don’t do that again any mistakes like spam or rule break
27/11/22 jemappellelewis Too many accounts Filled in the file multiple times
27/11/22 fikra_pevu Following many people at the same time Appeal form not loaded
26/11/22 cumdumplad Abusive behaviour They have suspended my account and denied me ever since. ( I cannot remember the exact date) I have changed my password several times and made it harder to guess. It was a younger sibling and a spiteful ex that hacked my account and was being very inappropriate online. It wasn’t me and I lost out because of them
21/11/22 js412561 Twitter rules I really want my Twitter to come back. I said fuck you on Twitter. This is freedom of speech.‘it’s not harassment for gender race or religion . A lot worse has been said
26/11/22 nnytheprice Account made when owner was underaged I have filled out the form to prove that I am of age to own the account, Twitter support has accepted this and has said that the reinstating process will start but the option to reinstate the account has not appeared after waiting over the 24 hours it states, and it remains locked. It has been over a week now and I'm not sure what else to do.
25/11/22 hyperspace77 i made a joke about ghostface with a gun Sydney is a fictional movie character and not real i will delete the tweet and never joke like that again
25/11/22 chil9e Threatening and/or promoting violence I will not be tweeting anymore acts of violence and will think before I tweet. I truly apologize for this behavior and mistake on my end and would like to have my account back.
25/11/22 theaspirant701 I don't know. I didn't done any thing against twitter policies. I filed an appeal.
24/11/22 dinesourr Maybe for uploading videos with caption .3gp I would like to delete if it needed
24/11/22 maxity_io It said manipulation and spam but we did no such things I am not sure what are the exact reason behind this suspension
23/11/22 _messirules Probably I have been reported falsely Please recheck your records and suspension. I’ve been on twitter for 10 years now, I’ve never went against any twitter rules. I barely tweet recently because of my work. I’ve done nothing wrong please to be suspended..
23/11/22 save__wakanda Violeting Twitter rules None
22/11/22 ekey Account was hacked along with phone date and credit accounts Changed passwords, enable tf2
22/11/22 judihenry Violating twitter rules but I didn’t Appealed
22/11/22 indighost77 Encouraging suicide or self-harm. Don't tell multi-billionaires to [redacted] themselves. I've learned this lesson, I will not do it again and I will delete the tweet as soon as I get my account back.
22/11/22 whyumadtholol Hacked from another State. Someone with access to my account got into an argument with a racist twitter troll Email Twitter to get account appealed
21/11/22 imcaptincrunch Because I said nigga and called someone sped which aren’t slurs nor hateful I have went to therapy and realized that I could have said it better
21/11/22 samaydrivya Breaking of Twitter rules. Specifics were not mentioned. I have submitted an appeal
20/11/22 dionysusjohnson I worded a tweet poorly in a way that appeared to threaten violence against Lauren Bobert after she expressed anti-LGBTQ sentiments. It was nor actually a threat To think before I type and promote kindness, love, and education to our politicians instead of negativity
20/11/22 weagainstworld Spam I Never engaged in spam activity and I am not ever planning on doing so
20/11/22 saint_arson “Nudity in header and/or profile image” Attempts to change photos. Attempts to file appeals. There is no nudity in either my header or my profile photo
19/11/22 bipolardustin Making hateful tweets I will delete those tweets as I admit that I took it too far
19/11/22 santoshdiwate1 Break twitter rules No i dont break any rules
19/11/22 notscrubz_ Spam Authetication and appeal
18/11/22 m4x_pr0 Violating the Twitter Terms of Service Removed the Twits that violating the Twitter Terms of Service
18/11/22 kimchinoodlesss Violating our rules against abuse and harassment. You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm. I didn’t incite harm on anyone this person had an ongoing joke that If Twitter was to die out they would get naked on the website so I just replayed that joke and said “the world is ending, show us your boobs” this is unbelievable!! I’ve been on Twitter for 15 years and never got banned
18/11/22 mari__trades_1 my reason is this twitter account belongs to me originally but it was hacked one week ago so i reported it to twitter support to help me recover this account back.yesterday i got a message from twitter to confirm my email addresses and i did that and i change my password but i couldn’t change my email address because the account the account has been suspended by twitter . i reported the issue on 7 November 2022 please unsuspend my account so i can use it and so i can change my email address and also i can add my phone number. my regards please unsuspend my account for me as soon as possible so i can change my email address and phone number to it .So i can use my twitter back
18/11/22 albotiz I really do not know why I was suspended because I didn’t violate any rules according to my knowledge Appeal
17/11/22 minxyfiyaaa Distributing intimate media I OWN the media legally. I was the only person in the video
17/11/22 abbaspresidant Impersonating. But i clearly has "parody account" in the Bio. sent an appeal
17/11/22 lemonlewdly graphic violence or adult content in your profile photo or profile header image removed both profile photo and header
17/11/22 mellostanacct hateful or sensitive media content Hi, my account was suspended on the 6th of September. It says it was suspended for hateful or sensitive media content but I did not upload or use any hateful or sensitive media. From the beginning of September I was not in charge of my account but rather gave it to my friend to manage because I had issues to attend to, only to come back and see my account permanently suspended. I tried to remove this sensitive content but I do not see it and I cannot perform any actions with my suspended account. I have submitted several appeals and I just want to beg you to please give me my account back. I have very important information I need to retrieve from my dms, it is important to my future and welfare. I am pleading once again, please unsuspend my account and it will never be in violation of a twitter rule again. I have been using twitter since 2017 and I have multiple accounts which have never been suspended for any reason (you can look into it) so please help me out because this is very important to me. I don’t know if you guys give second chances but I really need one right now please. my account username is @mellostanacct Please I really need this account back, there’s nothing more important to me now than getting this account back. Thank you.
17/11/22 xfrancoisarouet They incorrectly said I violated something regarding race, religion, or gender but my tweet had nothing to do with any of those. Also their policy states permanent is not a valid reprimand for this offense. Reinstate account
17/11/22 mariamvirgin Assuming I uploaded an annoying picture to some I want to remove this ban
17/11/22 davidmbaron26 Never told me??? I appealed
16/11/22 sarawat60545880 I think some people spammed my account on purpose so i can lose my account i have not broken any form of regulations and i always respect it literally I hope i can get my account back
16/11/22 _vindicated No idea as I do not post or comment Appeal
16/11/22 paulduddridge No idea. Maybe a mass report. I've appealed several times.
15/11/22 dragonman8686 Bad word or hateful comments I cant do anything but i will delete that tweet as soon as possible i can reach my account
15/11/22 artblocks_ Private information Unsuspend and acces to the account.
15/11/22 zeekeezekey Violation of the Twitter rules against hateful conduct because I Tweeted a transphobic threat. I tried to delete the transphobic tweet but because my Twitter account @ZeekeeZekey is suspended, Twitter does not permit me to delete any of my tweets.
15/11/22 kunalzane11 For having a nude photo of mine uploaded Apealed
15/11/22 goldenhoneylocs No reason , I wasnt given a reason on why I was suspended Wrongfully suspended
15/11/22 stillmuiz No reason exactly and I did not violate any twitter community rules UNSUSPEND MY ACCOUNT
15/11/22 givemdoneyear They suspended my account bu mistake and i talked to the twitter suport but they are not answering me They need to unsuspend my account because it was suspended permently by mistake .thank you very muchh if you could review the information and help me withthat problem
14/11/22 kyngkungx A user is saying I posting content that wasn’t aggressive to by them I have contacted that person and they stated that they didn’t report the video
14/11/22 renee76mcbride A joke that had the word "Kill" in it Tried to delete the tweet, but twitter wouldn't let me. And then they suspended my account.
13/11/22 langtonkuda spammed tweets will be securing my account with a strong password
13/11/22 ianstillhere Threatening someone when they was cursing at me with no filter I sent an appeal
13/11/22 lastcallwchrisc That I told someone that was mocking 9/11 that I hope he got slapped for that. Have filed several appeals, explained what has gone on. Frustrating as people have said worse and kept their accounts
12/11/22 profapm Multiple accounts for abusive purposes I do not have any time multiple accounts and never anything for abusive purposes.
12/11/22 givem3candy Because of I post nsfw tweets and didn’t turn on the mature content settings cause I really didn’t do anything bad other than that I’d turn on the mature content settings or at least stop posting
12/11/22 mariiiapremshop Repeated tweet formats Sent an appeal
10/11/22 gmutshidza Violated twitter rules. Not sure whicg Ive emailed them
10/11/22 lewdjimin Violating rules I will not engage in pedophilic behavior for it is a sensitive subject that should not lightly be spread around. Even in the forms hentai drawings. It is also not acceptable behavior to be sharing such images. I will Therefore never again into this behavior and immediately stop engaging. I formly apologize. Please forgive me I am new to the community and felt peer pressured. I am in need of money to pay my bills so I just Mostly wanted to engage in the form of potential business teachers.
09/11/22 newsvideoclips Twitter never stated any reason. This is a new account (created on 11/9/22) with no tweets or DMs. Appeals to Twitter have not been responded to
03/11/23 whalevalidator Commenting on Israel vs Gaza war I cant delete my replies to people's post because I am on read only mode. I wrote them that I havent done anything wrong
09/11/22 matwoldeab I was permanently suspended for no reason. I've never tweeted, commented, or replied to any comments on Twitter. I don't know any possible reason how I could be suspended. This suspension is an error. I wrote two appeals to them and I still haven't gotten a reply back Look into the case and unsuspend the account
09/11/22 ashtoncorp06 unknown, possibly spam-reported by someone with all else failing, i'm willing to anything (within reason) to get my account back.
08/11/22 livbergs13 Platform manipulation and spam I last tweeted 22 hours ago about Santa coming. Nothing at all spam like or platform manipulation
08/11/22 humminglion I tweeted about muslims and crimes I promise I won't tweet anything like this again.
08/11/22 mohamma31368874 I have no idea. Would like to know my mistake. I only enter giveaways I want to amend my mistakes
08/11/22 nancythomas1889 I did't break any rule of Twitter Kindly help me to unsuspend my account, would really appreciate that
08/11/22 lusandavuthuza I believe my account got hacked I have logged countless appeals to have the ban lifted, to no avail
07/11/22 olayan33 I lost my mobile phone. I hope you can help me get my account back. Thank you
06/11/22 jimbo_yt1 I got suspended for posting an image of Elon Musk and Ghislaine Maxwell. Unsuspend, regain full access.
06/11/22 _rompenh My phone is being hack by another parties Please allow me to use my account back
06/11/22 daddyshi It said bullying ??? Incorrect the tweet was taken out of context Tweet was removed
05/11/22 vulgarxrated Suspended for harassment violation. But I was merely quoting a movie in response to a GIF to be funny. I was not threatening anyone. Unsuspend account please?
05/11/22 aaronsps4 Someone else attempted to login to my account too many times, resulting in myself being unable to login at all. Twitter wont even recognize my email anymore. I have filed a report - Case No: 0294050151, and I also put in an appeal, as I was never given an understanding of what actually happen.
01/11/22 orakxaii My account, @OrakXaii, was hacked a month ago, and someone posted about crypto. My profile picture and user name were also changed. My account is now suspended. I have restored my account and changed the password. I have also deleted everything posted.
04/11/22 zumajns My account has been suspended for no reason, and I have not violated any of the Twitter policies. I think that my account was closed by mistake and random way, please re-open the account again My account has been suspended for no reason, and I have not violated any of the Twitter policies. I think that my account was closed by mistake and random way, please re-open the account again
03/11/22 nguyenspurs01 Doing too many interaction (like, retweet, reply, ...) in a short time Only like/retweet when necessary
03/11/22 pauldaark I guess the ban is due to a massive spam to NFT accounts from my account (caused by a hack to it) I have full access to my account already, and it should be understood that it was not up to me
03/11/22 rlandon4 Please let me know. Please let me know.
02/11/22 danidaniels2022 Abusive Tweets or behavior Abusive Tweets or behavior
02/11/22 hashcheeks Violating twitter regarding my profile picture and header specifically. I have sent to appeal requests. I have heard nothing back in the calendar seven days. I see on my account, in the owner view, that Twitter says my account is temporarily suspended. However, if I use another browser or another device, it says my account is permanently suspended. I cannot direct message any of my followers, and I am in read only mode. My feed has not updated in six days. My profile picture is of me in lingerie, with all of my bitch covered up. My head, or is some things that I created in canvas, and says my username, which is a hashcheeks. It’s my opinion and understanding that there are hundreds of thousands of accounts that post more explicitly pornographic material on their profile picture, their header, and their content. I hope that this could seriously looked at, and that the decision gets reversed.
02/11/22 mwihotii I guess I clicked a link or someone hacked my account Be able to access my account back
02/11/22 diara_lashawn Violating rules of suspension I was literally hacked and was not active on Twitter when the first suspension occurred
02/11/22 franksterplays My account account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Appealed and said i did nothing wrong, it was bc of my profile picture
02/11/22 gregpurdy84 Abuse and harassment Filed several appeals. I was receiving anti-Semitic abuse and called the offender a bitch--and Twitter suspended me for this!!
02/11/22 binnienator violent threat to 3rd party permanent suspension and read only mode
02/11/22 gweyneth My account was locked for not meeting Twitter's age requirements. Unlock my account
01/11/22 mike47324508 Anti religious remarks towards Gibbs Racing or calling a fox news host a Bimbo Appealed and apologized
01/11/22 yhung_kvng_don abuse and harassment Being extra sensitive about the choice of words
01/11/22 dbauer09 My account was shared with a family member who no longer lives with me or has access to my devices. They made inflammatory tweets that got the account banned. Submitted appeals to twitter that I do not believe have been reviewed by a human.
01/11/22 raidernation43 Hateful language Tried to explain my lanuage was not hateful
30/10/22 dntmesswitmeee Not explained Appealled
29/10/22 bitemyglass Not verifying account/Tweets made I was 12 when i created the account, and would like to have another chance.
29/10/22 _marisamarie143 Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. I have filed appeal after appeal and have only received an automated message back. I have yet to hear from an actual person who can help…
29/10/22 kittylover4l Being mean Won’t do it again
28/10/22 gigi_smal Trump follower Several appeals filed and no response.
28/10/22 habte I have no idea. Only think I can think of is I sometimes reply to a tweet and also post the same message as a retweet quote. If that is a violation, I had no idea. I have sent an appeal but other than confirming a receipt, I have not received a response.
28/10/22 meanestdad My account appears to have been hacked around mid august. I never tweet anything, mostly use it for viewing. Not sure what exactly happened. I have filed a few appeals, I then receive and email to confirm I have access to my email. Then if I reply to that email again after a couple of days they tell me my case has been closed and to open a new one.
26/10/22 aptosfoxes platform manipulation and spam We have not carried out any intentional spamming
26/10/22 boy1234naughty Inappropriate profile picture/header Unlock my account and Let me change them back
26/10/22 packmama92 Twitter said I threatened participated in targeted abuse. I appealed the suspension but Twitter said they would not reverse the suspension
26/10/22 kafedzika Comments Few appeals
25/10/22 spazm1021 platform manipulation and spam i have literally 5 tweets and all were due to events I'm participating on for a game and nft and it's my only account so I'm not sure why I've gotten suspended for this reason when I didn't spam it to anyone but myself and the twitter accounts that the events are linked to.
11/03/24 maxwell_nfts They maybe think that I am a bot I can delete posts if necessary, but haven’t posted anything that is against the X rules.
24/10/22 tokalopsia_ Suspicious login to the account I have been email twitter support once but they replied account can't unsuspend because this decision will not be reversed. I was tweeting for iran recent situation , that's so sad that my account has been suspended. Please help me gt my account back.
24/10/22 imran6813 spam No longer overposting
23/10/22 mizukileaks evading suspension with another account, however i have had this account since june 2022 and did not make it in an attempt to evade permanent suspension appealed twitter many times, and have filed enough appeals and logged out of all other accounts used
23/10/22 gomd_asap22 no reason restore account
23/10/22 jeansharon01 Why did you suspend my account Unsuspend
22/10/22 hafeezfangirl i posted a video that was not mine please i want my account
21/10/22 chaftguy Account was hacked and made unsolicited tweets Filed 5 appeals for suspension, resetted password several times to confirm account ownership
21/10/22 bitchk4i Suspended for no reason pls look into it .
21/10/22 nardgodzillla Name change N/a
21/10/22 shortforanthony Unknown. I was probably hacked! An apology / appeal of what happened.
20/10/22 destrollettt Didn’t do anything they just suspended my account I submitted an appeal still nothing
20/10/22 nevayahs_mommie Tweet Deleted tweet. & I was signed out
20/10/22 anotheryasuo Underage Account Sent ID to confirm age
20/10/22 claytonkays Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. I have never been suspended before and have not be tweeting for a while. i have changed my passwords and verified my phone number and email
19/10/22 ibtissamebetty Trolls about comment about male violence Appeal
19/10/22 pawpiet unknown. I never tweeted appeal
19/10/22 exeterchris80 Abuse or harassment Appeal
19/10/22 nigerianamazon I don’t knie Submitted appeals
19/10/22 erosexydee Posting or sharing privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent All my contents are with consent because all the involved person are content creator (onlyfans, myfans etc) like me, I always ask consent when posting something , and they can check the private dm exchanges as a proof
18/10/22 asuu_nig_ Spam and Hashtag Delete tweets
18/10/22 noticamsssss adult content appealed.
18/10/22 deviiiawyer I tweeted something to my friend as a joke but I didn’t mean it I will delete the tweet when I can, and I’ve submitted a few appeals
18/10/22 karramannarino Hateful conduct Filed about 7 appeals
18/10/22 jahangeerdm Not sure. I was getting spammed by other bots. Submitted an appeal and confirmed access to the email.
17/10/22 jindamurda_ Violating our rules against hateful conduct. Nothing
17/10/22 adore_naiya Violating rules against evading permanent suspension File multiple appeals
17/10/22 immortal4404 in iran we have to change proxy connection to access the tweeter account, i couldn’t post the tweet and suddenly faced with suspension check my reason and help me to back my account,i really need it in this situation in my country
17/10/22 tenaciouseye "It is against our rules to promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability or disease. Additionally, if we determine that the primary purpose of an account is to incite harm toward others on the basis of these categories, that account may be suspended without prior warning." The tweet which caused immediate suspension with no warning was: "Do your kids realize yet that their mother has fewer scruples than a $10 whore?" Suspension was immediate without warning. The tweet was coarse and admittedly an unfortunate choice, which I regret, but falls FAR short of promoting violence OR singling out a protected minority for ridicule OR threatening harm OR inciting harmful action against ANYONE.
17/10/22 persephonejo_ “Graphic violence” in header & profile picture but there wasn’t any Will change photos
17/10/22 lesbire22 Unknown Change picture
16/10/22 anthopson27 Unauthorized Adult Content Appealed. Literally tagged everyone involved to ensure they were seen in the posts. Nothing was violated
22/06/24 sjoseph70699574 i have no idea filed an appeal to X
16/10/22 rileyann120 non-consentual nudity I have consent releases and preformer releases saying I can use all material posted on my account. Twitter won't tell me what post is causing the problem so I can provide them with the releases needed. I have made several appeals with no info given back to me other than permanent suspension, no post for reference or no remedy offered. It said I have repeatedly violated and this is the first time they have contacted me.
16/10/22 arcaneclwn spam or inactivity will delete potential tweets marked as spam, or be active if unsuspended. Ive requested multiple appeals with no response
15/10/22 yourthicknympho Spam Wrongful suspension
15/10/22 kweyuf Following more followers i will not follow more people and i will adhere to twitter rules
15/10/22 satswassie violation as it was account hacked i’ve changed password, added 2Fa and monitoring cameras to see if it was an in person hack
15/10/22 masteryorks (Censored) Adult content Several appeals
14/10/22 99thejetparadox Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension (which I didn't but was done through a hack) Shown proof related to bots spamming tweet relating to ⅭZ༝🔶­­­ ­­В­­in­­­­a­n­­­с­­­­­e­ let alone an article
14/10/22 shellrambles Inappropriate bookmarks and search Unsuspend the account and allow access again
14/10/22 eva_erotic Violent hate speech but I didnt say a violent threat just used the term bitch. I sent an appeal but cant do anything else because I cant access my account.
14/10/22 nessa_io Because I tagged an already suspended account I would no longer tag that account or have anything to do with it
14/10/22 the_teslim_ Abusive content Submitted an appeal
13/10/22 slipknotshill There was no reason, mistake No actions
13/10/22 rimksarr1 Erreur Rien
13/10/22 aptrip_art Didn't give me a reason as to my I was suspended just logged back in after an hour of being on and was suspended but also put on read only mode but i cant message any of my mutuals nor can they see my account. submitted an appeal as it didnt prompt me to verify my email or phone number and haven't heard anything back since.
13/10/22 bhaveshoswal don't know exactly delete the tweets if it voilets rules
13/10/22 thebettafisher I have no idea Submitted an appeal
12/10/22 kevstuhh Misunderstanding. I was hoping a boxer would “knock out” another boxer. in context, there is nothing wrong with what i said Deleted the tweet, i will be more careful with how i choose my words
11/10/22 mentalpatient_1 Not a things corsses my mind, not even violance, harm or speech. .
11/10/22 aaronty21 Abuse and harassment Deleted tweet. Suggested that being a Phillies and cowboys fan should be a death sentence under law. Nothing threatening
11/10/22 flyshyourhead Harassment Delete any tweets that were of concern. I've been on Twitter my favorite social media for 10 years . Would never abuse the platform I eould
10/10/22 alesnblacksails Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. I seldom tweet or reply. Never post hate. Email from Twitter 2 days later says I have been logged into multiple seasons. Since then I’ve logged out
10/10/22 fan_nimrit Multiple accounts with overlapping uses Unsuspend the account
09/10/22 corajade22 Whenever I log in it will bring your account is suspended I have not taken any action now that is the reason why I had to ask for help
09/10/22 fjblamakonan advocating violence permanent suspension
09/10/22 zay_cipher Threats of violence, but there were no threats, abuse, or violence anywhere on my account Restore account
08/10/22 kdub159 Abuse/harassment I have filed an appeal with Twitter in hopes of getting my account back. The tweet in question was a pro wresting tweet that I believe was taken out of context. The tweet said I hope Logan Paul gets squashed by Roman Reigns. I believe twitter took that as me wishing harm on Paul. Getting squashed in wrestling terms just means to lose the match very quickly. I meant no ill will or harm to anyone.
08/10/22 jpavonabian I do not know. They didn't give me explanations, I already appealed but I do not receibe a response. Those necessary. I can apologize, delete tweets ... I don't think I fail the rules, but I am willing to subtract.
08/10/22 myscrubslife For manaing multiple accounts I did not manage many accounts i have just 2 accounts my personal one @SeferMemaj and one for my profession as a doctor for my carrier @myscrubslife
08/10/22 hamadobot Retweet Automation Can you guys unban me
08/10/22 datesylviakass Sensitive content (was a fully dressed lingerie photo. No nudity showing ever) Have filed multiple appeals. Still suspended.
07/10/22 rebelguy_4life Helping hashtag #مهسا_امینی But islamic republic reporting me and insulting me but i should defend my personal recpect i accepted my mistakes and im sorry for them but i will behave more gently , please unsuspend my account
06/10/22 bychocoa Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension I will do my best to follow to the rules more clearly
05/10/22 dlshadv Change phone number Verify Twitter
05/10/22 kleffmankevin Account got hacked (profile pic was changed to a weird animation and weird accounts were followed) and was banned for permanently evading suspension shortly after even though I had changed the password and reset everything, and have never had more than one twitter account. I changed the password and reset the profile pic, unfollowed the weird accounts, but my twitter got banned shortly after for “
05/10/22 raptortypebeat I got hacked and the hacker posted tweets promoting a crypto scam. I didn't save any pictures because I thought I was fine cus I didn't get suspended for a while and I panicked. Thought I'd be safe if the scam Tweets were gone. I wrote to Twitter but they closed the case without telling me. I wrote again to re-open the case, I hope they'll unsuspend me.
04/10/22 zeus_999_ Multiple accounts with similar purpose No longer have multiple twitter accounts.
04/10/22 tnxufe Your account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action. No
04/10/22 daylenhubbard Trolling I was young and have learned to stop being a troll
03/10/22 bluixi Twitter claims that the sentence: "once an annoying hoe always an annoying hoe" is inciting violence against minorities I did not violate any policies, and I certainly did not promote violence against any minorities as twitter said.
03/10/22 ryan__kelly_ Evading suspension with multiple accounts i believe is what was said. Need access so I can verify my email, add my phone number, and change passwords. Account was hacked and caused a suspension.
03/10/22 stephanator101 Deleting my phone number Add my phone number
03/10/22 romanobens Hateful conduct Filed an appeal that was denied. Tweet was not hateful toward a person just an emotional reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraien. Will delete all hateful tweets and refrain from tweeting hateful content..
03/10/22 jlbroomes Emoji misinterpreted as racist Appealed twice
03/10/22 janerankinjhb I really don’t know. I’ve sent emails to Twitter support but had no response
03/10/22 wallstreeteagle Not linked email Appeal not working
02/10/22 lfc_dazzler Abuse at a football player, didn’t mean harm it was in the heat of the moment I apologise
02/10/22 kaisabina i honestly dont know i have wrote them an email and tried everything..and still nothing
02/10/22 naughty1v Not sure I created a new account because I believe I got hacked. I am not too sure why else I would be suspended. Also the email attached for this account is also not working. I believe my accounts have been havked
02/10/22 teenbrag Inappropriate picture in profile I’m going to remove the picture
01/10/22 hardtingz Account was hacked Good Morning ! Someone was using My account @hardtingz and suddenly it got suspended. They had tweet sum nasty stuff I’m very disgusted because I’m truly wasn’t aware of this. I’ve change my password hopefully they won’t be able to login. Please help me get my adding back I’ve work really hard to build my followers ☹️
01/10/22 ksabaits2 Non Delete tweets
01/10/22 baldvalue4good Hateful comments Filed many appeals. The content was not hateful at all
30/09/22 covid19update Manipulation Filled appeal form several times
30/09/22 jakecol13005683 I believe I was tweeting too much I will drastically reduce the amount that I tweet from here on out
30/09/22 bestsell484 My account suspended please help me Help
30/09/22 blxkout1 Hateful conduct appealed using the rules (hateful conduct means attacking a marginalized group of people based on race, gender, etc.)
30/09/22 cberrysux inappropriate profile picture permanent suspension
30/09/22 emilysharkess Being harassing by every shark twitter very well
30/09/22 deadly_mufc I replied to a tweet that, "You should be slapped". I was just kidding. And I didn't know it that it's against twitter rules. I appealed several times.
30/09/22 forensicpsych07 Because I expressed my opinion over how he treated an animal during a natural disaster which was itself animal abuse I appealed because look at my other tweets. Obviously I’m not a violent person. The comment was made, along with sev others, because he left a kitten to drown which is animal abuse. Obviously I’m not going to go drown this person. So ridiculous of a suspension.
29/09/22 xcasigus Twitter has permanently suspended my account. Why? Well a chap i follow was tweeting about having fake accounts set up impersonating him. To keep things short. I’ve got alot going on at home at the moment, the Adhd revelations, on going mental health struggles and as it happens it turns out my abusive ex was released from prison. Out of a two year sentence, she served around 3 months if not less of that. So I’m processing that, its been a very very difficult month. Now, my tweet that twitcher decided broke their rules on hateful conduct did contain a few swears (which i decided to sensor with * marks) but it was in NO way attacking any one, any group, it was in fact attacking fake and bot accounts. I have appealed the ban, but to be honest. I’m very very very tired of all this. I’m depressed, im exhausted. I cant find peace at home or even on twitch anymore and now this. How has this directly effected me? Well. since lock down i’ve barely gone out side, been trapped in my own mental prison, and twitter has taken one of my life lines away. On top of all that, not only have I lost my contact with some amazing people, which has really hit hard, I’ve also lost access to all my Titanic tweets, videos, posts. I’m literally heart broken. Theres literally nothing I can do now but wait. But with the way things are at the moment. I dont think anything will come of it. So. I’m saying goodbye to the wonderful friends ive met on twitter. I'm genuinely gutted by this. Thanks for the fun times and memories. As for me? Well I’m more isolated than ever before. Life is cruel. there should be no actions needed, ive not violated anything :(
29/09/22 willumities Twitter says I was suspended for "targeted abuse", however I don't see how I participated in targeted abuse. I've sent multiple appeals, all have been rejected.
29/09/22 kaushal00266881 My account resembles the Binance founders account. I tried everythhing but I can't remove the account or deactivate it .
29/09/22 abusamreal Hateful Conduct Cannot take action. Directly suspended.
29/09/22 kinglarrythe3rd I literally don’t know why my account got out on read only mode I don’t know what I even did. I got no warnings or anything and I woke up one morning to my account being on read only mode and it being “permanently suspended”
29/09/22 noor_marriii Copyright Twitter suspended my account due to violation of rules. I will not follow rules so that's twitter suspend my account permanently this is not fair with me. So I can humble request to twitter plz unsuspend my account and give me second chances plz plz plz Next time I will follow all rules and regulations and don't violate again. So bring back my account plz
29/09/22 exploringam Violating rules against adult content in profile images Changing profile picture
28/09/22 pakistanlocal urdu english interpretation issue, i was not rude or anything to anyone. already deleted the suspecious tweet
28/09/22 towlauncher Not specified None available
28/09/22 aisha_3 inappropriate header appealed filed multiple times, attempted to take down header
22/07/24 ankitaa30089 Acount profile bymiskate country name wrong Unsuspend account iam correct country's name in profoe
28/09/22 etemyst Literally have no idea Would do anything to get the acc back
28/09/22 h3lpiran take a notice file an appeal
28/09/22 jasminedukes_ they claim my profile image is ‘pornographic’ but there is no nudity I can’t access my Twitter to revoke app access and this is a huge security issue
28/09/22 jasminedukes_ they claim my profile image is ‘pornographic’ but there is no nudity I can’t access my Twitter to revoke app access and this is a huge security issue
27/09/22 john51__ Apparent Pictures that were "offensive" and calling someone a "bitch" None, the suspension was labeled as "permanent"
27/09/22 venus_wenus i genuinely don't know. i dont post anything that violates guidelines, i dont follow anybody who violates guidelines that im aware of, im barely on the site at all (i go on probably once every week to look at art and that's it). i wasnt even told what grounds i was permanently suspended on. i submitted an appeal but i haven't heard word back at all.
27/09/22 bigboijanus Threats Several appeals, was not given the option for verification
27/09/22 03433291967 Not receive verification code Recover my account
27/09/22 bigrayda I wasn’t aware that I did or said anything wrong I will remove whatever was said
27/09/22 fitz_paige They think I'm a bot. I have appealed and followed up multiple times but have not heard anything back.
27/09/22 daniibabieee Violation of abuse and harm, all I said was can I eat your ass and they suspended me Sent 3 appeals
27/09/22 ecandella Posting private information Appealed explaining why the post wasn’t a violation. The person reported me is a staffer for gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin being investigated for nominating petition fraud. His information was 1- readily available to the public
26/09/22 kayriee My Facebook was hacked Sunday morning and disabled and today my Twitter was, too. I received no notice or communication or anything. Whatever is going on is NOT ME! Update privacy and account settings and unsuspend my account please!
26/09/22 yazieiid Violating twitter rules, mistakenly. Learnt my lessons and promise to abide by twitter rules and regulations
26/09/22 anjdcl Spam None
26/09/22 dossa_joseph10 I don't even know..cause for days self I didn't used my account but hot suspended please help me Gmail is I filed and appeal
26/09/22 aektann78 Hateful conduct One of suspected tweets means was a sarcastic comment, not a hateful speech at all. The second one devoted agains the Russians sending their newly mobilized troops to kill Ukranians during the war. I agree to remove both of my tweets even if I beleive their content is innocient.
25/09/22 mdruss1 Unknown Submitted an appeal
25/09/22 jeanross I don’t know Written Twitter. No response
25/09/22 brandi_beauty Do not know None
25/09/22 doublejwalsh I think they suspended me because I’d retweeted stuff from a number of people who have been suspended for misinformation. However, the clear purpose of my retweets was to mock or refute the misinformation. It’s a case of bots gone wrong. Appealed several times and temporary suspension became permanent.
24/09/22 edmondsniall I haven't posted anything at all and only have this account to ban someone for not posting is unfair please remove the ban I have tried to contact customer support to remove ban got no response
24/09/22 rb_mufc_0121 Misunderstanding My tweet wasn’t intended to come across racist because it was not a racial tweet far from it If the account in question has the suspension lifted the tweet will be deleted
24/09/22 indiaawakened_ posting private information. Multiple appeals
24/09/22 gulaabjaanam Twitter claims I violated the twitter rules but my account was logged in suspiciously and it led to violation of twitter rules and regulations I deleted all the spam tweets that were done from my account which could have been the reason of my suspension. I appealed to them as well but its been 7 days now and I haven't gotten a single response.
24/09/22 princessluna_yt Account Permanent Suspended! Since i been following rules ang guidelines of Twitter i would like get my account back and use it once
24/09/22 lcveseokk I seriously didn’t know anything about twitter new rules, if I knew about rules I wouldn’t say a threading sentence, I didn’t even mean it seriously. Please this will be the last time I would say something out of Twitter rules lists I would never done something like that again
22/09/22 sasteykumar Hateful conduct Appealed and promised to delete tweets which violated twitter rules
23/09/22 silversurfer114 Twitter claims I violated rules against abuse and harassment. I filed an appeal. Inexplicably, it was denied on 09/23/2022. Afterwards, I sent the following reply: This is extremely unfair. I didn't target anyone for abuse or harass anyone. On September 20 you sent a message to me saying that a tweet that I sent to a reporter who is also a commentator on cable news violated your rules against abuse and harassment. The tweet simply said, "I want to suck your face." That's the only thing I tweeted to her, and didn't send it to anyone else. That is just an old fashioned way to say, "I want to kiss you." Apparently the youngsters working for Twitter have never heard this, but you do not have to take my word for it. Just Google the phrase and you will see that this is not a threat or something obscene. I was just complimenting the way she looked that day. To permanently suspend my account for something so innocuous is absurd and very disappointing. How many people would get suspended everyday in the US if you applied the same standard to them? Too many to count? Again, I appeal to you to unsuspend my account because I did NOT target anyone for abuse or harass anyone. That is not what I use Twitter for, and I don't condone that type of behavior.
23/09/22 ___fareed spam and twitter manipulation I promise not to violate any twitter rules again and i am really sorry.
23/09/22 cartierdoil I violated twitter rules I sincerely apologise and I would love to take my account back
23/09/22 anamikaa_ana No Idea.. Must be my political opinion which should be allowed There was not any violation of rules
23/09/22 scpsophie Abusive behavior- tho I was joking I’ve pleaded and begged I’m disabled and on medication so I really didn’t mean to do it
23/09/22 wesbelt I have no idea nor have I ever been notified of a reason. I've submitted an appeal and asked for a reason for this suspension and I have not been given an explanation.
23/09/22 stefskye I reported a fake account impersonating a company I manage the social media for and I think they had something to do with my Twitter being suspended. I have not broken any rules on Twitter. I do not post my opinion, social issues, politics, etc. I have sent multiple appeals and have heard nothing
23/09/22 tootsiepix Called out a lying scammer Tried to verify email but all codes sent in the last 6 hours have been expired. I can’t validate an email with expired codes
22/09/22 rkeedy13 No apparent reason. It’s possible my account was hacked but there are not recent tweets from my account. I only use it for following the news. Submitted appeal and sent follow up but have not heard back in two weeks.
22/09/22 matej_petru1 Violating our rules against financial scams I written them email multiple times but no action
22/09/22 pv_sirk No known reasons N/a (did not violate ToS as far as I can tell)
22/09/22 dbadyd Case# 0282068242 Submit an appeal
22/09/22 odppuganda Change of year tof birth to 2017 when the account was created Appeal submitted
04/01/24 joey2_taylor abusive Yes please they need to look into someone used my account now i can't even change the password hopefully they can restore it back to the normal settings and stuff
22/09/22 gaytansonyondan abuse and harassment permanent suspension
22/09/22 dmkitwingg Hacked Nothing
22/09/22 ke_shakilla spam not violating any twitter rules
22/09/22 pavard_kal abuse It was a reply to abuse that's it
22/09/22 joaoneto Probably because I replied to one user saying Adam Levine ended Lady Gaga when in reality he probably “ended himself” (meaning ended his career of course) after being exposed for cheating on his pregnant wife. Or maybe because I jokingly said that I “felt like” spanking (not that they should or that I wish they would be) the brazilians (which I also am) who picketed at Queen Elizabeth’s funeral disregarding and disrespecting those who attended. or perhaps I was victim of mass reporting by Adam Levine’s fans. either way I didn’t break Twitter policies for HATEFUL SPEECH as claimed by e-mail. I also never got a notification on the app, only via e-mail. After deleting any content that might have been perceived as such, I will most likely be using a locked account to maintain communication with my friends and family. also avoiding confrontation and sensitive topics and morally and ethically questionable events like the ones aforementioned. I urge and plead for reconsideration. Thank You.
21/09/22 daninava Targeted Harassment Filed several appeals
21/09/22 evanwolf_ Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. I have sent out multiple appeals and tweeted at Twitter on a different account.
21/09/22 crotchbangler not a single clue what i did wrong can’t do anything bc i don’t know what i did wrong
21/09/22 lnandrews My account was hacked because I noticed in my suspension email my name was shown as Sloa but that isn’t my name and I didn’t change it to that. Also, if you look at my history over the years, I never post anything and just use it to read Entertainment posts so anything that may have been posted was not actually me. I tried to reset my password on 9/21/22 but never received the email so I’m not sure how to get my account back.
21/09/22 tamilzhan2050 Harassment Delete the unwanted tweets
21/09/22 tumee_3006 I Retweeted and account and the user reported the RT I have filled an form for appeal- i have now familiarized myself wwith the rules and will be using them as a guideline with my interactions on twiiter
21/09/22 curiositybits Following too many people in one day I didn't spam, I just followed people evenly throughout the day and i accidentally went over the following day limit by mistake. I won't do that again.
21/09/22 tumee_3006 I Retweeted and account and the user reported the RT I have filled an form for appeal- i have now familiarized myself wwith the rules and will be using them as a guideline with my interactions on twiiter
21/09/22 misstennistits Misuse of bad language Appeal lodged
04/01/24 fuddubatuni Influential use of rt, like and follow according to rule. Suspended without any strong reason
21/09/22 thegreatnoldini Targeted abuse Unsuspend
21/09/22 collinwarren100 Twitter Mistake__ I have attached the following information emailed to Twitter Customer Support/ claim resource: Collinwarren100   Is utilized as my platform for  “ Collegiate athletic/ University recruitment__none of which is or have been violated verbally or visually, shown disrespect, or disregarded in its purpose to represent the respectful / respected social media rule abiding individual. You will find that all posts are collegiate basketball posts, athletic in presentation, and response aligned with the for-mentioned high regard of self respect and community respect.  Your “ suspended/ followed by the definition of an account suspension”, withholding  my Collinwarren100  twitter account is wrongfully marketing  a violating  and inaccurate image of me.  Your complete review of years of past/ present posted content, referencing this account aligns with the truth that I have not violated any twitter rule. I ask at this time, if you have in your possession a post counteracting my claim “that I have not violated any twitter rule”, present it in writing/ visual content for  careful review. Further, every second my created Collinwarren100 account is under the mistaken title/ naming image this “suspension “ is portraying__ is a disregard of the years, financial commitment, and anti slander platform I have worked diligently to establish. I ask that the/ my Collinwarren account be reinstated in it’s original form prior to this mistake of suspension. Current research, regarding such mistaken suspensions, have shown ( you) Twitter to do your best in all effort(s) to correct immediately__ twitter accounts mistakenly suspended. My account respectfully and currently awaits the restorative status forward. Thank you. I have completed a claim by email concerning this matter. I have not received an answer/response or resolution as of today’s date.
21/09/22 ubesfam I tweeted out something that could be percieved as a threat I would take action but I cant access the tweet to delete it
21/09/22 adekunlekidney Violation of Twitter rules Not violate Twitter rules
21/09/22 kalina__x Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. Filed an appeal
20/09/22 somebritishdud1 Abuse and harassment Tried to verify email to unlock account but verification system is broken
20/09/22 _sihle Language None yet
20/09/22 artfath3r no idea Submitted appeal
20/09/22 collinwarren100 I have no idea I am barely on twitter I just use the app for advertising my value for future coaches to recruit me. I just woke up one morning and my account out the blue says suspended and I didn’t do anything to violate the rules of twitter in any way. 4 Appeals / 4 emails to twitter/ change of password / phone number verification
20/09/22 badgirl857 Putting a bum picture as my header photo but was allowed to post it on my profile. I have got sensitive content on aswell I have emailed them but nothing yet. I need my account to promote my work
20/09/22 onlyonebbright multiple copyright infringement notifications by seeking retractions from the original reporter(s), or by sending us counter-notifications to the takedown requests
20/09/22 thesoundbtween I received a message saying my account is suspended. My account was recently hacked and I had to delete many spam tweets and change passwords, so there might be an error there perceiving it as "suspicious activity" I tried to file an appeal on many different browsers and on phone and PC but I keep getting "Oops something went wrong. Please try again later." messages when I try to send my appeal message
18/09/22 claudiowangu spam account denied access to third party apps
20/09/22 numberslka Account got hacked ("CZ Binance"), spamming? crypto related. changed the password & delete all the tweets tweeted after it got hacked
19/09/22 dcareadenzien “Multiple accounts for harassment ?” Deleted requested tweet
19/09/22 youhoesobsessed hateful conduct read & fully understand twitter guidelines
19/09/22 invasionofprada mass reported read and understand twitter guidelines
19/09/22 napcakes2 A crude joke with a friend. I will delete the tweet and not make the joke again,
19/09/22 carsonrader4 I don't really know Now please
19/09/22 iamdrssekandi Someone might have hacked my account again and posted tweets and information that violated the Twitter Rules. But, i am not quite sure the exact reason for the permanent suspension. I will improve the security details of the account and i hope to follow all rules and regulations
19/09/22 vincentkent001 Don't have a clue why my account was suspended Follow the rules
19/09/22 harharino Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. I have been a twitter user since 2010 and I have always tried to be in compliance. My account has been suspended for Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. I will do everything I can to comply with twitter's policy and fix this problem
19/09/22 deevoul someone hacked into my account i sent an email to twitter , wrote an apeal . reset password , i wanted to activate 2FA
19/09/22 kahloutmm no idea appeal
19/09/22 mirzafurkan6515 Abuse and harrassment I filled appeal file
18/09/22 fcbibraa Harassment and abuse Suspended and can not interact on twitter
18/09/22 jbrox_ Account most likely suspended due to the reply "Standing on the logoI hope they get killed out there" under the @NFLonFox tweet "Gotta get hyped for a rivalry game 😤". This reply was not referring to violence, rather referring to the hope that the Buccaneers lose. Tried to file an appeal under twitter support
18/09/22 frankielarge41 Don't know. They said I violated the rules on my picture profile. Filled and appeal but doesn't have any answers
25/08/22 northestk Speaking about Nicki Minaj Sent appeal
17/09/22 mbonilajr1974 For calling someone a white supremacist bitch! I had no idea that was a violation l! I will delete those tweets if restored and I have appealed!
17/09/22 lovekorajade I believe it was temporarily suspended because of my profile picture and header I want to remove the profile picture and the header and unsuspend my account to be able to do so
17/09/22 ps_vortex Violation of Twitter rules Appealed that I haven’t violated any terms of use
17/09/22 sammytwain97 Abusive words Email appeal to Twitter
17/09/22 spanishpixelart too many requests testing API fine tune API to avoid duplicated requests
17/09/22 blondhecox hateful conduct filed an appeal
17/09/22 assdicksure sensitive header
16/09/22 mixedchicky against twitter rules Im really sorry and further on I will not go against twiiter rules. I regret my mistake.
16/09/22 sanik__ Telling a football player to kill themselves tried verifiing email but it wont accept the code
16/09/22 lchick58 Spam I was hacked by this 111HamiltonWife to reply with main other accounts that are bots or hacked
15/09/22 joaquimcaxito They say I violated Twitter's rules I sent the resource in the app but they didn't accept it
15/09/22 dxiarrr Inappropriate profile header Delete the header and replace it with one more appropriate.
15/09/22 yourstrulysarii Sensitive Twitter Banner Removing Banner
15/09/22 judith_oxo Hate speech and threats of harm delete tweet. avoid language that can be taken out of context negatively.
15/09/22 boundhoneys Incorrect profile picture uploaded! Account was ok for 10+ years with previous! Unable to remove and correct before the ban was in force, have tried explaining, apologising and asking for another chance many times. 10+ years, a warning came in, and a wrong photo was then uploaded (two girls kissing). Why can't they remove the profile photo and allow another chance?
13/09/22 iqbalasharii spam tweets cryptocurrency, and it wasn't me who did my account getting hacked on Twitter and Instagram too. I have attached evidence on that hour I do not access Twitter Change my password email twitter too
15/09/22 judith_oxo Hate speech and threats of harm Will delete the tweet and clarify to the recipients of the tweet in a more concise manner why they should be more responsible with their platforms as public figures and not direct hatred, vitriol and violence towards a victim and survivor of armed robbery. Will not use language that can be misconstrued as hateful and wishing harm because the point was never to do so but to reprimand them respectfully for their wrongful actions and misdirected rage.
15/09/22 kenichikirisuto Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension I submitted an appeal explaining that my account got suspended right after I changed my password. This was because both my Gmail and Twitter were hacked
14/09/22 devaki_nandan_ Mass Reporting on my Account Unsuspend my Account
14/09/22 therealdoozy_ I really don't know. I was just minding my business on twitter that day and just got suspended, and the reason shown in my suspension email has an image attached to it. The worse part is that it doesn't show me what the image was. Maybe someone managed to log in my account and tweet that. Twitter, this is a big problem in the app.
14/09/22 theboysreport Twitter Hello The Boys Report®️, Your account, theboysreport has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for: Violating our rules against posting or sharing privately produced/distributed intimate media Removed moderators and changed passwords
14/09/22 _kingceejay Not sure Filed multiple appeals
14/09/22 yournastydaddys Breaking rules Kindly let me know my mistake to mend it
14/09/22 4lm0k Hateful condact Unsuspension
14/09/22 xanavi22 Ban evasion It was my first account. Twitter suspended it and reinstated. Yet they suspend it again.
14/09/22 momosasa22 This account was maliciously reported by trolls, saying that my profile was artificially synthesized by AI, but Twitter's rules did not list it as illegal. Twitter couldn't even find the content of my tweets that violated the rules, but they blocked my multiple accounts with different functions. The reason given was spam, but all my tweets were written by myself, and followers are also real users . I've been complaining, but twitter has no response
12/09/22 ninurta1994 Violating Our Rules Against Hateful Conduct I Apologized To Them More Than Promising Them That I Won't Do It Again
11/09/22 _kingceejay Unsure Filed appeal
25/08/22 muyambiashraf Violation Permanent suspension
14/09/22 xanavi22 The suspension of this account is very absurd. It was suspended after being maliciously reported, and then the appeal was successfully restored. However, it was reported that he evaded punishment by registering a new account, and re-suspended the original account that was suspended by mistake but resumed, and did not accept the explanation. My friend has been complaining. According to Twitter’s rules, even if the latter account is punished for violations, it should not affect the account that was opened before, not to mention that the original account was suspended due to Twitter’s own fault. But Twitter doesn't think it's its own fault.
14/09/22 qpigpig Hello, We’re writing to let you know that your account has been suspended—and will remain suspended—due to multiple or severe violations of our platform manipulation rules. Artificially amplifying or disrupting conversations through the use of multiple accounts is a violation of the Twitter Rules. This includes: - overlapping accounts – operating multiple accounts with overlapping use cases, such as identical or similar personas or substantially similar content; - mutually interacting accounts – operating multiple accounts that interact with one another in order to inflate or manipulate the prominence of specific Tweets or accounts; and - coordination – creating multiple accounts to post duplicative content or create fake engagement, including: posting identical or substantially similar Tweets or hashtags from multiple accounts you operate; engaging (Retweets, Likes, mentions, Twitter Poll votes) repeatedly with the same Tweets or accounts from multiple accounts that you operate; and coordinating with or compensating others to engage in artificial engagement or amplification, even if the people involved use only one account. Please do not reply to this message as this email address is not monitored. I have been appealing but no results
14/09/22 bossrasigar A little bit harsh tweet Deleted the tweet
14/09/22 jalajdevdani My account was hacked Appeal before twitter 4times but they have unot tesponded
14/09/22 moji3084534 No email address after violating terms and sevice entering verification code but recieving a message saying code is expired evn thou it was just sent and quickkly typed in
13/09/22 _coopercomstock No idea I did nothing to violate rules Appeal
13/09/22 stadinovic None given from their side Whatever is appropriate for what I had actually done
13/09/22 osorojnr_ Violationg rules against platform manipulation and spam I have filed numerous appeals.
13/09/22 jimmymchugh_oh Violated Terms of Service for Harassment and Abuse Made multiple Appeals, won’t violate Terms of Service ever again
13/09/22 eruma_27 Hateful Conduct Didn’t get the chance to as my account just got suspended in a second
13/09/22 couact violating the Twitter Terms of Service to remove the banner
11/09/22 ironmanabhishek Hateful conduct Deleted those tweets
04/01/24 jbanj No reason given Appealed multiple times
10/09/22 _thisispeter Violation of the policy , erotic dp Will remove it
10/09/22 skarredghost It claims I have published pictures of intimate people, but I only talk about technology. The suspension message shows an empty tweet as cause of my suspension, and this is a total nonsense. I appealed, and I still got no answer. Using Twitter also for my business, I need it to be restored ASAP
10/09/22 folkoreofme No reason was provided I appealed to Twitter Support.
10/09/22 dylanlovexxx Profile picture uploaded was too sexual Didn’t get a chance. Tried to appeal but they haven’t responded.
09/09/22 tisthedamncami a joke about fire would never tweet about anything harmful and would delete old tweets
09/09/22 antoonverroken No idea Send mail
09/09/22 dumzymc Get raided by spam bot....then spam on my account that leads to the suspension Please help me with this problem then unsuspended my account
08/09/22 yaniquejlambert None Appealed
08/09/22 eastendgirl88 Unknown Delete tweet
08/09/22 49_naff Following and unfollowing continuously Will not follow to unfollow people any more
08/09/22 dealphaseeker I honestly do not know I haven't been able to contact them
08/09/22 blvd_yume Child porn I’m 18 it’s not child porn
07/09/22 404sr_ malicious report by robots There are no promps for verify, I've tried to filing an appeal, but twitter said that "Oops something went wrong. Please try again later."
06/09/22 akhistani owning multiple accounts for targeted abuse and harassment which is not true at all. I have appealed this several times and not received anything more than an automated email in return
06/09/22 monkyinho owning multiple accounts for targeted abuse and harassment which is not true at all. I have appealed this several times and not received anything more than an automated email in return
06/09/22 benmzondo Violating our rules against abuse and harassment Sent 4 appeals explaining that they were suspending me for quoting (in quotes” “) the former POTUS. It was a direct quote as an example of abuse to others, I provided links to newspapers of record that carried these quotes.
06/09/22 headkingtweets I don’t know but I got an email saying I was spamming which I didn’t. I appealed severally.
05/09/22 mrsblownskull I have created a new account and a few hours later it is suspended. I have done nothing on this account but make a few tweets. Please unsuspend this account
05/09/22 joeinnoho Broke twitter rules Waiting to be allowed to re-open account
05/09/22 derwassermann_ Hacked I filled an appeal, but had no answer
05/09/22 hulkofpalestine Political activism and use of harsh language I didn't have a chance to correct, the account was suspended immediately
05/09/22 beardman1337 Breaking the rules (wrong profile photo) Couldn't change the photo to fix it
05/09/22 derwassermann_ Hacked I filled an appeal, but had no answer
04/09/22 jennagoose Abusive behavior account was permanently suspended. I wrote "I just want to kill Trump's mouth. It's a sewer line emptying out at top speed nonstop." At the time I wrote this, I used the word "kill" like a "kill switch", to turn off or to cut off. I did not mean to literally "kill" someone. Twitter is not distinguishing the intent v. wishing someone harm...this is an over-the-top reaction. I have no appealed yet and am about to.
04/09/22 xx_x_za Multiple accounts closed all other account
03/09/22 thuleanarchive Ban evasion Filled appeals, as I had no other banned acc/relation to banned users. My acc was satyrical and intended to denounce Varg Vikernes
03/09/22 ilovedietcock Promoting suicide or self harm ?
03/09/22 nairobiie Media policy violation It was a caricature picture which I have since tried to delete
03/09/22 smilinsuzanne I have no idea They did not say
03/09/22 ls28_zp25 No Idea why. Maybe for spam liking Will not indulge in spam posting/liking
02/09/22 hishamtuji I try to post or follow some one but it showing me that my account has been suspended Hello I'm Hisham Almustapha Tuji from Nigeria, my Twitter account @HishamTuji has suspended I don't know why, please help me and unsuspended my account.
02/09/22 throatziia “adult content” in my header which was a bikini pic I tried to appeal it, but it didn’t work
02/09/22 donotabusexflag Two of misdecision as "abusive behavior" by twitter; First, I made fool about misogynists against imperial succession for princess, like "ペニス依存症患者". Second, my tweet mentioned as "Fuck off @Dappi2019". @Dappi2019 is not personal account but corporative account by Liberal Democrats of Japan; in use for abusive tweet against opposition parties such as @cdp2017. So my tweet against @Dappi2019 is not a violence. In spite of several appeal, Twitter ignored me and only replied automatedly as "unable to restore your account". Twitter discarded my rights even deleting troublesome twitter.
01/09/22 thehalestone I tweeted out sarcastically "burn the MAGAs!" and twitter (rightly) suspended me. I am trying to confirm my email with them, but i never had an email associated to my account. I use my phone number. My email is, but i just want my account back. I mostly tweet about sports. appealed and contact us feature
01/09/22 roloinmars Have no idea Appealed as soon as I found out
01/09/22 seguns1 Violating rules. To be honest, I have not violated any rule Remorse
01/09/22 daddychuky “Violating rules against abuse and harassment”… I’m a football fan, from Nigeria and there’s this phrase we use for hard tackling defender “cross and die” thats is, u can’t get past them easily, I tweeted that in a post made by @manutd the post has the picture of Martinez a man utd defender who played extremely well against Liverpool the day before, so i praised calling him cross and die, but twitter viewed it as targeted harassment I have appealed via the twitter support form yet no positive reply
01/09/22 sherimaga2 Spam I don’t understand the rules. A warning would be nice
31/08/22 petermilev89 No reason, probably some troll reported Write an email
31/08/22 louistamandola Violence Stop posting violent tweets about myself or other people
31/08/22 larryherrer Abuse of tweeting Secured account - changed password
31/08/22 iveson4kyle Arguing with someone Won’t happen again
31/08/22 frontlinenews79 Said Biden deserves the death penalty for molesting his daughter Unable to take action. I have learned from the experience
30/08/22 asianboy_sg_fi Explicit profile picture Tried to get back my account by following instructions but it keeps saying either technical error or on the appeal page it states "Oops something went wrong. Please try again later" the whole day
15/07/22 iamrichie_cole impersonating
30/08/22 racingmiketips artificial amplification of this account using other accounts. Filed a ticket many times but only got the same automated reply every time.
30/08/22 bigtyunie Violence I promise not to say words jokingly and would would mind my ways and delete my tweets
30/08/22 livicouple Adult Content Remove pictuee
30/08/22 cosmoseulogy Hateful conduct Permanent suspension
29/08/22 suecherie there was no reason to suspend my account,it was wrongly done so sent various appeals
29/08/22 bbncatsfan Abusive behavior I’ve tried logging back in
29/08/22 atine30 Wrongful statement Sent various mails and appeal
29/08/22 mejngl my account got hacked removing the suspension from my account
28/08/22 janicehenning4 I have no idea. I never add content or rarely read. Maybe my account was hacked? I go round in circles trying appeal. Site is broken.
28/08/22 lidyaassuncao When I created I was 13 nO YET
28/08/22 shayygirl spam verification and appeal
28/08/22 aralia_fresia False positive Twitter algorithm is punishing the wrong person, calling a real victim of plagiarism “fake news” for telling the truth!?
28/08/22 thecanours Rule violation To verify email
28/08/22 captainhook7th Graphic violence or adult content in profile images I have offered to change my images, but they currently are t graphic nor are they nude images. I believe this was a mistake on Twitter’s behalf.
28/08/22 wpgiilrahc Uploaded revealing pic I cant change my profile pic to somethong different so idk im sorry tho
27/08/22 acd_jk harassment by targeting I appealed several times
27/08/22 williams_head Broken Twitter rules I have never broken the rules. I think I tried to change my email address. I did try to appeal.
26/08/22 pearlpatience4 Maybe spamming Read Twitter rules
23/08/23 peachynipz username will remove my twitter name and have it more work friendly
27/08/22 sethmurule Being very active rapidly after a long time of dormancy. Added up alot of people as followers and followed alot of people too. I also posted new tweets frequently. I can't access my account because upon signing in, it requests to send a verification code to my phone but the code never comes through via text as expected.
27/08/22 alfred86682353 Nudity profile Delete
27/08/22 rkivemikham haven’t tweeted spams! Not followed so many people in short time! And i even weren’t online for 2 hours! It’s been fine before i go offline but when i got home and went to check my account i saw my followers and followings were 0!! Tried to contact Twitter support but i face the error which said “ We can't process your request because your account is currently locked or suspended.”
27/08/22 sumofallmusic I have another account that may have retweeted a picture belonging to another person. All of my accounts were permanently suspended. It’s possible that my account may have been hacked too. The appeal form won’t let me appeal as the account is locked. I never received any notification of any violations. Tried to appeal but the appeal firm says I can’t appeal because the account is locked or suspended
27/08/22 argun98 I made twitter when i was before 13, right now i am 23. and right now suspended because of twitter age policy. i am redirected to fill the form, but i am unable to submit the form, account restoration form. but it says "we can't process your requests because your account is currently locked or suspended". then, what am i supposed to do?
27/08/22 cz_binance__u7z got hacked to scam people and because i forgot to open 2fa unlock for me
27/08/22 bigalzzzz Breach of rules regarding abuse and harassment Apologised and tried to appeal
27/08/22 mymindpalace1 Inappropriate profile pictures Verify email but it’s not going through
27/08/22 ihussain13 violating twitter rules account was hacked and i managed to recover it
26/08/22 cihanercilik No reasons given. No violation. Algorithm messed up Appealed multiple times in two languages. Never heard back, it's nearing a month.
26/08/22 cz_binance_rzuc Hacked account Restore my hacked account.
26/08/22 fapo39 Hello I'd like to appeal my account suspension (@Fapo39), I've made a bad tweet in reply to a friend (@DaSexner) that was instigating me on purpose, I was obviously joking and even if you ask the other party that I replied to they can confirm it wasn't a serious threat he even tried to fill in an appeal to attest my innocence but was automatically marked as solved and ignored, I assume it was an auto flag from a bot as it happened instantly and doubt someone actually reported me. Now my account is permanently suspended and I cannot even delete that tweet or do anything even if I want to fill a ticket to download my data I am getting "We can’t process your request because your account is currently locked or suspended. Please visit our appeals form to request a review." so I had to make a new account just to fill in the appeal, please help I'd like my account unsuspended please.
26/08/22 ginga_noob Abusive Tweets or behavior I don't remember making any tweets in several months, but my email got hacked and i think maybe someone used it to log into my account and do the things i'm banned for
26/08/22 porschesrule09 I have no idea. I've been a member for 13 years and never even had a warning. I'm 73 years old and it's my main source of getting the news. Please tell me why this happened! Have written twice to the help desk and have gotten back canned messages with general reasons for suspensions. None of those would seem to apply to me.
26/08/22 domoymo Because I entered wrong age Filled the form
26/08/22 99xc i did nothing wrong and someone reported me because he just doesnt like my opinion on soccer coach i didnt do anything wrong
26/08/22 trolledbyox Spammy behavior It is very agitating to have had my twitter account suspended without notification of what tweets/direct messages specifically Twitter believes violated their rules. Regardless, in accordance with Twitter Rules on what is a violation of this policy, “Under this policy, you can’t state an intention to inflict violence on a specific person or group of people. We define intent to include statements like “I will”, “I’m going to”, or “I plan to”, as well as conditional statements like “If you do X, I will”. Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to: threatening to kill someone; threatening to sexually assault someone; threatening to seriously hurt someone and/or commit a other violent act that could lead to someone’s death or serious physical injury; and asking for or offering a financial reward in exchange for inflicting violence on a specific person or group of people.* ***None of my tweets feature any of this content.*** \ I tweet a lot about football and sometimes about real life experiences of mine, my tweets have never violated this rule before and it is very saddening to me that I cannot tweet again because of it. *And in accordance with Twitter’s “What is not a violation of this policy?” section: “We recognize that some people use violent language as part of* ***hyperbolic speech*** *or* ***between friends***\*, so we also allow some forms of violent speech where it’s clear that there is no abusive or violent intent, e.g., “I’ll kill you for sending me that plot spoiler!”.”\* *Any tweets that use violent language of mine where either a part of* ***hyperbolic speech*** *to make a point and describe a situation (certainly not threatening any individual’s well-being on twitter)* ***or,*** *in the case of older tweets that could have potentially been flagged,* ***between friends*** *(ie, “it’s all over for u b/itches”, referencing a meme in a clearly joking manner).* *I have no history of violations on this account. Regardless, I can see if some of my tweets could have been seen as violence and threatening by Twitter despite having explained myself, therefore I am willing to apologize, delete the tweets and promise not to repeat my behavior if my account is restored. I plead with you to consider my case with this in mind, even if the tweets I think were flagged and explained are not the actual ones that Twitter suspended me for. I think regardless, my reasoning still stands for any other tweets that could have been misconstrued.* *My twitter was a football account that I used to interact with people with similar passions to me and grow my following. Because of this misunderstanding, I have one less platform to do this with, and feel this is particularly damaging as it took a while to build this following as a young footballer of color. As I say, I’m happy to delete the tweet and apologize for any confusion over tweets that were either hyperbole or a joke. Thank you for considering.
26/08/22 bright0014 Nothing really.. I think this is a mistake I'm unable to submit an appeal
26/08/22 romanov302 Unknown, no reasons were cited Unknown at the moment
26/08/22 mehtachintan_ Claim by Twitter that I used hateful content language in hindi Dear Twitter Team, my account has been suspended because I used hindi word "randwa". Kindly check the meaning in hindi lexicon. There is nothing hateful about it. "Randwa" meaning the person who is not married yet or the person whose wife has passed away. Kindly do not suspend account without checking right meaning of Hindi words.
26/08/22 breathe_579 Broke twitter rules Kindly assist to deactivate this account completely, remove the incorrect profile picture, and disconnect the email. Thank you.
26/08/22 nsfwjos Header is violating media policy I need to get back into my account in order to correct this. With it being suspended, I am unable to resolve
26/08/22 cz_binance_wu_7 My account got hacked changed password and enable double authentification
25/08/22 silverhorsensfw Strong worded comment or header image remove the comment, and change the header image
25/08/22 bethaanyyg My header One mistake and it won’t happen again.
24/08/22 estevan670 I said the word nigga not even directed towards anyone , all I said was that nigga would profit from the flu and I was only talking about a stuntman that was doing some crazy stuff I was joking I wasn’t being mean to anyone and it wasn’t directed to anyone I’m black I’ll delete the tweet I verified my number and email I’ll just delete the tweet
24/08/22 idont_care900 I don’t know to be honest Unsuspend
24/08/22 helenhamill the Twitter Rules against managing multiple Twitter accounts for abusive purposes. Appeals sent all day
24/08/22 yourfavpokemon_ spam will not spam dm s anymore
24/08/22 cyfogetsi Violation of twitter policy for harassment. Appeal
24/08/22 mikanerys Targeted Abuse I will not engage negatively with anyone whom I argue with. I didn't engage in targeted abuse in the first place, I was arguing with people using formal language, but they showed me sexualized media to make me uncomfortable as a minor. Furthermore, I got suspended without any notice or restriction despite having a relatively large account that was active daily. From now onwards, I will not speak negatively with anyone, and always maintain my language.
24/08/22 marsch1991 A photo I posted of myself when I was 17 was flagged as child pornography. I have provided both my email address and have filed an appeal.
24/08/22 iamgodswillbasi Posting spam/malicious links Sent an appeal to Twitter
24/08/22 prevailukraine Don't know, never received notice - only received normal day to day emails with Twitter. @PrevailUkraine is a peaceful account focused on philanthropy and support of Ukraine Refugees. What actions can be taken to correct an account focused on philanthropy and giving back?
23/08/22 aleckeei Violation of discrimination based on nationality I made efforts to reach out to the user and apologized to him he forgave me and even tweeted to Twitter urging them them to restore my account. I also have evidence on email from him to both me and Twitter he's agreed that he felt satisfied with my apology to him and Twitter
23/08/22 albon_louise No idea Can’t access account
23/08/23 jason64626852 Unknown Unknown
23/08/23 olamicryptofx1 Spaming comment with my tweet link I think. Yes
23/08/22 the_real_bez_64 Accidentally left my laptop open, employee has been using my account to post malicious tweets. On questioning he posted a racial quote regarding white/black lives or matter? I haven't seen the tweet. But feel it would have been quite nasty and offended someone. It would have offended me. I like debate, but racism is unacceptible. Employee has been sacked
23/08/22 plemenitazvijer Do not know. Filled an appeal and no answer.
22/08/22 justmenna__ A word I’m sorry
22/08/22 lucifersoftie Violating rules against hateful content Appeal request
21/08/22 louisehrgrv4s violence i was joking/roleplaying the action
20/08/22 princeokodi5 Violation Filling an appeal
20/08/22 pcyjaile Abusive Behavior/Sending Threats Hello. I believe you unintentionally suspended my account. I'm submitting an appeal to lift the suspension. I want to revive my account. Thank you.
20/08/22 deebandd “Hate conduct” I used to word “nigga” in a picture which I guess as a black man that has used that words many times on Twitter I am not allowed to do anymore.
19/08/22 tymex007 someone like a bot sneaked in to my acc and sent this tweets, it's not me. after this I instantly change a password. changes my all passwords
19/08/22 d_orison use of the word cunt.. appealed
19/08/22 gmclucy false flagging/perceived rule breaking (not against Twitter Rules) unsuspension of account
19/08/22 chrislera_ Hateful conduct I am writing this letter to appeal my suspension. I understand that I am suspended because not meeting rule or in any way violates the term of Twitter My Twitter handle @chrislera_ was suspended, I might have violated the term and conditions of Twitter, due to a report another user may lodged. However, not every accusation were true, I’ve put more effort in promoting peace and unity among others users. And for the fact that I have invested so huge on my account i.e platforms for my music career Conclusion, please consider my appeal to reinstate my status to have access to my Twitter account @chrislera_ Sincerely, Chris lera
19/08/22 ceanegranada30 Violating rules against evading permanent suspension My account was compromised, therefore I didn't do the actions.It was committed by someone or something else.
29/07/22 pahblow09 My account was hacked Unlock so I can sign the hacker out and change my password
18/08/22 wo__gyimieno I believe my account was suspended for Violating rules against platform manipulation I didn’t violate twitter rules but incase I did, I promise never to do that again, please kindly help unsuspend my account
18/08/22 masrawy9011 I not broke twitter rules Remove suspend
18/08/22 benjami75340453 Unfollow and follow. Likes and retweets It was unprofessional
18/08/22 13moreboosters Tweet Will delete
18/08/22 12moreboosters Tweet Will delete
18/08/22 suhailroushan13 I was getting tag in Many Tweets
18/08/22 altradec Posting threatening content. A close friend and I were role-playing aggressive music fans, and Twitter took our comments to be literal. There were no genuine threats, everything was acting. Account permanently suspended. I guess I'll have to be more careful.
18/08/22 gmkiarie Violating twitter rules Account was locked from access and it does not have an email attached to it
16/08/22 claimingagate My Twitter was wrongfully suspended & I would appreciate if you could help me get it back. I didn’t violate any TOS nor do I intend to. I was away on holiday between the 1st and 9th July 2022 and had been off of my devices during that time. I use twitter as a way to share my artwork, as I am a young animator . I believe I was hacked and impersonated to spam and harass users. I know that I didn’t violate any TOS. Please help & thank you look into the activity that got me suspended compared to my usual posts for proof of my innocence and consider unsuspending me
15/08/22 sircanho Account hacked and post unauthorized content unsuspend the account
15/08/22 princeopokujnr Twitter assumed I was a Minor
15/08/22 lannisterjnr Violation of copyright rules because I retweeted a tweet I have deleted the said post
15/08/22 0xfr4nz autoshared posts, idk how i seldom open my twitter account Appeal using the form
15/08/22 hosseingheytasi no i send email
15/08/22 belenleoxses No reason Give the account back
14/08/22 marcsantos355 profile picture and profile banner will delete all concerning picture
14/08/22 takurachamuka When I was permanently suspended, Twitter did not give me the reasons. I however think it's because of a tik tok video I captioned about Mr Peter Drury on 5 August as it had the most likes, ret-tweets and views. The video has the name on it hence I dos not think I violated any property rights. I have sent 3 appeals now but there is no responds.
14/08/22 nasapets Not aware Further going I will be cautious
14/08/22 cathyposts Spam Iam not aware of the spam
14/08/22 zl11zi00sh33si7 I always follow policy of twitter and never violate its policy Please unsuspend my account as soon as possible
14/08/22 robbenmahjoub11 Violation Trying to repair what i have done
14/08/22 youngchove15 For a wrong comment on KSI page
13/08/22 dexsters560 Too many log in attempts Password reset
12/08/22 nimarm_ I haven't tweeted anything wrong. I guess someone reported me as mistake or something else. I filed an appeal
12/08/22 noxee Hateful speech Will delete the tweet
12/08/22 cz_binance_pdm4 My account got hacked by a person that changed my username from @Arinsays to @cz_binance_PDM4 and their actions has made my account got suspended The reason that my account got suspended isn't because any of my actions but it is the hacker's actions therefore I needed my account back so I can perform the necessary actions to regain safety for my account
12/08/22 johanna_iur Tweet on monkeypox Will remove the tweet in question
12/08/22 nyocss I wasn’t given a reason Filed for an appeal but nothing
11/08/22 shawny_my Usage of expletives, pushback against transphobic comments Refrain from using inflammatory language in the future
11/08/22 lesterbangss Twitter evasion ban I have contacted them explaining a password change I made the day before. They suspended my account out of the blue and it is unfair. It's been seven days and I haven't recovered it yet....
11/08/22 ismdao1 Possibly a short video of a back-to-school give away free backpack that came fully equipped with bulletproofing? I literally have no idea why my account is suspended Filed Appeal
23/08/23 yoursakshayaa I don't know No
05/01/24 visaprosconsult I guess spamming Please reinstate my account
10/08/22 voxnewsinfo2 Alleged violations TOS The tweets shown do not violate the rules in terms of 'hatred' because they do not incite violence against someone for their race or ethnicity but only indicate the nationality of the persons who committed the crimes. Not indicating it would be censorship.
10/08/22 thecricketguy27 Probably because of cricket edits Please unsuspend my account
10/08/22 lure132 Hateful conduct Reread Twitter rules. I understand them now
10/08/22 lazary407 Platform manipulation and spam Please help me unlock the account, i has just gotten it back for a few minutes before it was suspended for no reason. I was trying to change my password but i couldn't
09/08/22 manifesbigwin10 I don't have any idea Stop doing any Twitter actions even though I don't know the reason about it.
09/08/22 localgymerx Unknown reasons I cannot access my followers
09/08/22 notlew23_ Abuse I called someone a moron, seems majorly unfair when they’re allowing racial abuse to fly
08/08/22 alexanderconard Impersonation Appealed and sent a scanned copy of state driver’s license
08/08/22 football_taik Platform Manipulation and Spam I have not violated any twitter rules or policies. This is a false ban.
08/08/22 trueusp Unknown I merely advocated that UKR exercise its right of self defensender the UN Charter to and Geneva Convention to self defense which includes the killing of invaders. It has an obligation to defend its people. Unfortunately that right includes killing if the other party refuses to negotiate, does not obey the Charter and violates the Geneva Convention
08/08/22 ec_crypto69 Spam I have filed a complaint through Twitter Support and no one has seemed to help me out yet. I have elaborated to them that Twitter has maybe thought I was a boy for spamming but they are mistaken.
08/08/22 micsttt Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. Please help me to un- suspend my account. I am not aware that I violated any of Twitter rules. If so, let me be aware next time.
07/08/22 kevinsalem They said I broke their rules, but I fidnt Appealed, deleted tweet
07/08/22 hamad702_roblox evading permanent suspension. fixing
23/08/23 iceman24lvc Logged in from Instagram and they think it was spam Appealed but no luck
23/08/23 syahiraaaaa__ Forget Password Please unsuspended my account
07/08/22 faerytaekoo Hateful conduct Will not be using hateful words eventhough I did not meant for it to be harmful towards anyone. Please look into it again since from what I believed , I did not disrespectful any of twitter rules because what I replied is not targeting any specific groups that was mentioned in the violation rules.
07/08/22 chibueze_nnamah For breaking a twitter rule Sent an appeal but it's just piling up on eachother
06/08/22 eastleighowl Abusive arguing. Re-instate account.
06/08/22 amelia_watson12 Don’t really know. I didn’t do anything I’ve tried checking my messages
06/08/22 jcurtis_dyson Violating our rules against hateful conduct. You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. Appeal
05/08/22 demitsuru death threat. i am ukrainian, because of war, for the first time from 2009 i made a mistake. Was said "would kill russian" i sent appeal, i admitted i did wrong and asked to delete twits, and i will never repeat this again.
05/08/22 fugazitruther Earlier this year, one person got mad at a Twitter acquaintance for discussing Bollywood films. A friend who is in that chat tweeted a joke about Bollywood films and I responded with what that person said. That tweet is still up and they were not punished for it so I’m not sure why I got a permanent ban. They denied my initial appeal. Filed appeal to Twitter, explained that I have been feeling suicidal and losing contact with my friends would push to me taking my life and that it was a reference to a in-joke from a movie chat
05/08/22 pluna00 participating in targeted abuse I filed appeals advising I was bullied by a misogynistic account which called me and other females names.I tried to end the interaction but because I did; I was reported to continue the bullying. I also stated this was a teachable moment for me since I didn’t know some of the rules; I responded to the account inciting a response when Moving forward I will either report the behaviors or block the aggressor. Lastly the account that bullied me is active. Which truly feels unfair. I sent proof of the situation and broke down the harassment. Yet was ignored an received a copy an pasted message from twitter support.Please help. My account is unproblematic.
05/08/22 haziqalafasy I dont know the reason because i didnt do anything wrong with my account unsuspend and approve the appeal that have been made
04/08/22 ferrerlouangel Mistaken violation N/A
28/07/22 nelsonv1990 Religious Beliefs I just want my twitter back I miss my twitter
04/08/22 gtamutual What twitter believes is “hate speech”, however, everything I have said has been something my minority group can reclaim. I also tweeted negatively about Johnny Depp. Unsure if that has anything to do with it. I cannot take any actions at the moment due ti the suspension of my account but i am willing to delete all harmful
04/08/22 minorumanov violate twitter rules (violent threat) i will take down and delete the tweet, i did not literally threat them, i was just joking around. it was even some kind of inside jokes
04/08/22 btspurpleworld7 I don't know..I did nothing wrong Changed my password
03/08/22 4starjohnny Bad words Deleted all tweets
03/08/22 fish3rman66 I don’t know Twitter never told me Non as they have permanently suspended me
03/08/22 agrikheti There were multiple tweets from this account that could have led to suspension. Though we believe that we have not made any spam tweets still our account got suspended. We believe that it was some kind of bot attack due to which multiple tweets were done and our account got suspended. It's a company account and we will ensure to get 2FA implemented on the account to enhance the security measures.
03/08/22 josh_david20 Bad profile pic Change profile pic
02/08/22 limeylizzie Hateful conduct None I have no idea what I did to get suspended
02/08/22 makkeysjyke Violation of twitter rules I am unable to take actions yet because my help centre page appears blank. Please,help me
02/08/22 kylelindecke Threatening tweet Delete the tweet
02/08/22 timaay_turner Abuse and harassment It was a misunderstanding from twitter and I will be more careful in the future with my tweetsz
02/08/22 golecraft Spam I was hacked but then recovered my account
02/08/22 afcteju Hateful conduct My suspension
01/08/22 byevince First day of making the account so maybe they thought it looked suspicious, I only made it today to interact with other fans of my interests. Tried to appeal but it said “Oops something went wrong”
29/07/22 argiziont_guard I really don't know, I didn't violate anything. My account is suspended for months, Twitter support didn't respond me even I made a lot appeals
01/08/22 cfc_rajvinder I was accused of being discriminating Unsuspend my account because the tweet I was accused was literally tweet I was quoting,it's not my word,the women who reported me literally tweet those word,I just copy paste the word and quote it with a pic
01/08/22 timaaayx6 Accused of platform manipulation. Never manipulated the platform for personal gain, only made tweets to make people laugh.
01/08/22 emperor5500 No idea , I recieve this ( Your account, Emperor5500 has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for: Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension.) Sent appeal . My account is old , since 2016. I post only trading ideas , charts , crypto topics.
01/08/22 haloarry threatening/ promoting violence submitted an appeal
01/08/22 wahyubadil Around 09:00 AM Central Indonesian Time on 25th of July, my account was hacked. The hacker use my account to spread spam tweets. Replying a fake/scam NFT account and mass mentioning many twitter account. This action lead to my account got suspended by Twitter. I do not responsible to those spam tweets, because I am not the one who did it. The hacker did it. There was no email/text notification regarding new login to my account on new device. Please unsuspend my account
31/07/22 mucik321go Error. Misinterpretation of my comment. I also made several failed attempts to log on as I forgot my password and received a message that I caused « suspicious activity in the account » Appeal
31/07/22 ben_hollandxxx Profile picture to nude I want to delete the profilepic and ad a selfie
31/07/22 mpendulomnguni3 Not sure Tried following support from Twitter
31/07/22 rabbadznft No reason given Can't take actions, i cannot login
31/07/22 only4enhypenn None submitted an appeal
31/07/22 ddanh2329 Spam too much replies on a specific date without knowing what has happened Delete completely my account
31/07/22 mattrdnd_ I didn't violate any rules. I think twitter suspended wrong account.
30/07/22 hyunjaefiles for showing violent behaviour to others I deleted the tweets, i apologised to the people involved and twitter, and will not do it again
29/07/22 robinxxlol no reason filing many appeals
05/01/24 amiethesquirrel They didn’t give me a reason. Probably something I said lol. Appealed and verified. No reply.
07/01/24 bitcoin_i Too much for retweets, I think I sent an email to follow up
28/07/22 fatwaman007 Violating our rules against abuse and harassment. Actually I was discussing some issue with my friend. The sentence tweeted by me :-आतंकवाद का मजहब नहीं होता लेकिन पकड़े गए सभी आतंकवादी मुस्लिम हैं English translation of this: - Terrorism does not have a religion but all the terrorists caught are Muslims. My tweet was in reference to the some terrorist caughted in Delhi (india) in the past days. I am not abusing anyone here and This sentence does not violate your policy in any way. I apologize if I have violated the policy due to ignorance. And I promise not to repeat such mistake again in future. please restore my account
28/07/22 j53664695 Profile picture Remove profile picture, then delete account.
28/07/22 lungi_360 For following alot of people at once To not follow alot of people at once
28/07/22 snkiluvouge Spamming Contact twitter
28/07/22 ahmedosamaozo Broke twitter rules *which is not clarified how did I do that* Submitted an appeal
27/07/22 nsurrealxxx Profile photo goes against rules Replace photo when account is unlocked to one that doesn't break the rules
27/07/22 overachievers Abuse and harassment I was replying to screenshot of what someone said I wasn’t replying to the person who tweeted the tweet
26/07/22 _kosito Evading suspension by creating new accounts Appeal
26/07/22 zsombiofficial My account has been hacked. According to Twitter, I broke a rule. But I didn't break any rules. A post by a user named wtfgoblintowns was answered on my behalf. There were names in the post. Later they posted in my name. There were names in the post. They did this many times that day. This may have happened on the day my account was suspended. The previously mentioned user named wtfgoblintowns is also a suspended account. I think Twitter somehow thought my account belonged to this person. In the last 3 weeks, I have sent several appeals, but I have received no response, only automatic emails.
26/07/22 gibayebatubo231 Exchange of words Sent an appeal
26/07/22 momo_smell be falsely reported by someone, because I disclosed her creating more than four fake accounts to cheat for money on my tweets, then she reported me. I don’t receive any notifications or warning messages from Twitter, until now I have no idea why my account was permanently suspended. I don’t use any abusive words to attack anyone, all I do is just disclosed scam accounts on my tweets. I have sent many appeals to Twitter but no one real read them. My Case# 0279934258
07/01/24 amenhotepdesig1 I think because I like too many posts I stopped linking too many posts in a day.
25/07/22 hshipop Told a racist person to die. They other user was being blatantly racist, but didn't get suspended while my account did. This is my first offense. I already filed an appeal and they rejected it.
25/07/22 lexandrehonorio I don't know but had a clue that is brazillian política related Asking Twitter, but with no response until now...
25/07/22 vampirology Hateful conduct (I referred to someone as a "baboon" in reference to their baboon profile picture) Over twenty appeals including offer to remove post, pleading for mercy, written blog posts (e.g., contacted media outlets
25/07/22 dennyvlsv Twitter didn’t explain the reason for suspension. I received no notification about temporary suspension, potential violations or ultimately permanent suspension. I didn’t break any Twitter Rules. I tried to appeal the temporary and permanent suspensions several times but received no response from Twitter.
25/07/22 miissyrodriguez Fan post Excuse me
24/07/22 shineimo Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. You may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter. When I tried to login to my Twitter from a new device. It showed me my account has got permanently suspended. I have access to my linked email address. Kindly look into this and get my account unsuspended as I haven’t violated any of the twitter rules.
24/07/22 taymcu Hateful Conduct I’ll read the Twitter Rules and delete the tweets
23/07/22 marconoonez Evading suspension I’ve never evaded a suspension and I don’t have multiple accounts I’ve had my account for several years and have never had this issue
22/07/22 spratlinger Targeted abuse/harassment The tweet in question literally did not engage in anything resembling abuse or harassment.
22/07/22 goody_luvv Following many accounts I've stopped following too many accounts and I promise to be consistent in doing so
22/07/22 tou_diaolou I’ve put an art painting for theee months in my header with one naked couple File an appeal
21/07/22 phoxyyt My account got suspended cause of hackers tacking over my account and posting scam links and tagging random people in comments I have deleted all the tags and wrongdoings the hackers made on my account, and i will change password and enable two factor authentication as soon as I have my account back.
21/07/22 cryptokng81 Inappropriate comment Will never use that type of language again and make jokes that can be harmful to others. I am asking for a second chance and will never let it happen again. I value twitter and it’s community and policies.
21/07/22 aadiyogie No reason given Permanently suspended
21/07/22 hana2483083 Violation Yes
21/07/22 reelingthespian Evading suspension I had this account for nearly a decade I haven't had any others prior to this one
21/07/22 soph1stes pornographic I didn't put warning for my photos
21/07/22 tuttrealtaxfree Abused I dint know what that mean
20/07/22 me_darkmode copyright infringement eliminate multimedia content
20/07/22 barleska11 none met jullie contact. ik kan nergens indienen
20/07/22 ebonypytz Violating our rules against posting or sharing privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent. appeal
20/07/22 tessa_fit I believe my account is hacked No actions taken yet
20/07/22 keyserjr62 Spamming I will be more law abiding, many thanks.
20/07/22 ahmerdkeyser Spamming I will be more careful and abide by the rules and regulations
20/07/22 larryinmissouri Not known? Appealed
20/07/22 mikoaverilla311 Infected by virus and spam tag accounts Unsuspend twitter
19/07/22 royalsecretnft Evading suspension by opening a new account We had changed our name on the same account over a month ago because we noticed a accounts similar to ours. This is our first and only account with twitter.
19/07/22 gideon077 Spamming behaviour Unsuspending the account
19/07/22 allisonoches I got my account hacked and +30 tweets were sent form my account spamming a NFT and tagging a lot of people I already sent an appeal directly from twitter's help center. Still no response from them.
15/07/22 leodamingi Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. Appealed
19/07/22 sonyasmith The reason they gave me was evading a permanent ban, but I've never been banned before. I've filed an appeal, but they have not answered me.
18/07/22 thalapathyrv_12 Posted Cricket Video Please Unsuspend my account
18/07/22 dvdbutler Abuse tweet Would like to delete offending email
18/07/22 dancan_oiseni Evading suspension Permanently suspending my account
18/07/22 callielu5 I have no idea and it didn't tell merely said my account was permanently suspended. I seriously don't know what I did. I tried to appeal but it sent it before i could even write my rebuttal
18/07/22 kuibtehal Hello dear Twitter team I was surprised that my account was suspended. Little did I know that I was actually violated. I impress you a lot about this kind of games, and not to delete my account I don't want to lose my friends and family on Twitter. Please accept my apologies, the embarrassment of my account. Thank you, thank you for giving us the opportunity to express our opinions and listen every time you encounter my beloved problem Hello dear Twitter team I was surprised that my account was suspended. Little did I know that I was actually violated. I impress you a lot about this kind of games, and not to delete my account I don't want to lose my friends and family on Twitter. Please accept my apologies, the embarrassment of my account. Thank you, thank you for giving us the opportunity to express our opinions and listen every time you encounter my beloved problem
18/07/22 ryan12265984 hacked account used to spam changed my password
17/07/22 r0ck3t_mvn I DM’d a few of my collectors with a newsletter of my current project. I did not list prices or ask anyone to buy. Just asked them to check it out. Verification and appeal
17/07/22 chelseazack1 I can unblock my account therefore I can not verify my identity Appeals
16/07/22 fieldroamer Rules violation - hateful conduct Have submitted appeals.
16/07/22 blackl0tusss Maybe report or violation I desperately need my account to be activated
16/07/22 souleater_m10 My account used as spam bot My account seems to be hacked
16/07/22 checkthls Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. I have never been ban. Cannot have evaded any ban ! This is an error and false allegation.
15/07/22 dcyyrl I got hacked and spam i changed my password
15/07/22 bossman76128955 Violating this rules against abuse and harassment I tried to appeal
15/07/22 niconiipremshop Same tweet but it's not Deleted tweet
15/07/22 blackboardsce No Reason Appealing
13/07/22 ibrahim_keten Bad language Appealed but not received a response
13/07/22 bvbyr8 Targeted harassment even though it was a joke Restore account
13/07/22 chorlinz I tagged a post [NFT related] using their slang 'bomb' and twitter assumed I meant to bomb them. I had mailed, but no positive feedback.
13/07/22 ariz0nasky Making a new account while one is suspended This account i have had since 2020 and i dont see a reason to suspect this one because it was made a long time before. Also the account that got suspended only because i did it while my main was suspended with no reason and i already got it back??
13/07/22 abrilgarciagdl Posting adult content on banner Tried to delete the image but it wont allow me
13/07/22 bsse74
12/07/22 keezygoated Violated twitter media policy Will do better & not ever make that same mistake again
12/07/22 yassine_ao No reason Every online appeal bugs
12/07/22 thegatorcrocs For thinking that I meant something that was clearly a joke That you shouldn't take things seriously
11/07/22 sushifired Abusive behaviour Delete tweets and desist from tweeting abusive messages
11/07/22 bitch_ting22 Violating rules against evading permanent suspension Appeal
11/07/22 cameron68755414 Non based reports Non
11/07/22 mariecaldeira2 "Violating rules against hateful conduct" I refuse to delete the tweet as it doesn't break any rules or local law. This is a HUGE mistake by Twitter
11/07/22 am_pulkit Don't Know Please Unsuspend my account
23/08/23 stankovicdaniel I was a little drunk and called Rafael Nadal names, because he didn't defend his college Novak Djokovic when he was banned from playing tennis in the US. Only because he was I have tried to explain three time, that I was in depression back the, due to I lost two siblings and I drank too much. Also I have apologised to Nadal's team...
10/07/22 neptunebluex Alleged participating in targeted abuse, despite the tweet being a joke Apologized to involved party, and they were completely fine with it. Both of us are close friends.
10/07/22 uchihajuanma I have no idea i tried to apeal, but twitter says that my account is not susppended so they dont show me the form :/
10/07/22 samuelaldrey SPAM Appeal, verification of email and Phone number
10/07/22 masmasbiyasa violation on twitter rules submit an appeal
10/07/22 aripert Somebody unknown person has asked Twitter to suspend my account and I don't know the reason. I have filed an appeal - but I havn't got any answer.
09/07/22 dilfbuck Having multiple accounts. I got permanently suspended, filed an appeal because I only have two accounts but I seriously think I got spammed because I was arguing with a racist.
09/07/22 ohshenastee Twitter says I used my account for abusive behavior. However, this account was only active for 2 minutes before it was permanently suspended. I haven’t made any new Twitter accounts
08/07/22 sakusgenatsvale Hateful conduct twitter has mistaken me hating on an individual/ bullying when I just wrote a reply on my friends scrip on a fictional character. It was with banter, and it wasn't towards anybody on twitter and never has and never will be
08/07/22 azzreenishak Someone hacked my account for spammed Unsuspended my account
08/07/22 gkswk22 Hacking and spam posts I have lodged an objection on Twitter and one a day from June 26 to today, July 8, but the only answer that comes back is that it is under review.C. The hacker posted spam posts with hashtag #icejackwaiting several times without my knowledge, making it clear that the hacker was responsible, but there is no answer yet.
07/07/22 librv_ Permanent Suspension ban Evasion I have never been suspended on another account on Twitter
07/07/22 sj_gibbk Hateful Conduct I have not violated this policy, but offered to delete any tweets construed to have done
07/07/22 jclc_18 unusual behavior I'm just following them back, how is that unusual?
07/07/22 mist4z My account might have been hacked. I saw tweets and replies which I did not send. I have appealed and I have provide my email address, but have not received any communication from Twitter
23/08/23 housebets_io Too much DMing, we were only DMing accounts that we knew had deposited on various platforms and wanted to reward them. Stopped this outreach
07/07/22 mfkinjennifer I believe it was due to a picture I posted as my header. I didn’t know it was against the rules I apologize. I understand the new rules and read the whole rules for twitter. I understand to not violate any rules.
07/07/22 ardimalokuu I dont know why, im a creator of my tweet,I don't think to be like others and take writings from others if you can make me unsuspended
07/07/22 bunnie_soobin Evading permanent suspension I never had any other account before this account. This was the first account that got suspended.
06/07/22 _inzaghi1 Copyright infringement Deleted materials
06/07/22 umojauno Impersonation Appealed and apologized politely😌
06/07/22 mxjwlvr someone hacked my acc appeal
06/07/22 lesproctor Ban Evasion; only one previous suspension for 12 hours. I used a backup @dequixote; that got nuked too on Jun 22. Appealed both. Expressed my gratitude for the lessons and my unconditional support.
05/07/22 pangjiawang 被盗用,发送了大量垃圾信息 恢复
05/07/22 monsariar violation of community rules actually dont know why my account suspended but i can assure that i will not repeat the mistakes
05/07/22 strkzcit Adult Content Take down profile and header
05/07/22 damibeautyfull Spam Its not a spam accoount... my account got mistaken as a spam account.
05/07/22 borahaefic_13 Don't know I appeal
05/07/22 rosieposiexcx I cannot find a reason for which I may have been suspended. I don’t post nudes, the only thing i posted which may be the reason if another persons account where they are exposed? I haven’t been tried to remove this post but it won’t allow me
05/07/22 shine_435 Violating our rules against abuse and harassment. Deleting the tweet
04/07/22 kombgreen Spam Apeals
04/07/22 notjaytaylor perceived violent threats the post was clearly not intended to be taken seriously, and was itself a response to hateful conduct on twitter. have attempted to delete the post now that it is understood that people may have interpreted it in a way that was unintended
04/07/22 philjoh79637692 Hate speech The coment was the use of the term "fag hag" to address a fictional character. I cant delete theb tweet because the account is permanently suspended
04/07/22 etherealcbg Mistaken as spam account I need to lessen my tweet
03/07/22 ayberkaydn61 I didn't break any rules I filled out the appeal form
03/07/22 stburuud Profile header Filed multiple appeals
03/07/22 insideceltic67 following too many accounts it wont let me put in my phone number to verify
17/08/23 yklilari Changed bio and mistakenly cussed I will remove the cuss word out my bio, I honestly didn’t know it was against the guidelines.
17/08/23 mpendulojiyane Wishing bad on other people or inciting some form of violence Deleted all the tweets relating to the incident
17/08/23 purplescrunchi A joke I made I deleted the tweet within minutes and appealed twitter for so many times apologized for my actions
17/08/23 rihversee Copyright Unsuspend my account
18/08/23 lilygirl103 "Violent hate speech" Filed an appeal
18/08/23 musaodin Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. Will not involve myself with platform manipulation
18/08/23 ranaalirazakha Abuseive language i think Because in pakistan we use some words like kutta and other its ok words that we use daily and i think thats the tweet i got suspended
18/08/23 just_jibon Account Suspension Resulting from Accidental Spam-like Interactions: Appeal for Reinstatement They closed my account permanently, so I wanted to be allowed to run the account again
19/08/23 joebloggs test twst
19/08/23 i_am_holoyin I was not told any reason, my account was just suspended permanently without knowing what I did wrong. I was told that I violated the Twitter rules repeatedly but I didn't do something like that because I've been on the platform for more than 10 years and I am always cautious with everything I post. I've been filling appeals but they keep on rejecting it.
19/08/23 etz_baha I believe my account was suspended because they thought it was a Bot account I will reduce my level of activity on twitter and also reduce my engagements with other accounts
19/08/23 ezssma Violent words Deleting post??
19/08/23 scottcarson33 Impersonation It asked me to change my username to be allowed back into my account and every time I tried to (trust me I tried A LOT) the same sMe error message came up: “ Something went wrong. Due to a technical issue we couldn’t complete this request. Please try again” and eventually the just permanently banned me account by putting it in read-only mode, I’m absolutely fuming as I depend on Twitter for income and subscribed to Twitter Bleu literally that day!!! I have never before broken any twitter rules btw and ended up getting suspended due to their error!!! I have contacted then multiple times and they are yet to reply. If they were to reinstate my account I would happily oblige with whatever they want me to do, such as change my username or @.
20/08/23 vanillakunikida hate speech Delete offending tweet
20/08/23 demented_duck violence tweet was seen by 6 people, I deleted it (it was actually a joke and not meant seriously), multiple attempts at an appeal all rejected most almost immediately so I don't believe it's even being looked in to at all unsure of the date it was suspended. also apparently satire and hyperbolic tweets are allowed which I believe mine was.
20/08/23 antony25091352 I’m unsure they did not say Unsure as there was nothing mentioned. I don’t tweet nor do I make comments on other tweets?!
20/08/23 tracyoatham Don't know not specified but I was hacked Have appealed 4 times with automatic acknowledgement email received but no action but
20/08/23 jim_gahn Inciting and glorifying violence
20/08/23 chocolatsushima violent speech I will delete offending post (it was supposed to be a joke and not meant to be taken seriously).
21/08/23 ces010680 No idea I usually just view content and like occasional posts. I filed and appeal and received and automated message that my account was permanently suspended.
21/08/23 ces1680 No idea I usually just view content and like occasional posts. I filed and appeal and received and automated message that my account was permanently suspended.
21/08/23 ufuzz Violent Speech cannot take actions, suspended, but willing to do whatever it takes. The offending tweet was completely out of context and posted in a 10k member community made by xQc to d
21/08/23 missy_d11 My account was hacked the person was tweeting links Deleted the tweets and signed everyone out
21/08/23 sophies_dad Inviting Violence Apologies and offer to remove offending comments
21/08/23 chy_schola I commented on someone’s post I didn’t know the comment will cause my account to be locked and I’m sorry for the comment
21/08/23 presaleboi Spamy behavior I won't dm people that aren't my mutuals anymore
21/08/23 dicksonnnnn1 Violation of user rights Send several emails to twitter and the complainant
21/08/23 thatweirdguy “Violent speech” I looked through the rules and memes are satire and fall outside of this rule. I will not post stuff like that again.
21/08/23 kaiju_milk That I was making violent tweets when it was just a silly joke tweet. All I want to do is delete the tweet if it violates twitters guidelines, I want my account back, it was a joke and not towards anyone. The context matters.
22/08/23 snickerthicc95 Violating our rules against violent speech The tweet i was suspended for was in response to Andrew Tate and his brother being arrested for being rapist and human trafficers. I have since deleted that tweet
22/08/23 elliegogou I have no idea why it happened I filled a form about the suspension at the support team
22/08/23 elizabethgogou I have no idea why it happened I filled a form about the suspension at the support team
22/08/23 hiro12342135992 Idk I not spam or anything else
22/08/23 billbuoni For violation of "violent speech". However, in reviewing their policies, my speech is not a violation. I used a fighting metaphor saying DeSantis should "punch Trump" and unmercifully "pund him into the pavement". This was not an incitement of violence, and no one took it as such. It was a metaphor to make the point that DeSantis needs to go at Trump hard. I filed an appeal pointing out the usage of this metaphor but still was told this is a violation of violent speech. I have reviewed Twitter's own rules and what I did is spelled out as allowed. If you review my tweets I have in no inctance EVER called for violence. In fact, I rarely ignore Twitter pop ups for using words like "idiot". I am respectful, for the most part, which is why this is so frustrating. This is clearly an unfair suspecnsion given the context of my tweet (can any sane person believe I am calling on DeSantis to physically assault Trump?) and my own personal twitter history. I am at a loss as to what to do. I have appealed but my appeal was denied. This was not a tweet with violent content or context. I do not understand why it was rejected.
22/08/23 ___yourangelbby Child pornography I just posting about awareness. But not something that i wanted to post. Help me.
22/08/23 colebartiromo Policy violation on violent speech ?
22/08/23 dimitrisakt not known appeal
22/08/23 backupbastian Violation of rules against violent speech Will delete posts that got me suspended
23/08/23 urdadsfavhomo username will remove my twitter name and have it more work friendly
24/08/23 cheesypoof99 Breaking the rules multiple times apparently. I was very obviously hacked and they got my account suspended. I have regained access but my account is still suspended I was hacked and they got my account suspended. I have regained access but my account is still suspended. I just need it unsuspended
24/08/23 cheesypoof999 Breaking the rules multiple times apparently. I was very obviously hacked and they got my account suspended. I have regained access but my account is still suspended I was hacked and they got my account suspended. I have regained access but my account is still suspended. I just need it unsuspended
24/08/23 poeticalflowing I have no idea. All it said I violated the guidelines I emailed them but no response
24/08/23 rutwijchavan Violating our rules against evading suspension. I have not violated any twitter/X rules. It is error or glitch. Please make my account to normal/active mode.
24/08/23 capri00700 Someone hack my account and report it and violate Twitter rules Reinstated my account because I have active email connected with account and I couldn't not violate any rule
24/08/23 peachihun__ I was replying to a mutual talking about a parasocial fan and I said “i would tell them to kill themself to be honest” NOT TOWARDS MY MUTUAL I will reflect on my actions and I fully understand that saying something that sensitive is not appropriate. I will be more careful about what I say in the future.
24/08/23 renrna Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. Please help in getting my account back I'm not sure why I was flagged since its my only account.
24/08/23 blondebanisters I think there was a misunderstanding because I didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll be more careful with the reason they thought was “wrong”.
24/08/23 confusediaryy hate speech I deleted the tweet and I won't do it again
24/08/23 robert_muriithi Violent speech Not sure which tweet violated the policy. Please review. English is not my first language
25/08/23 petalgukki i don’t know My Twitter account (@petalgukki ) got suspended and I've never violated the Twitter rules. Could you please consider and unsuspend it? I appealed the suspension under case
25/08/23 straightshoodah Suspension or locked out , not sure of the reason Emailed them but it’s been ten days
25/08/23 holy_abbaty Nothing The first step toward taking corrective actions concerning any noncompliance issue is identifying and defining the problem. You can use several methods to identify nonconfo
25/08/23 luna9597tk Birth date Verification
25/08/23 _shaika_ log in from my second phone i need my account back
25/08/23 kialirose I honestly have no idea. Upon going back to my profile, there is nothing I suspect that could have violated twitter rules. I’ve filed an appeal. but I haven’t even gotten an email stating why exactly I was permanently suspended. I’m still in “read only” with a limit
26/08/23 derek_wan47 I did not do anything and got suspended I did appeal but it state will not be restored
26/08/23 mcquademaz I have no idea why my account was suspended. I’ve followed all the community guidelines. I’ll be happy to correct any actions needed to get my account back on
27/08/23 doublee_afc Don't know yet I have sent and email and I have contacted the support unit
27/08/23 shashankjohari9 i believe they think im a spam bot as i was shilling a project on X have appealed to them, as the account has just managed to build 800 followers in 9 months and i need those nack
27/08/23 mbali_k_nkosi It’s been a while Appeal
27/08/23 laurabongiovan9 Copyright violation Deleted copyrighted material
27/08/23 kinghorley_ Logged in on two devices multiple times I couldn’t do anything cause I couldn’t access my account like before. But like I said earlier it still the same person that logged in on two devices multiple times.
28/08/23 ttalgiprincess twitter thinks i’m a bot i sent an appeal already
28/08/23 michaelhoiden violating rules against violent speech i have filed several appeals to no avail. i do not believe i have broken any rule, especially not to the extent to warrant a permanent suspension
28/08/23 sikimiskm rules violations because i change my user name I dont know
28/08/23 gypscoprotheres My account got hacked and started to spam. Could you please unsuspend my account? I still don't have a reaction on my case (# 0314612086)
28/08/23 epardes2 No reason Appealed 4 times to twitter, no response 1 month later
30/08/23 ivanx00 Violating Rules Against Violent Speech - A video was posted of someone acting violently inside a store, destroying property, and attacking customers. There were cops in the store. People watching the video were asking how come no one did anything to stop him. Some people asked how come no one arrested the violent man, beat him, etc. I asked how come no one shot him? I know, maybe poor judgement but the event had already happened, it was in the past. How could my question still incite violenece? I have submitted close to 20 appeals but I only receive Twitter or X generic response. I have been a user of Twitter for 12 years and this is my first violation.
30/08/23 bettytasticss Violent speech I made a sarcastic joke and the algorithm picked it up as hate speech.
30/08/23 artfromwalpole I don't know..maybe negative comments about Trump and Putin tried appealing etc
30/08/23 keyrlis I was harassed with death threats to my family, and inresponded Delete my account. No reinstatement is desired or required
31/08/23 moa47835352 violent speech appealed 4 times but got denied
31/08/23 sheillaokelloh Bully - I made a comment yesterday not directly mentioning the name. I believe that's the only thing I did different. I rarely comment on stan Twitter, but I did yesterday. I will not bully anyone on twitter or online platform. I will adhere to Twitter's rules.
31/08/23 shylaokelloh Bully - I made a comment yesterday not directly mentioning the name. I believe that's the only thing I did different. I rarely comment on stan Twitter, but I did yesterday. I will not bully anyone on twitter or online platform. I will adhere to Twitter's rules.
31/08/23 kaekaecurtis violent speech Deleted the tweet and explained that it was not a genuine call to violence but rather a joking response
31/08/23 eemranasmi Multiple and repeat violation Appeal by form
01/09/23 msaurabhlive I didn't breaked twitter rules intensionally, may be it happened because of unawareness of rules or by unnecessary reported by haters I appealed twitter to restore they said they are doubt on me that I'm real or not...but I'm real
01/09/23 rodgonefishing violent speech, I made a quick flippant response to Congressman Jordan's question if Dr Fauci should be prosecuted. Instead of taking the time to fully explain Will fully explain my answers from now on, no quick off the cuff responses. I have had this account for 15 plus years and hate to lose it.
02/09/23 sherryerichard1 Tweeted an expression from my childhood- ‘slap the black off’ in this it was jokingly posted in response to a tweet about Blacks For Trump. Of course skin color can’t be changed so I did not consider the words to be violent. It’s just a joke repeated by certain generations of black I explained this to Support with no success. How can an impossible action be violent?
02/09/23 ogxiao Violating rules against violent speech. Unsuspension of Twitter Account.
02/09/23 lizconti3 Violating our rules against violent speech. Appealed several times offered to delete tweet always refused Tweet was about a reply to impeaching Biden, and my saying he should be tried for treason executed
02/09/23 merrick963 Harmful tweet. Bad sarcasm on my part. Not intended to be serious. Trying to Delete the offending tweet multiple times. It won't delete no matter how many times I try.
02/09/23 smyogi__ By false reports or by mistake To correct my self
03/09/23 darkgrimlist Violent speech Haven't been using twitter and planning on not breaking TOS
04/09/23 deco_beto A tweet replying to a bot that was bugging me (and then they suspended me because of hate speech) My account was wrongly suspended, I have not violated any Twitter/X rule, if I get unsuspended I promise to not violate any Twitter/X rules
04/09/23 leemastarke Unknowngly Signed into spam account with my Twitter email Already exited that spam account
04/09/23 leemasterke Unknowngly Signed into spam account with my Twitter email Already exited that spam account
04/09/23 jackofalltales I think it was because I downloaded a third party app to track daily followers. I have deleted the app, reset my password and filed an appeal.
04/09/23 thepurevoice I believe it was because I downloaded a third party app which I thought was merely for tracking daily followers and monitoring my account growth. I now understand that these apps are not helpful to X accounts and X as a whole. I have uninstalled the suspected third party app and filed an appeal with X
04/09/23 janna_sasharcy Bullying I JUST TOLD A PEDOPHILE TO DIE FUCK YOU
05/09/23 archrivalsco Spam Changed password and verified phone number. Appealed three times, and was declined each time. I was never given a reason other than a violation of terms.
05/09/23 ziyechman Posting or sharing privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent. It was a mistake and I promise not to repeat this again.
06/09/23 tobinsheat They believe I tried to incite violence over a misinterpreted and harmless joke. I was given no warnings or temporary suspensions before this occurred so I feel the punishment is a bit severe considering I’ve had the account since 2014 I’ve tried deleting the tweet hoping that a removal of my “violation” would be enough but the account won’t allow me to make changes upon receiving the ban.
06/09/23 minsnext violent speech there was no warning whatsoever
06/09/23 hkurusee Government officials mass reporting me for exposing their corruption. They are saying I’m posting private info. But they are public officials. I can name them. People have a right to know what their elected officials are doing. I’ve appealed to Twitter multiple times. Twitter restored it once but suspended again after a few hours
06/09/23 dronepro Violating Rules against Violent Speech None Provided by Twiiter.
06/09/23 alnahdanews_lb Violent rules We reviewed all our posts, nothing break down any rules, if there is we are ready to clean it
07/09/23 angesirri Twitter didn’t give any reason Appeal
07/09/23 bigsomto_ Impersonation Couldn’t correct was locked out immediately
07/09/23 race2win Account was hacked and sent spam through the hacker I have changed my password and filed an appeal (multiple)
07/09/23 desperwastaken Harassment i will stay in my lane from now on
08/09/23 aimisabrinamiss for saying words that involves violence unsuspend my account as it was a silly mistake i made as i was too mad i didn't think before act.
08/09/23 zendayaismybaee i was being attacked by men and responded defending myself when they suspended me , i keep telling them it was a typo and an accident but i keep getting the same multiple like 100x appeals over and over and they keep telling me they wont overturn
08/09/23 ericfox16 I was not given a reason I changed my password thinking I was hacked.
09/09/23 cherryfulalt violation of rules i did not violate any rules in the first place:((
09/09/23 filmsbyreina ‘violent speech’ , told a friend to ‘kys’ in a joking matter in a twitter circle tried to appeal but didn’t work
09/09/23 aubycatt Violent Speech Filing an appeal
10/09/23 seagull_cult Platform Manipulation and Spam I had changed my password after getting the suspension email. I believe my account had been compromised without me knowing.
10/09/23 loliking33 false report (I was critisizing a discord server with actual nazis when I guy showed up from nowhere to defend them, @LordTyphon, he then said he was jewish, so I asked why would a jewish person defend nazis, he accused me of being "antiseminetic"[his words] and next day I was suspended) for months my appeal have being answered with automated responses, I'd delete that post even though it doesn't violate any rule, but that option wasn't given to me
11/09/23 dagreytmagisiy1 Because of porn Their is a Roblox that I following
12/09/23 misskatie2021 Spamming My account has no spamming, I tweet 1 or 2 tweets per day and don’t retweet. ??
12/09/23 mia_darlingg Spam/ platform manipulation I tried to appeal
13/09/23 k4miyu_ violation of hate and speech appeal and healthy behaviour except that one joke tweet
13/09/23 ayberkei Hello dear Twitter team, unfortunately my @ayberkei account has been suspended. I was paying close attention to Twitter's conditions. My account was suspended after I quickly unfollowed all the people I followed. I'm sorry for that. Can you activate my account? Username: @ayberkei E-mail: Thanks Ayberk Aydın 😊💜 Hello dear Twitter team, unfortunately my @ayberkei account has been suspended. I was paying close attention to Twitter's conditions. My account was suspended after I quick
13/09/23 pinki_martini I believe my suspension was a glitch due to changing my display name. I have not been given a reason for my suspension and I have not violated X's rules. I will delete any tweets that may have caused the system to flag me
14/09/23 sbzgalz01 Violating our rules against posting or sharing privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent None
07/01/24 collinsrmfc I think I posted a self harm stuff. I deleted it.
14/09/23 ea1lfc my account is suspended with reading mode permanently. I don’t know really why my account suspended because I don't do any thing wrong that lead to suspended permanently. I read x rules again and nothing from them I did..I never violated the X rules.. Every time I submit a appeal to them about stopping my account, they do not talk about the suspension or my real problem, and they do not tell me why the account was suspended or whether they will lift the suspension or not. Their response is strange and related to ownership of the account. This is part of their letter in which they respond to every appeal I filled, regardless of the details and evidence I write that prove ownership of the account..this part from reply them every time Welcome, Thank you for contacting us. We are unable to authenticate you as the account owner using the information you provide. If you believe your account has been hacked by someone else, please submit a new support request to provide us with more account information so we can better support you. My problem is the suspension..I want them to respond to me about it. Even though I send them from the same suspended account and pictures of them even from inside the account to show them that I have no problem with entering the account, theny not change their answer.. I can log in without problems, and the email and number have not been changed, and there is a two-factor authentication to increase security.. I am tried because their response is always the same and fast. No one has account suspended and they respond to him in the same me.. please help me..please. I don't know why suspended my account and they dont send me any message about suspended..i reaaly think it is by mistaje from account only put news
14/09/23 walala_official Unknown, they only said I violated their rules!! I have submitted a report.
15/09/23 cucumbermaomao violent speech ideleted the tweet
15/09/23 vistavegasllc Spam No longer associated & blocked all spam accounts commenting on my tweets
15/09/23 austinyoshino I'm not exactly sure but I when a video of a billionaire implied that corporations should intentionally increase unemployment I rt'd the video and said maybe folks should build guillotines video . i wasn't given an opportunity to take the tweet down but i suppose i would
15/09/23 cmdr_robinson Violation of rules Delete tweet
15/09/23 cmdrrobinson Violation of rules Delete tweet
15/09/23 bblissrn violent speech I have tried to remove my comment and I cannot because my account is suspended
16/09/23 bagusam13 i have no idea why i was banned, the only thing i can think of is spamming, i usually send message to myself as a reminder of what tweet i want to read/watch later, but other than that nothing came to mind i probably will use their bookmark feature from now on, if they even let me back in
17/09/23 alexkebbedy30 Spamming Suspension
17/09/23 alexkennedy30 Spamming Suspension
17/09/23 philippeflores5 Manipulation or Spam I need to use this account for business marketing purposes.
17/09/23 best_katsrk Multiple copyright infringement Post have been removed even though in most cases they are 30s edits and not the actual copyright material
19/09/23 flameimperialz Falsely accused of Violating our rules against evading suspension I have verified my account information several times and submitted appeals several times.
20/09/23 screenshotteam I Don't know why my got suspended and I don't got to know how it suspended I don't know
27/09/23 aleeyoy5758 It is quote it quote for someone's post and I tagged him and I said in Sha allah which is good will and also forgot that I was using a VPN in arabic but this is not an abusive word at all I will not repeat it again sorry my account is very important to me I really need it
20/09/23 tomewann Hello, you are my last resort probably. Twitter permanently suspended my account on July 21. The reason was never given to me. I suspect it was because one of my tweets was gaining likes rapidly, and in that tweet I jokingly said that i would rather shoot my favourite fictional character myself then see them suffer while being left alone. It was a joke, of course. Before that, I never broke any twitter rules. My account has 6k followers and I still can't believe I lost it without any explanation or response. Ever since July, I've been sending appeals each day, sometimes 10 times and more per day, but twitter never replied. I never got any email, just complete silence.
21/09/23 harveyson_ Streaming Tried appealing
21/09/23 metrocapo Unsure. Claims of inciting violence, but no example post given Submitted appeal form, but received almost instant rejection response
21/09/23 keelin_12ft They said I did something violent but I absolutely didn't. They didn't even ready my appeal. I did nothing wrong. Their technology is bad and made a mistake.
21/09/23 maebykate Violent Speech I've appealed three times with a lengthy reason why they've made a mistake, explained the context, pointed out that the comment was facetious, etc.
21/09/23 zexion006 No reason Submitted multiple appeals, and I keep getting a automatic message within a couple seconds with no reason on why my account was suspended
21/09/23 femispiration Violating rules against violent speech The tweet has been deleted, along with my account. I have realized the error of my actions and why what I tweeted could be taken the wrong way. I will not make them again.
22/09/23 zenshin1422 No idea, I rarely tweet, just like posts pretty much. Attempted to appeal but just keep getting same auto answer.
24/09/23 seriusdululah As far as I recalled, I never broke & violated any of twitter rules I already appealed for suspension via the help center twice but got no response from Twitter and my account is still suspended until now
24/09/23 dodi_rains The stated reason was for “abusive behavior”. My comment does not violate their stated rules. Multiple appeals
24/09/23 clas_twt Hate Speech Appeal
24/09/23 aicodetamers Platform manipulation and spam policy opened Case #0332872963
24/09/23 faultymentality "Suspension evasion" I've appealed and heard nothing back
25/09/23 molantpk Spam Cancel suspension
25/09/23 123itsmemary My account was placed in permanent "read only mode" for violent speech. However, I do not believe that is fair because I have reported other users and accounts for doxxing me, harassing me, and threatening me with violence and received a message that their account did not violate any Twitter rules, which is frustrating but defending myself and others led to a suspension. I filed an appeal with Twitter and they said I violated the rules. It seems they are picking and choosing who's violating the rules and who aren't.
25/09/23 roseboysory Talking about others being suspended next day was suspended Ive tried appealing and got no response for two months
25/09/23 notmeusee violent speech perma suspend should be lifted
26/09/23 famis4evr They hate conservatives and look for any reason. I stated the punishment for treason and was permanently suspended. First offense, offered to delete the tweet. I have appealed multiple times
26/09/23 khloejones4461 Am not violating the rules I need my account back
26/09/23 geminijjcicero Have No Idea.. :( Appealed multiple times....
26/09/23 drank1000000 spamming i still have access and ive tried deleting the tweets but for some reason they are not deleting
26/09/23 e14israel I don't know yet Submitted the application for unsuspending
26/09/23 i_am_hman Spamming Deleted all post relating to it
26/09/23 victorlight09 For posting another person’s tweet Would delete the tweet
26/09/23 prince_eth_ Some users reported the account I will be more careful about my tweets , I think the account was taken down by mistake in the filtering
27/09/23 jimmylives306 Unfollowing non followers Lift suspension
27/09/23 aleeyou5758 It is quote it quote for someone's post and I tagged him and I said in Sha allah which is good will and also forgot that I was using a VPN in arabic but this is not an abusive word at all I will not repeat it again sorry my account is very important to me I really need it
27/09/23 dacryptoalpha Ban evasion My account was suspendned due to ban evasion. However, i do not have multiple accounts though i have so many impersonators who i have reported them before the suspension.
27/09/23 dellybanksng Spammy behaviour, I was farming an airdrop. Filed an appeal.
27/09/23 aleeou5758 It is quote it quote for someone's post and I tagged him and I said in Sha allah which is good will and also forgot that I was using a VPN in arabic but this is not an abusive word at all I will not repeat it again sorry my account is very important to me I really need it
27/09/23 _plugboy17 Spam Please unban
27/09/23 bestboss2 Violating rules against platform manipulation and spam Stopped spamming
27/09/23 adelugba1 my account was suspended for violating the x rules due to a user report I've submitted an appeal and but I got a mail that it can't be resolved
27/09/23 lkplus55 Broke the X Rules Appeal
27/09/23 gimbiyabetty Spamming Appeal
27/09/23 ladyasabea Violent speech If my account inadvertently shared content that could be misconstrued as promoting violence, I sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding. It was never my intention to vi
27/09/23 anthony_oyibe Spamming I submitted many appeals but it was all denied
27/09/23 tmaffin Copyright infringement To reinstate my account
28/09/23 facebooknrl Trademark violation I will happily delete the offending post (still unsure what this is though)
28/09/23 alexey_kramin Too many direct messages during September 1st Filed 2 appeals with the gap in 2 weeks
28/09/23 cartmans_bigtoe Talking about when I got groomed by a 29 year old man when I w as 11 in detail (I am 15 almost 16 now) wont go in detail about when I got groomed anymore I suppose
28/09/23 djbethell Suspended for posting "violent speech", which I did not. I used the term "crash and burn" in reference to a relationship on a TV show Married at First sight. I posted: "Waiting for #Brad and #Shona to crash and burn. #MAFSUK #MAFS" The crash-and-burn is a short-lived "relationship", it means to utterly fail as in "I've seen guests crash and burn on the show" and has nothing to do with violence. Please see definition of use here: Appealed but still told my account will remain "permanently in read-only mode."
28/09/23 tblaq5 Platefom manipulation and spam Account was hacked by, have retrieved my account and changed passwords
28/09/23 mltbratinela A user maliciously reported my account I have never been in any violation of the platform and I am a twitter user for 12years already.
28/09/23 vghoulz Maybe it was because i was suspended 4 times i will not do anything bad
28/09/23 realeasypro Spam mesages Appeal
28/09/23 _hairygoddess I got a mail that a content on my page went against their policy. Tried changing password but I'm locked out.. Filled appeal but always under compromised or hacked account, so no reasonable feedback..
28/09/23 _hairygoddess I got a mail that a content on my page went against their policy. Tried changing password but I'm locked out.. Filled appeal but always under compromised or hacked account, so no reasonable feedback..
28/09/23 arrifhassim Account being hacked, also theres no statement as of why my account being suspended I would like to deactivate my twitter account permanenty
29/09/23 _ayodel_ Platform manipulation & spam I filed an appeal
29/09/23 best_blvck Manipulation and Spam My account was hacked and recovered recently and I've deleted the spammy tweets used by the Hacker
29/09/23 bitcoinislife platform manipulation and spam review my Tweets and quotes before posting
29/09/23 marcellotti1 Spam I promised not to repeat such. It was unintentional
29/09/23 shaunaa_elise Profanity in bio Delete profanity out of bio
29/09/23 anuel_01 inappropriate tweet I want the tweet to be take down and deleted, and from my account to be unsuspend
29/09/23 red_london21 Copyright infringement Delete the posts
07/10/23 muhammadali_crr Violation of Rule
29/09/23 sonnthatstiyona I got and email saying “ We received your request to have your account reinstated.” Please respond to this email with the reason you believe your account suspension was in error and/or the reason you are requesting an appeal. When I didn’t do anything to have my account suspended Nothing, I’m waiting on Twitter Support Team to email me back regarding my account.
29/09/23 alabi162 I think it's spamming I have been trying to get in touch with customer service but I couldn't get in touch with them.
30/09/23 _dlx2 Randomly received a message that. my account was suspended while I was scrolling on the app I’ve emailed multiple times and filed appeals. They’re not giving me an opportunity to verify my identity but they’re saying they can’t verify me. My phone number and emai
30/09/23 realthugknight Violent Speech Deleted Post, appealed with following through the direction of my companies HR. Still to no avail or personal contact.
30/09/23 unitedforever33 Impersonation I have appealed but they can't allow me, my bio indicates it's fan account
01/10/23 jimoh66288 Not login I promise not to do so again
02/10/23 mahii_nft i do work in web 3 space its my job to do retweet posts and comment and like and i work on twitter to post about the projects , i make ARTS that are totally original and i made some of my hands some my 3d arts that i made creatively so this is my work as i made threads on projects i have put much of works there and i think due to tip coin they have suspended my account .i have lot of work there in that account my connection followers etc. i dont even know why they does this. its really important for me to get back my account i put lot of efforts to make it. Kindly please help me to get my account back because its really important for me. i earn from it and please correct this thing. i have not done anything wrong.
02/10/23 kinyuawamuthoni Violating Twitter's Terms of privacy I have appealed numerous times still getting same reply
03/10/23 _iamdayday Idk Submitted an appeal
03/10/23 alimudin328 violations of our Terms of Service deleting my account
03/10/23 mgknewengland Violating the rules (I'm not sure what rule) Filed an appeal
03/10/23 sharafa_basit Violent speech I've made countless appeal to inform Twitter I never meant those words
03/10/23 giveyouupeace i made a hyperbolic post about “wishing all men a very die” as a joke and didn’t realize it was in violation of the rules. i will delete the tweet as soon as i gain access to my account and won’t do it again.
03/10/23 yasssdream Made a few naive tweets when i was 15, I didnt have a diary and twitter was my only place to vent I wont do that anymore
03/10/23 johnthegreeks Spam Yes
03/10/23 hedges_corner They said hate speech(never told me what tweet it was) I've pleaded with them that whatever it was, I would delete it. I've never been suspended. They said permanent but I am in read mode only. Please help me.
03/10/23 itsyagirlvannie For Tweeting about JSO Sherrif's office Report about a incident that happened in their county. No. I didn't feel like it was harmful. I just want my account back. I really love twitter I go on here and It's my outlet
04/10/23 frankki40011117 A user reported my account for spamming on a Twitter trend $tip (this trend was reported by a user which led to mass suspension) I happened to have a post with $tip pinned to my profile It wasn't even warned at anytime, I wasn't allowed to delete or unpin the post
04/10/23 seokmintime violent speech none
04/10/23 yuujievents got mistaken for spam
05/10/23 storm13echo I wrote this in a news article i was covering: guillotine. Ryan and Emily discuss a millionaire elite calling for mass unemployment to crush workers around the world. https://[...] attempted to appeal multiple times, seems to just be an automated response
05/10/23 nonytenderheart I think is because I unfollowed some account, or it might be a mistake I have written an appeal with my phone number & email
06/10/23 mint_leaf41 Violent speech Multiple appeals and despite being warned and locked before, was suspended for the very same post. The post was “krill yourself” with a picture of Piccolo as a joke
06/10/23 qxokko Unsure, have been following the rules well. Some self-depreciating jokes might have been interpreted by X to be encouraging harm on myself. Will no longer make any posts that are even remotely close to self-depreciating so that X does not view it as harmful. Will also comply completely with X's requests.
06/10/23 xrpaynet We believe we were mistakenly reported for sharing false news, we posted on the 4th of October that XRP among others is accepted by Chase for mortgage payments. We are getting automatic rejection using the Twitter help centre Here is the link to the article from Binance, a very reputable source
06/10/23 subzy_wubzy I posted a meme encouraging violence as a joke I tried to fill out an apeal
06/10/23 grafxsf Violent Speech Filed an Appeal
07/10/23 tucker_cast alleged violation of TOS deleted tweets
07/10/23 bakhtar_farda I did not violate any rules and it is most likely a cyber attack for me congratulating the noble peace prize to the winner and praising her. ( she is currently in prison in Iran for her human right activities) I have emailed twitter and asked them to check out that I have not had any violations of their policies
07/10/23 serivkoo DMCA I received an email about DMCA of my content, i cooperated and allowed Twitter/x to take down the said content.
08/10/23 eziamakauchech6 Spamming using the caption "@tipcoineth" Always filing an appeal
08/10/23 goudsmithsamuel Violations Suspension
08/10/23 aidaytrading None provided. No remedial action sought nor intimated. I am ready to correct any issue there is.
09/10/23 bisexualhoe11 violence submitted appeal
09/10/23 slater_hits_256 Dear X (Twitter),   My account was disabled because it violated your terms until I thought that my account is a normal account, for jokes ... Please restore my account because it does not contain any things that do not allow them to collect records of likes or followers or artificial companies or publish recurring content or repeated contact with people for purposes of  Commercial ..   Please restore my account because it does not contain any reliable threats to harm others or promote self-destructive behavior.   It does not target individuals   It also does not contain hate speech or singularity of persons based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or disease   Although there is no graphic content that includes sadistic manifestations of violence against people or animals and depicting sexual abuse ..   I hope you take my order into consideration.    Thank you dear X (Twitter). Dear X (Twitter),   My account was disabled because it violated your terms until I thought that my account is a normal account, for jokes ... Please restore my account beca
09/10/23 lonewolfbully Abusive words or something else Deleting the tweet
09/10/23 frappocatto Violent speech I've submitted several appeals but to avail so I'm kinda desperate
10/10/23 dunkinburger evading permanent suspension I've never had a previous accident suspended before hence I couldn't have been evading it
11/10/23 politicsnwsusa Political Censorship Appealed twice so far. Denied the first time. Pending. No explanation. I did not break any rules.
11/10/23 itz_sumii DMCA Unsuspended my account please
11/10/23 crypto92chris misunderstanding of violent speech reviewed rules again to ensure it doesnt happen again
12/10/23 robatorp7480 This was a violation tweet lol ETC
13/10/23 gayriresmihesap Missunderstanding/Mistake I did not do anything wrong, please give my account back
13/10/23 fakehesapistanb +18 content Submitted several appeals
14/10/23 hottieshawty12 Hacked Something that I didn’t even do
15/10/23 mytxtdiary mistakenly may be but it says violation of terms of service Appealed
15/10/23 imifaes My account, @imifaes, was suspended and I never received an email detailing why. It has been three days, I have sent four appeals, and I still have not received an email about why my account, @imifaes, was suspended. I, @imifaes, state that I've fully read and fully understand X's/Twitter's rules and policies on safety, privacy, and authenticity and have not violated them in the past and will not do so in the future. I've sent three appeals and still havent recieved an email.
15/10/23 gayathri072 By mistake Fast
16/10/23 peterpercivhal Follow churn Lift the suspension from my account
16/10/23 billfromiraq Unknown. No warnings. No known violation Confirmed email. Confirmed phone. Appealed. No known violation after X told me to change password
16/10/23 officialtitoo_ I may have gotten suspended for appealing a post it got a "warning" sign on the post due to "sensitive content" but I think the post didn't violate any rules i tried to appeal & it got banned. I tried to appeal a "sensitive content" post cuz I believed it didn't violate any rules.
16/10/23 officialtitoo_ I may have gotten suspended for appealing a post it got a "warning" sign on the post due to "sensitive content" but I think the post didn't violate any rules i tried to appeal & it got banned. I tried to appeal a "sensitive content" post cuz I believed it didn't violate any rules.
17/10/23 danjuma_gee Violation of rules against platform manipulation and scam I contacted their support team
18/10/23 titancrawler Literally no idea why I tried to email them but have gotten no response back
03/11/23 deboraekor Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. You may not use X’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on X. Hi, my account has been suspended incorrectly, Please could you unlock the account? I really like Twitter more than other social media, on Twitter I feel comfortable and ha
18/10/23 ivan_esco9 Múltiples likes de contenido del mismo tipo asociados a programación informática como por ejemplo la tecnología web React. No sé si la causa puede ser haber usado Zapier para exportar tweets a dicha aplicación pero aunque dicha app está conectada a mi cuenta ya no funcionaba desde hace varios meses dicha integración por lo que consideraba que esto no era un problema para seguir dando likes. De otra forma ruego que me expliquen de manera exacta la causa de esta suspensión porque no la entiendo pese a decir que he violado las reglas de X múltiples veces. Gracias He intentado eliminar la asociación de la app Zapier de mi cuenta pero no me deja. Creo que es lo único raro que se ha podido interpretar mal de mi actividad en Twitter
19/10/23 kargovamichal I want to get back online on twitter Fix my account please
20/10/23 xxxx_paris_xxxx Broke the twitter rules I will delete whichever post broke the rules when I know which one it was
20/10/23 jaishreeram501 Videos copyright Send email to Twitter so many times
20/10/23 keeyshatabada spam To the Twitter Support Team, I am writing to appeal the suspension of my old Twitter account, @keeyshatabada. This account holds great personal and professional significan
21/10/23 eldenaspectring Violating our rules against violent speech. - Seriously mild for a "free speech" platform. I want Twitter to remove all my details due to this terrible decision, I believe they are majorly violating both GDPR and also FTC rules when it comes to retaining data
21/10/23 indicboy10 it was because of so called abusive behaviour, i wrote "we will rip your asss right there'' context was, a guy was calling to separate the state of Kashmir from india, he was provoking Indian Muslims and was saying be like Hamas and attack on Kashmir and make it Separate, so i replied that, and in my country we casually say that sentence its not a hate or abuse, but for that mistake my account got suspended, i badly want it back Due to recent events of the atrocities I have seen on X, I was deeply disturbed and lost better judgement and have tweeted. I deeply regret my tweets and will delete it.
21/10/23 massytrader Even me i didn't know Appeal but they not responding
21/10/23 thingodonta told was for violent speech Filed an appeal, as tweet was referencing satire/idiom and was meant to be educational; twitter's review said 'a violation occurred' and 'account would not be restored'.
21/10/23 chino51919 Violating terms n conditions I believe I was mistaken for violating rules I hadn’t meant to by any means
22/10/23 xxiv_arowma Following too many people at a time Written an appeal
22/10/23 julielamb Hello Twitter Support, I'm in need of your help. This is my personal account and I hadn't used it in a while. I notice the last post isn't one I posted, I believe I was hacked. After going through the link shared for rules violations - I've never participated in any of these nefarious activities. I can't go back into my account to see when I had been hacked as my password had been stolen in a breach. Please help me get my account back and running as I have good long time friends as followers / followed. Last post from me was in 2019 when I reposted from a photo. The most recent post is spam - I never posted it. If you're able to go back into the system and see if there was unusual activity then I was for sure hacked. I'm an upstanding citizen and haven't ever been banned from social media. Please assist me with turning back on this account Thank you for your attention and assistance with this matter Warmest, Julie Ive sent multiple appeal submissions
23/10/23 truthpillmedia They gave me no reason nor do I know what I did. I would like to get my account suspension fixed.
24/10/23 sarcastic_goat Someone reported my posts I have appealed
24/10/23 taymor_saad Twitter suspended my account for literally no reason, I was just minding my business and liked some tweets then they suspended me. I don’t post anything that violates the rules Literally I will do any thing to return my account
24/10/23 sawadistic I quote tweeted myself writing “kys you stupid whore” as jokes to myself I wrote 4 appeals. this is part of what I wrote in my appeal“ I want to clarify that I quote tweeted myself and would never wish harm upon anyone.”
26/10/23 pecozier Violent Speech Policy Unsuspend
27/10/23 daezystace Manipulative and spammy behavior Filed an appeal which was denied
27/10/23 fehintoladev_ For tweeting about $RUST I'm ready and available to delete all tweets that don't conform to X rules.
28/10/23 busntech_boss Spam Retweeted a lot i no longer going to retweet
29/10/23 paulalondonnews Invading suspension I’ve emailed them 20 times to appeal suspension but they keep asking me to verify account which I’ve done by changing my password by using my phone number and email addres
29/10/23 sean2jaden explicit live content Not posted anything explicit
29/10/23 kookiex__1997 Spam Submitted the appeal form but I just got an automated email. I did not violate any rules.
03/11/23 rareguyegyq8 Ii had received a request by some follower to repost her post, and once i did it i find my account logged out i had tried to log in but it suddenly suspended, so please help me to secure my account by change my password and i will remove that shit post , i am apologize to repost it without a nude flag, so kindly please help me and accept my appeal. I will change my password, i will remove this follower !, i will delete that post, i will much focus before posting any posts to get sure that i had used the flags
03/11/23 writershub_101 They suspect it was a robot operated account. I even provided my identification card which was successfully reviewed and accepted by X management. I couldn't access my account from thereon, I have appealed countless times. I was even on Premium membership subscription on monthly basis.
04/11/23 az4mmoon Probably for pro Palestine support My harsh words against the PM of Israel.
05/11/23 nakamotogm Spam as I assume my account got botted by looking at some of the replies in my last tweets Submitted appeals
05/11/23 srinivasmallya2 Hello, Your account has been suspended as the result of multiple copyright infringement notices. You may be able to bring your account back into good standing by seeking retractions from the original reporter(s), or by sending us legally-sufficient counter-notifications in response to the takedown requests you received. it was happend in error as i have filled appeal 4 times my account is urgent
05/11/23 okikiadebajoo Hello, Your account was suspended due to violations of our Terms of Service. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored. Thanks, Twitter Appeal
05/11/23 oneaahad Violating X rules against platform manipulation and spam. done appeal but not work
05/11/23 ken_14z it says that abuse. i was only saying that i chuckled too loud in a hospital. though i wrote it as "i chuckled in a fucking hospital kys" but I don't mean any death threats suspension... please unsuspend my account.
06/11/23 sinczir Hate I wasn’t doing it
06/11/23 1683_vienna Harassment! Is not true They have already suspended me twice by mistake! but they released the account again. Also this time I did not quote anything other thaI as muslim sources
07/11/23 muhammedahmedzz violations terms i don't make anything wrong please help
08/11/23 n1cute98 I unfollow too fast and they give me the permanent suspension with no email, warning or explain about it. I will try to follow the X's rule, I never want to violate any rules since I love using X a lot, I'm becoming ex Facebook, Instagram user right now, Full time on X.
08/11/23 are_yrr_riya Copyright infringement Appealing
08/11/23 myikel203 I'm not sure files an appeal a few times
08/11/23 cptribs79 Intimidation and abusive posts Remove all so called “intimidating and abusive”” posts? ( even though it was all posted on request of the twitter accounts mentioned in these posts)
08/11/23 avidybfan making a dark joke with my friend which may have offended someone else who saw it be more thoughtful of other users
10/11/23 neet_loser No idea very confused I've submitted a appeal but have not been approved
10/11/23 jamieantonoglou I genuinely have not a clue. I post videos of myself living in a van. I sent several appeals but no response and no explanation of why I’m suspended.
10/11/23 anshuman1693 Evasion of Suspension Filed multiple appeals to get the account suspended.
10/11/23 therohit_ind Violation of Rules Appeal done
10/11/23 oshodipikin Not really clear but the X mail said a user report which is termed spamming and platform manipulation First i sent appeal letters through my email and filled forms. I have done several of this but to no avail. I can't remember ever abusing anyone & I never defraud any.
11/11/23 ultimatech_std My account got accessed by an unknown user. I reported the access but managed to get back into the account and change the password. The account was still suspended a few days later. I filed 3 appeals with informations to prove I was the owner of the account but always got the same automated message feeling me support didn't have enough information...
13/11/23 sprinter99800 No idea, but i recently put a name of an account named sprinter on my account or maybe i was reported. By opposing viewers im not clear about neither X has provided any reasons about it I will do anything to correct my behaviour to comply with X rules
13/11/23 barmzy Spamming Appeal
14/11/23 mooad_shaqour The reason is not explained Contact technical support
15/11/23 thingshappenonx Spamming Deletion of post and dm
15/11/23 thegameflix_ I posted a meme that says “we’re gonna kill him”, but with all the words half cut out so it isn’t apparent. Suspending my account over a meme is seriously ridiculous
15/11/23 adams__jnr Spamming My account was hacked earlier and the hacker keep spamming my timeline, i woke up in the morning and saw my account was suspended, i believe i did not violate any community
15/11/23 shitup_faisal No ideas probably Security issues Improving my security
16/11/23 chevronkey I don't know what I did wrong. There is just the following cookie-cutter message in my account: "Your account is suspended After careful review, we determined your account broke the X Rules. Your account is permanently in read-only mode, which means you can’t post, Repost, or Like content. You won’t be able to create new accounts. If you think we got this wrong, you can submit an appeal." I tried filing appeals several times but they were all automatically rejected
16/11/23 artespraticas None! No reason provided except stating I've violated the rules but been using my Twitter as allways since 2008!! (For Galxe and Zealy quests/reposts mostly!) Tried to appeal 4 times but always get same bit response with no specific violation mention!!
16/11/23 nicky_t1468 Was told for Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. Basically made a few pre-writen tweets as part of a web3 project reward system and then got suspended 3 weeks later... I deleted the tweets in question. I tried to appeal afterwards but got automated response. I need additional help
16/11/23 james_block_03 Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam It will not happen in future
16/11/23 purplemuff1nn evaded suspension i have continued to follow X rules the best i can after getting my account back but it got banned again..
16/11/23 nickdegreek_1 Violating terms of service..not sure what or for how long Appeal form to twitter but wont lift
17/11/23 naturegreen_tea Potentially false flagged for sensitive media as it is an art account. However, no prior warns or flag was received prior, and no additional information was provided regarding the permanent suspension. attempted to reach out to X help center and appeal to get the suspension removed, however, only received automated responses without any further corrective action or appeal
18/11/23 bastianmariefy Morning of November 16 2023 I was log in my Twitter account to memeland coin dashboard I just wanna check my points there then by afternoon without any warning my Twitter account was been suspended. I'm desperately need back my Twitter account since that is my personal twitter account since 2021. All my Blockchain projects and friends followsers were there. I'm trying to make an appeal to twitter support but I just getting same instatement saying they will not restored my Twitter account. I hope you can help me. Suspended account
18/11/23 dcharistes My account was hacked (2FA was not enabled back then) and spammed things I do not even know what they are about. Something like #XRP hashtags etc. So I changed my password, enabled 2FA verification but my account was already suspended. I was not that active on twitter back then so I did not catch the whole hack-spamm immediately. I need my account back because it's a needed tool in my work right now. Please review my account's activity and you will see that out of nowhere "I" started spamming irrelevant things. It doesn't make any sense for me to do that. As I said I was inactive on twitter all along. It wasn't actually me that did all that spamming tweets. Thank you. Please review my account. * The suspension date is dated back in 2022 I believe around September but I am not sure. For some reason I can not pick a date before 22/05/2023. I appealed several times for unsuspension. Changed password, enabled 2FA verification
18/11/23 just_kishore Not exactly sure. I just follow crypto related handles more. May be i will cut down retweet about crypto related stuff
19/11/23 nilfheim_arts Evading suspicions No actions taken with no evidence and with me constantly doing to “are you human” tests and passing them.
19/11/23 teefash06 Not aware Sent them appeal email
19/11/23 robsten2610 "violating rules against evading suspension" I sent an appeal
20/11/23 vernons The suspension email says: Violating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. I've reviewed the policies, and don't think I ever violated any of them. I've used the support contact form to ask for my account to be reviewed, but received no response.
20/11/23 dmq8_ No reason I didn’t do anything
21/11/23 jabulisani Maybe retweeted a malicious material or a third party used my account maliciously. Made an appeal but no response
21/11/23 bertysbabycake Spam Verificacion
21/11/23 kinggsoundtrax Platform Manipulation Limiting visibility
23/11/23 crypto_goh Hi My name is Jarrett Goh, owner of the account @crypto_goh I believe my account was wrongly suspended even tho my content is curated consistently with high quality threads and post that are safe and informative. I believe i have been wrongly banned for interactive with some bots as i thought they were my supporters. Please tell me how I can improve and it will not happen again. This is my livelihood and i need it for my career please assist me. In addition, I'm a premium + user and will continue to do so. I can provide 2fa, contact info, or a face to face zoom call if you require further verification, please assist me as my reputation and livelihood depends on it thank you unsuspend the account
25/11/23 romanio27 Manipulation and Spam Appeal
26/11/23 marixjae Cusrse Word I Will Never Curse Again Or Violate any terms or rules again!
27/11/23 giogio080826 iolating our rules against platform manipulation and spam. I didn't spam or manipulate anything
09/01/24 ruthlessrtf Violation of Twitter rules I will not violate Rules again
27/11/23 oopexin Honestly I have no idea why, they just said I violated terms of service due to user report. I suspect it may be due to crypto activities which I engage in. Because I have no idea why, I don't know what to do. However, if I am ever unsuspended, I will stop engaging in any farming-like crypto Twitter behavior.
27/11/23 pbac_9 Spam Possiblity They say: "We are Sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you back on Twitter soon" but then permanently closed.
27/11/23 mayordibs Spammy I will not spam and post to much please help
28/11/23 bushman_paul Violating rules against platform manipulation and spam, according to them I filed appeals. They keep returning with the same "decision will not be reversed"
28/11/23 aghalinog Posting same contents multiple times Appeal
28/11/23 chchcheribomu13 There was no reason given. There was just a notice of "permament suspension." Appeals were made, asking for further information, but all that was gotten back was a canned response saying that twitter reserves the right to suspend accounts.
28/11/23 shockker_23 Suddenly satrted getting captcha locks every day without any reasoning and thought maybe it was just a bug, so i didn't do anything about that until i just got permanent read-only mode on. I did mostly use twitter for adult content stuff and posted some of it myself, but in the end i barely have any videos there and it's always just me alone in them. Just feels unfair looking at other creators post exact same content and not get anything when i just suddenly got permanently banned out of nowhere. And at least i wish i got an explanation what exactly made that happen. Tried to submit an appeal, but it honestly feels like they just press one button and send me an automated message. got the exact same message back twice now.
28/11/23 mbalimthembu02 Harassment No
29/11/23 noworriesbehpy Copyright strike I mistakenly embed the pirated video
29/11/23 lufineeasss Violated terms/rules Appeal
29/11/23 muhalifhe Suspended for no reason while adding phone number Suspended for no reason while adding phone number
29/11/23 muhaciraan Suspended for no reason while adding phone number Suspended for no reason while adding phone number
30/11/23 sleeze_bussy Harassment Over 20 appeal to un suspend my account
30/11/23 _sally_exe__ no reason why no action
01/12/23 gazzyburr Ban Evasion - my main and original account has only ever been this account, I had made a few other accounts in the past but none were used for anything malicious. most were left untouched and unused. I believe my account was permanently suspended due to bots that mass reported my account for ban evasion., due to the nature of the content i post which is mostly 18+ content. Remove any content that breaks Twitters terms of conditions, reset my passwords and set up two step verification with my phone number.
01/12/23 daddystyles_69 Adult Material Delete all adult material
01/12/23 daddystyles_69 Adult Material Delete all adult material
01/12/23 daddystyles_69 Adult Material Delete all adult material
01/12/23 umg_fy Following Appeal
02/12/23 haydenrudberg impersonating i really need this account back. i am only a fan account and dont mean to impersonate anyone. i will delete the tweets that caused this if there are any.
02/12/23 onlinemarketeer automatic post spam Deleted other accounts having the same content and disconnected the automatic post apps
04/12/23 orlami_iconz Violation of rules Appeal
04/12/23 prchilly Violating our rules against abuse and harassment.. I said “fck” spelled it thusly Tried to appeal
04/12/23 angelamary Violation Retrieve
05/12/23 princegabbyy I don't know Recover my account
05/12/23 untitld6 False report of me posting someone’s “private” intimate moments. Delete post and or provide proof of the video I uploaded being a public video simply just reposted from porn site.
05/12/23 michaeljames_o I feel someone hacked my account and they were sending trading tweets , I dnt trade , im into sports betting, I feel this user Sergio Adrian @pacucho10 should be resposnsible for my suspension cos he was sending tweets on trading/cryto etc....thats the only abniormall things I noticed before they suspended my account...before I could even report him/her, I will change all my login details and be more vigilante within my account and report suspisous tweets tru my account if any as soon as i notice such.
06/12/23 dearqueenonika Spam Emailed support.
06/12/23 avbmmbc frequently change VPN already appeal but no effect
06/12/23 _savage__boi Hate speech or gore content suspended for violating the X Rules due to a user report.
07/12/23 idrisis26871053 Incorrect password Report to admin
07/12/23 pepstersnsfw Entirely unknown. I'm assuming its a false detection in spam. This would be the second time this has happened. Every appeal response has been an unspecific automated response that does not help. Unsuspend the account.
07/12/23 samwall92 Account incorrectly flagged for spam Filed appeal
08/12/23 smolhunhun Violated rules - multiple accounts with different emails all banned, some with no tweets Sent multiple emails to appeal, no response, no reason given for why I was suspended. Just said I violated rules when I hadn’t tweeted for months. they didnt specify post
10/12/23 wolfexist Spam unsuspended
11/12/23 shadow_monkey2 I'm not sure what was violated but the only closest possible is spam. I retweeted a few good content. Avoid such in the future and maybe post more personal content.
12/12/23 whoknew352 For evading suspension I was wrongfully banned once and now this is the second time. I haven't used any bots as such and you will also be able to see that my account is genuine. Kindly review.
14/12/23 user947264748 Spam Emailed support
14/12/23 _beastode_69 Someone reported my account for violation of twitter rules of spamming. Filed an email to look into the issue.
14/12/23 winkly59291 Unjustified defence taken as Violation of rules Censored tweets
15/12/23 metsfanbrian I literally followed 5 new accounts and it locked me out Trying an appeal with no success (they didn’t even answer back)
15/12/23 birunguoren Violating rules against platform manipulation and spam I have sent three appeals to X team asking them to release my account as i believe my account didn't spam or manipulate anything
17/12/23 adidefi1 Honestly, I cannot fins the reason. I don't spam. I a polite to everyone, the only reason I suspect is some security issue which can be corrected of course. I am open to any suggestion. Please not that the suspension date is approximate. I cannot remember it precisely.
17/12/23 fobby888 "spamming" please look into my appeal #0353201492. I was wrongfully suspended due to my affiliate. my personal account Never spammed anyone.
17/12/23 rrarchitectssa Our account had been hacked for a reason that is unknown, which is why we violate the rules. We submitted an appeal and adhered to the guidelines provided in our email.
18/12/23 cricchronicle1 Multiple Copyrights infringements at a time Texted the company to retract back the stike and also appeal to Twitter because company is from India and I'm from Pakistan. They work only in India
19/12/23 luthfan70493487 violating x rule my x account has been suspended a 2 weeks ago . I admit the mistake I made where my comment violated the community guidelines and I am very sorry for violating x rule commu
19/12/23 austinelead Against community rule I emailed X they refuse my appeal
19/12/23 haywhy1324 Violation Tweet accordingly
19/12/23 rosieskcals7 promoting self harm/suicide i filed an appeal- i did not promote any bad behaviours. it was a mistake due to a spam account mass reporting me. i would never promote such behaviour
20/12/23 alteracc23 I literally have no idea, maybe spam? Idk
20/12/23 fido_swe I have no idea, haven't written anything offensive or controversial. Nothing, cant login any more.
22/12/23 liambax01 Spammy behavior Would stop spamming and I have written to twitter multiple times with no response
22/12/23 emii_james Repeat sharing of posts Filed an appeal
22/12/23 friartucknj Unknown (note: the date of suspension is approx. I'm unable to locate the original email) None permitted and no reasons given for suspension
31/01/24 _leff3 Agreesive following Unfollow some profiles
22/12/23 bluezalex Automated system false-flagged account as spam account when it's not. This happened before, was appealed and had account reinstated but then gets re-suspended 2 days later over the same issue. Switch web browser, current one with privacy settings and adblocker might have confused the automated system to flag account as spam account. I'm just guessing though.
23/12/23 salwaomar90 ليس هناك اي سبب مقنع ارجوكم اعيدوا لي حسابي
23/12/23 neezy901 Think it was a spam report but I’m permanently suspended and in read only mode so I’m guessing it’s should not be long but I wanna make sure Just want to be unsuspended
23/12/23 turb0drift I dont knoe Unlocked my account
24/12/23 kettavanx7 Violates X rules Remove the content from my account and Suspend my account for 1 month
25/12/23 johnsontarjuan5 Says X rules violation. I only post thing for my recruitment I filed several appeals.
25/12/23 rikolikes Repost porn videos Will not repost
28/12/23 jaylenjordan12 Too many follows I am a college athelete trying to gain offers all I’m doing over 34k people saw my post and over 100 coaches have followed that’s all this is my future
29/12/23 iyaaseer My account has been hacked and keep spaming Sumbit an appeal many times
29/12/23 spifflad2 Sharing links in pages without owners authority. I realised it was against twitter rules. I will never repeat.
30/12/23 iamveektoria No reason was provided. Twitter said I broke the X rules. I appealed
30/12/23 iamwayjnr I do not know I have made an appeal and tried verifying my email and phone number
30/12/23 b1z4rr0_qu33n I didn’t do nothing, though… I’m not sure, but I think I need to get my Twitter account in the new year of 2024…
30/12/23 kellyngee Nothing Verified my phone number
30/12/23 wanjigi_bond reported for impersonification i have filled for appeal
30/12/23 dharnyyoung Misinterpreted post Post deleted
30/12/23 musickid Trolling the Broncos on Twitter. I didn’t mean to troll them.
30/12/23 hairmacist I don't know I filed an appeal
30/12/23 audreypants24 Threat of self-harm 🙄 Appealed that my post wasn’t directed to harming myself or others. Still denied the appeal.
30/12/23 josiahgm2 Copyright
31/12/23 yalafouz0s Intimidating another person I made clear that I was NOT trying to intimidate another person, but I was just a fanpage. That's it
31/12/23 kingsfx045 I don't know Filled an appeal
31/12/23 andrey_blaze Violating X rules against evading suspension. I have appealed
31/12/23 riichiiefx__ Account compromise Changed password and verified phone number
31/12/23 mannnie_ Got into an argument with someone and I replied to the person with “STFU”. I think that is what got my account suspended. MY ACCOUNT IS PERMANENTLY IN READ-ONLY MODE. I CAN’T POST, REPOST, OR LIKE CONTENT.
01/01/24 its__ibrahim Violation of Twitter Rules Submitted an appeal
01/01/24 akpabio27287 Not stated but I did nothing. I just changed my password and boom, my account suspended. Contacted their help center and sent countless mails
02/01/24 cwbudget Violated twitter rules I didn’t violate any twitter rules. I followed all the rules you can follow on twitter.
02/01/24 8wurld No reason Applead few time
02/01/24 amyraahtu I’ve been a loyal xter and been abiding by all rules and regulations. I just woke up and liked some tweets  as usuals and moved to posting a video and from there I’ve been having problems saying I’ve exceeded my limits and lastly just saw a message my account is suspended yesterday 30th Dec.,2023. I’ll be grateful if I have my account back as soon as possible because I’ll be engaging in some official works please kindly help🙏 I said earlier on I’m very loyal xter that just post my pictures and motivational videos and engage in official works. I’m also an xter that don’t constitute or involve in
02/01/24 kenamiofficial Violation of twitter rules Hi X support please kindly Unsuspend my account, I promise to follow the rules please.. the twitter community plays a very important role in my life
02/01/24 lummyda Someone reported my account Filed in my appeal
02/01/24 eniolakolawol14 Misunderstanding about my tweets violating X (Twitter) rules My account is in read only mode permanently. I can’t do anything but I changed my password in case my account was compromised
03/01/24 rvbhatia43417 Abusive Comment Filed an appeal which got rejected
09/01/24 tayyzayy My account was hacked I changed my password and deleted all the tweets from the hacker. I have sent in many appeals and never got a response.
10/01/24 bosslinxx_tv A post violation I want to delete the post but I can’t
10/01/24 blessingsmood Violating our rules against posting or sharing privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent. I didn't share private intimate photos. This photo was shared widely on Twitter. I just took screenhots of it and reshare. I couldn't delete the posts because I was suspend
11/01/24 luwaa028 Spam Reduction of spam
13/01/24 carlmin13 I heard they violated the terms of service. I've raised numerous objections, but they don't even look at me once.
13/01/24 memeraspirant Copyright strike I removed the content and apologized the owner
13/01/24 iamissa29 Unknown to me. I’m not too conversant with the X RULES. I’m deeply sorry for breaking X rules, please forgive me it will never happen again I’m begging you. I can’t reach out to family an
14/01/24 nicholasvanj Violent Speech Permanent suspensions
14/01/24 bebecarinoxa violation of Twitter media policy attempted to verify email, answer any prompts but nothing has worked
15/01/24 gidgetsgreatest Unknown assuming a hacker. An acct Waterfall @logout seems to be stuck on my page however and some tweets I did not recognize as mine were sent out. I've appealed upwards of 60 times. I even wrote a a snail mail letter to twitter. I appealed to bbb and the attorney generals office no reason was given for suspension.
15/01/24 jj4099229 Reposted bad content without knowledge Deleted the re-posts
17/01/24 daniela Following Apologies
18/01/24 prettylife999 Saying I didn’t have permission to post a person The two people in the videos are me and my husband someone lied and said it was someone else. I will delete the post to get my account back
19/01/24 vuyothedreamer1 Violation of twitter activities. None
20/01/24 pikupikame Account suspended for alleged "Ban evasion"/account believed to be compromised even I have provided my information to verify I am the account owner Appeals, reached for support multipule times
20/01/24 alexandria101 violence and threat was a joke! and wouldn’t physically harm anyone
21/01/24 zeketehcat Spamming contest links Password Changed/secured with authentication
21/01/24 amit22713288 My wife logged out my account and login to her account on my mobile. I have filed report. I have not created any new account.
22/01/24 edong1518761 I have not broken any X Rules. I have changed my password per instruction from Support email. Email Support has been unable to help me. Case #0357752757.
24/01/24 kingmaomoto Sharing telegram group link for football predictions group my account was suspended please help me to get it back
24/01/24 ndekross No reason I tried appealing, but getting denied because I don't have an email address associated with my account (I registered with a phone)
26/01/24 yaks89 Hacked by spammer I have attempted to appeal
27/01/24 gbarca_ Mass User Report I have appealed multiple times and also submitted DMCA Counter-Notifications but got no response back
27/01/24 reality202181 Posting intimate material of someone Deleted every post related to that
28/01/24 thebri_7 I am confident that I can prove that the violation was unintentional or a result of a misunderstanding. I believe that my Twitter account is essential to me as I use it for both personal and professional reasons. I will not violate any further X policies,
28/01/24 varunmichael3 Copyright infringement I want to delete the media and I've not violated any laws as I've used them for entertainment purpose
29/01/24 karaflodaimona Copywrite material Emailed back explaining that clip was posted under fair use and not for profit reasons.
29/01/24 anti_sdna Hateful behavior I sent an email that it was a joke and Twitter did not reply
30/01/24 autisticsilly violent speech Tried verification, tried appeal, nothing worked.
30/01/24 mufccho Spamming and platform manipulation Research and more enlightenment about X rule and logged out the account for spamming hoping to deactivate it when I can
31/01/24 jamiejames152 Following I didnt anything
31/01/24 bin_oh_bin_ah Evading suspension I have tried appealing the suspension multiple times now, Only to be told that I cannot verify myself as the account owner
01/02/24 theartbook35 When I was suspended I was not given a reason. The notice only stated that I violated X rules, but did not say which rule or policy was violated. I have attempted to file an appeal, but keep getting emails that say they cannot verify I own the account, ask me to submit a new form, and the same thing happens.
02/02/24 natsuki_parody Violent Speech I was banned, And I wish to be unbanned.
02/02/24 cafuscot Spam messages Delete all posts that violates the rules
03/02/24 dao_sync probably due to sudden growth in account ,we had a giveaway of hyped project and gained over 1500+ follower in few hours iguess that may be the reason i have appealed the file and they mailed me saying you have broken many rules so we cannot change the decision
03/02/24 ketaknax graphic violence or adult content in profile images The profile has no violent or adult content I don’t need to do anything
04/02/24 btorturingu Hate speech Appeal
04/02/24 theboxerdez Texting to much at once , spam text It won’t happen again and I tried to get it unsuspended I’m sorry
05/02/24 acateatseclair Violating rules/guidelines, however I believe it was not a substantial suspension I've sent appeals, and I will refrain from posting content including agressive language
05/02/24 callmeroz0 Broken x rules I didn’t do anything wrong
06/02/24 ulimateninjasxw Bad language and Threatening Tweet 2 violation code and rules
07/02/24 chw3non i’m not sure but i think it’s because i was too active on my account? i haven’t done anything wrong with my account, it is a stan account for a kpop group only and it is used for photocard buying
07/02/24 flilisoffexegol They believed I was threatening someone's life. I wasn't threatening anyone's life. I just made a joke defending the right of Daisy Ridley choosing kid's films as her favorite films.
08/02/24 perversivehuman Violation of rules I believe it was not me, someone else might have access my account.
08/02/24 coach_bartzokas Intimidating another person I made clear that I was NOT trying to intimidate another person, but I was just a fanpage. That's it. I have been suspended again for the same reason but I solved it.
08/02/24 destroybjp Fascist Indian Government sponsored troll brigade mass reporting Appeal filed, without any result
08/02/24 forhanshua_ Wrong captcha Submit an appeal
08/02/24 mj_riaz213 Unknown Will not repeat the mistake
08/02/24 netron85 Violate rules Suspend
08/02/24 nirmatkhaira I don't know Permanent read on mode
09/02/24 edward_mbira I made a bad comment on same sex marriage spread by pope out anger I assure to respect twitters privacy in futire
09/02/24 spojoypitch saying i was going to murder elon musk as a joke 4 months ago but only getting suspended for it on the 7th deleting the tweet and being careful on what i tweet from now on
09/02/24 znusrat044 Breking rules as they say. I appealed to them.
10/02/24 hunikinn Violating our rules against violent speech Please give me a ticket number for my appeals
11/02/24 nandita34683732 Privately produced/disturbed intimate media I will not repeat this again
11/02/24 zaiinzb Alleged impersonation, which I firmly believe to be a misunderstanding. Submitted multiple appeals through the platform's appeal process. hanged my account password as suggested. Provided y unique identification card for verificati
12/02/24 mebitbby Wrote a tweet on suicide I will absolutely delete that tweet and make sure to never broke any X’s rules again
12/02/24 saharzguitar Manipulation and Spam, reported by a user. I have appealed for twitter to reinstate my account but they have said the case is closed for now. I have also emailed them but to no avail. I have not violated any rules.
12/02/24 noremedyburyme Post to much , someone copy my posts Reinstate account
13/02/24 userisinsane Spam Deleted multiple tweets
16/02/24 taetaeisabear For saying something abusive to someone who supports genocide Will delete the tweet
16/02/24 desigal201 I am unsure of the reason for the suspension. I have been trying to find out as I am clueless. Multiple Appeals
18/02/24 shridhar4u2 Violating our rules against evading suspension. MY account was spammed with bitcoin airdrop thorugh my account even though i iddint receive nay notification my acct was hacked or password changed or compromised.I
18/02/24 slona2x curse words I worked on my action and behavior and wont curse no more
19/02/24 nobita678nobita I don't know all time it's happening I have file an appeal I always use Twitter for news and media awareness purposes
19/02/24 nobita678nobita I don't know all time it's happening I have file an appeal I always use Twitter for news and media awareness purposes
20/02/24 kier_brook DMCA Have had the original owner of the rights retract there DMCA and emailed myself to prove they have retracted the DMCA claim.
21/02/24 toniaalexis Spammy behaviour Shall henceforth refrain from repeatedly commenting too frequently on other X users' comment section.
22/02/24 etosim1 I believe it's spamming I assure them to stop it and follow there rules
23/02/24 lovinglyaiah spamming will avoid to tweet that much
23/02/24 superstarrhj I dont know the actual reason. I was using my account normally for over 10 years. Appeal 3 times through their support.
23/02/24 wonkytoons Following too many people To be unsuspended, someone tried to defame me and had me lose followers, so I tried following more people
24/02/24 timetravailer The things I tweeted weren’t conventionally bad but maybe it rubbed the targeted audience the wrong way which prompted them to report my account. I tried appealing it but Twitter never responds to my appeals.
25/02/24 timetravailer The things I tweeted weren’t conventionally bad but maybe it rubbed the targeted audience the wrong way which prompted them to report my account. I tried appealing it but Twitter never responds to my appeals.
25/02/24 yasirghunia1 No reason Nothing
27/02/24 nemurinsleeps Account was compromised on 17th Feb and multiple spam tweets were posted. Spam post were all removed right away after a fellow friend informed me about the issue.
27/02/24 _reibi_ Account was compromised on 17th Feb and multiple spam tweets were posted. Spam post were all removed right away after a fellow friend informed me about the issue.
28/02/24 aqib8_ X suspended account that violated our rules Kindly unsuspend account and I’ll never violate the rules
29/02/24 ymoreau42 Infringement of our rules on bypassing a suspension. none
01/03/24 sirarkinity Inciting violence and harm Delete the tweet
04/03/24 klaxxiker1 No reason for suspension, no email received why my account was suspended I'm ready to provide any necessary information or documentation required to reinstate my account
04/03/24 yuxarseef70 Actually I dnt knw what i did I jst woke up in the morning and I go to my Twitter handle for checking news and chatting with my friends, I received notification messages that you have been suspended my account so I actually do wrong may be or someone take my phone do wrong on Twitter that is why you suspended my account now am begging and I promised you i wll be very careful for the next time you will not see any matter like this I will make sure that I follow all your rules and regulations and I will not violation any more
04/03/24 mrmr_hamster over followed but im not a bot unsupend my account
04/03/24 jamrock1018 Expletive language and insults Attempt to delete tweet and apologize
04/03/24 jamrock1018 Expletive language and insults Attempt to delete tweet and apologize
05/03/24 sweetlydefiantb Violent speexh I will delete the tweet they are flagging. I have had a good clean account for 10 yrs. Never suspended. I believe someone was targeting me. The tweet can be deleted. I was
06/03/24 jamie_o76 I am not sure if my account is suspended but I can't log in.. It is giving me the message "Error Oops something went wrong. Please try again later. I have tried this on numerous occasions and get the same message Cleared Cookies
07/03/24 shibao0324 Personal social use, don’t know the reason for suspension Continue to complain on Twitter
07/03/24 memestanhere some of my rivals and competitors being jealous on my magnificent growth on X formerly twitter And they started fake reporting of my account. UNSUSPEND
07/03/24 mrlino254 Hateful speech Never tweet hateful see speeech again
08/03/24 somewguey121257 "Violating our rules against evading suspension." Appeal Twitter/X support that i wasn't ban evading I've been using 1 account and signing in by using chrome & their App.
08/03/24 pand0rascurss Evading Suspension I have never been suspended on X before, and therefore I think that this is a total mistake. I would like to get this account back as soon as possible.
10/03/24 mother_of_pinq Violation of rules: Adult content Made several appeals
11/03/24 cryptosmurf123 I think i was suspened after trying to warn people on an account @Brettcoinsolana was scamming people out of money. There seems to be a lot of it on Twitter and i find it really annoying that even when you report them nothing gets done so you have to result in commenting on their profile which results in me getting suspened. I would honestly make it my full time job reporting scammers on twitter as it seems to be rife I filled in the form on X/Twitter and i had an email which i had to respond to
11/03/24 etoroorok Spamming tweets Suspension
12/03/24 kannamass1 Permanently suspended and put on read only mode. I don’t know what I have done wrong.
12/03/24 uprecious85882 Violation of rules I have file an appeal
12/03/24 _johnsch No reason Input my number
13/03/24 alashkid I think it's because I removed my date of birth from profile, that's the only thing I can think of I've filled a report but they've not gotten back to me
13/03/24 chigfugh No idea I’ve appealed multiple times.
15/03/24 logandechesne Violent Speech Submitted an appeal 3 times
16/03/24 shuraim I don’t really know the exact reason why I was suspended. Some years back , I wrote a sentence that has to do with “kill” I wasn’t referring it to anybody I swear , but I got suspended and I accepted that it’s my fault because how of badly I want my account back then , the second one was lat December 2023, where I praised a bigot not knowing it could cause a lot of damage, and I know it was someone that reported me.Please kindly help me. A appealed , where I admitted that I violated their rules.
16/03/24 calivasto Suspension due to posting too much content and replying excessively to others due to an airdrop farming campaign Sent an appeal and got messaged back that my account should be restored. It has been over 36 hours and my account is still not back to normal
17/03/24 alf_flowers Account was hacked and posts were made that violated standards. I never re lived an email stating my account was suspended. Password has been reset.
17/03/24 hammyfrmtl21 Violent Speech, "i said id rape someone but it waa a mutual joke" Help
18/03/24 doughyeth Participating in the $BLOCK campaign Submitted an appeal and the answer said that my account was restored, but I cannot access it
18/03/24 littleragnaros I did too many retweets and messages trying to promote my own tweets. I filled the appeal form twice but did not get any response yet.
18/03/24 atomictradez Assuming “spam” of $BLOCK and other airdrops? I will do better to follow X guidelines.
18/03/24 patatrans I don't know, i have no idea I appeal but nothing
18/03/24 romessacal Unsure, I repost art and comment on my friends art. I was not given a reason If we are talking about actions to correct me behaviour: Be less spammy, judge if the art is appropriate
19/03/24 arliyahjan spam i have sent many appeals
20/03/24 smartreply_io We were surprised by this action as our account was still in the setup phase, and we had not engaged in any activity such as posting, reposting, liking, or commenting. Furthermore, we had only reached out via direct messages to official X premium support for guidance on obtaining verified status in the future. Filling out the form multiple times
21/03/24 croftsins I quoted a Tweet with a reply that the user found offensive but I did not mean it literally. I deleted the tweet in question.
22/03/24 ghostoforwell84 Automatic detection of a phrase without considering the context, which was clearly hypothetical in a conversation spanning several posts It was deleted anyway
22/03/24 livinfyn I think I overly tweeted and it seemed like not or spams I've read the guidelines and I believe it wouldn't happen again
23/03/24 mexunya Dear X I am writing to appeal the suspension of my account, mexunya, which occurred around one month ago. I believe this suspension is a result of mistaken identity and not a deliberate violation of your platform's policies.My account was compromised by an unauthorized individual who engaged in activities contrary to your guidelines, particularly in promoting cryptocurrency trading on X. I assure you that I had no knowledge or involvement in these actions, and I take the security of my account and compliance with platform rules seriously.I understand the importance of maintaining a safe and trustworthy community on your platform, and I am committed to adhering to all guidelines moving forward. I respectfully request that you review my account's activity and consider reinstating it.I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to a positive resolution. I quickly deleted all spam posts.
24/03/24 kryniez Im unsure why I've filed an appeal 3 times
07/11/24 goudsaab410 American tweets Unsuspend my twitter account
25/03/24 gnfomega I said something a little hateful but nothing I consider out of the ordinary or life-ruining. I’ll be sure to express my kindness more often and be less rude on the internet.
25/03/24 juli_orso I don't know, but my accout signout i think stolen or some thing before 2 day and iam get it back but today i got suspended. I try submit appeal
25/03/24 kultured01 I was only spamming posts for an token company I appealed but they rejected my appeal
25/03/24 deeprajput850 Violation of rules No violation next time
25/03/24 emmanue27959977 I am a web3 farmer and I had so many engagements,tweets, comments,likes and retweets.. That are more than the accepted number of Retweet. But none of them is abusive as They are all work related. I will reduce the number of retweets and engaments I make I order to to violation the rule again.
25/03/24 greatextben Spamming Written to Twitter Support
25/03/24 dlannstark spam I will not repost some projects and i will limit the like and comments
25/03/24 petit___frere Posting illegal post very sensitive Deleting the post
25/03/24 referral_c70634 Violation of Twitter rules Appeal
25/03/24 7788nft Unknown Appeal but not Unsuspended
27/03/24 nelehhhh007 Spammy behavior Filed an appeal but account wasn't restores
27/03/24 anita_meena2 Violation I have appealed to Twitter but the account has not been fixed yet and they are saying it is permanently suspended!
27/03/24 mavelsoft i dont know any particular reason why my account was suspended, i just wake up this morning and find out my account have benn suspended. i have send an appeal for the account to be opened but the responsed was, my account cant be restored , which is an automated reply
28/03/24 astralstudiosrp Spam I believe? Account be unsuspended
29/03/24 spearsitist After careful inspection, we have determined that yours profile violated Rules X. Your profile temporarily switched to only for mode reading. That means you can't publish posts, make reposts, etc like content Access is certain profiles are restored in a week, however it may take more time. I’ve tried to appeal suspended account, but after i’ve logged on site there’s said this “You are currently not logged in, or logged in to a X account that is not suspended”
29/03/24 lwestrap Violating rules of abuse and harassment Have sent several requests to support to clariy why they thought my tweet broke their rules but they would bnot answer why
01/04/24 kuzaontrips Probably spamming Stopped the action immediately
02/04/24 sirpeeofficials Spam Mail them and they said it has been restored
02/04/24 hugo_el_nino To be honest I Don't even know the reason I've appealed more than 8 times
02/04/24 mariam_tmam Violating Twitter rules about evading suspension I filed an appeal
03/04/24 lafiamimahmud Over posting, reposting, like and comments on trending crypto games . I understand that I may have violated the Twitter Rules, but I'm sincerely sorry and would like to have my account reinstated. I'm committed to following the rules going
04/04/24 ouughhwaffling Being falsely reported Get rid of the suspension on the account since it did nothing wrong.
04/04/24 brand0n_92 Violating twitters spamming rules( post engaging to much) They unsuspended me and told me I should regain followers and following, but it been close to a month and I’m still in read only mode
04/04/24 mjufilms Impersonation Fanaccount and didnot impersonate anyone.
04/04/24 hey_kashu By someone's report immediate resumption of account and ad revenue
05/04/24 twitter I broke the X rules To make this right
05/04/24 timothyfadhun2 Aggressive like and retweet My activities were on minimal rate
07/04/24 elle98759673 Violation I tried logging in with my email address but it won't accept it..
07/04/24 iphonewitch Spam I was farming airdrops the same way as big accounts like @AmeerNFTs, using my creative, OWN content, yet I got blocked and they did not! This is discriminatory.
08/04/24 pearl4life_soso Violation of twitter Rules of repeatedly using the same words Limited tweeting of the same thing and adding varieties of other word phrases and sentences to my tweets
08/04/24 farmercistng spamming spamming its wasnt made by me my phone was stolen and my twitter account was spammed
09/04/24 draydimmy Impersonation of another account, which is not right, I was not impersonating another account because I stated in my bio that I'm not affiliated with the said account I have filed an appeal but yet to get a response
09/04/24 jay_silver19 Breaking x rules Account suspension
09/04/24 mrkiax think my account got hacked and some bots spamed stuff while i was logged inn and clery i dint to anyting but still supspend me iven chnage my passord and after that i was suspendend plz help i dont deserv this clery i dont get any e-mail from twitter that broke any rules they just suspend me so clery this is mistake by them plz help to get it back pl
10/04/24 uvolty Spamming for Social Fi activities I've started to delete tweets
11/04/24 zitewo6543 For violation of Twitter's policy, terms and conditions. An appeal was submitted
13/04/24 adebolaakinbod1 spamming stop spamming
14/04/24 4kshadow4k spam identity verification and becoming a premium user
15/04/24 eejiwumi78580 Aggressive posts,like and comment I file an appeal
16/04/24 alch3mygall3ry spam it was unsuspended and i have gotten several appeal letters saying it was unsupended but the page still says suspended days later
16/04/24 abolfaz59959906 violations of the X Rules: I always follow the rules
17/04/24 khaledtamin نشر اشياء تخالف ارشادات تويتر يأتيني بريد بأنه تم استعادت حسابي وفك القفل ولكن عندما اسجل الدخول اجده مزال موقوف
17/04/24 abubaka58448851 My account was accidentally suspended i hope you will help me I will follow rules and regulations
18/04/24 justinbyerly Hacked. Set up two-way verification.
18/04/24 orizont "Breaking the rules" when I didn't break it. I follows that rules. Unsuspend my account
19/04/24 williewinehouse I was said to have violated rules against abuse and harassment even though the said comment “counterfeit nengi” isn’t harassment or abusive I have sent an appeal
19/04/24 coolthumx Frequent posting and mass follow I have file and appeal
20/04/24 mayback9993 They said was spamming post and liking post I have reach out to support and they said my account have been unsuspended but whenever I login I still see that my account is suspended.
21/04/24 dogwiffancyhat Promotion Appealed and suspension was lifted, but still suspended
21/04/24 khaled_anter_ Violate rules delete bio
21/04/24 oreo20501 Hacked account for no reason My account got hacked and therefore they suspended my account, I tried to contact them but it didn't help and they even rate limited my account. I just want to delete it.
22/04/24 bhaiawan10 Dear Twitter Support Team,I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to appeal the suspension of my Twitter account, which occurred due to a misunderstanding surrounding one of my tweets. I believe there has been a misinterpretation of the acronym “KYS,” which I used in a well-intentioned manner to mean “Know Your Stuff.”I understand the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful environment on Twitter, and I deeply regret any unintended offense or confusion caused by my tweet. It was never my intention to promote harm or engage in any form of offensive behavior. I sincerely apologize for any distress caused to Twitter users or staff members.The acronym “KYS” is commonly used within various communities to indicate acquiring knowledge or understanding. However, I now realize that it can also be misconstrued as a more offensive phrase, which was never my intention. I genuinely meant to encourage learning and understanding among my followers.I would like to emphasize that I am fully committed to abiding by Twitter’s terms of service, community guidelines, and promoting a positive online experience for everyone. I value the Twitter platform and the connections it has allowed me to establish, and I would be grateful for the opportunity to rectify this misunderstanding and regain access to my account.I kindly request that you reconsider the suspension and thoroughly review the context and intent behind my tweet. I am open to any necessary actions, such as deleting the tweet in question, offering additional clarifications, or participating in any educational initiatives to enhance my understanding of respectful online communication.If there are any further details or steps I need to provide to support my appeal, please let me know. I am eager to cooperate and resolve this matter in a fair and responsible manner.Thank you for taking the time to review my appeal. I sincerely hope that you will find it in your consideration to reinstate my Twitter account. I look forward to continuing my positive engagement on the platform and contributing to the Twitter community.Yours sincerely Touseef Arshad email Please unsuspend and restore my account
22/04/24 porn_ware_house Violation Unsuspend
23/04/24 olisa_xman Allegedly Bully which is not true Won’t comment on any post again
24/04/24 abdall32371594 Doing farm for airdrops Appealed but declined
24/04/24 abdallh32371594 Doing farm for airdrops Appealed but declined
24/04/24 nenadrudic011 I follow to many accounts at short period of time I submit four Appeal
24/04/24 obichere55733 Affiliate Links Unsuspension
25/04/24 engr_asamoah I was following a couple of loyal followers by the time I realized the account has been suspended Have appealed and received an email that the account has been restored yet for 3 weeks now the features aren't back.
25/04/24 miratherulaa_ broke x rules get it back
28/04/24 tga5000 Violated the rules which i didn't do Didn't post anything like the rules said
29/04/24 abbleicat spam? appelation
29/04/24 prajaya_ Impersonation as they say. Appeal for unsuspending
30/04/24 earth_mars2 Following too many people. I have read over twitter rules. I have made changes to prevent following too many people.
01/05/24 loossemblii Evading suspension Someone did the mass login on me I didn't try to evade suspension people got mad at me for my opinion and did the mass login method on me please look into this and unsuspe.
01/05/24 alexbonkk Pornography and impersonation None. I want this old account to be completely deactivated, but twitter is not following my request to completely deactivate it
02/05/24 russiandood My account was compromised and based on the email I received, it was user reported, from the posts to cryptocurrency accounts. They did not give any instructions, but I did do the following; Changed password, Set MFA, deleted all the posts that were posted from compromised period, and blocked all the cryptocurrency accounts that were referenced. After the temp suspension, it changed to permanent without any warning, instructions or anything. Just boom, suspended. I've had this account since 2009, and I've been appealing the suspension and each time I get an email that the suspension is cleared, but it is still suspended... Frustrating. Changed password, Set MFA, deleted all the posts that were posted from compromised period, and blocked all the cryptocurrency accounts that were referenced.
03/05/24 stallicious_ Spam Remove posts from profile
03/05/24 ynbnluvr violating our misleading and deceptive identities policy. Appeal
04/05/24 iamkinghsa I really dont know
04/05/24 osy_barcafan Copyright infringement I have appealed, deleted the tweet and written a mail for retraction by the reporter
05/05/24 rosemarylerma09 Unknown Appeals were sent to x
05/05/24 cryptowiththeg error on the system appealed 4 times
05/05/24 localafric evading suspension but i have never been suspended nor have any of my accounts suspended
06/05/24 nuelmanolo Breaking the X Rules resulting in my account getting permanently in read-only mode. My account was breached and the attacker spammed several accounts with messages and posts. Sent several emails to appeal
07/05/24 troh24 Not clear- potentially abusive language although do not believe I have broken their terms. Spirited language protected by freedom of speech. No hate speech. No spam. All personal details are linked to account. Appealed decision. No response.
08/05/24 kinglalox I think I liked to many posts I stopped liking a lot of posts and I still got suspended
08/05/24 iam_scolog Ticks like using $ in comment I use the ticks with some emoji which elon told us to do so
09/05/24 protectiverxbot When I was making a joke between a friend by how I was gonna kill them it got suspended, my friend can attest that it was merely a joke. When it comes to this I would like to be displayed as this was nothing but a joke, I am someone who really enjoys this community and want to be able to thrive in it.
09/05/24 ooh_kiyah None given Getting my account unsuspended
11/05/24 khiadoll impersonating i’m not impersonating i’m just a fanpage and they suspended me for no reason
11/05/24 bluekiwipie "Spammy behaviour"? I don't know. I haven't even posted anything because my account is private I've filed an appeal twice.
12/05/24 _leesiyeon_ impersonation filed an appeal, email-ed them and sent them pics of my ID
12/05/24 jtitaniumhands No idea Appealed 5x
12/05/24 jtitaniumhands Not a clue Appealed 5x
14/05/24 livnayks No reason provided, mistaken for spam Multiple appeals
18/05/24 wiltonluke2000 I have no idea I didn’t do anything wrong so can I have it back please
20/05/24 soursullyoon None given, possibly account compromised, possibly jokes made between friends Apologised to friends and ensured that everything was understood as a joke, will apologise to everybody impacted once public account restored.
20/05/24 bigdickpauly Too much posting activity Won’t post as much
20/05/24 interboygh Violating X regulations Appeal filed
25/05/24 leokaunang Perhaps some hateful replies. Never take act because currently my account is suspended/freeze. But I would like to emphasize my commitment to complying with Twitter's policies and regulations in future.
25/05/24 just_jibon I really don't know why I got spammed They closed my account permanently, so I wanted to be allowed to run the account again
25/05/24 leondraw1983 just says i broke twitter rules appealed a few times
28/05/24 4dparadigmshift Violent speech when discussing an armed conflict, I have not advocated for violence ever on X or anywhere else my comment was misconstrued Attempted to delete comment, re-read the X safety policy about harmful language.
29/05/24 cutiebootyceo I literally don’t know 😂 Filed appeal. Now yall.
31/05/24 quaboud Violent speech I did not wish harm to anyone I was simply joking with my friend
01/06/24 taiwooloye83034 Replying to a post immediately by replying with an external lokk Filed an appeal
06/06/24 oduwaiyayi Suspected Spam posts Already emailed the X team about the unjust suspension. No reply from them.
06/06/24 kylianaesthetic Copyright The actions I’ve taken to correct any issues that might have led to the suspension I reviewed twitter’s politics and made sure to comply with them
06/06/24 angrypepefork Just started using twitter so we have no clue We have verified and appealed
06/06/24 brentkhack I don't know. Last post was about a stock I purchases. I have multiple times filed an appeal, with zero response
07/06/24 primedgea Violation of rules against violent speech Appealed for stating it was sarcasm
07/06/24 primedegea Violation of rules against violent speech Appealed for stating it was sarcasm
07/06/24 snakeey68328141 Harmfull language I dont think my punishment is just, its too big and people have done worse things before and getting off scot free its unfair,it feels i dont get to negotiate due to bots
07/06/24 heismarvem I don't know,After retrieving my account from a hacker,the acct got suspended I just want my account back
08/06/24 crazydrnoooo X states that "After careful review, we determined your account broke the X Rules". I never made any posts and only liked and retweeted content. I have an account from 2017 so this makes no sense, please help. Filing Claim (Auto-Denied by AI), Calling Customer Service (No Answer)
09/06/24 dartwhater I wish i knew,i never got a email from twitter,it could be because i was spammed by bots I kept blocking the bots
10/06/24 stephen028741 Replying of post with referral links Quit replying post demanding referral links
10/06/24 darji_vinay I was putting my crypto farming link of telegram as a comment in tweets - but I put that wherever it was asked only. Also, for few giveaways, I added my wallet address which might have been marked as spammy behavior. But I have this account since 2013 and I use this to follow football twitter and I do tweet once in a while. I have filled a request to review this and also confirm that I won't put my wallet address and telegram link even if someone asks me to put. Please help me.
10/06/24 thewolf666666 i was accused of abuse and harassment of a user yet this indivudual trolled me repeatedly on my own profile and made first contact. The difference was he reported my abuse, whilst I didn't report his
11/06/24 amozuki link comment that me erased it comment link
11/06/24 cdshepard3 No reason given. "Your account was suspended due to violations of X Rules." None. No idea what I supposedly did except probably get mass reported.
13/06/24 afcnoal Hateful Conduct Unsuspend
14/06/24 obliteratejaem Posting leaks of a korean athlete Kang Hyeon Bae Unsuspend the account as soon as possible and I will delete the tweet
14/06/24 politechsguy Not sure Follow guidelines
15/06/24 babba410 Evading suspension Appeals, getting scammed by people claiming to be able to unsuspend my account. Lost $155 to get nowhere, tweeting to @support from my business account
15/06/24 trumpisdone I @'d Elon Musk asking him to remove porn bots from X, or I was mass reported by people who don't like the content of my posts. I ALWAYS try to engage respectfully with others, even in debates. I have deleted the post that @s Elon Musk.
19/06/24 pandaoski Violating our rules against posting or sharing privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent. I didn't post any private media, I quote rt of Romi Rain tweet. She reported me mistakenly. Please look into this issue.
20/06/24 jblaze215 Still not sure why was never told anything sent a appeal
21/06/24 lebpalcab Harassment Suspension
21/06/24 lebpalcan Harassment Suspension
24/06/24 netsfanatic21 Unrightfully suspended. When looking more see might have been because I was @ by bot accounts. Emailed all forms of Twitter support and took extensive research.
25/06/24 waleedlifes I was just scrolling, suddenly my account got suspended and now in permanent read only mode. I thought someone deliberately reported my account for no reason, as i received msg like i broke X rules.. but none of my posts or comments are against X rules. I am there since 2019..i guess its a mistake/error. Please try to unsuspend my account as soon as possible
25/06/24 ilynylaaa Someone is stalking me and reporting all my tweets I won’t tweet anything out of the usual and i’ll private my page
26/06/24 sexyygreen20 I don't know unsupporteded account
27/06/24 vampireramen I liked and unliked art because I like my liked section to be empty. Maybe they saw that as spamming but they never told me the reason for my suspension. I tried to file an appeal but I didn't get a email back or a case number.
28/06/24 evergreenlight3 I liked too many tweets in a span of a couple hours. I will not like too many tweets in a short period of time. I will spend less time on X.
28/06/24 jkoipuram I did not find a warning, any email from X, I am really surprised why the account is suspended. All I can remember is having four Blum referral links copied and pasted in under 2 minutes. FYI I have appealed with form and also to show me the post that has caused this unfortunate incident, however I have received not a single reply to date. I can take any corrective action as deemed fit, deleting posts or comments or unfollowing certain accounts, but I am really not a scammer. I only have this one X account, and I have been using it heavily for Airdrops social tasks, and I am crippled without it. I am not sure if you still offer this service and if this is very old link, as a last resort, I am seeking your help with this and hopeful reactivation. Thank you so very much for your kind actions on my behalf. I am happy to take any action as required by X with the noncomplying post/comment/following etc. Thank you, thank you very much.
28/06/24 catfanatic3000 I said that you could barely hear Joe Biden and he might pass away soon. I meant he was in poor health but they suspended me for advocating violence which doesn't make sense. They denied my appeal and gave me a seven day ban. Unsuspend me. I need this appealed.
30/06/24 kotarou2k4 My account has been hacked, and the hacker posted some posts about bitcoin or something and it violated the X rules. Result in permanent suspended. I have been send multiple appeals for them in 3 months and I never get reply. I really want all my personal data on that account but can't download it.
04/07/24 relangimavayyaa i don't know i will remove all the posts
04/07/24 velvergolddmine Hi, I use my account for music,spiritual guidance ,meditations, I can't think why it's been suspended? Thinking about the reasons it could be because I posted a video about Julian Assages release from jail . It assent offensive at all. I have shown sympathy for people injured by vaccines . I've never swore or got into any fights on Twitter if someone is being offensive I have just blocked or unfilled rather than use harsh words. I did post a video about the singer Bono from U2rock band supporting the Israel government . Mostly my post are to help people as I say,music,meditations ,ancient philosophical ideas. If I get my account back on U will steer clear of anything political or anything to do with vaxxed damaged people who are in pain from their injuries. I hope to get my account back on if not I accept this as God's Willl . I thank you again I did like Twitter and found it relaxing form of entertainment . Kind Regards . God Bless You all at Twitter ! Love Lena !🕊🌹💗🙏 I've appeared .The message was short . Not long like this one.
06/07/24 growthwriter_ 'Violating our rules against evading suspension' Filed multiple appeals - (in short) I've never been suspended in order to evade suspension, have never or will ever go against X rules
12/07/24 barcsenal Impersonating I am not impersonating Ona Batlle. I am simply just a fan account of hers.
12/07/24 iwaynezwrld I have no idea, I’ve submitted about five appeals and haven’t heard anything from support. To abide by the rules and regulations of Twitter (X) and comply to all things so this wouldn’t happen again.
13/07/24 asomejah Hi x team, account name:@Asomejah Email address: I believe I didn't violate your x rules by posting abusive content, message spamming,or illegal transaction on your platform... Whereby my account has been hacked several times, which I recovered yesterday only to be served permanent ban/suspension.. Kindly review your decision. To have a two factor authentication method done ✅
13/07/24 isaiahcoop71250 Evading suspension I try to appeal my suspension but nothing works
20/07/24 urmianc Location change No action taken
20/07/24 s_shanumkha I don't know and willing to delete the tweet that caused suspension I will delete tweet
22/07/24 stopinteracting violent speech been on the app for over 10 years, didn’t have too bad of a record, was provoked in a group chat due to homophobia toward me.
23/07/24 zstephenbro I'm not sure no reason given I am happy to remove posts if needs be or verify my account.
24/07/24 chichifriday No idea Appealed 4 times
24/07/24 ciao_bella38 unsure, maybe falsely reported. I have never violated rules on the website before N/A
24/07/24 judei9095 I honestly don't know, I have gone through the X rules but found none I have violated. I have filed an appeal multiple times, but no response yet.
25/07/24 doomer076 Not sure at this moment? Not sure at this moment?
26/07/24 kareemfoster6 evading suspension Not evading suspension
26/07/24 jonhsnowsociety Account owner was underage - but the year of birth was simply entered incorrectly, the account holder is an adult academic Filled out form and added my government ID with my name linked to my account with date of birth confirm in I am in my 40s
28/07/24 _melaninmulan_ “Violation of rules” I’ve sent multiple appeals. I’m not even sure what happened. It was very random. I never tweet offensive material. I’ve been on Twitter for over 10 years
29/07/24 longtaofiq Account compromised I’ve appealed to twitter
29/07/24 taophique0309 Evading suspension I've appealed the suspension
31/07/24 _missthato I don't have a reason and I wasn't informed as to why I am suspended There we no actions taken and twitter is not helping me
31/07/24 yourqueenstarla I believe I was suspended for a thread which warned women about a fake account where a man was preying on them and pretending to be a woman. I will delete the entire thread once I get access to do so
01/08/24 soda_wro Content published on the account may have been considered spam by the algorithms. There may also have been wrongful reports as content that violated the portal's terms of service. Twice a request was sent through the appropriate contact form to the portal administrators to verify the case and unblock the account.
04/08/24 francisavage Aggressive and random repost and/or liking posts from other accounts. Performing bot act
07/08/24 winda_szn I don’t believe I have done anything to cause my suspension I’ve filled an appeal countless times
09/08/24 opeyemiprace Evading suspension Reviewed every Twitter policy and plans to abide by it
10/08/24 uknown_1421 Suspected of spam. I tried to appeal many times, but I was told that my case was closed
12/08/24 arkukna kus nhi nesa hi band kar diya ha mera personal acoount hai
12/08/24 arjankukna kus nhi nesa hi band kar diya ha mera personal acoount hai
13/08/24 mimran73704643 Suspension Due to user report, violation x rules I believe you never break any x policy/rule . please For God sake suspension on my account uplift.
14/08/24 shrek_squishee Crypto guys took control of my account and posted some crap on there. (My suspension date was in October of 2023) I have sent over MULTPLE, "Appeal a locked or suspended account", to no avail.
15/08/24 _saifi_7250 some rules were broken Abhi kuch nhi hua
18/08/24 littlef0xw0rth Spam(?) I filed an appeal earlier today (8/18) though this happened out of the blue and I can only infer that I was suspended due to spam because of liking content.
22/08/24 mdfaazil7 I am THINK that, they are thinking that my id is bot or scam, beacause i made repeated comments on others posts. but mail came from x received regarding suspension as your account suspended due to violating x rules report by a user. i believe i not made bad comments on other users I appealed from my self earlier, but not response from x.
25/08/24 mcvpq1h2agyoavy صور جنييه سيتم التصحيح
30/08/24 minmccy Hello! Twitter permanently suspended my account, on 31 August 2024. I believe my account was suspended in error (or maybe it is my fault), as I did not receive any specific reason for this action. I have always made an effort to adhere to Twitter's community guidelines and engage positively with the community. Therefore, I am uncertain about the circumstances that led to my suspension. I kindly request clarification on the reason for my suspension and ask that you review my account. I value my presence on Twitter and would appreciate the opportunity to continue participating in the community. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your follow-up. Sincerely, Nancy @MinMcCy Im sorry. I dont understand this one.
31/08/24 iranimughal Copyright claim from a broadcasting corporation Yes
01/09/24 pkjkmr0786 Violating one of our ruls Nil
03/09/24 ebmavenue Tweet promoted by a give away We were unable to take any action due to the read only mode but only appealed multiple times
08/11/24 don_crypote Only reason I can think of is meme spamming Filed multiple appeals, verified phone number and email
04/09/24 honest_linda Appealing the suspension of my X account, @honest_linda for violating Twitter’s Terms of Service. That day I’m using Twitter like every day, engaging with people, communities and so on, I did not intend to spam or violate any guidelines. Request a review of my account for reinstatement. I would like to know if there are any specific rules or guidelines that my account may have violated so that I can ensure that any future events are in full compliance with X's policies. I have appealed
05/09/24 littlef0xw0rth Spam Appealed numerous times since 8/17.
06/09/24 tracyleeharrin I don't know I believe this was a mistake I have done all the steps to correct it and it's still not working
10/09/24 oluwasinah It shows on my account that it has been suspended No action actually.
10/09/24 cronaldo7egend regarding parody, newsfeed, commentary and fan accounts. filled a appeal but it said will remain suspended
11/09/24 web3bchain I don't know Lift the suspension from my account .
15/09/24 _tosin Violating Twitters Harrasment Policies I apologized but they wouldn't listen, they never even told me which tweet violated it, & I didn't even know I had.
15/09/24 iam_wishh I must accept my error and I’ll do to ensure it never happens again. I violent to break the rule to use multiple accounts and overlapping but this is my first time by mistakenly happened I 'll never do it again in future I never break any rule in future of x and always obey the x policies.
17/09/24 sandeeshee I am not sure I have submitted an appeal
18/09/24 shaiprajapati multiple or repeat violations read only mode and suspended
28/09/24 momoh_waxy SPANNING Wrote to them to unsuspend the account
28/09/24 d_rawfx Greetings, I was running ads I would like it to be restored because it is a business line which I would not like to lost. I'll be very grateful if my request is being granted. Thanks in anticipation. I'll never comment on web3 Airdrop pages again
01/10/24 luxiejay Telegram Mining activity and abusive words Deleting all telegram mining retweet and any abusive word I may have posted
02/10/24 mattskumar No explanation Multiple appeals
02/10/24 tin_jk86 Detected as spam like, bookmark and comment Unsuspend X
05/10/24 britneysgf Violation(s) of X rules specifically our policy regarding under parody, newsfeed, commentary, and fan accounts Change my profile name and bio
06/10/24 afengbai_f Hate speech or violations Please unsuspend my account i promise to start sticking with the rules & guidelines
10/10/24 25th_ilka Spam I wont spam the same tweet again
11/10/24 rightthere01 Avoiding suspension by attempting to create a new account i've already submitted 6 to 7 appeals already and possibly none have been read or noticed, and i've not received any form of contact by twitter through any means
16/10/24 themessychefy Violation of 'violent speech' rule - used the figure of speech 'drop dead', which is an allowed exception under the rules. I appealed and the permanent suspension was immediately upheld. I am now trying to deactivate the account, but follow-up appeals are generating an auto-email response.
22/10/24 joeyback1 NSFW Bookmarks? Going Through and Deleting the NSFW Ones
24/10/24 mikeblackdao Platform manipulation and Spam Deleted all spammy content. I replied to number of tweets with a link to my X post.
31/10/24 _eknock Suspicious activity Deleted tweet
01/11/24 ruby50965592 I mistyped my date of birth information and it believes i made my account when i was a minor, which i did not. I have submitted a form and i can show id to prove i was born in 2002 not 2006
02/11/24 jarmiu9 Doing airdrop tasks on memecoin by stakeland Sent a few mails to twitter but always getting declined
03/11/24 milkkuchis Abuse/ Harassment Sent an appeal
03/11/24 topgrindeeweb3 A user reported me (Violating our rules against evading suspension) I filed an appeal already
06/11/24 dandadono_yt Spam and Violent Speech Violent Speech
07/11/24 jeffieswanky sensitive content No action taken yet
12/11/24 bitcointribute Don't know just created account and written one funny comment and they blocked please unblock me I didn't make any mistake , I m not a scammer just fam of crypto and created a account please unsuspend me mad I will never write a comment
13/11/24 jacob_chrn Violent speech No actions
13/11/24 blackalvin3 Potentially spammy behavior? Unsure as to what the reason is Filed an appeal report, no response from Twitter yet
15/11/24 hyattgunstore My account was suspended because I violated twitter rules by committing on multiple post please I will like to get back to my account and I promise never to violate twitter rules again Violation
15/11/24 cum_baeby violating twitter rules i will adhere to the rules to prevent future misinformation
16/11/24 muthumani1974 Don't know the reason broke the rules , any thingi no broke same time i submit to appeal
23/11/24 tvk_trends_usa Account hacked and used in my home country Changed password
29/11/24 gabizzzy Violating rules against authenticity. Filing an appeal
02/12/24 brandon6125689 由於使用者檢舉,你的帳戶 Brandon6125689 已因違反 X 規則而遭到停權。 I didnt really do anything, check my record
11/12/24 omarnova They said violent speech. Which didn't happen, i got suspended around 4am i browsing not tweeting i've sent a bunch of appeals
18/12/24 iamashleighchan ???? Seriously, i didn't do anything!
20/12/24 ra_heeemah My account was flagged as inauthentic, here’s my possible reason , I’ve been getting so many followers which aren’t my friends pr family or members of my community, so i block and unblock (softblock) , that way they stop following me I’ve sent multiple emails and appeals with hopes of getting back the account, it’s really dear to me, I document gestures from my friends on the account for future
21/12/24 manishkumarttp There is a post against the rules
24/12/24 someguynamedre this tweet which they asked me to remove and claimed I was exciting violence when I was discussuing having ass kicked in election. No hate speech nothing and mild to the stuff I read by others. here is tweet "The fact you can say what you said reviles me. I hope @NigelFarage kicks your ass so hard you orbit. You heartless anti_UK citizen, anti UK values puppet. I mean who are pulling those strings of yours? Who do you take a knee too. Not to your King, and damn not to your country. oh they locked and asked me to remove, which I did though I didn't want to, then the next page says I am suspended 7 days. I would never have removed it as it doesn't incit
24/12/24 jock0003 I don't know but I'm sorry Not post anything for a while
29/12/24 ade_globaltech Honestly I don’t know. I was sending my friend a wallet address I saw your rate is limited, upgrade. And I have upgraded. I can view and see people’s post but I can’t I can’t see my followers not send a direct message
31/12/24 sadiqibg I got a notification that i should update my phone number and there's already a phone number linked to my account, then i removed the old phone number and tried to link a new number then suddenly i got suspended and i couldn't link the number again. I submitted an appeal
12/01/25 jargonsofjohaan Claims of inauthentic activity I have appealed numerous times
18/01/25 solanaempire1 My account was suspended by mistake Permanently in read
19/01/25 ragavantr_ For DMCA Copyright It's unexpected My Account Got Suspended
21/01/25 alang5555 Breaking the Rules, possibly offensive post. But I am not certain as no explanation of what activity has resulted in the suspension Appealed 3 times. I also get the box asking me to "verify my email address" but when I enter the address it says "this email address is registered with another account."
22/01/25 ragavantr_ For DMCA Copyright It's unexpected My Account Got Suspended
30/01/25 gl001gl Violation of Rules Against Inauthentic Accounts Sent an Appeal, stating that my account isn't a bot and is verified by my email and phone number
30/01/25 durov asdasd asdasd
01/02/25 rokstamusik Hackers are reporting me or using hacker software on my account Restore my account for unfairly suspending it for "authentication"
04/02/25 joaquin_ocampos No tengo motivos alguno valedero para que me suspendan la cuenta por quinta vez y la segunda en 48 horas Que me reestablezcan la cuenta
05/02/25 therealslatch12 Perpetrators of Violent Attacks or Hateful conduct It was all fine when I woke up yesterday, I loved checking Sprunki and Smiling Critters content on the site, and I never hated on anyone, and I have autism
06/02/25 younglegendz69 I said harsh words and that I regret. Im very sorry, and I would like my account back please, so that I can speak to my fellow X users in a calm and more peaceful way. I sent in an Appeal back on December 1st
07/02/25 nagendr84607217 वियलटिंग रूल्स अपील
07/02/25 yahahagames The temporary label has not been removed at this time because your account was found to contain spam or engage in other types of platform manipulation. This means your account may have been placed in read-only mode or suspended. don't know, I think it's mistaken.
12/03/25 xdumbpuppyo Inauthentic account Will make sure to not do the same thing again
18/03/25 unitedtruly1 violating rules against inauthentic accounts, specifically the rule against impersonation I don't believe I have done anything wrong as I am not impersonating anyone
22/03/25 lily09__ Inauthetic behaviour I didn't do anything I am an active user and doesn't engagee anything which may violate the rules of the app
29/07/23 sokkab1ue Not sure Better behavior
29/07/23 sokkab1lie Not sure Better behavior
29/07/23 r_canishan24 spam it was not me who posted it
29/07/23 cmdshft "Violating our rules against violent speech." Tweet: "Run. Them. THE FUCK. OVER.", in response to a tweet showing climate protesters blocking a car with a sick baby from getting to a hospital. Appealed.
28/07/23 aaronmmhlanga Hate speech None
27/07/23 hodlingcarla I believe my account was wrongfully suspended as I did not break any twitter rules. Lately, I had been reporting a lot of bots that were impersonating me and I believe I was subject of mass reporting on their part. I already filed an appeal and I'm now waiting to hear back from them.
26/07/23 felicia36912 Because I'm a conservative. I was permanently suspended after posting the famous Andrew Breitbart meme and wasn't even given a warning. I have appealed at least 8 times and given no explanation except that my case is closed. I am unsure of my suspension date.
26/07/23 ihateitherewah Violent Speech Appeal suspension
25/07/23 lavenderdelight Unintentional spamming Appealed
25/07/23 aggyanubis Copyrights I don’t know to who apologies for it. I was I wasn't aware that I couldn't do it. Thought I could share it like the others.
25/07/23 realthompzonn Violating rules of violent speech I filed a appeal
25/07/23 bsk5496 May be i quoted copyrights tweet Please reactivate my account
25/07/23 tk_alson Violation of rules Review
25/07/23 l0stinthedream aggressive rant i will never do it again
25/07/23 dravenpierce217 Unknown Filed an appeal
25/07/23 mrramcharran Violating Rules on Violent Speech My account is usually healthy. I made a mistake and not knowingly violated the violent speech rule. It was a mistake and I wasn't given a chance to delete. I tried to delete it several times. I appealed and apologized many times. My tweet was in a sarcastic was from my perspective. My Tweet Read "I'd run them over. Theres no way I'd put their stupid ideology over the life of my child or any child for that matter." it was a reply to a video showing people blocking the road and a lady came out saying her child is sick and is heading to the hospital, for them to move
24/07/23 allosaurusjp I posted an Jurassic Park meme to a friend that Twitter deemed violent I just hope to acces my account again and talk with my friends
24/07/23 junhu1x I honestly don’t know but I believed it is the use of multiple accounts that I already deactivated. Deactivated and deleted all other accounts.
24/07/23 nnasuha7bts Tweet Delete the tweet
24/07/23 abhira_14 Never violate any twitter rules. Unsuspend my Twitter account
16/07/23 crypmalo I dont know I dont know why i got suspended
23/07/23 palesummery Violating our rules against violent speech. None since I cant access anything
23/07/23 superyooj Violent speech I will delete the tweet I swear. I will not violate it again and promise to learn from my mistakes and contribute positively to the conversations happening on the platform. I promise to abide by Twitter's policies and guidelines diligently and to promote an environment of respect, empathy, and understanding.
23/07/23 cameron__f Spam/hacked Deleted the content off my page and changed password
22/07/23 herox3uxama Please restore my mistakenly please reactivate ir My account was suspended mistakenly please restore krden
22/07/23 hn2733 I think because I am actively supporting the people of Iran against terrorist organizations like the IRGC, I am being attacked by regime supporters on twitter and probably they reported my account to remove me. Your support of humanity is very appreciated, as an activist I am fighting for the freedom of Iran and will follow your platform rules to stay tuned. Please assist in reinstating my account, most of my followers are contacting me on other platforms and I need to stay engaged with my people. Filled appeals
21/07/23 badbittybella breaking tweeter rules i haven't said harmful things nor violated their rules. and i have tried to have a reason as of why
20/07/23 tajinder2925 Broke the twitter rules I didn't break any rule I'm 100% sure. if I break a rule why they didn't warn? Dear sir, I am writing to request a review of the permanent suspension of my Twitter account, which was suspended on [June,20,2023] for violating Twitter’s rules and regulations. My account handle is @Tajinder2925 While I understand that my account was permanently suspended, I would like to provide additional information and evidence that I believe may help in the decision-making process. I am willing to comply with any requirements or guidelines that you may have to ensure that my account is reinstated. I am confident that I can prove that the violation was unintentional or a result of a misunderstanding. I believe that my Twitter account is essential to me as I use it for both personal and professional reasons. I would appreciate it if you could review my case and consider unlocking my account if the situation warrants it. I am willing to provide any necessary information or documentation to support my request for reinstatement.
18/07/23 sadesofia1 violation Removed tweet
17/07/23 cs_trades1 Spamming behavior I’ve stopped
17/07/23 101proofxxx Totally unsure. The only thing I can think of is maybe I need to verify my phone number. Other than that, I am clueless as to why I was suspended. I ultimately believe it was a mistake. Will take any necessary actions to correct this error.
03/11/23 coach__bird Following too many accounts in repetition Filed multiple appeals with no luck
16/07/23 pelumiszn11 I was hacked and my account was used for violent speech. Kindly unsuspend
16/07/23 abdullah_2k4 Curse word and/or actions against community guidelines I will be careful of every action i take and i will stay under the rules of the community guidelines.
16/07/23 tigerlee1017689 Name and photo not listed on profile, suspected bot? I did have more then one profile I didnt know this wasnt aloud I hadnt used the others in a long time. I wasn’t aware we were not aloud to have accounts with different names im just a private person. Im sorry for the confusion. I will provide my own personal information, name and photo.
15/07/23 worldopinion23 Not known tried
14/07/23 twitter Current suspended member reacted to a comment made by another member in regards to his family putting them in dangerous situation! Suspension action should have been initiated on the second member instead of the current member who reacted on behalf of his family! Reactivation of my account greatly appreciated On behalf of Chase Chandler his mom is reaching out for an appeal was forwarded on the same day. Apology was made as well as lesson learned. Rules are there for a reason. Will definitely be more mindful/ respectful of my own as well as others comments. Due to personal health reasons, my Twitter account is the only means of communication- making new friends! Much appreciated for understanding and reactivating current account!! Thank you
14/07/23 mxminnanizam Violent Speech I deleted that tweet I think and that tweet was not supposed to be violent or insight violence!
14/07/23 daalzall I Dont Know ..
13/07/23 zeviax3 Not sure, they said I was "promoting violence" which is complete garbage, I never promoted violence or threatened anyone in any way I've appealed multiple times, denied every time. Again, I can't see why I'm being suspended, my gut feeling is it's my political beliefs. I was put in "read-only mode", which I was fine with, but now I can't even read anything on Twitter. Completely shut out.
12/07/23 funzstud Doesn't say which policy I broke, says I broke a rule but I haven't even tweeted once on the platform to my knowledge and haven't done anything to provoke that type of ban? I think I was suspended on 11th not sure. Permanently Suspended
12/07/23 yochocolateboss Tweet was taken out of context I appealed the suspension
10/07/23 ayspls frequency of deactivation of account none yet
01/07/23 broockaaa Platform Manipulation and Spam I maked an appeal for like 20 times (Someone hacked into my account and posted scam, i see different device from USA in logs, I'm from Poland)